The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94


I felt like I have found the reason for my uneasy feeling.

I wasn’t too shocked that Fredo had mutated. It was very obvious that he would end this way.

I was not even surprised that Fredo was hidden away in this hall. I didn’t see him outside so seeing him here didn’t come as a shock.

“You must be very happy now?” Fredo said nonchalantly, “I saw everything that happened outside.”

“What did you do to my children?” I ignored his question and asked one of my own.

All his words weren’t entering my brain.

I was just occupied with my pups’ eyes.

What had these vampires done to them?

I was worried.

Seeing their red eyes caused my heart to go into panic.


“Don’t go into panic just yet. You should savor every bit of the pain.” Fredo continued as he walked towards us with the pup in his arms. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you stu pid?” My anger finally erupted and I levelled my fiery eyes at him. “You made bad decisions and I am supposed to take the blame for those actions?”

“Which bad decisions are you referring to?” Fredo turned to Dante. “This is the Lycan that impregnated you right? No wonder you chose to escape.”

I wanted to smack Fredo awake.

He was trapped in his own views and he refused to accept any other contrasting opinions.

“You mo ron!” I growled as I flashed my claws.

I didn’t need Dante to act, I was up to the task.

Besides, I wanted to knock some sense into Fredo.

I cut the surface of my skin open and blood cloaked

my claws.



The blood gave off a blue light in the dim hall.

“I have always wanted this. At least, dying in your arms is satisfactory.” Fredo said before he dropped the pup in his arms.

He approached me menacingly.

His words made me recoil in disgust.

Fredo seemed to be more deranged. When I saw him last, his situation was still on the better side of the scale.

We met in a frontal clash.

I had the advantage my blood granted me. After a few moments, I was pushing Fredo

into a corner.

I frowned.

I had noticed something strange.

The battle between 1 and Fredo shouldn’t be this easy.

He was giving in to me.

I stopped my actions.

My expression was stoic, “You want to die.”

I wasn’t asking him a question, I was just stating the facts I knew.

“You should have me as a reward for your correct assumption. Too bad I want to die.” His expression took on a serious hue, “Moreover, there isn’t anything left for me beside dying.”

“There is.” I said through gritted teeth. “You are going to get something that is so much worse than dying.”

I did not tie Fredo up.

He would not be able escape anyway. I and Dante was watching his every move.

Besides, I don’t think Fredo had any intention to run away.

I knelt down beside my pups.

As soon as I knelt beside them, the three of them looked at me carefully.

“Mama.” Silver junior called out and the two boys followed.

My heart warmed from their call and tears stung my eyes.

The tears threatened to fall but I blinked rapidly to stop it.

I held Silver Junior in my bosom.

“Mama had implicated you.” I managed to force out through a sobbing voice.

A huge weight seemed to have settled on my heart.

“I want to see how you will treat your children when they turn into what you have dedicated yourself to destroy in this war.” Fredo commented.

I didn’t look at him and I did not give him any reply.

He was not worth it.

All Fredo wanted was for me to be miserable.

“Dante, please help me carry Sky and Rain. Let’s go outside.” I said to Dante before walking out of the hall.

Fredo followed behind me. He did not have the guts to attempt escape.

Dante would tear him to shreds.


When I knelt down beside my children, I could feel the temperature of the hall drop to a freezing point.

Below the surface of that freezing aura hid the bloodthirsty hunger for death and blood.

Dante’s reddish purple eyes followed my action before he scooped the two kids into his


His muscles was filled with power and danger. Still, when he had the pups in his arms, the dangerous feeling he exuded faded and it was replaced by a soft aura.

I was confused by the phenomenon that happened to my pups and the moon goddess was my go-to if I ever have any confusion regarding anything.

I did not want to contact the moon goddess in a place that housed the statue of her rival go d.

I could have tried to destroy the statue or something but I didn’t have the energy.

I didn’t want to remain in the hall for another extra second.

The war had already reached an unsurprising end. There wasn’t any vampire alive in

the battlefield anymore.

Sadie stayed in the exact same position I left her.

Dante glanced at her with a piercing gaze, “What is she doing alive?”

“Let us keep her alive for longer.” I said to him as I walked

past her.

Dante stopped walking,”Why? Are you considering your years of friendship now?”

His words hurt me.

I stopped my trek as well and I faced him.

“What do you mean by that statement? I wanted to keep her alive so I could torture her for her sins. Your words is hinting at something I don’t like.” I snapped.

He was tensed but so am I.

This terrible war, losing my kids and dealing with my pups’ mutation was enough to drive me crazy.

I would not deny that Dante had been there for me all the way. He had been supporter.

Still, I did not appreciate his words.

my silent

“Oh.” His tense expression softened, “I am sorry for jumping into conclusion quickly. I was just blinded by anger.”

“Apology not accepted. I want something more sincere from you.” I joked after seeing him realize his mistake.


This was one of the many reasons why I felt Dante was the best fit for me.

He didn’t prolong the argument and he apologized when he discovered his blunder.

Some males would stick to their flawed opinions even if they realized their wrong.

Dante smiled, “Don’t worry, I will make sure to surprise you with my sincerity later.”

“I thought you said you would spare me?” Sadie questioned aggressively after hearing the explanation I gave Dante.

I rolled my eyes, “I said I would spare you and you believed me? If you were in my shoes and I did the same thing you did to me, would you even keep me alive till this moment? Besides, I am sparing you from an early death.”

Sadie was sounding like she was entitled so I had to help her see the light quickly.

that aside from the threat those bloodstained ropes posed to her, she still

harbored the thoughts of freedom.

I wanted to laugh in scorn but I had better things to do.

I found a quiet place and sat down.

I closed my eyes.

I tried to establish a contact to the moon goddess with all my heart and soul.

I wanted to know if my pups’ red eyes would affect them negatively.

I fought this war with my family at the forefront of the important reasons I refused to let Daemon have his way.

The rest of the werewolf world came second.

I don’t want to win this war and then, lose my kids in return.

It would be a loss for me.

I felt something change and I opened my eyes.

I thought the moon goddess brought me to her white space. I was mistaken.

I still remained in my sitting position with Silver Junior in my bosom.

A beautiful and ethereal woman had appeared before me.

Everyone on the battlefield gasped before going silent.

I did not care for their shock.

“Moon goddess, my pups had mutated. I don’t know what Daemon and the vampires did to them. Will this affect them?” I asked with my heart in my throat.

The moon goddess looked at Silver junior and then, she stared at Rain and Sky.

“Daemon didn’t want them to have a normal mutation. He wanted to crate beasts.” The moon goddess began, “Their mutation is dangerous but if they are able to overcome it themselves, it would train their will and boost their prowess.”

Her explanation brought me on a rollercoaster ride.

My heart dropped when I heard that their mutation was dangerous. My heart settled a little when I heard about the result they would achieve if they overcame the mutation.

This misfortune turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

“Do you want to leave the mutation or do you want me to remove it? Removing the mutation might cause harmful side effects to them because their bodies have already assimilated with the powers Daemon imbued in the mutation.” The moon goddess laid out the options.

I couldn’t bear to hurt them in any way.

Both ways had pain involved. It is just that one path have benefits at the end of the pain while the other path did not.

I took a deep breath in and exhaled softly.

“Leave the mutation.” I finally decided on the way to go.

The moon goddess smiled before she nodded.

Her figure faded into light blue dots that disappeared into the darkening sky.

For some reason, Fredo’s previous words came to my mind.

I would not lie, I had despised the werewolves that had mutated.

It turned out that my pups would get a mutation too.

Unlike those werewolves that gave in to their greed, I would raise my pups to be better people.

They would not become the kind of people those werewolves was.

Dante came to sit next to me.

He handed Sky to me before he drew all of us into his arms.

“Thank you.” I said as I looked at him.

Dante nuzzled my head. His hot breaths tickled my forehead.

“I said there is no need for thank yous between us. Have you forgotten?” Dante chided softly.

He didn’t ask me what the thank you was for.

I did not know what the thank you was for either. I just knew that I wanted to appreciate


“Dante.” I called sweetly.

Dante hummed in reply.

His humming caused a shiver to ripple through me.

A red cloud appeared on my cheeks.

I continued, “When we are done, let’s go home.”

“Yeah,” Dante echoed my words, “Let’s go home.”

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