The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

My head started spinning on an axis.

We were in no position to wage war and everyone was well aware of that. Jaxon was weak and exhausted, he had just deployed half of our soldiers towards the village and there was no way to call them back. I couldn’t help but think that was what Noxian wanted. He probably attacked the village as a distraction to make sure that we were at our weakest because as stupid as he was, he had to know that he couldn’t win against a lycan pack at full strength. Right now, it is still highly improbable that he wins but he has to have some sort of assurance.

“What game is he playing at?” I asked and all eyes turned to me. “Doesn’t anyone think it is remotely suspicious that he decided to attack today of all days?”

“We already deduced that he had someone on the inside,” Aiden was the one who responded to me. “He must have known that we sent guards to the village. He thinks he stands a chance.”

“That’s not it, Noxian is stupid but not that stupid,” they still looked confused so I sighed and sat up straighter. “He wouldn’t attack unless he was one hundred percent sure that he would win. This pack is more than twice the size of his in population and manpower. Even if half our guards are not here, we still outnumber him. There must be something else that we are missing because this is looking suspiciously like a trap.”

The room went silent and I could tell they were debating my words. They knew I was right but I wasn’t sure being right was enough to change anything right now. Noxian was already at the borders and if we didn’t prepare, he was going to spring an attack. I turned to Jaxon trying to see what he was thinking about but his eyes were completely hazed out and he was lost in thought.

“You might be right,” he began. “But we don’t have the time to think about that right now. Gather the women and the children, Freya, Aiden will tell you where to take them.”

Even though I was against the idea, I resigned myself to it and got to my feet. Aiden led me closely with a hand on my shoulder. I was not prepared for the commotion that met me outside the doors. Jaxon must have already mind linked his soldiers because they were running around trying to get themselves ready for the impending battle. Jared and Jael were the only two who weren’t running around and that was because they were following Aiden and I but I could tell that they were anxious.

Aiden and I went to Kiara’s room first. She was sitting cross legged on the floor playing with dolls but the moment she saw us, she knew something was wrong because she put her dolls on the ground and stood to her feet. I changed her into a pair of more comfortable clothes- sweats and a shirt. I wasn’t praying for anything bad but I needed to be prepared in case something bad happened and she needed to run.

Aiden picked her up and she stayed silent as we rounded up the maids and the children. I didn’t know there were other children in the palace until I saw them. Aiden explained that the younger ones were the children of some of the maids and the guards while the older teenagers were probably maids or guards in training. Most of them looked terrified but I tried to put on a brave face for them.

Aiden led us out through the back and towards the woods when he suddenly stopped. I turned to him in confusion and he placed Kiara on the ground.

“I don’t know where the bunker is,” I was about to protest but he held up a hand to stop me. “Jaxon wanted it to be safe from everything- including the possibility that I am arrested and tortured. He will direct you from here. I hope I see you on the other side.”

“Stay safe, Aiden, and keep him safe too.”

Aiden turned on his heels and left. He didn’t look back once and it felt more like a goodbye than a see you later. I refused to think about it that way because I was officially the highest ranking person

and everyone was looking to me for leadership and comfort. I was determined not to fail them.

As soon as Aiden disappeared from sight, I heard Jaxon’s voice in my head. “Hey baby.” I smiled softly at his voice. “I need you to go north into the woods. I’ll tell you when to stop walking.”

I started walking and everyone followed behind me quietly. I could hear the murmurs but I couldn’t be bothered with them. The most important thing was getting them to safety and I knew that Jaxon was the only person who could do that for me. Kiara was walking next to me and holding my hand and Jared’s, she had reached out for him and he had happily obliged her. I could see the small smile on his face as he watched her.

Jaxon led me into a clearing in the woods. I was confused and thought he had taken me to the wrong place when he suddenly asked me to stop. He led me over to a rock and that was when I saw it- the entrance. It was covered by rocks and leaves so I cleared it and pulled it open. I heard gasps all around and I stepped aside for them to go in. I could see the hesitation in their gazes and on a normal day, I would have gone in first to prove it was safe but I needed to make sure everyone was safely in before I went in.

A young teenage boy walked up. He gave me a small smile and descended into the opening first. We waited with baited breath until we heard him reach the bottom.

“It’s kind of cool, down here,” he called out. “I call dibs on the couch.”

A small shaky laugh went through the clearing and everyone started to climb down. I waited until the last person went down and finally it was just Jared, Jael, Kiara and me. I knew it was now or never to make my plan known so I turned to Jared.

“Go in with Kiara,” I ordered and he hesitated for a second but did as I asked. I waited until he landed at the bottom before I spoke again. “If I’m not back in thirty minutes, seal the entrance.”

“Freya, what are you doing?” Jael asked but I ignored him,.

I shut the door to the bunker and ran. I knew Jael was following me as we made our way back to the palace. The palace was a chaotic mess and people were shocked to see me but I ignored them and rushed over to the room I knew I would find Jaxon. I got to the council room and pushed the door open. Jaxon was there with Aiden and some other guards. When they saw me, their eyes widened and Jaxon muttered a curse under his breath.

“Leave us,” he ordered and immediately the room cleared out.

I shut the door behind me once we were alone and I threw myself into his arms. The tension in his shoulders bled out as he inhaled my scent but there was still a tightness to his movements. One arm wrapped around my waist while the other wound itself into my hair and he held me close to his body.

“You shouldn’t be here,” he murmured into my hair. “But fuck, I don’t want you to leave. How did you manage to get away from your guards?”

“I got away from Jared. Jael is waiting outside for me.” NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Jaxon sighed and pulled away from me albeit reluctantly. He looked worse than he did when I left. To the outsider, it may not have been obvious but I knew him better than I knew myself. I knew when he was at his worst and this was it. If I had my way then he would be locked up with me and the other innocents but even if I had the power, Jaxon would have never agreed to it.

“Be careful,” I whispered and the corner of his lips quirked up. “I’m serious, the others may not know how sick you are but I do. You shouldn’t be fighting this war. None of you should but you are because of me and-”

He cut me off with a dizzying kiss. I felt like I was floating in the air and for a second, there was nothing. There were no threats of war or pack troubles, it was just us together. I relished that moment for as long as I could because I knew within a few moments, it would be broken. Jaxon pulled me close as he kissed me and he didn’t release me until we both had to come up for air.

“I will fight a million wars for you, baby,” he spoke with such conviction that I knew I could believe him. “Even at my weakest, I can defeat Noxian easily but I need you to be safe. I need you to go back to the bunker with Jael and stay safe. You might be able to hear what is going on above but under no circumstances are you to come out. Is that clear?”

“Jaxon, what if-”

“No,” he cut me off. “Listen, I cannot fight at my full capacity if I am worried about you or Kiara. I need you to promise me that you will stay down there. It is safe and I will try to keep the battle away from the bunker. Just promise me that you’ll stay.”

I sighed in resignation. “I promise.”


He took a step back and before I could blink, he kissed me once more. It was more dizzying than the first. He pulled back when someone knocked on the door. I knew it was Jael before I even saw him.

“What about the civilians?” I asked Jaxon. “Are they going to be safe as well?”

“There are bunkers all around the palace. There is a leader in each district to take the innocents to the bunkers. Everyone will be safe and you need to be as well.”

I knew if I hesitated then I would not be able to leave so I forced myself to turn away from him. I hoped and prayed that he would call me back or tell me to stop but he didn’t. I knew it was hard for

him as well but it was a matter of safety and Jaxon would never do anything to jeopardize that.

The walk back to the bunker felt longer than before. I checked the time on my phone and realized only twenty five minutes had passed. Jael pulled the hatch open and gestured for me to go in first.

“Do you wish you were fighting?” I asked him and he looked taken aback by my response.

“I’m doing a job of great honor- protecting you.”

I appreciated his answer so I began my descent.

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