The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 179

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 179

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Together

“Reese?” Sean asked, holding her hand tightly. “Answer me.”

Reese was blinking her eyes while looking at him. She couldn’t respond because his every word made her happy.

Sean sought, “Did you hear me? Let me show you how I feel.”

Before she knew it, his lips were on hers, and his hand rested behind her neck, pulling her closer to him.

Sean was kissing her. He repeatedly brushed his lips against her before nibbling on her bottom lip.

She unwittingly moaned into his lips, her hand rested on his chest, and she could feel his heart thumping loudly.

“Reese,” Sean parted her mouth and asked, “Tell me you want me the same way.” NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

She was still out of breath, utterly overwhelmed. Her face flushed as she looked at Sean. Her hand clenched against his shirt, and as a response, she pulled him for another kiss.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Sean’s lips curved upward. He kissed her again but pulled away briefly to say, “I’m going to assume that’s a yes.” 3

From that point on, they indulged in a hot kiss. This time, Sean’s kisses were deeper and more demanding. His frame hovered over her, and his hand started to get restless, finding its way beneath her shirt.

To Reese, the sound of their smacking lips was deafening. His touch sent tingles down her spine that she didn’t realize how she raised her leg and tangled it with Sean’s.

“Aah!” Reese gasped, and Sean cursed the second his hand cupped her breast. He said, “I have to say, this is lovely.”

He smiled and returned to kissing her again, his hand kneading her breast.

Reese felt the butterflies in her stomach going wild. She swore her core was having a mix of tingling sensations.

Next, Reese felt Sean’s hand tugging her shirt up. Her heart raced, but just before Sean could remove her top, the door to the room opened.

Shauna walked in, saying, “Daddy, grandma said she wants to have breakfast with you and Mommy.”

Sean, who was earlier eating Reese’s face, had jumped off her in a panic. He was smiling from ear to ear as he crawled up behind Reese, saying,” Okay, sweetie. Mommy and I will be there.”

“Okay, Daddy,” Shauna ran down.

After Shauna left, Reese covered her face. Sean urged her to get up. He was chuckling at her reaction, saying, “Come on, let’s go. You are so cute when you do that.”

He uncovered her face and combed her hair with his fingers, saying,” Ready?”

After seeing her nod, Sean kissed her lips and held her hand as they walked out. Later, they reached the dining area and settled in front of Sean’s mother.

“Something looks different between the two of you,” Claudia said before smirking. “Anything to share?”

Reese could feel her face burning. Thank goodness it was Sean who answered, “Reese and I are together, mom.” 1

“Oh?” Claudia had that big smile on her face. She was equally blushing after hearing the news. “I am so happy!” i

Sean’s mother screamed, saying, “I knew you would end up together!”

“You guys may have had a rough start, but I’m glad things turned out well in the end,” Claudia commented. She got up and hugged Reese. She pecked her cheek, saying, “Welcome to the family, Reese – well, you were always welcome then, but this time, it’s different.” 1

“Thank you, Aunt,” Reese bashfully said, her face still red from blushing.

Claudia also hugged Sean, saying, “I’m glad you figured things out, son. Take care of Reese and Shauna.” i

“I will, mom,” Sean replied. 1

When Claudia sat back, she said, “Before Sean and Brooklyn became a couple, I thought you would get together.”

Glancing at Reese, she added, “Sean was constantly worried about you, and he was very protective of you. After your father died, you were always the first person he called. It wasn’t Brooklyn. It was you. You probably would have ended up together if Brooklyn did not drug you.”

“I remember when you left, Reese. Sean was so uneasy in the days that followed. He considered seeing you and Audrey, but I don’t know what happened next – Oh, I remember Brooklyn got sick. She was admitted to the hospital, and Sean watched her,” Claudia said before shrugging.” Remember that, Sean?”

Sean nodded with a frown.

“I remember that, particularly because Sean wasn’t home for a week. The weird part was how Brooklyn’s laboratories turned out okay, and the doctors simply concluded it was a viral infection,” Claudia said.

After Claudia’s words, Sean was silent. In fact, he ate in silence with Reese for the next few minutes. He only spoke again when he noticed Reese barely touched her food. He said, “Eat up, Reese. You are going to lose weight.”


Reese and Sean went shopping with Shauna for the rest of the morning at the nearest mall. They swam at the mansion pool in the afternoon and had an early dinner.

In the evening, Sean insisted that Reese sleep with him in his room. He carried Reese over his shoulders in the hallways while Reese complained,” I don’t want to sleep in your room. What will your parents think of me?”

“Oh, Reese. We are already old enough to make these decisions. If that’s what you are worried about, I’ll move out of here and buy a new home for us,” Sean proposed.

Reese fell silent at his suggestion. When he lay her on the bed, she said,” No hurry in that.”

“Sorry. I know.” Sean replied. “I’ll take a shower first.”

When Sean turned his back on her, she asked, “So, is it true what your mom said? You wanted to see me after I left?”

Sean had already taken his shirt off. He sucked in a deep breath and revealed, “Yeah.” He recalled, “I remember missing you. I wanted to see you. I think I had planned on getting you a job back home, but

Brooklyn got sick, and that idea slipped away.”

Walking to the bed, Sean lay next to Reese. He thought back about that particular time and the days before that.

Sean recounted the moments when he and Reese would spend time together, alone. After her father died, they’d spent hours talking about simple things, which was gratifying. Every day spent with Reese made him smile. He recalled how she often spoke of Reese to his friends and even Brooklyn.

He remained to rest on his back, looking at the ceiling, his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. He said, “I was very protective of you back then, weren’t I?”

Reese lay beside Sean and admitted, “Yes, you were.” She turned to him and asked, “Do you think Brooklyn faked her hospitalization so you couldn’t go?”

A hiss left Sean’s lips when he replied, “I think it’s possible.”

He turned to Reese and caressed her face. He said, “I wish I could turn back time, but I can’t. Thinking about it now, I think mom was right. I had feelings for you then, but I didn’t have the time to foster them with Brooklyn around.”

Reese gasped. She looked Sean in the eye and studied his face. She was teary-eyed when she replied, “Sean, I wish I could turn back time and confess how I felt, but I can’t. We can’t.”

Sean nodded. He pecked her forehead and lips, saying, “Let’s make the most of our time now.”

Capturing her lips again, they shared a fervent kiss. Everything escalated very quickly as Sean’s hands massaged her breast. Reese, on the other hand, traced his bare back.

Eventually, Reese pulled away, feeling nervous. She asked, “Can – can we just cuddle in bed? I don’t know if I am ready for sex. I never had sex -1 mean, I had with you, but I don’t even remember it.”

Sean wondered about that all the time too and had been dreaming of making love with Reese. He thought it was unfair that they had done the deed, yet he had no memory of it. While Sean wanted to be intimate with Reese, he respected Reese’s wishes. He said, “Of course. I love cuddling with you.”

Reese and Sean slept in the same bed that night, hugging each other. They

didn’t make love, but Sean felt he had the best sleep.


Days passed.

Sean received a call from the lawyers. Brooklyn wanted a settlement, saying she had information to trade for a lower compensation on the civil case. During that meeting, Sean brought Reese with him.

They met at the law firm Sean had employed. Brooklyn was out on bail, so she was available to meet at the same office.

“What is it that you want to trade, Brooklyn?” Sean asked in his seat.

They were in a room with only Brooklyn, Sean, and Reese. Brooklyn had requested a private talk with the couple.

“We don’t have enough money, and we have to deal with the lawsuit from the Department of Labor. I am asking for a trade. Information for a lower compensation amount – for the drugging incident case,” Brooklyn said.

“Whatever you have to say, I am not interested,” Sean said.

“So am I,” Reese echoed.

“Well,” Brooklyn said. “For your peace of mind, you might want to know everything, and for that info, I will still pay two million dollars. Considering how rich you are, Sean, it isn’t bad at all.”

They argued about it, but ultimately, Brooklyn convinced them that what she had to say was important in their newfound relationship. Sean and Reese agreed since money wasn’t really the main issue. The truth was more important.

Brooklyn narrated, “Aaron was supposed to sleep with Reese, but that failed. I always reiterated how you simply feel friendly about her – it’s basic psychology to get you off your real feelings. The day you decided to go after Reese and convince her to return, I faked my illness and paid the doctor.”

She went on and on, admitting to the many occasions she tried to manipulate Sean. She also shared incidents that Sean had no recollection of, “The first time we had sex, you were slightly drunk from the club. It was the best sex I had, but when you came, you called Reese’s name! I realized how subconsciously, you thought you were being intimate with Reese!”

Brooklyn snapped at Reese, saying, “I swear I hate you so much!”

She laughed. Brooklyn turned to Sean, who was shocked by her tale, and said, “When you woke up, I said you were screaming my name. I saw your puzzled face, but you still accepted my story since I was the one you had sex with for real that time.”

“The next sex we had wasn’t exceptionally interesting compared to when you thought I was Reese, so a few nights, I’d get you so drunk. So that’s how I got the best fucks of my life because I was fucking you, and the entire time, you were calling me Reese. You don’t remember calling Reese’s name every morning, and I’d tell you how you were screaming my name. Haha! I’m so pathetic, I know, but a girl has got to do everything to keep her man, and that’s what I did.” Brooklyn revealed.

“Over time, though, you forgot about Reese, so our relationship improved. I didn’t need to keep offering you drinks on weekends anymore,” Brooklyn sighed.

After Brooklyn’s admittance, silence fell upon them. Reese got up and left without a word.

Sean was already regretting meeting Brooklyn for the settlement. He wondered what was going through Reese’s mind. Was she upset? What does she think of him now?

Reese demanded that Sean book a private room at the Diamond Hotel, and he didn’t know why. When they entered the room, Reese suddenly grabbed Sean’s tie, and they both fell on the bed. She kissed him

ferociously and declared, “I want to know what it feels like. Make love to me, but I want you sober.”

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