The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Part 6

The goat shed exploded as it was struck by multiple spells.

The twins paused again and tripped up two more Sylvan to the south-west, waited a moment for that

distraction to take effect and for the Sylvan running down-slope toward them to get close, then tripped

up the three Sylvan closest to them, just as they ran past their quarry’s hiding place. The twins ran

upslope through the underbrush past the tumbling and cursing Sylvan, found another hiding place, and

tried to trip up all the Sylvan who were still running downslope.

“Stop running, damn it!” one of the Sylvan called. “They’re hiding the ground with Illusions! Check your

footing with every step!”

“They killed all our goats.” Helemia angrily realized as they ran up the slope again.

“And half the chickens.” Reggie added, just as angry.

They paused again a minute later, and checked on the Sylvan.

“There’s nothing here but burnt goats, they weren’t here!” a Sylvan reported to Vanakit as she

inspected the smoldering wreckage of the goat shed.

“Kill everything that moves, or even seems to move!” Vanakit commanded. “We’ll find them by psionics

soon! Meanwhile try to track them from the shed they were in!”

A few trackers gathered around the wreckage of the shed, but the twins’ tracks were everywhere

around the area, and the blast had obliterated the sign where they’d rolled on the ground.

Most of the Sylvan in the valley began wandering around at random, swinging their swords around

them, or casting arrows and spells at anything that caught their attention, while testing the ground by

feel in every place they planned to take a step. More than a few were angrily aware of how ridiculous

they all looked. Some of them slaughtered the rest of the livestock.

The twins drew within thirty meters of the ridge above them, and started slowly and stealthily moving

across the slope to the east, farther away from the pass. Every few minutes they paused to continue

their war of attrition against the Sylvan.

They continued tripping the Sylvan occasionally by hiding things. Rather than casting an Illusion of a

rock over a hole or something similar, they made the Sylvan not notice a crucial root or rock that really

existed. Some banged their heads on tree branches they hadn’t seen. This served to keep the jumpy

Sylvan on edge, though it didn’t produce many serious injuries.

Every few minutes they helped Stripe or Scout kill or disable one of their enemies. It was fully dark now,

and they no longer had to hide the animals from the Sylvan, they only had to show where the chosen

Sylvan was. Stripe’s natural stealth and inherent psionic unnoticability served him well in the darkness,

and Scout could swoop down to make devastating attacks on the face and eyes of his prey with his

talons and be gone a moment later, or pull any Sylvan on a steep slope to a nasty tumble. Though he

could only lift a fraction of the weight of a Sylvan, he had enough strength to drag them down a steep

slope by one leg or one arm until they were incapacitated or dead.

Then the twins tripped one, who was immediately shot with an arrow by the nervous and startled

Sylvan closest to her. That inspired the twins to a new tactic.

A minute later one of the Sylvan thought he saw the twins trying to sneak by him out of the corner of his

eye. He immediately turned and cast Force Bolts at them, only to find that he’d killed another Sylvan.

Reggie and Helemia reached their chosen hiding place; behind the top of the low peak in the ridge at

the north-east edge of the valley. The Sylvan Shield dome was less than two meters behind it, so they

knew they could not be snuck up on from behind. They peered over the peak into the valley below and

inspected it with their psionic senses, and sharpened their plan.

Over the next few minutes; by tricking chosen Sylvan into killing each other, they precipitated a battle

between two groups of them.


at them in absolute rage, his voice magically amplified to booming volume. “These cursed children are

making fools of you, and turning us on each other!!! Everyone just hold where you are, and put all your

concentration into finding them psionicly!”

The twins withdrew their awareness as they ducked down behind the peak, and lowered their psionic

activity to the minimum.

“Okay, Stripe and Scout got fifty-one of them up on the cliffs, and their little battle there took out another

thirty-four.” Helemia mused. “And almost a hundred ran away. Plus the rest of ‘em that we got.”

“There’s still more than three hundred of them left, three hundred and nine, actually.” Reggie counted.

“And we’ve still got at least half an hour before anyone comes looking for us.”

“I don’t think any of them are maintaining the Shield dome. I think they just pre-charged it and cast it. If

we had some magic, we could just pound on it until its energy was all used up.”

“But that means that we can’t get rid of the dome by taking the ones casting it, like we thought.”

“Let’s just wait for a while. Maybe they won’t find us. Mother and Father are bound to come looking for

us soon.”

Sixteen minutes later one of the Sylvan chuckled to herself, and quietly made her way to Vanakit

Lamitkeze. “I have them.” she reported.

“I have the cat and the bird by their body heat.” Vanakit quietly growled, his eyes closed in

concentration. “They’re keeping their distance. But I can’t find the prey. You found them psionicly?”

“No, by their auras, of all things.” she chuckled. “And impressive auras they are, too. See through my

spell, and look at that peak. You can see their glow behind it.”

“Ah, good work. They’re just inside the Shield. Can we reflect spells or missiles off of it?”

“No, it doesn’t work that way, it just absorbs the energy. Though if we hit the Shield with arrows or rocks

directly above the prey, they’ll fall straight down.”

“Bah, it’s only a couple of meters above them.” Vanakit spat. “We’d have to Move a big rock. They’d

have time to avoid it, and I want the girl alive if possible.

“Crap on it. You keep an eye on them. We’ll need to know if they move.”

He waved his lieutenants over. “Pass the word. Our prey is hiding behind that peak, and we’ll know if

they move, so disregard any other sightings of them. Have everyone except those at the pass form up

into a tight formation. We’ll just march up there and get them. Warn everyone to be careful of their

footing and to beware of Illusions. Once we start moving, I expect the cat and the bird to resume their

attacks, and I doubt I’ll be able to follow them by their heat once they start making speed. Keep

weapons out at the flanks and rear to ward against the cat, and keep your daggers high to ward against

the bird. We’ll take the girl alive if possible. If anyone has the power left to cast some Shielding, have

them stand ready to cast it as needed.”

“If we hadn’t spent so much of our magic on the big Shield, we’d be able to protect ourselves properly.”

one of the lieutenants grumbled.

Vanakit back-handed him across the mouth, bloodying lips and loosening teeth. “You’ll follow your

damn orders!” he growled.

The lieutenants nodded and backed away, and went to their tasks.

“They’re moving.” Helemia noticed a minute later. “They’re probably either leaving or they’ve spotted us

somehow. They’ve spotted us, I’m sure of it now, I can tell from Vanakit’s emotions.”

The Sylvan finished forming up in the center of the valley. They made a fairly tight bunch in an oval

shape about ten wide and almost twenty deep, bristling with weapons. Vanakit moved to their head with

his spotter beside him, and they began advancing up the valley to the north-east.

As they reached the top of the meadow and began entering the trees, Vanakit turned and shouted to

his troops; “The animals are on the move, be on your guard!”

They climbed the slope through the trees, stubbing their toes on unseen rocks and banging their heads This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

on unseen branches, but it was hard to make any of them take a serious fall, forewarned as they were

and walking uphill. Onward they came, with the occasional cry and curse.

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