The Lycan King

Chapter 80. Dungeons and Deals

Chapter 80. Dungeons and Deals


"Ple??please l-le-et me go....I wi-will give you anything y-you wa-want....t-take my pack i-if you want it."

Gonzalez begging pathetically.

"That pack was never yours to begin with. And there is nothing in this entire world that you can offer me

to let you fuckface go." I felt his bone crunch under the force of my punch. It was so loud that it vibrated

through my ears. I heard his scream, but it only fuelled my anger. It only pushed me for more.

Grabbing his hair, I pummelled his face over and over again. It had been two hours since I had started

beating the fuck out him. I could feel Dimitri's and Mikhail's gaze on me. They watched as I mercilessly

tortured him. They felt my fury, my wrath and they saw me as I completely lost it. They understood my

anger and didn't interfere. Coming in my way right now wouldn't end well. In the past two hours, I didn't

stop once, and nor did his screams.

My thirst for his blood has not been sated. The fury was still boiling inside of me, threatening to kill him.

But I was not done. I was not even close to being done. In fact, I was just starting. I was going to make

him bleed. He would pay in the most horrific way.

We had a?long?way to go until I would be anywhere near being satisfied. What Gonzalez didn't realize

was that I was just as deranged as him. I punched him again and his head snapped back before, falling

forward. He groaned in pain, his blood dripping all over him.

His cheeks were black and blue and his eyes were so swollen that he couldn't even open them

properly. His jaw had a cut deep enough to reveal his bone. And blood mixed with spit was pooling out

of his mouth, falling down on his body.

The only thing holding him up was the chain that attached the cuffs on his wrists to the bolt on the

ceiling. It gave me access to his entire body and he could move enough to give me satisfaction of

seeing him sway around under the power of my blows.

I picked up a dagger and trailed the sharp end down the side of his face, letting him feel the cool metal

without breaking his skin. I wanted him to be scared. I wanted him to feel his ever-looming death??

close but not quite here yet.

His eyes trailed the dagger as I lowered it down the side of his body and then finally plunged it in his

thigh. A scream tore through his mouth but after two hours of screaming, his voice was almost gone. I

pulled it out and Mikhail immediately stepped forward, pushing a towel against the wound to stop it

from bleeding.

I have only just started. I can't have him bleed to his death yet. It would be far too easy of a death for


"How does it feel, huh?" I sneered. "How does to feel to be on the receiving end?" My voice was filled

with hatred as I trailed the dagger over his chest, letting him feel the metal again.

His head rolled back and he was about to pass out again. The palm of my hand met his cheek with a

resounding crack, "don't you fucking dare."

He then had the audacity to glare at me. A harsh laughter left my lips. He could barely open his eyes

and here he was, challenging me.

I pressed the dagger a but harder, making a small incision and his gaze quickly lost all heat. There

were already multiple cuts and wounds on his body, I didn't want him to loose too much blood.

"Pl..plea-plea-se.." He whimpered. "Do..on-tt..."

"Is this how Avalyn begged you?" I growled in his face, holding his throat with my other hand. "You

didn't stop, then why should I?" I squeezed his trachea. His eyes widened when he felt the lack of air,

till he was suffocated.

I heard his heart skip a beat and his eyes rolling backwards. I released my grip just before he would

have passed out and then heard him take in a swoosh of breath.

"Remember this. Every breath you take is mine, every second you live, it is because of me. You are at

my mercy. Your worthless little life is mine. I can kill you in a second if I want. But I won't. I'm?never?

going to kill you." There was pure, unadulterated fear in his eyes. "I'm going to torture you every single

day of your miserable life you till shrivel up and die out of old age. Which will be centuries from now."

My voice was low and filled with vengeance, hatred, menace and promise. He knew. This life was

worse than death, worse than hell. I will do him worse than what Hades ever will.

And then I smelled the terrible stench. The fucker pissed himself.

Dimitri burst into a fit of laughter. A smile curved my lips. He was only now realising just how terrible we

were going to make his life.

I picked up the lighter and flicked it open and brought it right in front of his face, making him shut his

terror filled eyes. And then I took a lock of his floppy blond hand set it alight.

His ear piercing scream rocketed off the walls. " I'l-I'll d-do an-anyt--anythin-

anything.....p-plea-please.... I- I'm so..s-sorr-sorry."

I grinned, seeing it burn. I've always loved fire, more so after I found out that fire doesn't burn me. The

rest of his hair soon caught on fire and before I know it, all his hair fell off and the fire extinguished. The

skin of his skill was melting and I'm sure it will peel off soon too. His entire head was angry red which

third degree burn marks and boils all over. The whites of his eyes were turning redder by the second as

the blood rushed to his head.

His roar of screams bounced off the walls of the dungeon and pierced my ears. I smiled. This is just a

start. I'm going to break him. I'm going to break his?soul. All he will ever know is pain and misery.

Then his eyes slowly started dropping which meant he is about to faint.

"Water." I snapped my fingrr and Timothy, a guard, stepped forward and poured ice cold water with salt

in it?? to marinate his wounds.

"How is the makeover?" I asked.

"He looks prettier like this," Dimitri chuckled.

"I think he still needs a fist reconstruction of his face, Alpha." Mikhail too, chuckled. "Can I have a go?"

Mikhail asked.

I stepped back in reply and watched my brother take his turn, punching and kicking and breaking


I heard the crack of his rib and Gonzalez's scream echoed in the dungeon. "" Mikhail didn't

stop. His screams and wails filled the dungeon. It was music to my ears. The fucker deserved every

single thing he got.

I watched as my brother avenged his Luna. I watched as he took his anger out. My brothers were

almost as furious with Gonzalez as I was.

After about half an hour, my hands started itching to draw blood again. I stepped ahead and Mikhail

immediately stopped before stepping away, giving me wide girth.

I picked up the spiral knife from the cart and without waisting a second, I lodged it in his bicep, relishing

in the scream that filled my ears. I released my grip on the knife and held his face, my fingers digging in

his cheeks till he was looking at me with his teary eyes.

"Do you know why this knife is my favourite?" I asked and didn't wait for his answer, "it's because it's

the most painful. It makes all your blood rush to it, it makes it feel like you're on fire, I'm sure your arm

feels like it's going to fall off, isn't it?" I cooed. "But don't worry. It won't.?Yet."

He started crying. ""

I chuckled at his poor attempt at begging. "Beg me, Gonzalez. If I like it, I'll go a little easy on you."

"I -I'...I'" As the begged, all I could imagine was

Ava begging. The only image that came in my mind was Ava begging him to stop and him not stopping.

He was the face of her nightmare. I had seen how tortured she looked just in her sleep. And more

anger filled me, I couldn't see past it.

With a roar, I grabbed the knife and twisted it, hearing the sound his bones and muscles tanging and

mashing and the gushing of his blood. Another delicious scream ripped from his throat and my eyes

slid shut as I savoured it.?I fucking love it.

I know that the second I remove the knife, he will bleed enough to fall unconscious. He needs a break

of a few hours before I can continue again.

I stepped back. "Have your chance and mend him for me later. I'll be back in a few hours." I told Dimitri.

"Also, once Andrei comes back, let me know," I grunted before I turned around and left.

"Thank you for waiting for me, Love." I popped a kiss on Ava's cheek as I took my seat on the dinner

table. I knew Ava would be in the kitchen, preparing the meal so I had sneaked into the bathroom to

take a quick shower to get rid of the blood and smell. I didn't want her to see me like that. Just because

I'm a monster doesn't mean I need to show it to her.

"Welcome." She gave me a small smile. "Where are Dimitri, Andrei and Mikhail? I can't find Max and

Nat too." She sounded worried.

"They are busy." I replied. Max and Natalia are missing too? What the fuck is going on?

"Oh." She replied and then we began eating.

She wasn't really eating. She was just playing with her food. "What is it?" I asked.

"Did you kill him?" She whispered.

I pressed my lips together. I didn't know how to put it to her. I didn't know how to beat around the bush

so I decided to tell her directly. "I'm not going to kill him." I have plans for him. Which includes treating

him like he treated you.

"Y-you're not?" She stuttered in shock and I shook my head in response.

"I'm going to keep him captive till the rest of his life, at my mercy. No, not at my mercy. At my torture." I

have no mercy for people like him. "He will be like my... slave."

"Like he kept me."

"Yes." She shifted in her seat at my reply.

"Is there a problem?" I asked. If she did not like having him in her vicinity, even if he was tied up, I will

move him to the dungeon at the pack house. I've only kept him here for my convenience. So that I can

come back to her quickly after I was done and I wouldn't have to go back and forth too much.

"No." She pushed her plate back. "Please excuse me, I think I lost my appetite." And just like that, she

stood up and left the dining room.

She'll come around.

I finished my dinner and went to my office and worked for a couple of hours before I went back down to

the dungeon.

Dimitri, the fucker, was lounging on a beach chair placed in the corner, with his t-shirt missing and

wearing board shorts. He had drops of blood over his torso but he didn't care. He had a cooler on his

side and there was a beer bottle in his hand. He was fucking vacationing as he kept an eye on


"Having fun?" I snapped.

Dimitri grinned at me and tipped up his bottle, as if to say cheers. "Immensely. Wanna see something

fun?" And then he tossed the beer from his bottle on Gonzalez who was in the same spot I left him??a

few of feet away from Dimitri. His wounds looked a little better. Good. Now I can make new ones.

Just when the alcohol touched him, Gonzalez let out a whimper mixed with a groan and a sizzling

sound came out of his wounds and then the smell of his flesh burning.

"Never knew that a werewolf's wounds react to beer like that." Dimitri grinned like it was the most

fascinating thing ever. I rolled my eyes. He's a dumbass.

I spotted the bag I had ordered was placed in the corner.?Perfect. Now that I was done beating him up,

it was time to start his 'training'. I'm going to make him a slave. My personal bitch, my rag doll.

I snapped a finger at Timothy and he immediately stepped forward and released Gonzalez who

collapsed on the floor in a heap.

I took out a horrid dog leather collar that was specially coated with silver on my orders from the bag

and went ahead and tightened it around his neck. His skin sizzled again and he started choking a little.

"You are my slave from now on. Don't do as I fucking tell you and I will punish you raw." He had said

something similar to Ava the night we had met.

I took out the leash and attached it to the collar and yanked him just for the heck of it. He whimpered.

"Stand up." I hissed at him. He was on the floor, lying pathetically, not even having the decency to

stand up. I shall teach him how to show some respect.

I gave him a hard kick in the ribs and heard a satisfying crack.

"Arghh." He screamed.

"Stand up, slave." I ordered again and he hissed himself up. He was barely able to hold himself up.

I took out the cock cage in the bag. As ordered, it was the smallest one available. I grabbed his dick

and squeezed hard till he screamed.

Then I put the cage on, squishing him to fit it.

"P--pl..plea-pl...please." He groaned, his voice hoarse as tears fell down his cheeks.

I grabbed his throat and squeezed. "I'm going to break you, slave. I'm going to?shatter?you. So much

so that you will forget yourself. And all you will know is me??your new Master. For life." I hissed in his


Big, fat tears rolled down his swollen back and blue cheeks. "Ki-kill..m-me."

"Oh we have just started. And I'm not going to kill you. And no one will. If they do, they will be the one I

torture instead of you." I snarled, making sure the guards heard it too.

The word spreads fast and no one will dare do something as silly as killing him or freeing him.

"Kneel." I ordered as I took out the silver tipped whip from the bag.

Dimitri grinned when he saw it and opened another bottle of beer.

"There is one more inside." I grinned at him. Excited, he jumped to his feet before he took out the other

whip which had split ends that would hurt more. But it would heal because it wasn't silver tipped. The

marks that I will trace on his body will never fully heal. It will stay on his body for decades till they fade.

It will serve as a constant reminder to him. A reminder to not fucking mess with Ava and me.

We both stood on either side of him and started whipping the shit out of him, relishing his blood

spraying in the air with every lash.

His screams were non-stop. At one point, he lost his voice again. With every lash, with every drop of

blood spilt, with ever tear I drew, I felt like my soul lived again.

He was sleeping on the floor by this time on his front. Once his back was one big bloody mess, we

stopped. The entirety of his back was bleeding because we had stripped off his skin.

I kicked his side. He shifted a bit because of the momentum but then got back to his original position.

Dimitri tipped his almost full bottle of beer on him. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Gonzalez screamed and wiggled and thrashed on the floor as his skin burned and sizzled. A little

smoke rose in the air before the smell assaulted my nose. His red mass was turning a garish dark

brown colour.

"Water." I snapped my fingers.

Timothy came forward and poured salted water over him, for the third time tonight.

Emilio woke up with a scream.

"Welcome back to the world of living." Dimitri smirked.

He started sobbing on the floor, shaking his head like he was done.?Never!

I placed my shoe on his burnt head and he screamed, his entire face turned red too. I dug my shoes

further so his cheek was pressed against the cold ground and the other one was under my shoe.

"You are nothing but the dirt beneath my feet." I hissed. Blood spilled out of his mouth and his eyes

drooped shut again.

I took a step back.

"He is done for today. Mend him back for me by tomorrow morning." I looked at the poor excuse of a

werewolf passed out of the floor before I whirled around and walked out of the dungeon.

Hoping Ava wasn't in our bedroom, I quickly climbed up the stairs and entered our bedroom. She

wasn't here so I directly went in the bathroom and stood underneath the shower. I turned on the water

and waited till most of the blood was drained off of me and my clothes.

Having his blood on my body gave me a different sense of satisfaction. Like?I?was the one who spilled

his blood, just as I had promised to Avalyn. But then having his blood on me also made me feel dirty for

some reason. Like I'm letting someone who hurt Ava so much touch my skin. It made my skin crawl.

I felt a small hand touch my back. "Nikolai." Ava whispered.

I looked down and saw that the entirety of the white tiles inside the shower stall were red.

She took her hand off me. It was understandable. I wouldn't want to touch me if I were Ava either.

But then she rounded around me and turned the water from cold to warm. I had one hand on the wall

so she ducked down my hand and stood in between me and the wall. Her deep, chocolate brown eyes

started into mine. I felt a storm brewing inside me but she calmed me, she brought me a sense of


"You have a little... blood there." She raised her hand to clean my ear lobe and when she brought it

down, the water washed the blood away. She didn't look disgusted. Yet.

I just looked at her, unable to open my mouth. She held the hem of my t-shirt and pulled. I helped her

remove it from over my head. Then she undid by jean button and zip before she pushed it down, along

with my boxers. She kneeled down and I helped her remove it off my feet too.

She squeezed some body wash in a cloth before she washed me and I stood there, watching her as

she moved around me. I saw more blood mix with the water on the floor and then go down the drain. It

was pure torture. I couldn't fathom how she wasn't disgusted. I felt like if I moved, she would flinch

away from me, she would try to leave me. So I stayed still and let her do whatever she wanted to me.

She turned off the water and then dried me off with a towel. Then after drying herself too, she grabbed

my hand and pulled me out with her into the bedroom.

"I was waiting for you." She gently pushed me on the bed and I sat on the edge. "You didn't follow me


I looked into her deep brown eyes. "I did not know you wanted me to follow you."

"But you always do anyways." She straddled me. My hands automatically held on to her waist. Her long

brown hair formed a curtain around us, creating our own, private bubble. The strands that touched my

hand were now silver. Goddess, she's beautiful.

"I needed to work a bit. And then go back." I eyed my mark on her neck. The vein below it pulsed with

her heart beat.?Thump. Beat. Thump.?This?was the most favourite tune in the world, not Gonzalez's


"I needed you to be with me. To stay with me." Hurt pinched her face.

"I'm here now." Why is she upset? She should be happier, shouldn't she? We won. I have Gonzalez in

the palm of my hand. My eyes lowered as I wondered what could possibly making her upset and how I

can change that.

"Not really. You are only here physically."

"I'm here, Avalyn." My eyes snapped to hers.

Her finger traced my jaw lightly. I needed to shave. I don't know if she likes the stubble. Does she? "Tell

me, where are the kids? Max and Natalia? And Andrei?"

My jaw clenched. "Here somewhere." I said quietly.

"The kids are at the pack house. I figured that with Emilio here, I didn't want them staying here too.

Andrei is missing. Max and Natalia are trying to find him and they were helping me with pack work too."

Her fingers traced my lips.

I just stared at her. I still don't know what she wants.

"I want you to kill him. I don't want you to keep him alive." She said and placed her finger on my lips

before I could get a word out. "I?was the one who suffered because of him. But it's in the past. I can't

control it. But I?can?control my present and future. I don't want him around me, around you, around?

us. I just want you to kill him."

"I'm not done with him, Avalyn. I have plans for him."

"But?I'm?done with him." She curled a lock of my hair around her finger and pushed it away from my

forehead. "I'm sure that he deserves everything you do to him, but we don't. You don't. You are

torturing yourself along with him too. It's been hardly eight hours and I already hate seeing you like this.

Cold and impassive." For the life of me, I couldn't crack a smile.

"Kill him and come back to me, Nik. I miss you." She pressed a kiss on my forehead and my eyes slid

shut. I could feel her hurt and worry and anxiousness through our bond.

"He kept you captive and tortured you for?eight years. I haven't even had eight hours. I can't kill him

right now, Avalyn." I simply?can't. I need at least eight months. Eight years sounded better but looking

at Ava, I knew she wouldn't agree to it.

"Eight days, Nikolai." She pressed her lips together, "I'm giving you eight days, do your worst. But if you

haven't killed him by then, I'll kill him myself."

"We have a deal." I agreed.

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