The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 87

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Love Again, But Not Me

Mister Thompson, please! Please have mercy!” Jessica begged as the police dragged her in the lift’s direction. She looked at the

man one last time, but Evan gave no

response. He only stood distantly while holding Shantelle’s hand.

Jessica reminded Evan of Nicole. When Nicole was Melody back in high school, she was merely expelled for nearly killing

Shantelle. Years later, Melody reappeared in his life as Nicole, and to Evan, that woman

made a mess of his life. 1

Earlier, when Evan claimed that Jessica would never regret her mistakes, he was

sure of it. For women like Jessica resembled

Nicole; she was calculative, selfish, and

thought she could do anything she wanted without being punished.

Women like Jessica had no respect for others or regard for the law.

The younger Evan might have given a little mercy, but that Evan was gone. The present.

Evan was unforgiving to anyone who

wanted to break his rules and hurt the

woman he dearly loved.

Seeing Jessica gone, he walked over to Attorney Scarlett, bringing Shantelle with him. He used Shantelle as his middle person, to keep his safe distance from Scarlett, following his number one rule. Evan

instructed Scarlett, “Attorney, please add the false accusation to the defamation case against Jessica. Seek moral damages

amounting to ten million dollars.”

The lawyer Scarlett kept leaning sideways to view Evan’s face entirely. She replied, “So basically, you want to fine the Turners a hefty amount of money so they would give their condominium shares for free.”

“Haha! How I wish.” Evan laughed behind Shantelle’s ear. Shantelle wound up getting tickled, and she acted to move away from the

conversation, gently pushing Evan’s face.

out from the side of her face.

“You can still speak to Attorney Scarlett. from this angle,” Shantelle suggested.

Besides, I’m standing right here.”

Scarlett laughed.

Evan cleared his throat and stood beside

Shantelle instead. He said to the attorney,

I’m sorry. I meant no disrespect.”

“No offense taken,” Scarlett replied. “I’ll add it to the lawsuit and be in touch with the

Turners so we can have a better settlement


“The sooner, the better,” Evan added, and the attorney nodded in approval.

After Scarlett, Evan instructed his public

relations (PR) manager to release a

statement about what happened that night. His PR manager was on it immediately, realizing damage control was necessary.


“Everything okay, Shanty?” William asked,

seeing Shantelle walk back in, ahead of

Evan. “You did great. You sure showed that woman how no one should mess with you.”

Shantelle smiled at her father and embraced

him tightly. She said, “Dad, Evan has too

many admirers. Some are obsessed with

him. Do you think I can keep up with this?”

William walked with his daughter to their table. As they strolled, he replied, ” Sweetheart. You are strong enough to withstand such trials, and you are far better than those women who are after Evan. Whether or not you can keep up is entirely up to you. How much do you love him? How badly do you want to keep your family together?”

Knowing they were almost at Shantelle’s table, he stopped and asked, “Do you love him already?”

Shantelle opened her mouth, but no words came out. Instead, she flushed utterly.

William smiled and said, “Remember, now

that you are giving this relationship another chance, do better than the last.

Communication is the key like when I tell your mother how beautiful she is every day.” He winked at Shantelle, saying, “I better get back to your mother.”

Shantelle returned to their table to explain everything to Kaleb, Scarlett’s husband. As she did, Evan also took the stage to apologize for Jessica’s drama. He

compensated generously, ordering the hotel to serve several bottles of their most

expensive wine.

Soon the party resumed. Evan’s company gave away anniversary gifts, including gift packs, hotel stays, airline tickets, laptops, cellphones, and a brand-new car. Some employees rendered dances and songs. And to close the formal program, a professional

band took the stage and played several


Employees, investors, and clients soon danced at the center of the ballroom, depending on the tune.


At the couple’s table, Evan noticed Shantelle. admiring those dancing on the floor. He was about to ask her to join him when someone else beat him to it.

“Can I have this dance, Shanty?” It was Keith Henderson, offering his hand to


Lucas also received a dance offer from

Karise, and they first went to the center and swayed to the tune.

“I miss my friend. Come on, Shanty, let’s dance,” Keith requested.

Wanting to speak to Keith about Karise, Shantelle accepted Keith’s hand.

As Keith walked to the dance floor, Evan

glared at him. Keith mouthed to Evan, ‘Do you know how to dance?’

Coincidentally, when Shantelle danced with

Keith, the female vocalist sang a song

somewhat related to their situation

sided love. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

a one-

“That’s awkward,” Keith remarked. Still, he held Shantelle by the waist, and they began to sway to the music.

Shantelle saw Karise glancing their way while she danced with Lucas. She

occasionally made funny faces so Lucas would laugh, but Shantelle knew her friend was bothered by how Keith danced with her.

She looked Keith in the eye, saying, “Keith, I never really got to sincerely apologize how- how I couldn’t return your feelings.”

“Oh, Shanty. You did. You apologize too many times,” Keith replied. “You used to tell me that you don’t want to love again, but maybe there is no place in your heart

because Evan is still in it, right? I already

accepted that fact. That was why I gave way to Evan.”

Shantelle did not directly answer his

probing. She looked down and said, “I’m sorry, Keith.”

“Don’t be. You were being honest with me. At least I tried,” Keith said.

“I want you to be happy, Keith – to find that person who can love you back,” Shantelle said. “Promise me that you will try.”

With a long sigh, Keith answered. “You don’t know how much I tried -”


“Keith, look at me. I won’t love you. I can’t. To me, you will only be my friend,” Shantelle said. “Love again, but not me.”

“Did I just ask you to dance with me so you could hurt me all over again?” Keith teased.

“I meant to hurt you so you can wake up and start seriously considering other love

interests. Think about it, Keith, before you realize that you like someone else and they decide to give up on you,” Shantelle said, her eyes briefly checking Karise. “You know that someone is not as patient as me when it comes to love.”

Instantly, Keith understood what Shantelle

meant. He also turned in Karise’s direction. He did not say anything, but he kept staring at her. After some time, Keith returned his attention to Shantelle. He asked, “Are you happy with Evan, Shanty? That’s all that I

want to know.”

Shantelle was teary-eyed. She did not know what caused her tears, but she replied, “Yes, I am. I have never been happier. We still have a long way to go, but Evan is giving me no reason to doubt him. More than that, he loves Lucas so much.”

This time, Keith’s eyes were welled with tears. He sniffed and said, “Very well. Let me hug you one last time before Evan marches over here and takes you away from me. He is

looking at me like he is ready to snap my head off.”

Keith and Shantelle shared a hug for a second. That was all it took for Evan to jump in and join their dance. Evan said, “I think that should be more than enough, Keith. You have danced far too long with Shanty.”

“I did not even finish a song,” Keith said. ” Let me finish a song, Evan! It’s just one


Evan’s lips twitched. He snapped his head in

the band’s direction and ordered, “End this

song now! Just this song.”

The song ended prematurely, marking the

end of Keith’s dance with Shantelle.

“What a sneak attack,” Keith remarked,

shaking his head and saying goodbye to Shanty. “Careful, Shanty. Evan has two left


Meanwhile, Shantelle was laughing so hard at Evan’s tactics. She remarked, “That was

indeed sneaky.”

“I wasn’t sneaky, Wifey. I was taking control, “Evan said. He took Shantelle’s hand and pulled her closer to his frame, saying, ” Sometimes, I can’t help but want you all to myself. The only man I want to share you with is Lucas.”

Shantelle chuckled and replied, “Well, too bad because I want another baby boy.”

Evan stilled. His mouth fell to the floor

before he asked, “You want to make a baby now? Let’s go -” 1

“No. No. Not now!” Shantelle laughed. “I mean in the future!”

“Define future, Wifey. Future can mean the next day, week, or month.” Evan smirked and suggested, “It could also mean the next


Shantelle laughed again. Her face burned while she was at it. After dancing with Evan, she proposed, “Having a baby is a distant

future, but the process of making a baby, we could do that tonight.”

“Hmm,” Evan said. “I like the sound of that.

He pressed his lips against her ear and claimed, “I want to be buried inside you the whole night.”

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