The Lycan King

Chapter 43. Better watch your back, Max

Chapter 43. Better watch your back, Max


Max's house wasn't as big as ours. But it had a warm vibe that I loved. It had a round driveway in the

front and the mansion was beige in colour with brown roofs. It was surrounded by many trees and gave

a woodsy feel.

"Nice place." Nikolai said as we walked to the door which opened to the hallway meeting the living

room. It really was. It was a mixture of modern, classic and woodsy interior which surprisingly mixed


"Thanks." Max smiled, looking truly proud.

Nat gave me a mischievous grin before he ran and jumped on Max's back, her arms around his neck

and legs around his waist.

"I choose an obnoxious monkey." Nat giggled in his ears.

He put his arms immediately came around her legs to support her. "I'll be your?daddy?monkey then."

Max chuckled and carried her inside.

I laughed at their antics. I was happy for Nat. She looked happier than ever and Max was good for her.

"Save the foreplay from the bedroom, Max." Nik rolled his eyes at them.

"Oh, if you saw the foreplay, you'd?know."?Nat winked at him, making everyone else except him laugh.

"Why do I even try?" Nik grumbled and grabbed my hand, dragging me inside.

On cue, their laugh rang louder.

Nat pressed a yellow and a red button as soon as she got off in the main living room.

"I'm hungry." She explained.

Two girls came in the living room. "Serve dinner for four." Nat instructed them.

"Three." Max corrected her.

They bowed and left quickly after that.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." Nat offered.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled.

"Are you okay?"?Nik mind-linked me.

"Yes."?I replied softly. I knew he was referring to the revelations in the office. And I understood where

he was coming from. As much as it pained me, I was selfish to want to spend eternity with him, even if

it meant we wouldn't have children.

"So this is your room." Nat opened the door and motioned us inside. "The bathroom is through that

door," she pointed at the door the left, "and I'll have have fresh towels and everything sent to you in

some time. Get fresh, and meet us downstairs for dinner?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Anytime." She smiled back and left, closing the door behind her.

"Are you really okay? Talk to me, Ava." Nik asked.

"I'm upset but I understand. I wanted to have your pup and give you the joy of being a father. But I

understand why you said no. And selfishly, I want to spend all the time I can with you. I don't want to

die. I haven't spent nearly enough time with you." I placed my palm on his beating chest.

He was alive and well. We both our. Thats all we need. Each other. No one and nothing else.

Her circled his arms around my waist. "I love you. And you are amazing. Have I told you that?" He


"I love you too. And I'm not sure if I remember properly." I smiled, looking up at him.

"Then I'll just have to tell you again and again." He kissed my lips.

"That sounds like a nice idea but we should go down, they must be waiting for us." I said against his


Nik only smiled and opened the door behind me.

We walked out to see Nat and Max step out of a room. We followed them to the dining room and saw

that everything was already placed.

We sat on the table and them Max motioned one of his slaves to serve us.

"How is everything in the pack?" Max asked Nik.

"Its going fine. There are a couple of minor things. But nothing I can't handle." He replied.

"Thats, good. I'm happy for you, brother." Max smiled at him in return.

Max pointed his finger on the floor besides him and looked at one of his slave. She immediately came

forward and extended her hand. He grabbed it before biting it her wrist and started drinking her blood.

I could sense that the girl was in pain but as a perfect slave, she remained quiet and still. I wanted to

say something. Do something to help her. If she just cut her hand and squeezed the blood out into a

cup, it wouldn't hurt as much.

"You will not do anything, Ava. Max has been hospitable enough to invite is into his home. I told you

how things work in this world. Just ignore it if you don't like it."?Nik mind linked me.

I pressed my lips together and did as he said. He was right, as always.

"Also, Avalyn killed Vasilik. She is the Queen of Mozog now." Nik said conversationally.

"Killed the centuries old fucker? I'd love to hear what happened." Max looked at me.

"When I first discovered my magic, we didn't know what it was. So Vladimir called Rhazien, a friend of

his who he thought could help us. So after a couple of days when Nik was away, Vasilik came,

demanding to know why Rhazien had visited us. When he didn't get the answers he wanted, he did

something mentally—"

"Tried to fry our brains. Literally." Nik added.

"But for some reason, it didn't work on me. He had brought his men who tried to capture me but I killed

them. By this time, Nik came back and Vasilik got him under his control too. He was about to kill Nik." It

still pissed me off. "It made me very angry and then I used my powers and killed him." I continued,

trying my best to ignore the girl in pain.

"Your powers must be really strong to kill such an old vampire. A king at that." He looked amazed.

"All I knew is that I rather die myself than let anything happen to Nik." I replied and looked at Nik. When

I saw him in pain, that was all it took for me to loose it.

"No one's dying. Especially not you." Nik growled.

"I'm not going anywhere." I told Nik, my voice soothing. "But we are giving away the kingdom to

Vladimir. He is the rightful heir. And its the right thing to do."

"He was always the uptight one." Max muttered. "But its good. He will finally get the stick out of his

ass." And then he looked at me. "Are you going to transfer your powers to him?"


"When you kill a King, their elemental power is shifted to you so you can be stronger than the rest of

the Kingdom and become their ruler. And since you already are half- Fae, Vasilik's powers, which are

mind powers, compliment your mind powers. Shifting of powers can be very painful, especially if you

aren't physically and mentally strong.?Extremely strong." Nik explained. "Which is why you passed out I


It made sense.

"I didn't know..." Nik didn't tell me this.

"I didn't want them to wait too long. And then it slipped my mind later on with everything going on." He

smiled and squeezed my hand and then looked at Max and Nat.

"Oh, by the way, Sofiya is his mate. And they are going to have a baby." Nik grinned, lighting up at the

thought of having a niece or a nephew. That baby was going to be spoilt by all of us.

"Shit!" Max's eyes widened. Nat didn't look surprised which meant Sofiya had already given her the

good news.

"We are going to Mozog in a couple of days. I'd ask you to join us but it would be better for people not

to see us together. At least until this mission is accomplished. You can always come visit after though."

Nik said.

"Sounds like a plan." Max replied and Nat grinned at me widely. We would finally get some girls times.

After dinner, both of them lent us some clothes for the night as well as tomorrow.

"Lets go to the garden, we have so much to talk about!" Nat dragged me out at the garden which was

at the back of the mansion.

"So how did you meed Max? Tell me everything!" I asked her, excited to know what was had happened

with her.

"Well you know that I was kidnapped and Max ended up saving me right?" She asked.

"Yes, Nik had told me that." I nodded.

"So after that, we just clicked. I mean I knew him since childhood. Nikolai and him were the ones who

saved me, as I told you. And I had spent an entire year crushing on him before... well before things

went down hill. And now I know why." Her smile dimmed at the end.

"What had happened?" Is that why Nik was anxious in the office?

"You better ask Nikolai about that. But what's important is that it's all in the past. Now the only problem

is the whole training thing." She didn't look very ecstatic about it. "I hate submitting."

"Well, after all of this ends, you can always show him who's the boss." I joked, trying to lighten her


She laughed at that. "Nice idea."

"Thanks." I half- smiled. Nat wasn't a submissive. She was the one who liked to do her own thing. I can

only imagine what she must be going through.

"And what about you and Nikolai? Does he still have his panties in a notch?" She raised her browed.

More like he has?my?panties in a notch,?always!

"Aah, I knew I knew something is up. Spill, girl." She poked my ribs.

"It's?him?who has?my?panties in a notch." I giggled.

"How do you actually submit to that grumpy ass?" She asked like it was the most impossible thing in

the world.

"At first I did it because I didn't have enough confidence in myself to make my own choices. But

because I gave him ultimate control, he turned me into a better and stronger person. Now I do it

because I want to. I like pleasing him." I replied softly, a smile fitting across my lips at Nik's thought.

"But how can you do it so easily? Don't you feel like doing whatever you want? Or to sometimes even

hit him across his head if he is being a dick?" She asked me.

"Is this about me or you and Max?" I raised my brows at her.

"Me and Max." She whispered back.

"Thought so." I nodded. I had to make sure to say it right so she understood what I was saying and that

it would make things easier for her.

"Try thinking like this. Max is your mate. And at the end of the day, he is the only person in the entire

world who will have your best interest at heart. He wants you to be the best version of yourself. And he

will punish you when you make a mistake because he wants to push you and always do better in life.

And I can tell you with personal experience that punishments may be physical but they are mentally

more eye opening. He also has more knowledge about most things than you so his decision making

judgement is better than you. Instead of fighting with him, just do as he says, and if you have a doubt,

ask him politely. I'm sure he will explain it to you." I explained softly. This is exactly what I thought when

I was with Nik. I hope this helps.

"You're right." She sighed. "I will try thinking like that from now. I think it will really be good for us."

"Yes, it might help you with all of this." She was doing all of this for me. The least I could do was help

her in any way I could.

Nat was looking at me and then her eyes shifted somewhere behind me.

Her eyes widened and she moved out of the way before Max could touch her.

"You're mine, babe." He smirked at her and ran again, catching her in a second.

I was too busy gawking at their antics to see Nik who was already besides me and then he threw me

over his shoulder.

"Maximilian Romano—" Nat shrieked somewhere in the background but I was too busy trying to told on

to Nik's waist so he wouldn't throw me in the pool like Max did to Nat.

It was a fruitless attempt because he managed to release my hold and throw me in the cold water.

Nat drowned in the pool before coming up and gasping, "I can't swim." And then went underwater

again and came up, "help!" She yelled. I knew for a fact that she was acting because I had swam with

her a hundred times and she was a thousand times better and faster than me.

"I've spent a year with you like a decade ago, if you remember. Your trick won't work on me." Max

grinned at her mischievously and turned around to leave.

She pouted and stopped her acting, swimming normally now. Nik and I burst into laughter at both of


"I'm going to get back at you for this!" She yelled.

"Which will earn you a punishment, princess." Max said without turning around.

"See what I told you about?" Nat asked me. "You're a dick!" She pointed at him. "And I believe that you

are what you eat!"

I gasped.

"I remember someone else begging for it." Max smirked and paused for Nik to catch up to him.

"You—you!" Nat turned red.

"I think we will have to work on your vocabulary too. You have to learn five new insults each day." He

joked before they walked in the house through the windows.

"We should get out, its cold." I said, hoisting myself out of the pool.

"That fucking dick." She mumbled under her breath as she followed me back to the house

"We are going to get back at you!" Nat said pointing her finger at Max and Nik as we climbed the stairs


"I'm scared." Nik said with dry voice.

"And Avalyn and I are having a sleepover." I giggled and Nat's response. She knew for a fact that Nik

hated sleeping without me.

"Fuck no." He growled.

"That's her getting back at you." She replied and pulled me upstairs with her quickly

"You're better watch your back, Max." Nat mumbled.

44. I’ll never let that happen


"Thank you for having us over." I smiled at Max and Nat. We had a quick breakfast after we woke up

and now we were on our way to meet Mary.

"It was our pleasure." Max smiled back. "I also wanted to give you something." He told Nik.

He handed the envelope to him.

"What's this?" Nik asked, taking it from my hand.

"It's a gift from Viktoria. She said to give to you when you meet your mate." Max replied, his tone


I sucked in a breath.

"Why did she give it to you? Why not me directly?" He asked, his voice thick.

"When I asked her to give it to you herself, she just made me promise that I'd give it to you. And that I'll

always protect you." There was nothing but love in Max's eyes for Nik. I bit my lip. At least there was

someone to truly take care of Nik after what happened to Viktoria.

"Thanks, brother." Nik hugged him.

Max hugged me afterwards, surprising me."I'm technically your uncle."

I laughed. It was weird to even think about it. Adoptive, but uncle. I had already told Nat my goodbyes

so I just waved at them before we left.

I looked at the trees pass by fast as we cruised through the roads. Mary is my grandmother. Not really

but still. Grandmother. I have a family. A living family member. I chewed down on my lip. Will she like

me? What if she doesn't like me?

I realised that she knew my mother the best. After papa, of course. But she knew my mother the

second best. I could finally get to know more about her.

That worried me more. What if she hated me? I am the reason my mother is dead.

Nik grabbed my hand placed our joint hands on his lap as he drove with his other hand. "What's going

through your mind, Love?"

"Meeting Mary." I whispered and squeezed his hand, craving comfort.

"She will love you. It's impossible not to fall in love with you, Ava." He glanced at me.

I hope so. I really really hope so.

Nik pulled up at small cottage type house with a big garden. We got off the car and I stopped him

before he could walk down the cobblestoned path bordered with bushes.

"Do you promise she will like me?" I asked him.

He trailed his hand through my hair and put a lock behind my ear before grabbing my hand tugging me

to walk down to the door.

He pressed the doorbell andI waited behind him.

The door opened in a minute. "Hello, I'm Ni—"

"Nikolai Volkov." An old gravelly voice finished. "I do not want to talk to you or help you in any form. You

can leave." She went to shut the door in his face but Nik put his hand on it.

"We only want to talk." Nik said quietly.

"Please." I stepped out from behind him and took my place besides him.

The old lady's eyes widened before they watered. "Valerie." She whispered and pulled me into a bone

crushing hug.

I put my arms around her and hugged her back.

"I'm Avalyn." I said softly after she released me.

"I figured." She replied and looked at Nik before looking back at me.

"Please come in." She took my hand in her's and took me to her living room.

She made me sit besides her on a two- seat couch, making Nik take the couch opposite us.

That's when I got to actually look at her. She had shoulder length blond hair that were more white that

blond because of her old age. She had a relatively round face with brown eyes and thin lips lined with

red lipstick.

She looked nothing like me or mom. Of course she didn't, she wasn't?actually?my grandmother. Just

adoptive. But she brought up my mother like her own. I firsthand know that relationships aren't just

formed by blood. She is my grandmother and I'm her granddaughter. If she'd have me.

"You are mated to him?" Mary asked, giving Nik a snide look.

"Yes, I love him very much." I replied. She didn't like him?

"My poor girl." She said and hugged me again. I hugged her too and looked at Nik over her back,

raising my eyebrows in question. Why didn't she like him?

"She is not poor in any sense. I keep her happy and pampered." Nik said drily. I could feel his

annoyance through our bond.

Mary snorted, not deeming him enough for a reply.

She turned to me. "Tell me how have you been child? I -I thought you were dead." She had tears in her

eyes again.

I bit my lip. Should I tell her? She had the right to know. "No. The rogues didn't attack our pack as was

told. It was all Emmanuel's doing. Emilio and him kept me captive in our house as a slave for eight

years. Nik saved me." I said as I looked at Nik.

My saviour.

"Emmanuel?" Mary asked, her voice barely a whisper. She looked shaken.

"He gave me to his son, Emilio as a gift." I bit my lip. Her chin trembled and tears flowed down her


I tightened my hold on her trembling hands. "I'm safe now. I'm happy now grandma. Can I call you

grandma?" I asked softly.

"Oh, yes, of course, dearie." She wiped away her cheeks and looked at Nikolai in a new light. "Thank

you." She spoke, her voice shaky.

Nik only nodded. "There is something we need to ask." He spoke.

Mary looked at him and nodded. "Anything."

"Max said that Ava is a descendent of Faelern. And Fiona. And that she was cursed that she would die

giving birth to her child. Is that true?" Nik's face was blank, his side of the bond closed shut. He was

shutting himself out. He was hurting too.

"It is." Mary nodded, wiping more tears. "Fiona came to our dimension, asking Jerome and I for help."

She looked at me. "We couldn't have kids. I think, the moon goddess had greater plans for us. Fiona

begged me to take care of her child after her death. She already knew that we wanted a child and

weren't able to have one. And that we would love her child as our own. Maybe thats why she chose

us." She said, her eyes far away.

"I remember the day she came to me. She was all skin and bones. And the day she died giving birth to

Valerie. I had loved that child as my own since she was in Fiona's belly. And Fiona wanted her kid to

retain her heritage but also wanted to hide her from Faelern. He was bitter towards his child ever since

he knew she was pregnant because he knew it would kill Fiona. She told me to name the child Valerie

Aine James. Valerie means strong. Aine was for her heritage and James was for Jerome and I, so that

we could tell people that she was ours."

"Valerie was a lively kid and she was very powerful, just like her parents. There were times when she

got angry and no one could control her. She used to loose control on them and had hurt a lot of people.

It started getting difficult for us to control her too. People started noticing she was different. So I used a

spell on her. It took half of her powers and converted them into a wolf. That way, she would be able to

have a better control on her powers and when her age came, she would shift and no one could say she

wasn't our daughter. She got better at handling her powers and she stayed hidden from Faelern. It was

two birds with one stone."

"She grew older and shifted into a beautiful white wolf. All of us were happy. The pack's speculation

was gone too. But then she met her mate, Javier." There was a slight bitterness to her tone.

I frowned at that. Papa was the kindest and the best person I knew.

"Don't mind me dear. We liked Javier, we really did. But the pack was not very sure about having a

vampire as their Alpha. But Javier proved all of them wrong and won everyone's hearts. Its just—we

told him about the curse. But he still got Valerie pregnant. He should have been more careful. Valerie is

dead because of his one mistake." Tears spilled down her cheeks. "Not that you are a mistake," she

quickly added, "but my child could have been here." She cried harder.

"Papa loved her, you know?" Tears blurred my eyes. "And he missed her everyday. He didn't talk about

her a lot because it hurt him but he loved her. I?know?he did." I bit my lip.

I saw it in his eyes, the love for my mom, how he missed her. His eyes were sad, always sad. He

smiled and pretended to be normal in front of everyone, in front of me but there was a lingering Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

sadness in his eyes that never went away. He had pictures of her all around our home. He wanted me

to grow up seeing her. Everyday, on my birthday which was also her death anniversary, we would go to

her grave and give her flowers. He used to bring Emmanuel and Emilio with us too. We thought that

they were good people and papa thought Emmanuel was his best friend.

He used to send me back home with them and he used to sit at her grave for hours after that. He used

to sit there and cry. I know because I snuck out of my home and saw him there like that, shouting at

God Sol for taking his mate way. I ran to him and hugged him. That was the first time I had seen him

cry. Over anything. He used to stay back to properly mourn mamma. Because he wanted to stay strong

in front of me. He wanted to stay strong for me.

"He didn't get her pregnant deliberately. It was a mistake." I cried. "I killed her."

"Valerie loved you, Avalyn. It wasn't your fault." She was crying too. "You didn't kill your mother dearie.

Please never think that."

Suddenly, Nik had pulled me up, he sat on the couch and made me sit on his lap. His eyes bore into

mine. "You didn't kill your mother, Avalyn." His thumb caressed my cheeks, wiping my tears.?But she

died because of me.

I took in a deep breath and looked at Grandma. "Papa didn't kill her either, then." I whispered.

"I'm sorry I'm just being a protective mother. Jerome and I couldn't help but feel that way." She looked

down at her lap.

"It's alright." It was Nik who said that.?It wasn't fine. Papa didn't kill mamma.?"Is there any way we can

break the curse?" He asked.

Mary shook her head. "When Valerie got pregnant, I tried each and every spell but nothing worked. It

was put by a strong Fae. A witch's power is no match to their magic." She replied. "Are you pregnant?"

She asked me, her eyes wide.

"No." Nik replied for me. "And she never will be." He replied firmly. I bit my lip. I wanted a mini version

of Nik and I. But not like this. Not at the cost of making Nik go through what papa went through. I would

rather die than cause him even an ounce of pain.

"Good." Mary said, regaining her strength. "Now, I want to know why are they both still alive?" She

glared at Nik.

"They won't be for long." He replied.

"And how are you going to do it?" She asked him, sounding eager to know. She wanted revenge too.

"Those are internal matters of my pack. You will know after its done." He replied vaguely.

She nodded in understanding. Internal matters of a pack was always to be kept secret from outsiders.

"Do you want to have breakfast?" She asked kindly.

"No thank you, we have to go." Nik said and we both stood up.?

"Are you sure? I make the best coffee." She offered.

"Yes, we are sure, thanks grandma." I nodded in agreement to Nik's words.

"Alright. Let me know if you need help with anything. I'll be very happy to help." She said.

"Thank you, grandma." I said and hugged heras she squeezed me to her. "I'm so glad you are alive

dearie." She whispered in my ear.

"And I'm very glad I got to know about you." I smiled and released her.

"You have a home here anytime you want, okay? My doors are always open for you if anything

happens." She said, giving Nik a suspicious look.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled.

"Anytime." She said with a smile and walked us out.

"How are you feeling, Ava?" Nik asked once we were back in the car.

"I'm happy I got to know more about my mom." I replied. "But I didn't like that she thought papa killed

her." I confessed.

"I didn't either." He said. "But I understand where she is coming from. If I got you pregnant, I'll hate


I'll never let that happen.

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