The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 155

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 155

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 155: Road To Getting Better

Everyone was holding their breath.

Nearly two months into isolation, Doctor Patel came in to report the recent blood work done on Lucas. In anticipation of the news, there was complete silence.

Doctor Patel announced, ‘Based on the recent blood test, the new cells are growing! We are on the road to getting better!” 3

Immediately, Shantelle broke down in tears. Even Lucas cried because he knew it meant good news. Evan could not also hold it in. Tears also welled in the corners of his eyes as he turned to embrace his wife.

“Is it something to celebrate for? Yes! It means Lucas’ body is not rejecting his sibling’s blood, and the same transplanted cells did not react

defensively either. That is the best part about cord blood cells. They are naive and do not fight being introduced to foreign bone marrow,” Doctor Patel added.

Shantelle knew this to be true. If they had searched for bone marrow from an older donor, the same donor blood could potentially create abnormal antibodies. This was a common problem when introduced to a foreign host. It was the same story for transplant patients – one could reject a new organ.

“Are the worse days over? In my experience, it is. I am confident with our chosen path, from going with cord blood to growing them before the transplant.”

“However,” Doctor Patel raised his hand. “We must remain observant. The observation stage will continue until his first year after his transplant. For now, isolation is still required. Let’s let those cells

grow in bigger numbers so that Lucas will have his protection – those white blood cells that will serve as his immune system.”

“When everything goes smoothly, and his numbers continue to grow in two weeks, we can start allowing him to tour the same hospital floor. He can play with other kids on the isolation floor and use the small playroom. We will slowly introduce him to the outside world so he can build new antibodies,” Lucas’ doctor added.

Doctor Patel smiled, looking at the family. Tears also stung his eyes, seeing their happiness. He said, “I am happy for your family, Doctor Shant, Mister Thompson. May Lucas continue to show more progress.”

He turned to Lucas and added, “And to Lucas, thank you for being brave and following what I tell you and what your parents tell you. I know it was boring here, but you did not complain, and I love that about you.”

“Thank you, Doctor Patel. Thank you so much.” Shantelle could not help but offer a hug to Lucas’ oncologist. He may have been strict in Lucas’ isolation, but it proved effective because Lucas did not acquire any infection within the isolation unit.

After Doctor Patel left, Evan and Shantelle hugged Lucas. The three cried with joy in the next few minutes, howling in tears from the news. As they called their friends and family, they continued to weep.

Clara was overjoyed. Eleanor cried. Erick could not be more proud of his son’s sacrifices for Lucas, while William said, “We chose the best doctor and, Shanty, thanks to your husband for having the means to get Lucas through this.”

As usual, they called Lucas’ grandparents through an online conference call. On the screen, they could see William wiping the corners of his eyes from his office. He said, “Evan, thank you for being a

provider for Lucas.”

Evan smiled proudly at his father-in-law. He said, “I would give the world to my children.”


To celebrate the good news, Evan ordered a special lunch for Lucas. She and Shantelle were having a sumptuous meal when Sean called his mobile. Evan was still putting food into his mouth, and seeing his friend call, he dismissed it, saying, “Later, Sean.”

He meant to call Sean after their meal but forgot about it as they resumed their intimate feast.

In the afternoon, the couple spent an hour talking about their plans when Lucas would be out of the hospital. They also had the chance to be on a video call with Kaleb Wright and his family. Lily was especially thrilled to know that Lucas’ new cells were growing.

At three in the afternoon, Shantelle’s work phone rang. Evan was the first to notice. He said, “Tell them you can’t. Let’s enjoy this moment with our son.”

Shantelle paused and thought about it. Then she agreed. She did not want to disappoint her son now that there was progress in his health. She answered the call and was immediately informed of an emergency surgery. On the phone, the ER nurse said, “It’s a trauma patient from a car crash accident. We suspect internal bleeding and damage to the lungs -”

“Please get in touch with Doctor Hale or Doctor Chen. I can’t make it,” Shantelle informed.

“Oh, but Doctor Hale is here, Doctor Shant. He said you’d want to take this patient,” the nurse reported. “He is in terrible shape.”

Shantelle frowned. Her skin formed goosebumps as she asked, “Who is the patient?”

“Mister Sean Ross,” the nurse replied. 2

Shantelle’s mouth fell on the floor. She was quick to say, “I’ll be there.” She called Miguel and instructed, “Miguel prepare the car. I am heading to the heart and lung center!”

“Wifey? What’s going on? I thought we agreed you’d stay for Lucas?” Evan sought.

Shantelle had to be very careful not to worry her son. Thus, she approached Evan and whispered in his ear, “Sean was admitted to the heart and lung center. He was involved in a car crash and is bleeding. They want me in because he is not in good condition.”

Evan stilled, but Shantelle still moved her feet. She bid goodbye to Lucas, saying there was an emergency.

When Evan returned to his senses, he chased after his wife in the doffing area, saying, “Whatever happens, save him, Shanty! Save him.”

“I will. I have to go, Evan,” Shantelle said.


At Saint Dominique Heart and Lung Center operating room one, Sean had an open chest surgery. Shantelle and a group of surgeons performed an exploration operation, finding damages to his chest cavity and organs. He was losing so much blood that they did not have the time to use the robotic surgery on him or perform a CT scan, i

“His blood pressure is dropping,” the anesthesiologist reported before giving Sean another medication.

“Sean, just a little bit more. I’m almost done,” Shantelle said as she navigated through his chest wall, right above his lung, where most of the bleeding was happening. It was a major vein closer to the heart

which was punctured due to the shattered window glass of his car.

Shantelle was sewing the origin of the bleeding while Doctor Hale put pressure on the veins.

“Clear the blood,” Shantelle instructed her assistant surgeon. After suctioning the blood that pooled on Sean’s chest walls, they noticed more blood coming out. They realized there was another source of the bleeding.

“His blood pressure is still dropping,” the anesthesiologist announced. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Shantelle was already panicking, but knowing that wouldn’t help, she and Doctor Hale worked hand in hand, trying to find the other source. As they did, Shantelle kept speaking to Sean, “Please, don’t give up on me, Sean. Just a little bit more.”

While that was happening, Sean’s blood pressure continued to decline despite being given added medication and a blood transfusion. By the time Shantelle found the last source of the bleeding, the worst thing had happened. Sean’s heart slowed down. 2

Shantelle massaged Sean’s heart, but that did not work. They had to shock his heart, and only then did it return to a normal rhythm. More blood transfusions followed.

The operation turned out to be a success. Shantelle and her team stopped the bleeding, repaired his damaged organs, and revived Sean’s heart, but due to so much blood loss, he went into a coma.


A day after Sean’s surgery, Evan and Shantelle finally switched places at the Children’s Hospital. Evan came to see Sean as soon as he left Lucas’ side.

Sean was in the ICU, fully intubated and hooked to various machines. Evan met Sean’s wife at the hospital, and she gave him a moment. Before leaving, Brooklyn said, “Evan, I just thought you should

know that he was very adamant about speaking to you the other day. Sean was at your office to look at some documents. We were supposed to meet, but he insisted on staying at the office longer for you to call him back. Whatever it was, it must have been really important.” i

When Evan sat next to his unconscious friend, he felt guilty altogether for missing his call. That was the only time Evan checked his voicemail and realized Sean had left him two messages. He played both voicemails.

Voicemail one from Sean: “Evan, I need to talk to you. It’s important. Call me when you are not busy.”

Voicemail two from Sean: “I just left your office building, man. I could not stand how your CFO was glaring at me. If looks could kill, I could have died. Evan, I thought you should know someone is stealing money from your company. I brought the folder with me – what the -” i

The next thing Evan heard was the sound of Sean’s car, crashing, i Evan’s skin crawled. His jaws clenched.

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