The Lycan King’s Breeder

Say it

Chapter 25: Talon’s POV

I walked aimlessly around the castle. Fueling my anger with each thought that came to my mind. How dare she?

My angered legs led me to my chambers. Willow wasn’t there and somehow this increased my anger. Where was she? She should have been in our chamber waiting for me!

“Ah!” I roared, throwing a punch into the wall in frustration.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I didn’t even know why I was directing my anger at the thoughts of Willow. She did nothing wrong to me. She had tried to bear me a child but each time, she had miscarriages.

Was something wrong with me? Because it made no sense why my mate would constantly get pregnant and keep losing the babies!

Why was the goddess doing this to me?!

Why was she letting my enemies insult me so openly because of children?! I know it was important to have an heir but did I have to force nature?!

“Damn it!” I roared, trashing the lamp on the bedside table.

Maybe there was something wrong with me! Come to think of it, Sara had never checked me before. It had always been Willow. Maybe there was something wrong with me!

I summoned up courage and burst out of the office. I marched to the clinic with my hands fisted.

The maids and guards I passed, bowed respectfully as a sign of greeting but I cared less. I could barely even hear them, the noises in my head were loud enough for me.

I burst through the reception door and continued marching till I got to their corridor. Her office door was opened and so I entered and picked a chair for myself.

At this point, I was no longer angry. I was feeling dejected and helpless. If there was something wrong with me, what was the assurance that Avalyn wouldn’t go through the same thing willow faced?

“My King!” Sara squeaked in fear as she came out of the inner chamber and found me sitting on her patient’s chair.

She quickly bowed her head and stood still. “I didn’t know you were here… Why didn’t Greg tell me you’d be coming?” She hissed the last part more to herself than to me.

Sara wasn’t just a healer to me. She was there when my father was brutally snatched from my sister and me. She was there when Willow had her first miscarriage and I had to carry her to the clinic with blood on my hands. She was there when every single terrible thing happened to me -and her support hadn’t dwindled. She became family.

Her shoulders relaxed a bit as she took a step toward me but as I raised my head, she frowned.

“My king, is something wrong?” She asked.

I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. “I want you to run some tests on me. There’s something wrong with me, Sara,” I said, staring her dead in the eyes.

She adjusted the rim of her glasses and snatched up her stethoscope from the table and before I could stop her, she was already checking my heartbeat.

“My King, you are fine. What do you think is wrong with you?” She asked in a voice that dripped with worry.

I took a deep breath and brought my right arm to the table. “I want you to test my blood. Test my sperm. Test every damn fluid in my body. I want to know why Willow wasn’t ever able to keep a child…” My voice dropped at this point and pursed my lips.

“Maybe we will have the same problem with Avalyn… I need to know now,” I whispered.

It took Sara five seconds to figure out what was worrying me. She took down her stethoscope and moved to her seat on her chair. “My king, I have already done tests on you. Multiple tests. You are very fine. Even the queen is very fine… The only reason we suggested a breeder was because we feared her womb lining might have become too thin because of all the babies she has lost. Not because something is wrong with either of you…”

She adjusted her glasses and placed her hand over mine. “You can keep trying with the Queen, there is a high probability that she might take in again…”

My heart felt heavy in my chest as I pulled my hand out of her reach. She made it seem like it was a minor thing and there was no big deal -yet I was getting insulted by my council!

“Do you have any idea why Willow keeps losing the babies? Have you been able to find anything? Maybe the food she eats or drinks… There has to be something…”

“Well, I can’t say because we never tested any of the waste tissue,” Sara said and my frown deepened. “And that’s the only way we could have truly known what went wrong because her body was in perfect condition! It baffled me each time it happened but we can’t question the goddess. Let’s forget about the past-”

“For us to forge a better future we will have to poke into the past,” I growled, interrupting her. “Why didn’t you ever test the tissues?”

Sara dropped her eyes to her hands -which she had folded on the table.

“I was only following the Queen’s requests. She said it was going to be too traumatic. The pain of losing her child was enough,” Sara said in a low voice.

As much as I wanted to sympathize with Willow, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

“Why the hell would she say that without my consent?” I roared.

“I am sorry King, I thought it was a collective decision…” Sara replied.

“Damn it!” I hissed, hitting the table slightly. There was no point being here. I got up from the chair and made to leave but stopped halfway and pointed a finger at her.

“Make sure this doesn’t happen with Avalyn!” I gritted out before stepping out of her office.

She mumbled something behind me but I paid her no attention. My legs once again took the lead and moved me out of the clinic.

There was only one place in mind that he could go and that was Avalyn’s room.

Without knocking, I burst through the doors and the two girls shrieked out in fear.

They were on the bed going on about something but the moment I stepped in, my presence made them freeze.

“My -king!” They chorused, rushing to their feet

Dawn was the first to stand and bow her head while Avalyn went pale with fear. She slowly got up too and my eyes strained on her.

She was the answer to all of my problems. Willow was right. I would have to pour as much of my seed into her to make her have my child. One time wasn’t going to cut it.

The image of her beautiful wet body in the garden flashed through my head and my cock throbbed. The desire blended with the troubles in my mind and it fed my lust.

I wanted Avalyn right this instant.

“Leave us,” I growled while still watching Avalyn. Dawn nodded before scurrying out of the room.

I waited until the door closed before walking up to Avalyn who still had her head staring down at her fingers.

Two of my fingers went underneath her chin and I raised her head so she was looking into my face but she closed her eyes.

“Look at me!” I ordered and her eyes fluttered open.

The fear in her eyes slowly dispersed into another emotion I couldn’t put a finger on but whatever it was, my body craved to taste her.

Without giving much thought to it. I crashed my lips over hers, kissing her till we were both breathless. It felt like all of my pain and worries vanished the more I kissed her.

My free hand slipped to her waist and I pulled her even closer as I deepened the kiss. My tongue snaked into her mouth and I sucked as much of her sweetness as I could.

My cock was burning to be let free but my brain was more selfish. I wanted Avalyn in every way I could get her.

My lips left hers and I trailed kisses up her neck as my fingers massaged her hair. I felt her weight leaning on me and I directed her to the bed.

My canines emerged from my mouth and I grazed the softness of her skin. Enjoying the way she shivered under me.

I tore open the t-shirt she had on and moved my kisses to her chest. I focused on her beautiful mounds as they rose and fell in anticipation.

“Hmmm… My king-” she whimpered as she bit down on her lip, watching me move above her.

“It’s Talon,” I growled.

Her beautiful green eyes sparkled with a glow as she stared into my eyes in confusion. My fingers went to her right nipple and I squeezed gently, watching the way she arched and squeezed her eyes at the burst of pleasure that flowed through her.

I wanted her to say my name. I wanted her to moan it out loud.

My fingers on her nipple squeezed harder and she clutched the edge of the bed as she cried out. But I wasn’t done yet.

My free hand went to her wet folds. I pushed her undergarment to the side and without warning, I thrust two of them deep inside of her.

“My king!” She cried out.

I pushed my thumb to clit and stopped moving my fingers within her.

“Talon…” I whispered and her eyes fluttered open again. “That’s my name… Say it!” I ordered.

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