The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Nathan POV

He woke up in a bed, his mother sitting on a chair next to it, she looked very tired, just like his father

had on Saturday morning after everything that had happened at the restaurant.

Looked like she had not gotten any sleep at all “What time is it?” he muttered, recalling his father had

dosed him up with wolfs-bane.

She just stared at him for a minute and he thought he hadn’t actually asked his question out loud, then

she seemed to straighten up in her chair.” Son, I need you to remain calm.”

“Why? What did you do while I was poisoned? by my own father!” he grated.

“It was necessary, you were as blinded by your own rage, just like Havoc gets.”

“What do you expect? We are one and the same, and my Mate was threatened by my brother, when

she was already in severe distress.” He sat up on the bed and looked around himself, still in their

serviced apartment, he guessed.

“Rae-Rae called Micheal and we’re all going out to talk with her family very shortly. You will be going

with us.”


“Because Tony thinks you took Jay-la again.” That got his undivided attention. “Why?” he asked. He

had hot gone near her, in fact. He’d had all his warriors back off to a safer distance to give her some

breathing room, in the hope that she would calm down, and then she had disappeared, arg she was

missing, the bloody human FEDs were going to be all over him yet again.

“Because Jackson, Stephen and Ethan found out where she was and went and got her and the triplets

and took them back to the pack this morning, the plane left about 8am. Son, you have been out for well

over 24 hours now.”

“What how is that possible?”

“Havoc is not with you is he?” she asked, leaning forward to peer at him intently. “your father dosed you

with enough wolfs-bane to put you and Havoc down, but seeing as he’s not with you… you were out

longer than expected.”

“No, he’s disappeared. What happened? Why’d they take her back to the pack and not bring her

directly to me?”

Something else had to be going on here, they would all know better.

“Her mother was violently attacked by a rogue and is in the pack hospital, nearly died. Jay-la did not

handle it well.”

Nathan was out of bed in a split second. “l have to go to her.

“No, I need you to go and talk with Tony and Lauren, reassure them that Jay-la and the triplets will

come to no harm.”

“Why, I don’t care what they think.”

She sighed heavily, clearly exasperated with him. “Tony, Lauren and Rae-Rae are her human family, it

seems they took her in just after the triplets were born. They are currently willing to give Micheal

another chance, but Tony and Lauren want a word with you in person, and seeing as you’re right here,

and can’t get back to the pack until your plane returns for you. You son, have the time.”

His mouth twitched: “My plane. Yours, l am willing to bet, is still here, I will use it.” He was no fool, they

had come on their own private plane, and if his was no longer here he would simply, com-endear it for

himself. No pack member would dare refuse his order.

He watched his mother stand up. “You can go to your Mate after you talk with her new family, til then I

will not allow my plane to leave the ground. So you might as well just do it.”

He was staring at her, he honestly didn’t care about her human family, he only cared about her. She

must be terribly upset. “Is her mother okay?” he finally asked.

“Yes, will be just fine from what I have heard. The triplets are with Jody and she has been placed in the

Luna Suite for rest.

“They’ve been separated?” He didn’t like it, this would only increase more fear and distress.

“Not my decision, perhaps just temporary. Do this one thing for me please son.”

“Fine, let’s make it quick. I want my Mate and she clearly needs me.”

“l understand, I’ll have my plane on standby and ready to leave at a minutes minute’s notice.”

“It had better be,” he muttered, looking for his phone to call Jackson and find out just what the hell

happened while he was drugged and unconscious. They should have come and got his body

regardless of his unconscious state, just his presence would have helped her. Once she smelled him.

“You’re up, boss.”

“Jay-la?” he bit out her name, showing his displeasure at his Beta for the actions they had taken

without his permission.

“Upset as expected. You might want to get back here. I actually just found out what happened.”

“What do you mean?” he just knew he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear, “mother said

rogue attack.”

“It seems Abbey took matters into her own hands when she heard you attacked Micheal over your


“And” he suddenly had a very bad feeling and his mind was weighted all of a sudden, he could feel

Havoc’s alpha presence returning.

“Apparently, Abbey convinced Jay-la’s family to stage that her mother was attacked and injured, but

Bradley is not good at acting, and Jay-la didn’t believe him..”

“And,” he really hated when his men didn’t want to tell him things and paused out of hesitation, irked

him to no end. It’s not like Havoc could suddenly rip him a new one. He was on the other side of the

country in the pack. Though he could now feel Havoc prowling towards the front of his mind.

“Well.. you know Abbey.. took it a step further, a step too far…convinced Jay-la’s mother and father to

actually allow Vera to be seriously injured…she used your mate bond to their daughter to convince

them.. they went along with it once convinced, because they want their daughter back home. Vera took

a near-lethal dose of wolfs-bane, and..”

“Just spit it out Jackson or Ill reach through this phone,1 swear it.” he bit out, his anger starting to boil

with all that he was hearing, and the bloody hesitation and pausing.

“Abbey ripped into Vera, to make it look like she was brutally attacked by a rogue. I didn’t know

anything about it, boss. I would never have approved it in your absence. From what I understand, she

heard what happened and took matters into her own hands. Trying to help in her own stupid way.”

From one nightmare to another, could his Mate ever, catch a break from his family members, she was

not going to take this well, probably think he had set it all up, maybe even think he had harmed her

mother on purpose to force her home.

“Have you beaten her yet?”

“No boss, thought you might want that job, though I think you won’t… she is pregnant.”

“She’ll keep,” he muttered. “I “ll be there as soon as I can.

Apparently, I have to go and talk with Tony and Lauren and mother is insisting.”

“That may be my fault, kind of went all Beta on Lauren over the phone and took Jay-la and the triplets

with Stephen and Ethan’s help..they were nonplussed about it. Oh a heads up, they know the triplets This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

are yours. She must have told them.”

“I don’t care. Jackson just make sure Jay-la is taken care of and give her back her children.”

“She was just so distressed, boss, they weren’t coping, her pain, guilt and distress were affecting them.

They too are just as emotionally wrung out. I sent them with Ethan to Jody’s house. Stephen explained

to them who he was, they seemed to just accept it and go with their grandfather,” he sighed heavily.

“Jay-la passed out at her mother’s bedside about 30 minutes ago. I have brought her to the Luna suite.

Stephen thought it wise to separate them for the time being, allowing the pups to stabilise emotionally,

so to speak.”

“Its going to be a very long day.. l can trust you with her, right?”

“Yes boss… why would you ask that?” there was a clear frown in his voice.

“No reason…” Nathan muttered, but there was that nagging feeling in him “You’re with her, right?”

“Yes,” his voice now laced with concern, “l’m not stupid.

Nathan, I would never betray you. You know that, right?”

“I know that. I just get this weird feeling about you and her sometimes.”

“She is not my Mate.” he heard his Beta state firmly, honestly to try and clear things up, “just was one

of my closest friends is all.”

“Alright”, he rubbed his hands over his face.


“Yes boss”

“Don’t make her feel like a prisoner or that she is trapped there, allow her freedom to wander at will…

Kora too.” The last words came from his beast and then he hung up.

His mother was staring at him with a deep frown on her face. “We had no idea, son, and also would not

have approved of something like that, especially with her fragile state,” she said right away, clearly

having listened, with her wolf’s hearing, to his conversation.

“You deal with your daughter, or I will and it will not be pretty, I assure you,” he muttered, though he

knew he could not hurt Abbey, or even lock her in a cell for punishment if she was pregrnant.

But there were other methods of punishment he could deal out that would hurt her without physically

touching her, he would have to consider teaching her a lesson. She had always been a handful but she

had taken things way too far this time.

Abbey was going to learn her place, and if his mother didn’t do it he would.

Why did you go Havoc?’ he asked his wolf now that he had returned. He had yet to figure out why his

wolf came and wentnlike he did.

‘Didn’t want to hurt our Mate.’

‘Buddy…i know you would never hurt Jay-la’

‘I might have…I hurt Sophia’

Jay-la is nothing like our last Mate. She doesn’t know we’re her Mate that is all. She will never betray

us once she knows. Jay-la believes wholeheartedly in the goddess gifted Fated Mate. Once she

recognises us, everything will be fine. I promise.


‘I know buddy, but we will go and see her this very afternoon. We will fix it all today’ he told Havoc,

knowing that finally they would be face to face and she would be able to recognise them as her Mate. It

was a relief, that was for sure. A weight off both of their minds.

“Let’s go mother, I need to get back to the pack.”

“Micheal is already out there. I thought it would be better to keep you two apart for now.”

“Wise,” he agreed.

‘Why?’ Havoc asked.

‘never mind, I have punished him already’

He heard Havoc huff. He didn’t like being kept in the dark, but it was for the best. Leaving him out of it

was a good idea at this point. Once everything was fixed between him and Jay-la, it wouldn’t matter


You should shower and change, shave maybe, be presentable for this family.”


“From what I’ve heard, Tony is like a dad to Jay-la, Rae-Rae a sister. So go and clean up. I’ve already

dealt with the hotel and had your things brought here..what happened over there?”

“Nothing,” he muttered, and headed for a shower.

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