The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Neither Jaxon nor I could fall asleep all night. We both lay under the covers trying to delude each other into thinking we were sleeping but I think a part of us knew the other person was awake. There was too much at stake for us to just fall asleep.. This was Alpha Noxian and although on the surface he seemed to be carefree and unbothered, I could tell that there was a sense of darkness and brutality lurking beneath his skin. By the time the sun came up, I gave up pretending and sat up in bed. I felt Jaxon tense up behind me but he did not move. I knew he was aware of my every move and he wanted to see how I was going to react. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I had hoped that a long shower would help me relax but all it did was plague my mind with more thoughts. By the time I got out of the bathroom, Jaxon had finally risen from the bed. We stared at each other without moving for what felt like hours but in reality was just a few minutes. Within those few minutes, we showed each other how we really felt about the situation. I allowed him see my fear and apprehension and I was shocked when I saw the exact emotions mirrored in his gaze. As quickly as it started, it stopped and we were back to our usual selves. He walked past me to take a shower but made sure to press a kiss to my.temple before disappearing. While he got ready, I decided to go into the kitchen. I knew the maids were probably about to start breakfast but I wanted to do it myself because cooking always helped me relax. The maids did not hesitate to give me my space. In fact, as soon as the words left my lips, they nodded and excused. themselves. They had always respected me but this felt different As I thought about it. I realized that every single guard had kept a respectable distance from me. I did not know that officially mating with Jaxon would have such a drastic change but I should have expected it- he is the Alpha king. I busied myself in the kitchen and ended up making more food than I should have. I made breakfast burritos, banana chocolate chip muffins, fresh fruits and blueberry smoothies. I didn’t realize how much I had made until I was done and staring at the massive dishes. I decided to take them all and set the table.

I was doing that when I felt a presence in the room. I knew it was Aiden so I didn’t bother to turn. When I was done setting my back the table. I turned around and saw that he was standing much closer to me than expected. I jumped and almost hit against the table but his hand shot out and stabilized ine. He at least had the decency to shoot me a sheepish smile. “Stop sneaking up on me,” I warned as I placed my hand over my chest to calm my racing heart. “What are you doing here?” “I smelled food,” he said as if it was the simplest thing in the world and I rolled my eyes. “I was also looking for Jaxon. Do you know where he is? I checked his office and his mind link is closed off.” “I’m here,” I turned to see Jaxon standing by the door with a sleepy Kiara in his arms. He made his way over to us and I took Kiara from his arms so that he could talk to Aiden. She mumbled a few unintelligent words but I didn’t even bother trying to decode them. If it was important then she would repeat it after she had woken up properly. I placed her in her chair and waited until I was sure she wouldn’t sway and fall off before I took a step back. “Are you hungry?” I asked and she nodded so I handed her a smoothie first. I glanced over at Jaxon and saw that he was in a heated conversation with Aiden. “We can start eating, daddy might be a while.” Aiden and Jaxon did not return until Kiara and I were almost done eating. Just by looking at their faces, I knew that whatever they had spoken about was heavy and serious. I shot Jaxon a questioning look but he assured me with his eyes that he would tell me later. I knew he would so I did what we did best and I pretended. I kept on a smile for Kiara and acted like things were not potentially falling apart. If I couldn’t control things, I would control what she knew. By the time we were done with breakfast, Aiden led Kiara away by telling her that Nadia was around. I was grateful for that KIPS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, C5 & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI FEATURES O

ENROLL NOW! < 11:15 Sat, May 18 M. Chapter 54 because it meant that she would be oblivious to what was happening. What made things worse was that her birthday was in a few days and because of how hectic things were, I doubted she would be able to have a proper birthday celebration. “Noxian is being deliberately frustrating about the video meeting.” Jaxon said once we were alone and I turned to him. “He refuses to give a direct response on whether or not he wants the meeting to be over video.” “What are we going to do? If we asked again maybe he would respond or we could try giving him something he likes. If we gave some incentive-” “No,” he turned to me with a bewildered look. “Freya, we are in charge here. Do you realize the power that you hold in your hands right now? You have way too much power to be thinking about how to plead “Ith someone that unimportant.” I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. “There is no reason why you should be bothered by this. He does not have the upper hand in this situation. He cannot attack us, he does not have the manpower or the stupidity to attempt it. It is in his best interest to do as we asked. It I just annoying that he is taking so long to respond.” I was silent for a second because I had never thought about it that way. Despite living in the palace for so long, I was yet to see myself as powerful. For the longest time I had been an omegn and after that, I had been at the mercies of the humans. For so long. I had been at the bottom of the food chain. Now that I was finally at the top, I did not know how to act like it. “Did you give him a deadline?” I asked once I had found my voice and Jaxon nodded. “What happens if he doesn’t respond by then?” “He will, he assured me. “Noxian likes power, he craves it. He knows he isn’t in control here and his desire to speak to you seems to outweigh his common sense or he would have never sent that

letter in the first place. He is probably just waiting until the last minute as a power play I didn’t know anything about power plays or these kinds of things and for once. I was grateful that Jaxon grew up the way he did. He knew how to handle these sides of ruling that I probably would never be able to in my entire life. Jaxon must have sensed my train of thought because he sighed. Everything will be fine Freya, believe that.” I tried to believe it- I really did, but the longer I waited without Hearing from Noxian, the more anxious I became. I baked three different cakes for no reason except for the fact that I was completely stressed out and I rearranged the entire room from top to bottom. I was in the middle of flipping the mattress when Jaxon walked into the room. He took it in and turned to me with a raised brow. All I could do was offer him a sheepish smile in response and go back to what I was doing. I heard him mutter a few words under his breath before making his way over to me. I pretended like I didn’t notice his presence and focused on the bed that I was making when all of a sudden, he pulled the sheets out of my hands. “I was using that,” I grumbled but he ignored me and finished making the bed by himself. Anytime I tried to help, he would gently slap my hand away and do the work himself. By the time he was done making the bed, he held out his hand to me. I didn’t know what he intended but I knew I could trust him so I allowed him take my hand. I expected him to lead me outside the palace but to my shock, he led me down the halls towards his office. He opened the door and gestured for me to walk in first. He didn’t lock the door behind him or anything, he just sat on his chair and gestured for me to walk over. I did albeit slowly and as soon as I was within arm’s reach, he pulled me into his lap. Flet out a gasp but he made no move to show that he heard me. I waited for him to speak but he simply pulled up his laptop in front of him and began to work. I was stunned for the first minute and all I could do was open and close my mouth repeatedly because I could not form words. “What are you doing?” I said once I had finally found my tongue and he took his time in responding to me.

KIPS VIRTUAL ||| ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI FEATURES O ENROLL NOW! < OX N 11:15 Sat, May 18 17 M. Chapter 54 “You’re spiraling and I can’t stay with you because I’m working so you can stay with me instead.” I opened my mouth to protest but closed it with a sigh. “You don’t expect me to sit on your lap all day, do you?” “No, there’s a couch if you get tired,” I crossed my arms over my chest and raised a brow. He finally turned away from his work to look at me. “Aiden is going to be here any minute to set up the online meeting with Noxian.” “He responded?” “I told you he would. All you had to do was be patient.” As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Aiden made his way inside holding a large and rather old looking laptop Jaxon cleared his table for Aiden to place it there and he started setting up everything they would need. “Why not use the normal laptop? This looks like it has been around for ages,” I asked. “It’s a precaution in case he tries to hack into it to get our important files.” Aiden explained and he took a step back then turned the laptop to face Jaxon and I. There was a small circle that showed that it was connecting. Suddenly, there was a loud sound like a beep and right there in the centre of my screen was the man I never thought I would have to see again- Noxian. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

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