The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 For the first time in what felt like forever, Jaxon and I slept in together. I woke up and he was still asleep next to me with his arms wrapped around my stomach. I lay there in perfect silence enjoying the feel of him against me because it had been a while since I was able to wake up and see my mate there. He looked peaceful while sleeping, like he didn’t have the weight of the world on his shoulders. His lashes fanned his checks and for the first time, there were no stress lines on his face. I didn’t want to risk waking him so I gently disentangled myself from him. He mumbled a few incoherent words under his breath but remained sleeping. I grabbed a silk robe to put over my night gown and I put on my fuzzy slippers before making my way out of the room. I checked on Kiara first and she was fast asleep in her bed. I couldn’t help but shake my head as I thought of how long it took us to get her to sleep last night because of how much awe she was in. Once I was sure that everyone was fine. I went downstairs to begin working on breakfast. I wanted to make pancakes at first but I changed my mind when I saw that there were enough ingredients to do waffles. Jaxon had really stocked the house to the brim. I mixed up the waffles and got out the eggs tomatoes and bacon for the sides. I was almost done by the time I heard footsteps. Jaxon walked down the stairs while rubbing the remnants of sleep from his eyes. He made his way over to me and pressed a kiss to the side of my head. He was wearing sweatpants that hung low on his hips but his torso was completely bare. His movements were slow and I realized that this was the first time he would be putting his guard down because he didn’t need to be king, he just needed to be Jaxon. “Good morning,” I whispered to him as I took out the last of the scrambled eggs. “You slept in this morning.” “I would have slept longer if you hadn’t left, his sleepy voice was my kryptonite. It made my knees weak and I had to remind myself that we were in the kitchen. “When did you wake up?” “A little under two hours ago.” I pulled away from his hold because I knew if he spoke with his sleepy voice in my ears again then I wouldn’t have been able to control myself.

I stuck the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and I had barely stood up before Jaxon had me pinned against the sink and he kissed me. It wasn’t a frenzied kiss, it was slow and languid as if he was taking his time to savor the moment. I kissed him. back and I felt him smile against my lips as all the fight left my bones. His hands moved slowly down my body until they got to my hips and he pulled me flush against him. There was something calming and euphoric about being in his arms with no rush to be anywhere else. It was just me and him in our place. There was no rush for meetings or to deal with the elders. We could be a normal mated couple enjoyi breakfast together. I wanted more of it, I wanted it every day but I knew it was impossible so I settled for enjoying these seconds we had together. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine then echoed my thoughts. “I wish every morning could be like this. “I do too,” I told him and he kissed me once more. When he pulled back this time, he gave a respectable distance between us and I was about to ask why he did that when I heard the footsteps coming down the stairs. Kiara walked down the stairs the exact same way that Jaxon had with her hands rubbing at her eyes and wearing her pretty pink pajama set which she had insisted on last night. She looked confused for a split second but when she saw us, she waddled into the kitchen. She walked over to me and buried her face in my legs without another word. I picked her up because I knew that was what she wanted and she buried her head into the crook of my neck. Jaxon ran his hand down her back affectionately and she looked up at him. “Hey princess,” he had resorted to the soft voice he kept solely for her. “Are you hungry? Mummy made waffles.” She perked up at the sound of waffles and Jaxon chuckled before turning to me. KIPS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS& Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI x FEATURES O

ENROLL NOW! O 11:15 Sat, May 18 M. Chapter 58 “I’ll set the table.” We had breakfast and I could not describe the atmosphere if I tired. It was calm and quiet with Kiara chattering about anything and everything. There was something relaxing about it that I couldn’t put my finger on. While we were eating. I got a text from Aiden. I didn’t want to interrupt the conversation between Jaxon and Kiara so I quietly took my phone out of my pocket His text was simple and it had me scrunching my brows in confusion because I knew nothing about it. I handed the phone to Jaxon so he could see because I was not sure that I had read correctly Jaxon read over the words and he let out a sigh then shot me a look that clearly said we would talk about it later. I didn’t want to push especially since Kiara was there so I let it slide. Once we were done with breakfast, Jaxon offered to pile the dishes in the sink and I told Kiara to wait for me upstairs so I could talk to Jaxon. She didn’t hesitate before running up the stairs and I made my way into the kitchen. I could tell the exact moment Jaxon sensed my presence because he froze ever so slightly before regaining his composure. “Are you going to tell me what Aiden meant by you forgot your pills?” I asked and he stayed silent. “Why didn’t I know that you were on pills? I thought lycan’s don’t get sick.” “We don’t,” he said simply and he stood up straighter then turned to me. “We shouldn’t at least but in the last few days I have been extremely weak and exhausted. We don’t know what is causing it and I even went as far as to watching what I did and ate but we don’t what’s causing this.” “Didn’t you think it was something I deserved to know?” I was pissed that he kept it a secret from me and I was pissed. because I knew that if Aiden had not told me, he would never have mentioned it. “We are supposed to be partners and partners don’t keep secrets from each other.” “It is not a secret,” he assured me. “I just didn’t think it was important. It is just stress and it’s not like I’m taking pills for an illness, they’re just supplements. I thought the vacation would be good

because I wouldn’t need it anymore.” “It doesn’t matter what you thought, I deserved to know. How would you feel if I kept something like that away from you? I thought we were past all of this. Don’t you trust me?” Jaxon sighed and walked over to me. I couldn’t meet his eyes because I was upset and I was sad. I didn’t know why I was said but I knew that there were tears at the corner of my eyes and if I looked at him, they were going to slip free. Jaxon stood directly in front of me but I settled for staring at the counter behind him instead of him. “Freya, please,” his voice was barely over a whisper. “I know it was wrong and I’m sorry. I should have told you but I want to worry you. Planning the mating ceremony was enough stress on you. The last thing I wanted to do was make worse.” My eyes snapped up to his. “This has been going on since then?” He muttered a small curse under his breath. I tried to step out of his reach but he kept me in place. One of his hands mov up to cup my cheek and I looked away from him. He turned my head until I was staring directly at him. “Freya, I’m sorry, 1-” He was cut off by footsteps making their way back down the stairs. I although I could see her, I was sure that she couldn’t see me. “Mummy,” she yelled out. “I’m still waiting for you.” stopped at the bottom of the stair case and “I’m coming sweetheart,” I turned to Jaxon who was pleading with his eyes for me to stay and I moved out of his reach. I walked out of the kitchen without looking back. “I lost track of time, let’s go back upstairs.” KIPS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI FEATURES O ENROLL NOW!

11:15 Sat, May 18 7 M. Chapter 58 I stayed as long as i could in Kiara’s room. I knew I was overreacting when it came to the issue with Jaxon but that wasn’t enough to calm me down. He says it isn’t bad but it could have been worse. What if something had happened to him! I would never have known about it and he would have been comfortable leaving things that way. I hated the fact that he kept secrets from me but was comfortable enough to tell Aiden. I know Aiden is his best friend but I am his mate and that should deserve some level of trust as well. I needed to take a bath of my own so I finally left the room. When I got to the one I shared with Jaxon, he was inside and pacing. As soon as he saw me, he stopped and let out a sigh of relief. I ignored him and made my way into the bathroom and 1 saw the hurt that lingered in his eyes. I took an unnecessarily long shower hoping that by the time I got out, Jaxon would be gone from the room but no, he was still there. I got dressed in silence and it was like we both had a lot to say but no one knew how to breach the conversation. I had finished getting dressed and was about to leave the room when he spoke. either. I “It started two days after you agreed to mate with me. I thought it was after effects of shifting for the first time,” he began and I stilled to hear what he was saying. “It persisted and I went to the doctor but he didn’t know what was wrong thought it would pass but when it didn’t, I was given pills to take as supplements. Aiden found out when he saw me taking them one day.” “You didn’t tell Aiden yourself,” I repeated to confirm and he nodded. He took a step closer and watched my reaction. When I didn’t move, he made his way over to me and held me like I was a fragile artifact on the brink of shattering. “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” It was the fact that he apologized and the fact that I had never heard an Alpha apologize before that had me nodding. He let out a sigh of relief and leaned down to kiss me deeply. I pulled back and shot him the most scathing look I could muster. “If you hide anything from me again then I will kill you.”

He laughed and kissed my forehead. “You have a deal! 3/3 SEND GIFT COMMENT KIPS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering, CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMS FEATURES O ENROLL NOW!RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

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