The Lady Gangster’s Mission For The Prince

8. First Try, Failed

Adira was walking in the hallway when she saw General Agustin. He immediately approached her.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come with me first. The king will show you something.” He walked again, and she was left wondering.

When she entered the king’s office, she immediately sat down in front of the king. She also noticed that he was holding a piece of paper and staring at it. He sighed and looked at her with tired eyes. “Read it.” She reached for the paper and read it with her eyes.

“Time flies and the moon replaces the sun. The life of a nobleman is nearly over, so before this happens, obey one request. ” She frowned at the way the word was written to have another meaning.

While she was holding the letter, King Stephen spoke. “That’s just one of the letters that have been sent to me by an unknown person, and I’m a little nervous because the letters are getting worse, especially for how they write them.”

“How do you get this without seeing who the culprit is?”

“Letters are left outside the palace, and General Agustin doesn’t even know who puts them there because there are soldiers and other people who pass in front of the gate of my palace.”

“They don’t know how to use CCTV here,” she asked herself. She put the old paper down on the table. “It’s hard if you don’t have even one piece of evidence. It’s easier to catch a person if there’s even a small piece of evidence from what the person did, but I’ll try to sharpen my senses and my vision so that the intimidation that’s happening to you doesn’t last much longer. ”

He smiled and stared at her. She immediately looked away because of the way he was staring at her and suddenly spoke. “I just have a question for you, Adira. Despite your beauty, why do your eyes seem lifeless?”

She was dumbfounded by his question. “There are many reasons why, dear king, but I won’t tell you why because I’m trying to forget the past, so I can’t tell the story of your question.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry for the question. I’m wondering why, but you can’t forget the past if you try to put it out of your mind. Instead, what you should do is just let it disappear on its own without you realizing it because of when you tried to remove it from your life. Everything is still trying to remind you more. ”

She couldn’t speak because what King Stephen said was true. A wound doesn’t always need medicine to heal, but that doesn’t mean it should be left untreated, even if it is not using a medicine that can heal the wound immediately.

Suddenly, the king spoke again, which surprised her a little. “You can go to your room. The room where you stayed before you left. General Agustin will accompany you there.” She stood up and thanked him and followed General Agustin to the room, and when they got to the door, the general immediately said goodbye.

She went inside and saw her stuff neatly placed on top of the bed. She lay down and closed her eyes. “Starting tomorrow, I have to be ready, not only for the training of the prince but also to solve the letter received by the king.” She quickly opened her eyes. “Don’t let my patience with the prince run out, because if that happens, I will willingly give him to the mysterious sender.” She got up and arranged the clothes in the cabinet that was there and rested because of the fatigue of sitting inside the plane.

The night passed, and the sun rose again. Adira was ready for the first day of the prince’s training that she had been waiting for outside the palace.

“Why did he take so long to go out?” She wonders why it took him so long to go out. It will be more difficult for them to train when the sun’s rays get stronger, even in the country where she was. The breeze is cold.

She sighed and entered the palace again with a very serious face towards Dylan’s room. The other soldiers didn’t stop her because King Stephen had given them information about her.

She stared at the door to Dylan’s room. “It’s only the first day, but you’re already hurting my head. Get ready for me when we’re outside. ” She opened the door without saying that she would go inside and saw that he was still fast asleep. She tried to calm herself down, but the prince seemed to have completely forgotten that they had training today.

She quickly approached his bed. She took the pillow and covered his face, then pressed it. A few moments later, he woke up and tried to remove the pillow from his face. She pushed the pillow more, but it’s a good thing he removed it immediately; otherwise, the air in his lungs would have run out.

He sat down angrily and looked at her. “Are you planning to kill me? Maybe you’re the real enemy here!”

She raised an eyebrow. “Do you know what time it is? We talked yesterday about how today is your first training, and when I came in here you were still sleeping.”

He pulled his hair, and there was pressure in each of his grips. “But that doesn’t mean you can do that to me. What if I can’t breathe forever? ”

“Then I’ll give you a chance to breathe for ten seconds before saying goodbye,” she answered while looking at the floor.

He was shocked and moved away slightly. “I don’t know if you still have a heart for what you’re doing to me.”

“Of course, I have a heart, but if I see someone like you, it turns out to be like a stone because you don’t know how to follow what I said.” She looked into his eyes, but he was the first to let go.

He sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry if I didn’t wake up right away, but you can go out now because I’ll change clothes.”

“Wear the clothes that I gave you. You only have five minutes to change.” She left him with his mouth open, and he couldn’t believe what she said.

She waited for him at the back of the palace because there was a place where he could train and there were various weapons used in fighting. While she was waiting for him, she approached the weapons that were there.

She saw a sword and slowly ran her hand over its hilt. “I haven’t held a sword yet, but I will use it the way I use two planks of wood. It looks different, but I have everything it can do in my hand, even if it’s the first time I use it. ” She took it and removed it from its thin stainless cover; it even sparkled as the sun’s rays hit the blade of the sword. “A wrong use of this will certainly put the person in danger of facing for life-especially the one coming.” She looked at the prince, who still had a frown on his face.

He stopped in front of her, but he was looking in a different direction. “You’re still angry. You’re still alive. Why are you still mad?” And she grinned.

He suddenly looked at her and walked, but just passed her and went behind her where the swords were. She turned and saw that he had also taken a sword that he was going to use.

“Do you know how to use this?” he asked.

“No,” she replied quickly.

His eyes widened, and he pointed at her with his finger. “How can you teach me if you don’t even know how to hold a sword? It would be better if General Agustin was the one to teach me. ” He was about to walk away, but she raised her sword and stopped right near his neck. She is sure if he tried to move, his neck would turn red.

The prince swallowed what she said. She said seriously, “Alright, go to the general, but walk straight without my sword wounding your neck.” But he didn’t comply, so she secretly smirked and lowered the sword. “Get ready, and let’s get started.” She walked a few steps away from him.

Meanwhile, Dylan was still standing, and the sword he was holding was buried in the ground as he held it. “He doesn’t know how to hold a sword, but why does he move so fast while holding it?” He asked himself in confusion as he looked at Adira, who was waiting for him to come closer to start rushing toward her. “I know some tricks that I learned from General Agustin, so I’m sure that I will win between the two of us on the first day.” He smiled and suddenly ran towards her while he raised the sword.

She just stood there waiting for him to get close, but she still didn’t take any action when he got close. “Isn’t she going to move?” He said it in his mind, but he was surprised when she blocked his first strike with her sword, so now their eyes were staring at each other seriously as the swords were between them both.

She smirked, which surprised him because she suddenly pushed her sword, so he dropped his sword. She sighed and looked at his words on the ground. “Tsk, tsk!” she shook her head. “You’re weak, while for me, it’s only the first time I’ve held a sword, but you see, I’m better than you.”

“You have too much confidence in yourself!”

She looked at him seriously. “Because it’s necessary. If I don’t have confidence in myself, I won’t be able to do the first thing I try, like hold the sword. You saw that I was even better at holding and strengthening my grip on the sword, but you let go of your grip with just a simple push. That shouldn’t happen. That’s one of the things you should learn because when you push or block your sword when the enemy makes a strange move, you should be able to fight back and block it. After all, if you can’t do that, you will be the shield of your sword. ”

She took his sword and handed it back to him, but he didn’t take it right away. “Take it; it doesn’t mean that if you take your sword while I’m handing it to you, you’ve lost. We’re just getting started. ” He slowly took his sword from her hand.

“I don’t think you need to learn to fight right now. I’ve decided that the first thing I’ll teach you is how to hold it so that you can’t let go, especially if the opponent is strong.”

He was surprised by what she was saying. “You said earlier that you don’t know how to use a sword, but why is the first thing you teach how to handle a sword?”

Her two eyebrows rose, and her forehead suddenly frowned. “All your hands’ touches are the same, be it wood, a sword, a bow, or a gun.” Your hand will control all of them. In short, the outcome is in your hands, depending on how you handle the weapons. You must have proper discipline with your hand because if you feel nervous in your chest and it goes to your hand, I’m sure you won’t be able to use it for what you’re holding properly. ” She looked at the sword in his hand. “Just like earlier, you were angry with me, weren’t you? You put all your anger and annoyance into your hand, so the result was not good, and you easily released the grip on your sword. Yes, it can be used in fighting, but don’t let your emotions spread to your whole being. The feelings you want to release, learn to control those and use them in the right way so that they don’t end up in a bad situation. I’m sure you’ll regret it in the end. ”

What she said made him think even more now that she knows a lot about the battle. “What is your work?” She was surprised by his question.

“Why did you even think to ask what my job is? This is my job. What I do now teach you, and I get paid for it.”

“Do you kill people?” He asked her next, and her facial expression immediately changed from a shocked one to a serious one.

“It depends.”

“How does it depend?”

“It depends on who I’m talking to, like you.” She shivered, laughed, and walked back to the armory.

He closed his eyes tightly. “She’s hard to talk to. I don’t know if she’s saying something true or if she’s just playing with my feelings.” In the end, he followed her and also went to the location of the weapons.

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