The love of a Mr. CEO


Our tongues fight for dominance until he finally wins. He breaks the kiss to trail feather like kisses down my neck before attacking my already harden nipple with his mouth. He sucks and fondles my breasts as I’m left a moaning mess. I arch my back upward to give him more of me before he pulls away completely. He stares at my panting state and trails his fingers down the length of my body.

“So beautiful” he whispers before flipping us so that I was on top. I gaze down at him as he looks at me hungrily urging me to do something. I snap out of my daze and begin kissing his jaw and down his neck eliciting growls from him. I kiss and lick down his chest before stopping at the beginning of his boxers. I come back up and crash my lips against his while grinding my hips into his pelvis. He groans into the kiss before flipping us so that I was at the bottom. He teasingly pulls off his boxers and my panties leaving us both nude. He gets on top of me once more and kisses me quickly before pulling away to look me in the eye.

“I love you mi amour” he growls out before taking me on a roller coaster of bliss.


I woke up the next morning entangled with Ivan’s naked body. The events of last night rush back into my head leaving me blushing beet red. We made love for several hours and finally fell asleep at around midnight. I attempt to get out of his embrace but fall back down on Ivan’s chest once the soreness hit. His eyes shoot open but he relaxes once his eye land on me.

“Mia cara, are you alright” Ivan asks huskily and I look at him before blushing again.

“I feel sore” I whisper sheepishly and his chest rumbles in laughter before he gets up taking me with him.

“Perfect time to take a hot bath together right” he asks making it evident that he was enjoying my discomfort by adding a knowing smirk at the end.

“Keep up the douchebag behavior and their won’t be a repeat of last night” I snap annoyed as he sets me down to turn on the hot water.

“My apologies mi amour” he replies sheepishly as he comes over to engulf me in a hug. Our chests are pressed together and I rub my breasts against him slightly to tease him causing him to groan. I make a move to pull away but next thing I know I’m being lifted off my feet.

“That’s it” he adds hungrily, running back into the room with me giggling in his arms. He throws me onto the bed and we make love for awhile.

We finally take a shower and get dressed in comfy clothing before walking down to the kitchen hand in hand.

“What do you want to eat” Ivan asks as he browses through my fridge looking for ingredients.

“Surprise me” I tell him before walking into the living room to watch some tv. I spent about twenty minutes watching random shows before the aroma of food forces me to get up. I follow the scent into the kitchen to see Ivan with his back to me cooking. I take a seat on a stool and take a few moments to admire him before making my presence known.

“So what’s cookin’ good lookin'” I joke with a giggle. He jumps at my voice before turning around to face me with a smile.

“I made some hash browns, Italian sausage and some omelettes if that works for you, your highness” he replies in a posh accent making me giggle at the end.

“I’m afraid that’ll do peasant, now bring me food” I joke as he chuckles before setting a plate full of food in front of me. My mouth waters at the sight and within minutes I’m scarfing down my breakfast like an animal.

“Slow down mia cara, you’ll choke” Ivan nags me and I flip him the finger.

“After using all my energy last night, the least you could do is shut your trap while I recharge” I snap but break into a smile at the end.

“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy my body love” he teases back with a full blown smirk.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“I’ve had better” I reply indifferently pretending to take sudden interest in my food.

“And who might that have been” he asks seemingly annoyed at my remark.

“Why, did you want to take notes” I tease with a smirk.

“No I need to eliminate all possible competition so I was planning on killing him” he says annoyed and I throw my head back in laughter.

“Relax corazon, you were my first” I confess to him blushing slightly at the end. I use my hair to cover my face and hear Ivan putting down his silverware. I feel a hand tilt my head up and suddenly I’m looking Ivan dead in the eye.

“Mi amour, I’m honored to have been your first and I promise to be your last so long as you want me to” he admits and I smile widely before leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

“I love you” I tell him sincerely and he breaks into a grin.

“I love you too mia cara” he replies before grabbing both of our plates to put into the sink.

“When’s the gala again” I ask not remembering the exact date.

“Tomorrow” he replies nonchalantly and I feel my heart sink.

“Tomorrow?!?! Would it have killed you to give me a little more of a heads up” I shout, my heart beating rapidly.

“What’s the big deal” he asks confused and I refrain from smacking him upside the head.

“I have no idea what I’m gonna wear and I look like a hot mess” I snap before running up the stairs to my room to find a dress for tomorrow.

“Whenever you’re done, I’ll be down here watching football” he shouts and I shake my head not understanding men and their obsession with football.

I rush into my closet and begin my search for the perfect dress. I tear apart my wardrobe looking high and low but to no avail. After a half hour of finding nothing, I remember I had a certain dress I kept that belonged to my mother. I go to the back of my closet and grab the box that I haven’t touched since her death and pull the lid open. I slowly take out the dress and stare at it for ages, remembering my mother in it.


“Amelia dear, would you mind telling me how I look in this dress” I hear my mother’s voice shout from her room and I get up to rush to her. I walk into the room to see her standing in a full length, deep red colored dress that had embellishments on the top half. She looked absolutely breathtaking and I couldn’t help but admire her for a minute or two. She had looked to be an older version of me with long dark brown hair and emerald eyes. She had a heart shaped face with high cheek bones making her look angelic not to mention her curvaceous body that was every man’s fantasy.

“You look breathtaking mama” I tell her in my little twelve year old voice as she smiles down at me before coming over to crouch in front of me.

“Thank you Amy, one day you’ll wear this dress and attend a ball with your prince charming” she tells me and I nod excitedly before jumping into her arms as she laughs.

“Mama will I look as beautiful as you one day” I ask innocently into my mom’s hair as she sways from side to side.

“You’ll look even more gorgeous in it corazon” she tells me and I nod with a grin.

End of flashback.

Before I know it, a tear is gliding down my cheek. I reach my hand towards my locket and open it to look at the picture of my mother, father and I before everything went wrong.

“I miss you so much mama” I whisper to myself, bringing the locket to my heart. I wipe my tears and put everything back to where it belongs before setting the dress to the side along with a pair of heels as well as some jewelry. I slowly walk back down the stairs and into the living room to see Ivan fully focused on the tv screen. I take a seat next to him and he pulls me into his side finally taking his eyes off the screen.

“Did you find a dress mia cara, because the offer still stands if you didn’t” he asks me and I nod into his chest with a smile.

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