The Cursed Human

Chapter 21

” We send ‘the letter’ you asked me to send, he will receive it in no time.” He said with formal tone. After getting no response, he continued, “Your majesty, don’t worry yourself, this time he will definitely agree to your terms. He must be busy, that’s why he was not replying to you”, A man with grey hair said.

He has been trying to convince the man sitting in front of him for hours. But he know one thing for sure, nothing can convince him.

“Yes, I see, Alfred. He is quite busy. He has been busy since he turn his back to Arendiel. He never replied to any of my letters!!.” Kendrio said, his cold, harsh voice was enough to tell how unhappy he was. Arendiel has been sending letters to Reynes Kingdom, since ages, but they never get any answer. He was not okay with the fact that he was getting ignored, no one dared to ignore him. His words were law. Simple.

“Maybe his majesty needs some time. Give him some tim—”

“There is no time!! We need him here!! We need him to rule!! His was born to rule, why can’t he get it!!” Alfred was rudely interrupted by Kendrio. But he didn’t object. He couldn’t object. He couldn’t afford to anger his king. Not when, he was out of control.

Alfred could feel waves of anger radiating from his king. Walls of throne room started shaking, indicating how much furious he was.

“Honey, calm down. Anger doesn’t solve anything, it build nothing but, it can destroy everything”, soft hands rested on his shoulders. He inhaled her sweet scent, and closed his eyes, savouring her fragrance. Alfred could see his anger calm down.

She always calmed him down.

If anyone could calm his anger, than it’s his queen, his wife, his soulmate. Her soft hands moved towards his arms and draw soothing circles on his biceps, making his insides quiver.

“I know, Aphrodite. But its already been four hundred ninety nine years, you know very well what will happen if he wouldnt come here. The prophecy will come true and it will not be in our hands to handle.” He said with heavy voice. He was afraid of The prophecy, he couldn’t brought himself to lose everything.

“I know about what Prophecy is, that’s why this time, I myself am going to Reynes Kingdom.”

“No. You can’t go there, you know how dangerous it is for you to go there alone.!!” Kendrio’s eyes widened at this statement. He immediately stood up from his throne and stood in front of his queen, Aphrodite. Aphrodite too left her throne and placed her hands on his shoulders.

“I know, that’s why I’m taking Artemis with me.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“But sti—”

“Do you trust me, beloved?” Aphrodite said, looking into Kendrio’s eyes. Her blue crystals were captivating, hypnotizing. Kendrio get lost in her orbs forgetting what they were discussing. Her eyes sparkled with love, one could easily lost in her sapphires. A small smirk played on her lips. She blinked her eyes, and move her hands in his hairs, slowly massaging them.

“Yes” kendrio breathed out, Realising what she is doing. She always does that. That’s what she is famous for. This is what her powers are.


She pecked his lips and smiled at him in victory. This is how she always make him give into her demands.

Her hypnotic powers.


Michael sneered at his opponent as he dodged another blow. He underestimated her. She was beyond good, he shouldn’t have challanged her. Michael rolled down and kicked her shin.? Artemis quickly somersaulted and landed on her feet skillfully. Michael began to remember his training. He started to think, to act instead of react. Artemis kept throwing punch after punch. Michael again dodged her furious punch and grab her wrist, and twisted it backwards. Artemis hissed in agony as Michael put more pressure on her wrist.

“Surrender” Micheal hissed in her ear.

But his little victory was short lived as Artemis grabbed his neck with her free hand and kneeled him in his nuts.

Michael let go of her as intense pain rippled through the joint between his legs. Artemis didn’t stop, she punched him hard on his face as he fall on the floor. With the next blow on his stomach, Michael rolled on his stomach groaning in pain. Michael threw his hands up, in surrender.

“I quit,” he yelled as Artemis was readying herself to throw another punch. She smirked.

“What happened? Lost to girl. But I remember you saying, ‘girls are fragile, they couldn’t handle one blow’, huh??” Artemis mocked his previous words.

“I… I didn’t know you were that strong” Michael panted. His breathing was uneven. He was taking large inhales of air. Being Commander of Olympus, being defeated by a women, was full of embarrassment for him. But the person with whom he was fighting, is not a mere woman, she is Royal Archer, her special powers included perfect aim with the bow and arrow, the ability to sense danger.

Artemis was surprised at first but didn’t show it on her face. Michael was not easy to fight with, infact he is the toughest guy she has ever seen. Artemis put her hand forward to Michael. Michael looked up at her startled, but took her hand. She helped him up as he stood tall to his full hight.

Michael was tall, but Artemis was tall too. She was only few inches shorter than him. Her height was a gift to her, it makes her look more confident, more dangerous.

“So, you gonna admitt that girls are strong, ‘stronger than men'” Artemis asked amused.

“Yeah, whatever makes you sleep at night”, Michael rolled his eyes. Defeat was not anywhere near his vocabulary. But here he is standing is front of person who defeated him.

“Why so grumpy, big bro?” Artemis said, poking his chest.

“I was not prepared, lil sis” Michael said as he dusted the soil sticking to his trousers. It wasn’t true, he was prepared but not mentally.

He just underestimated her.

But he was proud that his little sister was not fragile, she could easily overpower the battlefield with her bare hands.

Looking at her, always makes him miss their mother.

Queen Aphrodite was seeing everything.?? She stood near the tree and watched the sibling’s interaction. She did not wanted to disturb their personal moment. It is quite rare to see both of them together, due to their different duties.

Artemis and Michael were alike, with same silver hairs and green eyes. Even though their hai cuts were similar, Artemis never liked long hair so she cut them down in pixie cut. Only difference between them was their physique. Michael was large man with muscles decorating his body, whereas Artemis was quite lean. But her body was full of muscles too.

Sensing someone’s gaze in them, duo turned around, only to find Queen Aphrodite looking at them in amusement. They quickly bowed down.

“So, what’s going on?” Aphrodite asked, knowing the answer. Artemis smirked at Michael.

“Oh, nothing Your Highness, just showing Michael, how fragile girls are”,

Queen Chuckled at the response. But her smile faded as she remembered why she came here in first place.

“Well, Artemis I need you to accompany me”

“Can I know where, My Queen”

” Reynes Kingdom” Queen said.

Color drained from Artemis ‘s face. It only meant one thing, and she was not ready for this.?

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