The CEO’s Second Choice

Chapter43 Dumont Honeymoon Done Right


Our first week in Little Cayman was heaven! The villa he bought was luxurious and had all our needs catered to. It was a five-bedroom log villa with floor to ceiling windows, lush gardens, an indoor pool if needed and Jacuzzi on the terrace. Why Sebastian felt the need to buy a flipping 5 bedroom home, I would never know. Sebastian had all his appointments done via Zoom and Skype video calls, so he was basically still working, but playing at the same time. He was right in what he said back in London; I have not been myself since the thing with Nicholas happened, and I was allowing myself to get dragged under the weight of it. I really wasn’t doing well and hiding it, even from myself, but he saw right through it. I decided to do my written work on oppressed female authors, who without them, literature would not be what it is today.

It’s amazing what a break from your daily routine can do to you. My inspiration is back in full force and I can already feel the heavy cloud over my heart lifting. I close my laptop for the day and stretch. Sebastian has been in online meetings all day. Apparently, Somersett stocks were falling due to one of Elijah’s old employees coming forward with her sexual harassment story against him, so in turn, Dumont Enterprises were losing stocks as well.

I walked into his study with a cup of coffee and could see the frustration on his face. He looks up when he sees me and shakes his head. “Well, what the hell do you expect us to do in this situation, Elijah? The woman has proof and is currently pregnant with a child she says is yours.” Sebastian says to who I can only assume is Elijah on the other side of the screen. I place the cup of coffee down next to his laptop and move to walk out, but he gestures with his eyes for me to have a seat.

I nod and hear Elijah sigh. “I don’t know what to say except that it was consensual. I would never force myself on any woman. My past conquests can attest to that.” He says and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Yeah, right. As if his pursuit of me was consensual. Sebastian caught this and smiled. “What about the child? If it turns out to be yours?”

“Then I will claim custody over my own flesh and blood, but I can promise you that it was not one-sided. Video footage in my office can also provide me with the evidence needed.” Elijah said and Sebastian chuckles. “Sick bastard. Oh, well get that all together, and we can go forward with this. We will not leave you behind if you can prove that this is all bull because she wants money, but in the meantime, you need to keep your public appearances to the minimum.” Sebastian advises, and they agree on it before ending the call.

I walk over to him and sit on his lap, “Sounds like a big PR problem,” I say, and he nods. “You don’t even know half of it. If he proves this woman has lied, then it’s the end for her. Elijah will drag her until there’s nothing left.” Sebastian says and pinches the bridge of his nose. I could tell this thing was bringing him down, and now it was my turn to get him out of his mood. I take him by the hand and lead him out of his office.

“Where are we going?” he asks with an amused expression and I shrug. “You’ve spent most of our so-called honeymoon in that darn office, so now I am imposing an off day. My written work has been submitted, so I think I deserve some time with my husband.” I say and lead him out of the villa. We barely spent any time together since we touched Little Cayman soil and truth be told, I missed him. He chuckles at my reply. “Yes, ma’am you do. Where to?” He asks. Where to? Hmm. “Well, this villa has its own private beach, so why not explore it for the day?” I ask and I swear I could see him perk up at this.

Our walk along the beach ended in us making love in a cove we found! I know, it was dirty, but the entire experience was breathtaking and one that would stick out in my mind as one of the best memories I’ve had with Sebastian.

“Do you have any other siblings?” I ask him during our walk back, and I feel him stiffen at my question. We stop walking and Sebastian turns to face me with a sombre expression, which causes me to frown. “Sebastian? Did I say something wrong?” He shakes his head, “No, you didn’t. Obviously, you wouldn’t know about Michelle.” He says, and I am immediately taken back to Mirabelle’s words at the Midford Winter Ball.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“You remind me so much of my Michelle.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Your mother mentioned that I remind her of Michelle, but never elaborated on who it was,” I said, and a wistful smile crossed his lips. “She would say that, wouldn’t she?” He says and sighs before taking my hands in his and looking down. “Michelle was my younger sister. We were inseparable up until her death.”

“Death?” I ask, blanching at his words, but all he does is nod. “Car accident when I was 13. My father had given us permission to take a driver out and go to the mall for a few hours. It was on a Saturday afternoon, not a time you would expect a drunk driver to be out and about. Well, we were lucky enough to meet one.” He says and I could see a tear slip out of the corner of his eye. Oh, my sweet Sebastian! This must be difficult for him to talk about!

“She passed away in my arms while we waited for the paramedics. The worst part was it happened on my birthday. I had promised to take her to a movie and spend the day together with her because the following week they would send me to Westminster. It took me years to get over the guilt of what happened, but I eventually realised that the fault did not lay with me. But the driver who decided driving around intoxicated on a Saturday morning was a splendid idea.” Sebastian concludes his story, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly. “I am so sorry, my love. I didn’t know anything about this. But you’re right, it definitely was not your fault, you only wanted to spend time with your little sister before being sent away to school.” I tell him as his story echoes in my head.

I cannot believe I used to think of Sebastian as an unfeeling monster. When he loves, he does so with all his heart. He sighs in my arms and strokes my hair, “Thank you, love.” He says and moves out of my embrace, taking my hand in his. “It’s getting late, let’s have some supper and watch a movie together.” He suggested and knew I would perk up at this. Movies have become our thing, and we have vowed that Wednesday would be our weekly date night. I lean into his arms as we walk and couldn’t help but smile. I know a little bit more about my husband and it was a glorious thing.

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