The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 92

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 92

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 92

Chapter 92: The Ultimate Cure

“Ten million dollars, and that’s a deal,” Evan curtly said in front of Jason Turner.

“But-,” Jason groaned, thinking about his losses. His attorneys also tried to reason with Evan and Scarlett.

However, Scarlett, Evan’s attorney, opposed it, saying, “Then, we will go to court. Trust me when I say we will get those ten million dollars, one way or another. Plus, an additional penalty to cover all our service fees.”

Evan had to go to the police station without Shantelle since his wifey was trying to seek out the best pediatric hematologist in town. He wasn’t sure what was the result of her efforts just yet. He needed to settle the issue with Jason Turner and close the deal with Kaleb Wright.

The man was with two other local attorneys to support Scarlett. Kaleb Wright, Scarlett’s husband, was also present. They were all seated in front of a long table, negotiating, and had been for an hour.

Aside from Jason and his attorneys, Jessica was also present, giving Evan a pleading stare, but the man was unmoved. He did not spare her a glance.

Eventually, the lead counsel of the Turners asked, “And you will drop the defamation case?”

“We will drop the defamation case, yes,” Scarlett replied.

The lawyers of the Turners re-discussed for over a minute until finally arriving at a decision. Jason’s lead attorney said, “Then, we will agree to the terms.”

Jason Turner was to give up the full rights to the condo. He would be penalized ten million dollars, and Kaleb Wright would only need to buy out twenty million dollars of his shares.

They signed the agreement in that same place, and Mister Turner reluctantly affixed his signature on a sale deed to Kaleb Wright. After which, Kaleb gave Jason Turner the check for twenty million dollars. Scarlett’s husband said, “It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Mister Turner. You made the right choice. Your realty company would have suffered from trust issues after your daughter’s shameful acts.”

Following the settlement, Jessica wept, saying, “Thank you, Mister Thompson. Thank you for showing me mercy.”

Evan did not reply. Jason and Jessica were about to celebrate the agreement with a lavish meal. Jessica presented, “Maybe we can treat you to lunch, Mister Thompson?” She even dared to give Kaleb Wright a flirtatious smile and said, “Mister Wright? Can we treat you to lunch?”

Before receiving an answer, however, a police officer entered the room and gave Jessica another arrest warrant. The police said, “Miss Turner, the prosecutor had filed a formal complaint against you for wasting police hours. You will, therefore, remain locked up until your trial period.” 1

“What? What is going on?” Jessica snapped her head at Evan. She said,” Mister Thompson. What is the meaning of this? We signed an agreement.”

“We did. We agreed I would take back the defamation case,” Evan responded. “The case presented to you is from the prosecutor. It’s entirely outside my jurisdiction. I can’t help it if you angered the district attorney by faking a stabbing attack. Good luck with that!”

Together with the Wrights, Evan left the police station. From behind, he heard Jessica and Jason indicating they were deceived.

As they made their way to the parking lot, Scarlett asked, “You know the district attorney?”

“I know everyone,” Evan acknowledged. “But yes, I am connected to the prosecutor.”

Scarlett laughed and concluded, “I guess Miss Turner is not escaping punishment.”

“She won’t,” Evan claimed.

“Anyway, from here on, we can forget about Jessica Turner. She is no longer our problem,” Evan suggested. “Attorney, Scarlett, please have your team carry on with the case against Frank Morgan.”

“Absolutely,” Scarlett replied.

Evan extended his hand to Kaleb, saying, “And I look forward to seeing more of you in the coming months, Mister Wright.”

“Definitely,” Kaleb shook Evan’s hand and revealed, “I’ll be back next week to discuss the rebranding of the condo. For now, I’ll need to see those plans and the building itself.”

For the rest of the morning, Evan gave Kaleb and Scarlett a tour of the newly built condominium. After which, Evan said goodbye. The Wrights were returning to their hometown, and Evan had to catch up with Shantelle.


Evan arrived at Rose Hill’s Children’s Medical Hospital and found Shantelle and Lucas just in time for their consultation. The blood specialist doctor was a male in his forties. He wasn’t just a hematologist but also an oncologist. The pediatrician was very good with his approach toward Lucas. His name was Doctor Patel.

After studying the blood results, Doctor Patel said, “I’ve seen worse cases. Though, we should not undermine it. Yes, these are low, but they aren’t that alarming yet. I suggest we do a bone marrow biopsy and figure out what’s happening beneath those bones. Let’s schedule this in two days.”

“For now, let’s change his iron supplements. The one you have given him is a relatively low dose which is okay for children with no blood disorders, but for Lucas, we may need a bit more,” the doctor advised.

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Lucas underwent a bone marrow biopsy as required. Five days after the biopsy, Doctor Patel recommended Lucas be admitted to the Children’s Hospital.

On the day of his admission, Lucas underwent several blood tests to check his improvement after taking a different iron supplement. Then, Doctor Patel asked for a blood donor for Lucas. Luckily he was matched to Evan, as far as regular transfusion would go.

Lucas received his blood transfusion in the evening, and in the morning, the couple finally got to speak with their son’s doctor.

Doctor Patel was very jolly when he entered the room. He greeted Lucas with a smile and said, “Good boy, Lucas. Your blood cells have improved. Did you eat a lot of beans?”

Lucas eagerly nodded, saying, “And spinach too. I ate a lot of beef last night!”

“Ata, boy! Because you did so well, I’ll send you home this afternoon.” Doctor Patel turned to Evan and Shantelle, saying, “Doctor Shant, Mister Thompson, you have an amazing boy. Shall we step outside to discuss my findings?”

The doctor ordered one nurse to attend to Lucas while he ushered the couple to one corner of the hospital’s hallway. A resident doctor aided the pediatrician, carrying several documents.

“What is it, Doctor Patel? Please tell me it’s not anything serious. I’m so stressed out about this,” Shantelle revealed.

Doctor Patel smiled and said to the couple, “Lucas is still responding to basic iron supplement treatment. It wasn’t that significant, but it is improving, so his bone marrow cells are still working. However, I still ordered a transfusion because he needed those blood cells up. After the transfusion, his tests came back normal.”

Evan sighed in relief, as did Shantelle, but just as they felt comforted, Doctor Patel said, “The biopsy report indicated that Lucas is showing signs of aplastic anemia, but it’s not severe.”

The doctor showed the couple all of Lucas’ recent results and suggested, ’ As you can see, he still has blood cells in his bone marrow, but it’s low. For now, let us observe him thoroughly. We don’t want him going through harsh treatments that would affect his immune system.”

“Always check for signs of bleeding, check his oxygenation and check for signs of regular bruises,” the doctor warned. “We must have a weekly blood test in the first two months.”

The resident doctor then handed a flowchart to the couple. Doctor Patel educated the two, pointing to the diagram, “This maybe be familiar to you, Doctor Shant. This is the process for aplastic anemia treatment. For severe cases, a bone marrow transplant is the only best treatment. Usually, we go through the siblings and find a donor that would be a match for Lucas.

Thankfully, his case is not severe.”

Pointing to the other side of the chart, the doctor said, “For non-severe cases, observation is needed, blood transfusion, and supplements.

However, if his condition progresses, there comes a time when the blood transfusions will no longer work. From there, we will need Lucas to take immunosuppression suppressant medications. We call it ATG treatment.”

“The ATG treatment will suppress the T-lymphocytes. These are the cells that are attacking the bone marrow cells. It will give time for the bone marrow to produce more cells,” the doctor described, i

“Will that cure his condition?” Evan asked.

“It can be, depending on how the patient responds to the treatment,” the doctor described.

“But the ATG treatment will make Lucas prone to infection,” Shantelle weakly revealed.

Doctor Patel nodded. He admitted, “The ultimate cure for children with the same condition is a bone marrow transplant. And the best donor is a sibling.”

“Let’s be positive, but also, let’s be prepared.” The doctor pointed to the charts and said, “All these are meant to help Lucas recover, but overtime, after going through the same treatments, it may no longer work.” 1

“Would you consider having another child? Because, more than just a potential bone marrow donor, Lucas’ sibling could positively be a stem cell donor through cord blood. Cord blood transfusion has shown very minimal side effects compared to bone marrow transplantation,” Doctor Patel described, 1

“Having another child?” Evan repeated. “If it means finding a cure for Lucas. ” The man shrugged and said, “We can have lots of children.”

“Haha!” Doctor Patel laughed. He then told one story, “I had a patient with the same case. The child had severe aplastic anemia. He couldn’t find a bone marrow match. The parents decided to get pregnant – went through fertility medication, and had twins. Their child had a double cord transplantation from her twin sisters’ umbilical cord.”

“That child is now doing well, thanks for a mere medical waste. I’m telling you, it’s amazing what an umbilical cord can do,” the doctor added, “it’s such a shame that not many mothers know about the wonders of the umbilical cord.”

After their talk, Doctor Patel excused himself to give the discharge order for Lucas. When the couple was alone in that hallway, Shantelle turned to Evan and cautioned, “You better be good for it, Mister Thomspon.”

“Do you question how Lucas was made?” Evan asked.

“I suggest you ask tips from Mister Wright on how to make twins!” Shantelle challenged. “I’m stopping contraceptives as of today.” 2

“I’ve always wanted to have another child,” Evan resumed.

“You better stock up on your Viagra,” Shantelle challenged.

“My wifey, you are all the Viagra I need,” he teased, and despite the worry over Lucas’ condition, they both wound up chuckling at what they were about to do in the next few weeks.

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