The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Chapter 44


My mind was spinning like a top as I rushed Freya to the hospital. When I got out of the house with Freya in my arms, I must have resembled a mad man because of how badly I was freaking out. I had tried to wake her up but she was out cold and refused to respond no matter how hard I tapped her or shook her. I would have thought she was dead based on her lack of response if not for the steady rise and fall of her chest. I tried to focus on that to remind myself that she was alive.

We were a good distance away from the pack and I prayed to every deity listening that she would be fine. I would not be able to live with myself if anything were to happen with her and I knew that everyone would bear the brunt of my anger. Freya was the better one between us and if anyone deserved to die then it was me. She deserved to live and she deserved to be happy.

I was furious that she did not tell me where she was going. I had gone to the room expecting to see her only to see the window open and she was missing. I knew she had gone out that way and when I saw the CCTV footage, I was proved to be right. I found the letter on the floor under the bed and the only reason I saw it was because! dropped my phone in anger. I assumed wind pushed it there and when I realized where she went, I grabbed everyone I could and I followed after her.

Her words echoed in my head and I found it hard to believe that she had said those words. Was it her delirium talking or did she actually mean it? I almost didn’t want to believe that someone could choose to love me despite everything that she had been through at my hands.

“She will be fine,” Aiden said from the driver’s seat and I risked a glance at him.

He had his eyes fixated on the road and he was flooring the gas like his life depended on it. I couldn’t bring myself to drive because I wanted to have Freya in my hands. I wanted to be able to

hold her in the possibility that- I refused to think about it. Kiara was in the front seat with Aiden because I couldn’t leave her with anyone else. I didn’t want her to see her mother like this but there was no one I trusted more than Alden and he was the only one I could be vulnerable around.

As if she understood the tension in the car, Kiara stayed completely silent. When I found her running around in the woods looking terrified, my heart broke. She looked so much smaller than I remembered and she had a huge bruise on her cheek. As soon as she saw me, she broke down in tears and threw herself in my arms. I felt a tear slip down my face as I held her close to me. Through her tears she managed to explain what was happening and where Freya was. I barely had time to make sure she was safe in the car and guarded before I rushed to get Freya


back to safety but I was too late.


Chapter 44

Aiden pulled up in front of the hospital in a record ten minutes. I was applying pressure on Freya’s wounds to staunch the bleeding and I had been monitoring her breathing like a hawk. It was weaker but it was still there so I took it as a victory. I carried her bridal style and rushed into the hospital. Someone had alerted the nurses to my arrival because they were already waiting with a bed.

I placed her on it and the doctors began to wheel her away. I didn’t want to let her go but I knew I had to sol grabbed one of the doctors by the collar. “If she dies, then you die too.”

He swallowed and disappeared into the waiting room with the other doctors. I left to grab Kiara as well because my daughter needed to be checked out. She wrapped her arms around my neck and

buried her face into my chest. One of the nurses approached me and she tried to take Kiara from me but Kiara refused to let go of me.

“I’ll hold her while you check over her.”

I took Kiara to the pediatric ward and held her in my arms while she was checked all over. It broke my heart to have to see her like that but I knew it was a good distraction from Freya who was currently being operated on. The doctors told me that she had been starved and dehydrated and she barely had anything in her system. Seeing as she was still young and was yet to shift, her injuries would heal very slowly.

I asked if there was anything I could do to help like donate blood because I had heard that lycan blood can make a person heal faster but the doctors told me that it would do more harm than good because her system was not developed yet. I was furious and I was pissed and I knew that I was going to take my precious time making sure that Dana and Cressida died very slowly.

Once the nurse was done cleaning up Kiara, she handed her a juice box which Kiara hesitated before taking. I mind linked Aiden while she was being catered for to bring some food for her and Aiden arrived just as soon as she was done being cleaned up.

I had gotten us a private room and Aiden smiled at her softly before leaving to handle other things. I knew no one would disturbius so I reluctantly detangled Kiara from my body so she was seated upright on the bed and the tray of food was in front of her. Aiden had brought oats and fruits and I saw Kiara eye it hungrily.

“It’s for you,” I told her softly. “You don’t have to wait before you eat.”

“Thank you,” she whispered with a broken voice.

“Kiara, how were you taken?” I asked and she paused all her actions. “I know it is scary to think about but I need to know what happened to you.”

“The big guys sair that mummy was looking for me,” she sniffled softly. “I followed them and we went outside and the mean lady came out and she killed the big guys and I tried to call you but you didn’t answer. The mean


Chapter 44


woman said you didn’t want to answer.” C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

I moved closer to her and cupped her cheek gently. “I would never ignore you. I wasn’t home and I am so sorry that I wasn’t home but I would never leave you to be hurt. I am so sorry that happened to you.”

She sniffled and I pressed a ki*s to her forehead. “I need you to eat so that you can be healthy for mummy. Okay?”

She ate without hesitation after that and the moment she was done, she started to drift off to sleep. She refused to sleep unless I was holding her and I held her as close as possible so she could feel safe. It didn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep and I didn’t want to let i of her.

There was an unfamiliar feeling in my chest and I couldn’t identify it. It felt like fear but also like anticipation and I could not think of what I had to anticipate. The only thing that was keeping me from losing my shit in the hospital was my daughter and the fact that she was sleeping peacefully in my arms.

Aiden returned while I was waiting for the doctors to give me an update on Freya. He tried to take Kiara from me presumably to return her to the palace but I stopped her. I knew for a fact that if she woke up without seeing me or Freya then she would freak out and I didn’t want that to happen. I also did not want her away from me.

“I’m fine,” I told Aiden simply and he saw through my words and the lack thereof because he nodded and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“Both of them will be fine,” he told me and I tried to believe him but I couldn’t. “She is still young, she will forget this. She will be happy and she will never be hurt again. I can watch her personally from now on.”

“We will figure that out when Freya is safe.”

Aiden nodded and took a step back. “Dana and Cressida are in the dungeons and they will be there until you are ready.”

My lip curled up cruelly as I thought of all the things I would do to them once I was able to. hated hurting women and children but they decided to hurt my family first and I know I am not a good man and I know that my family deserves better than a man with blood on his hands but those bloody hands will never be turned towards them and I can promise that.

A lesser man would be unsure about holding his daughter with hands that had taken lives but I knew that she was as safe as she could be in my hands. There was no way and no place where she could be safer than with me.

The doctor approached and I turned to him. He had taken off his gloves but I could see traces of blood on his arms. I knew that if I got any form of bad news then I was going to lose my shit- Kiara in my arms or not.


Chapter 44

He stopped in front of me and let out a deep sigh. “Your mate is safe and she is awake. She is asking for you.”


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