The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 28 The Evil Within Alexander

He and Anna were so happy. They made love in the early hours of the morning after she thoroughly gave him a tongue lashing for not telling her she was pregnant. He chuckled despite her fierce scolding and proceeded to worship every inch of her mouthwatering body.

They were happy. She couldn’t stop giggling as he bathed her and helped her dress. He had no idea what he was doing but she let him.

One more thing he loved doing for her was to carry her, which he did. Dismissing her protests.

The butler sternly kicked them out of the kitchen after he cooked her breakfast. She couldn’t stop her laughter when he made faces, mocking Baxter.

Goddess, he loved doing all those things for her. All the things that made her happy.

Losing her will kill him.

Why can’t he feel anything from her? Not even her pain. Their souls were connected. He would have felt it.

There was an unfamiliar wall that separated them. He tried to break that wall. It won’t give.

Fuck! He will do anything to save her. Anything.

But right now, he felt fucking helpless. Useless.

Dry lips brushed her knuckles. Her steady breathing his solace. His gut twisted, picking up the whooshing heartbeats of their pups. One. Two.

Moon Goddess. He cannot lose his mate and his pups. Don’t take them away from me.

Sire, the High Priestess Esmeralda is here.

I welcome her to the Royal Pack grounds. Let her come, beta.

“Mia anima, you hang in there. I will be back. And you my pups, keep mama safe.” Leaning down, he kissed her forehead and her still flat abdomen. His pups’ heartbeats skipped a bit, putting a faint smile on his lips.

It vanished as soon as it came. He will save her even if it was the last thing he will do.

Esmeralda was the most powerful white witch that could help them figure out what was going on.

From what Lucifer mentioned, a powerful force was working with the spirit of the dark angel. Evil will attempt to take his mate from him.

Over his dead body.

He will find the motherfucker and tear him to pieces.


The Dark Witch


That halfbreed Victor was useless. But he has served his purpose. He was a  dead weight. It will only be a matter of time before the kings kill him.

He had one last job for his colleague before that happened. The vampire king was preoccupied. He wouldn’t even know what hit him. He smirked.

His new ally approached with grace. He had a mind to fuck this witch later. She will love it. He will let his beloved watch. Yes, he will.

“What did you do to the Lycan Queen?” His eyes followed her movement. She stopped and kneeled before him. Her hands move up and down his thighs.

“I did as you ask, my lord. You are smart to bring home an item that she touched. Her scent called the dark angel. He has blocked her mind from her mate.” The witch explored further and rubbed his cock from his trousers. His dick throbbed. Eager for a hole. Fuck! She was good.

The woman he called his beloved entered his bedroom. Her face registered shock and pain.

“Close the door. And strip.”

“But… my beloved…” Ignoring her pained expression, he pierced her with his dark gaze.

“Don’t make me repeat myself or I will whip you bloody. Now!” Her hands trembled at the severity of his command. Good girl. These bitches will do until he had the lycan queen in his hands.

“On the bed witch, my beloved will eat your pussy while I fuck her.”

He will enjoy this night. Tomorrow, he will set his plans in motion. It will start with Victor.



The ethereal form of Esmeralda glided through the halls of the pack hospital. White flowers crowned her long white tresses. Everyone gazed at her in awe. His sister and mother bowed in respect. She was older than any of them combined.

White light followed her as she approached them. Though her beauty was timeless, it had been rumored she was untouched. For it was prophesied that an angel of heavens will claim her. Centuries had passed and she continued to wait for that day to come. Becoming more powerful as she aged.

“Lycan King, show me to your Queen.” Her soft Gaelic brogue did not cover the urgency in her request.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

She followed him and Xavier to the intensive care unit. The moment she saw his Anna, her light glowed brighter, almost blinding.

“You are full of fucking shit, dark witch. I am going to kill you this time!” She waved her hand to let them see the dark vines that surrounded Anna May’s body. He growled. “Don’t. Let me kill it.”

“Esmeralda, save my mate.” His voice was guttural. Fuck! His wolf wanted to come out. No! He whined and paced in the background.

“Don’t shift. The dark vines will only hold her tighter if you shift.” Alexander took a deep and shaky breath.

The High Priestess ambled closer to the bed, her light intensified. The vines shook, its hold on his mate loosening.

“Do you really think you are powerful, bitch! The veins in your body will wither one by one if you don’t release the lycan queen.” Esmeralda entwined her fingers on the shaking dark vines that cocooned his mate. Although she hissed in pain, she didn’t let go.

From the distance, they heard an agonized moan. Then evil laughter.

Esmeralda threw her head back, white glowing tears flowed from her eyes, raining on Anna’s peaceful form.

Barely breathing, he heard the white witch’s disembodied Gaelic voice echoing through the room.

Die le cumhacht mo sholais, gan filleadh. Líonfaidh mo sholas do dorchadas. Bí imithe. Deo.

The dark angel controls her mind. Even if you kill me now, another one will take my place, white witch. We are stronger than you think!

Déanfaidh mé é a mharú díreach mar an gcéanna.

Bí imithe. Die!

Xavier and he heard pained cackles, mocking, testing Esmeralda’s power. Her voice became louder, commanding. Casting the same spell to kill the dark witch. Repeating the words over and over. The pitch getting higher and higher. Piercing the cocoon akin to knives.

He heaved a sigh of relief, witnessing the dark clingy vines started to fade, in its place, petals started to shower on Anna’s prone body and a dome of light covered her, protecting her from outside forces.

Xavier hurriedly caught Esmeralda before she fell on a heap on the cold floor.

“Water,” she whispered before she fainted.


His queen still slumbered but according to Xavier, she was stable. It was only a matter of time before she woke up.

“The coven and I began to feel the evil forces a few days ago. We didn’t know it was this strong. Scorpia, the witch I killed, she was with her master when she died. I had seen the shadows but I cannot see the face of the man and another woman. We may have traitors in our midst.” Her gaze was focused on a distance, thoughtful.

“We have found one.” He knew he can trust her. He lifted his chin to Xavier.

“Victor.” She scoffed at their surprise expression. “I suspected as much. He must have procured an item your mate used at the wedding. The essence from that alone can call the dark one’s soul.”

That motherfucker! When he got his hands on him…

“I know what you and Xavier are thinking. In due time. Right now, you have to call your troops. Tell the other kings. I will send out my witches to cast a protection spell to everyone.” Esmeralda decreed. A woman of equal station. They all respected her.

“My mate?” Anna’s hand was cold. Their bond was present, this made him feel her. His eyes closed, sending his love through the link.

“The lycan queen is safe for now. Your pups too. The heirs are the reason why her soul has not left her body. They protect her. Let the ladies tend to her, while you two come with me. Trust me on this. We need all the help that we can get.” Reluctantly, he shook his head in agreement.

Enemies were lurking in the shadows. They had to prepare.



The dead witch laid naked on his bed. He curled his cruel lips in disgust. Such a waste of good pussy. At least he got to fuck her all night.

She had served her purpose. Damn the white witch! How could he kill that bitch? No matter, he always found ways.

“Burn her body, beloved. I will find another witch for us.” He smirked, eyes amused. She scrambled out of his bedroom in fear, her body covered in bluish bruises. Her skittish behavior annoyed him. Soon. She will be no more.

Her clan was his. He has an army to fight the vampire king.

As for Victor…

“Everything is in place?” He could hear him swear on the other line.

“You greedy bastard! You’ve got Scorpia killed!”

“And? I can always find a replacement. I want to know if your men are ready.” This fucker was a coward.

“Our plan is supposed to set in motion during the High Council meeting but you just have to ruin it. The meeting was postponed because the lycan couple couldn’t make it. I guess you have something to do with that!”

He chuckled. “You worry too much, Victor. I gave master something to look forward to.”

“You are a piece of work. We need to revise our plan. I will call you in a few days. Until then, you behave.”

“I always am. Always.”

He had some planning to do on his own. Victor thought he was dancing to his tune. He was nothing but a pawn on the game of the masters.


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