The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Three days felt like a lifetime. I was eagerly waiting for the third day to find out what Jaxon had planned. I tried to find out from him where we were going but he refused to say a word and was being incredibly tight lipped about it. He was so busy during those three days, trying to make sure things would be fine while we left for a few days and making sure that everything was right with Noxian. For a while. I wondered if leaving was the right thing and I started to convince myself that we should just stay but Jaxon was quick to convince me that everything was fine. The only reason agreed was because he had been looking a little weak in the past few days. He was fatigued easily and he looked like he was carrying the weight of the entire world on his shoulders, I tried my best to relieve him of some of the stress on his shoulders but nothing seemed to be working. T I spoke to Aiden about my concerns and he assured me that he would make sure Jaxon didn’t work late. He kept to his promise but Jaxon still looked tired and stressed and I figured it was more of a mental thing than a physical thing which was why I packed all our bags yesterday and as soon as morning came, I felt like I was floating in the air. Jaxon just laughed when he saw how eager I was and told me to be ready by noon because that was when we were leaving. Kiara was just as excited as I was. She kept trying to find out where we were going and I thought for sure that Jaxon would tell her but he remained tight lipped. I wasn’t sure if the drive was going to be a long one but I dressed her in comfortable grey sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. I put her hair in a low ponytail and after a lot of begging from her, I added a bow to it. I was dressed similarly in beige sweatpants and a matching cropped hoodie. We were ready long before noon but at twelve on the dot, Jaxon walked into the room with a few guards trailing behind him. They piled our bags into a car and I put Kiara in her car seat before getting in front with Jaxon. He looked tired but somehow better than he had in the past few days. “Are you going to tell me where we are going now?” I asked and be shook his head. “We are on our

way right now, why can’t you just tell me?” “If I tell you then it is no longer a surprise,” I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off and glanced at Kiara through the mirror. “Don’t you think mummy should wait for the surprise?” She nodded eagerly and I muttered the word traitor under my breath then folded my hands over my chest and leaned back into the chair. We drove for a few minutes and 1 did not recognize where we were going until we got to the airport. My brows rose but Jaxon simply winked at me. I had never been to this part of the pack before and if I was being honest, I didn’t even know there was an airport in the pack. A few soldiers walked up to the car and helped us wheel the boxes into the airport. We didn’t go through any checks, we were just led into a part of the airport where I noticed a jet standing. My mouth fell wide open and I turned to Jaxon with wide eyes and shock written all over my face. Kiara who was in his arms looked just as shocked as I was. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. “You have a jet,” I said to Jaxon and he smiled. “Why didn’t I know that you had a jet?” “I don’t have a jet,” I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. “We have a jet.” I could not form any words even as we were led into the jet. It was a large sleek white jet and the inside was even better than the outside with pristine white seats and an interior that seemed like any interior designer’s wet dream. Jaxon had a tight grip on my hand as he led me towards one of the seats. He made sure I was seated next to him while Kiara was opposite us “Would you have preferred this as a surprise or if I told you?” Jason asked in a teasing tone and I lightly hit his shoulder which made him laugh. “We should land in a few minutes. It is a long ride but I don’t have the energy to drive that far.” “Cand at least know where we are flying to?” 1/3 KIPS VIRTUAL 川 ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI

FEATURES O ENROLL NOW! OX t 11:15 Sat, May 18 M. Chapter 56 “My family’s vacation house.” 40%4 He did not say a single word after that because two air hostesses came up to us. They were dressed in a beautiful beige suit and the first girl looked like a complete angel as she plastered on a smile on her face as she bent down next to Kiara and took her order. Strands of her blond hair had come out of her bun and she brushed them away with a small smile. Kiara looked flustered but she spoke to her and the girl was very encouraging. I did not like the vibes coming off the other girl. Her black hair was in a braid down her back and her green eyes looked bored. She practically looked over me and turned to Jaxon. I did not like the look she had in her eyes and she reminded me of the girl from the green house. I exhaled sharply and gritted my teeth to stop me from saying anything I would regret. “Is there anything you would like sir?” she asked with a bat of her eyelids and a stunning smile. “We are fully stocked and if you are hungry then I could get you a snack.” Jaxon pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation and laid his head against my shoulder. “Tell my mate whatever you have, she will order for me.” My eyes widened in shock because I was not expecting that response. The hostess seemed shocked as well because her mouth fell open but she quickly hid it and turned to me. The smile she shot me was strained and she looked annoyed, like she would rather be doing anything instead of speaking to me but she did as Jaxon had asked. By the time I had ordered for both of us, she practically rushed away. I turned to Jaxon ready to ask but he placed a finger on his lips to indicate silence and I was too stunned to even argue with him. The nice hostess returned first with a juice box for Kiara and a plate of food. She told Kiara to call

her if she needed anything else then disappeared. By the time the second hostess came, I was just about ready to throw someone out of the plane. She had undone the first two buttons of her shirt to display a lot of cleavage. She also added an extra sway to her hips but she frowned when she noticed that Jaxon had his eyes closed and was leaning on my shoulder but it didn’t stop her. “Your order, sir,” she said in the most seductive voice she could muster. Jaxon opened his eyes and sat up straight. He took one long look at her which she deemed as appreciative because she puffed out her chest even more. Jaxon turned to me with a raised brow and all I could do was shrug because I had no idea what to say. She leaned over to place his tray in front of him trying to give him an eyeful of her breasts but he didn’t look away from me once. This seemed to anger her because she dropped my tray a little too hard on the table and the glass of wine spilled. Thankfully it didn’t spill on me but I was pissed. She didn’t even look apologetic, she had a cruel smile on her face as she dabbed at the stains on the table. I ran my hands down my face in order to stop myself from saying something I would regret. Kiara was watching everything with wide eyes and nobody planned on saying anything but that was until she tried to leave without apologizing. I was going to let it slide but Jaxon did not have the same conviction because he called her back. She had a small smile on her face because she thought he was calling her for something else. “Yes sir?” she asked as she made her way back to us. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” “Are you always this disrespectful?” he asked and her mouth gaped like a fish. “Or is it the fact that you are so blinded by your own selfish wants?” I don’t understand,” she began and in that moment she didn’t look like the confident hostess, she looked like a scared little girl who was being scolded by a teacher. I didn’t want her around me anymore so I cut in. “What he’s saying is that you’re fired.” Her eyes widened and she fell to her knees at my feet. I was so shocked by the drastic change in behavior. If someone asked me I would have bet that she would have walked away with her head high but she begged me to reconsider. I glanced at 23

KIPS VIRTUAL ||| ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI FEATURES O ENROLL NOW! 11:15 Sat, May 18 M Chapter 56 Jaxon because I began to feel bad for her. Maybe she was just acting out. I opened my mouth to give her job back to her but Jaxon spoke before I could. “Get out, his voice was cold and unfeeling and tears gathered in her eyes but she nodded and stood to her feet. Once she had left I turned to him. “Being Queen means you have to stand by your decisions no matter how many times you’re begged. People are quick to plead but it doesn’t mean they’ll change. It just means they will be more careful to do it where you won’t see.” The rest of the flight went by very quickly and I just hoped that those few minutes wouldn’t ruin our vacation. I was so excited for it and I would be da*ned if I let some stranger ruin. I didn’t end up eating my food but I was sure to steal some from Jaxon’s plate. As soon as the plane landed, I picked up Kiára who looked like she had a million questions on her mind. As we left the plane, I saw the two hostesses and the girl had swollen and red rimmed eyes. “Mummy,” Kiara asked and 1 hummed in response. “What’s going to happen to the mean lady?” “She’s going home, but she won’t work for daddy anymore.” I explained as best as I could and she scrunched her brows for a second before shrugging her shoulders and going silent. I saw the soldiers loading our bags into a black SUV and Jaxon held the door open for me. “We still have to drive?” I asked. “How far away is it?” “We’re already at the vacation home,” he said while trying to hold his laughter. “It is a large property. Get in, you’ll see!” SEND GIFT KIPS VIRTUAL

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