The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 87% When I got home, the twins were with the children and a doctor was waiting for me in the living room. They both rushed over to me in an instant and wrapped their arms around my torso. My shoulder was throbbing and I felt like I was five seconds away from falling flat on my face but I knew that under no circumstances could I deny them the affection that they came looking for. Jaxon managed to pull them away from me after a while and led them into the other room so the doctor could check up on me. The silver had gotten into my system which explained the drowsiness but thankfully, it wasn’t bad enough that I risked. death from it. The bullet was pulled out and I was put on bed rest for three days which Jaxon made sure to implement. That was three days ago and Jaxon still didn’t want to let me leave the house no matter how much I begged. The three days had served as a mini vacation for the entire family. Kieran didn’t go to school and Jaxon worked from home. We just spent time together as a family and a part of me didn’t want it to end but I knew it had to because unfortunately the world waited for no one and we had jobs to do. Jaxon relented after I agreed to have guards on me at all times. I didn’t argue much on it because I had expected it. Over the past three days, he had been extra protective despite us being within the confines of our home. He would hold onto me tightly as if he was scared I would disappear from his hands and if he ever woke up and I wasn’t by his side in bed, he would rush down the stairs looking panicked until he found me. I didn’t know what memories form that night plagued him but I knew that it would take some time for him to be back to normal. I was getting dressed for the day when Kiara slowly made her way into my room. Over the past three days, I hadn’t gotten. alone time with her. I knew she was avoiding me but I didn’t know why and I was willing to give her space until she decided that she wanted to talk to me. “You look pretty,” she began as she made her way in. “Does your hand still hurt?” I shook my head. “I feel as good as new. Do you want to see it?” She hesitated before nodding and I pulled down my sleeve to show her that the wound was gone. I

had never been more. thankful for my werewolf genes than I was in that moment. I made my way over to the bed and gestured for her to sit next to me. I could see her shoulders sag as she made her way over but she sat next to me quietly. I didn’t know if it was fear or unease but something had her staying quiet. “Will you tell me what’s wrong?” I asked slowly and she opened her mouth to speak but closed it. “Whatever it is, I’m going to listen and answer to the best of my abilities.” “Why did uncle Aiden hurt us? He was nice and he used to give me candy so why did he hurt us?” I didn’t know how to answer that question that someone her age would understand. I didn’t know how to explain to her that sometimes people just did shitty things. I couldn’t explain those things to her because a part of me still didn’t believe that Aiden was a bad person. He may have done bad things but some part of him loved Kiara and Jaxon. His hatred was just far greater than the love he had for them.. “He was hurt,” was what I ended up saying. “It isn’t a justification for what he did but it was his reason. He thought that by hurting us, it would take away his hurt.” “But it didn’t.” “It never does Only you can take away your hurt. You have to heal from it.” “Where is he now?” sighed deeply. “He is in a place where he cannot hurt anymore. y torso and I held her I knew she didn’t understand but she was content with that answer. She wrapped her arms around my as close as possible. I wanted her to remain a child for as long as possible. I wanted her to keep seeing the world from her. lenses. I wished I could just wrap my arms around her and protect her from everything but I knew that was impossible. 1/3 13:01 Fri, May 24 G MD. Chapter 89 What was worse was that she was a princess, it didn’t get messier than that, 87%首 NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

The door opened and Jaxon walked in. Kiara pulled away from me in that moment and left the room leaving just Jaxon and 1 alone in our silence. “What was that about?” he asked and I shrugged it off. “She just wanted to know about Aiden. It’s fine though, I already gave her answers.” “Speaking of Aiden,” he began hesitantly and I instantly knew that he wasn’t sure whether I would like what he had to talk about so I sat up straighter. “You don’t have to agree if you don’t want to and you don’t have to come. Regardless of what he did, Aiden was my brother in every way that mattered. I may have killed him but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect him and I think he deserves a proper burial.” I “Of course I’ll attend it with you, you don’t ever have to ask but need to do something first.” “Anything” Within a few minutes, we were out of the house and on our way to the palace. Jaxon kept a firm grip on my hand the entire time we descended into the dungeons and once we were in front of the cells, I turned to the guards standing there. “You’re dismissed.” I told them and they glanced between themselves and at Jaxon as if unsure of how to respond. “The Queen gave you an order, Jaxon’s voice was cold and harsh and immediately, they bowed and disappeared. I turned to him with raised brows and within a second, the king was gone and replaced with my mate. “You have just as much power as I do here, they should listen to you.” I shook my head and he sighed. “Are you sure that you want to do this alone?” “I have to, but I will be fine,” I assured him and he hesitated before letting go of my hand. “If anything goes wrong then mind link me immediately.” “She is behind silver bars, nothing will go wrong.” Jaxon pursed his lips to show that he didn’t quite agree but he allowed me g the rest of the way alone. Violet was lying on the tiny mattress and facing away from me when I walked in. She heard my footsteps because her back tenses but she didn’t turn immediately. I knew she wasn’t expecting

me especially after she spoke. “Are they dead yet?” “Not quite,” she turned immediately she heard my voice and her eyes narrowed as if she was unsure whether she was seeing correctly. “I’m not dead, neither am I planning on dying soon. I will say that working with Aiden was a smart move on your part.” “I take it he is dead,” she deduced and I nodded. “Is this the part where you come to tell me how I am going to die too? I already knew I was going to die, so you may as well get on with it “I don’t want to kill you Violet. I never wanted any of this to happen. We may not have seen eye to eye, but you were my family. I forgave you for everything you did to me a long time ago. Why can’t you just let go of the past? All you need to do is that and I have made Jaxon promise to grant you safe passage gut of the kingdom as long as you swear i never return.” “Never,” she spat and for the first time I saw beyond her anger, there was sadness and brokenness. “Without this, I am nothing. This is my life’s work so if you are going to get on with it then do it quick kly “It doesn’t have to be this way” “I will never stop trying to kill you” I knew there was nothing I could say to change her mind so I nodded. ” dawn. I hope you at least find peace in the after life” 2/8 be it then, you will be executed tomorrow at 13:01 Fri, May 24 GM. Chapter 89 I turned on my heels and walked away. I had gotten to the door when I heard her speak. “You have changed, Freya.” “That’s the beauty of life, we were all supposed to.” 87%1 I didn’t turn to face her because I didn’t want to see the expression on her face, instead, I focused my attention forward and made my way back to my mate who was patiently waiting for me.

“She will die, won’t she?” he asked and I nodded. “I’m sorry, Freya.” “It’s fine, we have a burial to attend to.” Jaxon didn’t hold the funeral in the usual spots. It was unheard of to have a traitor buried on the palace grounds so he took Aiden’s body to a spot deep within the forest. On our way there, he explained that it was lis and Aiden’s hideout when they were kids. Only the twins went with us so they could help lower the body into the ground. I could feel Jaxon’s pain the entire time and I didn’t know how to ease it so I just kept my hand in his. He watched as the body was being lowered and he didn’t say a word. Once it was in the ground, he dismissed the twins. They looked shocked but they did as he asked leaving just the two of us. He walked over to the grave and grabbed the shovel there then began to cover it up. I knew he planned to do it alone but I found a second shovel and joined him. “You don’t have to do this,” he told me. “This was my choice. You can wait for me in the car or at home.” “We’re in this together, I reminded him. “It will always be you and me against the world, remember?” “I don’t deserve you.” “I don’t deserve you either and yet here we are, he smiled softly at my at my words. “Come, we have “Come, we have a lot of work to do and I want to make it home before dinner.” “Is there any chance I could interest you in a date tonight?” he asked and I laughed. “Maybe, but I have two kids, I hope you don’t mind.” “I never have.” 3/3

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