The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 19

“Aarya!” Niya smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

“You’re really here! Oh, I missed you.” I squeezed her tighter.

“Yeah, you should thank me for bringing her here and having to suffer through what I heard.” Evan

dramatically sighed.

Niya broke the hug and looked at me in confusion before she said, “I’m


“You don’t want to know what I heard before the door opened.” Evan shuddered.

My eyes widened in shock when I realized what Evan was talking about, and I mumbled under my

breath, “Stupid lycan hearing.”

Adonis then decided to make his presence known. “Well, your innocent ears could have been spared, if

you texted like a normal person.”

“Ah, but we aren’t normal people, and who said my ears were innocent?” Evan winked.

“Are you sure you want to get into this in front of a certain someone? I have a lot to say.” Adonis

motioned to Niya.

Evan cursed under his breath and quickly changed the subject. “Well, anyway, I thought Niya would

want to surprise Aarya,” Evan replied, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

“So, this was all for your mate then? Your blush says it all.” Adonis smirked. Thankfully, he didn’t bring

up anything.

Niya looked down at the floor, while Evan looked at Adonis like he wanted to murder him.

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I nudged Niya, who looked at me and Adonis before a smile made its way onto her face.

“Well, I’ve heard you have been quite busy yourself, cousin. First, changing into a lycan in the most

dramatic way possible, causing your mate to have to be locked up.”

“You know me, I love to be dramatic,” I said.

Niya laughed and replied, “Ahh, of course, that’s why you ran off when you first saw your mate.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh come on! That’s in the past now.”

Niya laughed even more. “You’re too easy to tease.”

My smile got bigger as Niya laughed. I noticed that Niya had some of her spark back, but I knew she

was also trying extra hard to show me she was okay

I wish Adonis made that prick suffer more, but his anger got the better of him. Yet another reason he

needed to get his anger under control.

“So, you’re moving in here?” Adonis asked Niya.

“Um… yes. I may have gotten really sick back home, and they told me I needed to come here.” Niya

looked at me sheepishly.

“You were sick? Niya! Why didn’t you call?” I gasped.

“Because I knew you would rush over, and I didn’t want that. Plus, when I talked to my therapist, she

said that I would heal faster if I surrounded myself with you guys,” Niya replied.

“By that, you really mean Evan. After all, he is your mate,” I stated.

Evan puffed his chest out like he was proud, and even though it was small, Niya smiled!

“I also need your love and support.” Niya changed the subject.

“And I’ll always be here to give it.” I smiled.

“Really? You won’t be too busy with your mate, queen duties, and doctor training?” Niya teased.

“I’ll make time for you! Plus, if I don’t have time, your mate will be more than happy to drop what he’s

doing.” I winked at Evan.

Niya just rolled her eyes and turned to Adonis.

“I just want to say thank you for what you did….”

Adonis smiled and replied, “You don’t have to say thanks. I did what any decent person would do. Plus,

bastards like that don’t belong in my palace Niya, I want you to know that you’ll always be safe in my


“Thank you…” Niya looked unsure of what to call him.

“You can call me Dimitri,” Adonis told Niya.

She simply nodded and turned to me. “Evan told me you both have been through a lot today, so I’ll

leave you both alone. I need to unpack anyway.”

Just as I was about to reply to Niya, Adonis butted in. “Thank you, Niya. Your cousin will meet you

tomorrow. Have fun unpacking.”

Niya smiled and nodded. She waved goodbye before walking off with Evan close behind her. This guy

was amazing; he respected Niya so much that he was walking behind her to give her space.

Adonis dragged me inside and shut the door.

“I don’t need rest you know.” I rolled my eyes.

Adonis didn’t reply, he just picked me up and placed me on the bed.

“You talk too much,” he mumbled, getting comfy in bed.

“What?” I asked.

Again, instead of a response, he just pulled me closer to him. I tried to wriggle away, but Adonis kept a

firm grasp on me.

“I’ve had a long day being locked up in chains, and I can’t sleep properly without you, so we’re both

taking a nap,” Adonis told me.

Wow, well done, Aarya. Didn’t even think about Adonis and him being locked up. His words ran through

my mind. He really can’t sleep without me? That made me smile.

“Why the big smile?” Adonis yawned.

“No reason, I just want to smile,” I quickly replied.

“You’re a bad liar, but I have no energy to get the real reason.” Adonis’s eyes closed.

“Just sleep, you don’t need to worry.” Even my eyes started to close.

“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, little one,” Adonis mumbled before his breathing

evened out.

My smile got even bigger as I fell asleep to the sound of Adonis’s heart


“Nap time is over now, love birds,” a loud voice shouted, causing me to bury my face into Adonis’s


What idiot would wake a sleeping female? I could only think of one person. Evan.

“Evan, I am going to kill you.” Adonis’s sleepy voice confirmed my thoughts and sent sparks through

my body

Who knew his sleepy voice sounded so hot?

“Oh come on! You need to get up now!” Evan complained.

Urgh, someone tell him to shut up. His voice is too loud.

“I swear to God, Evan, I told you to leave them alone, but you never listen,” Gabe’s familiar voice said.

“Next time he doesn’t listen, lock him up in that room you locked Adonis in,” I yawned.

Adonis’s deep laughter made his chest vibrate and sent shivers down my spine. Gabe started to laugh

as well.

“Hey, that’s not very nice. You’re meant to be on my team,” Evan replied.

This time I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Piece of advice, Evan. Don’t ever wake a sleeping female.”

Gabe nodded like he knew that was true and Adonis just laid there looking at me with a smirk on his


I swear, if he doesn’t stop smirking, I’ll punch him. Or maybe I’ll kiss him instead. It’s been a while since

I’ve kissed his amazing lips.

Adonis’s smirk got bigger, and I realized I was staring. Shit, good going, Aarya. My eyes found Gabe

and Evan. Gabe looked pleased, while Evan looked disgusted

“Seriously? First, I had to hear your awful conversation, and now I have to watch you two make love

with your eyes?” Evan shuddered.

Make love with our eyes? Is that what it really looked like? My eyes widened in shock, and as I opened

my mouth to reply, someone beat me to

“Hmm… well whose fault is that? Yours. Whose room are you in right now? Mine. And I can do what I

want in my own room. You’re welcome to leave.” Adonis sounded smug.

Of course he did. He thinks I was making love to him with my eyes.


“Evan, leave them alone. They’ll come for dinner. Dimitri, remember you’ve got a lot of paperwork to

do,” Gabe reminded Adonis.

“Why don’t you call him Adonis?” I blurted out

Gabe smiled and replied, “I can if I wanted to, but I think Adonis is reserved just for you.”

“Tonight, Gabe. I want to get it done tonight.” Adonis looked at Gabe.

Gabe nodded, while Evan groaned, “An all-nighter? I haven’t done one of those in ages.”

“Do you ever stop complaining?” I asked, causing the men to laugh.

“Whatever.” Evan just rolled his eyes and walked out of our room.

Gabe smiled apologetically and closed the door behind him. I wanted to fall back asleep but decided

against it because I knew I wouldn’t sleep at night.

“So, you were staring at my lips for a long time.” Adonis had that smug look on his face.

“No, I was not. You were imagining things,” I scoffed.

“Oh, right. You were making love to me with your eyes.” Adonis now had this massive grin on his face;

it made him look sexy.

Wait, what? I didn’t think that.

“No,” I denied.

“You keep telling yourself that.” Adonis still had that grin on his face.

“I wanted to punch you because you keep smirking.” I rolled my eyes.

“Punch me? Really? You didn’t want to kiss me?” Adonis whispered in my ear.

Fuck, don’t tell me he heard me? Wait, how could he? I never said that out


“And your lack of communication and the fact that your eyes are as wide as saucers gives me all the

clarification I need.” Adonis looked like he won a battle.

“Tricking people gets you nowhere,” I scoffed, obviously not impressed with the fact that he managed to

figure me out that quickly. :

“Well, I don’t blame you, you know. I also want to kiss your lips.” Adonis shrugged like it wasn’t a big


“Look, if you’re going to continue teasing me…” I turned to face him, but I didn’t get to finish what I was


Adonis grabbed me and placed his warm lips on mine. The sudden contact made me groan. Well, that

and his lips were just so good.

Adonis wasted no time, picking me up and placing me on his lap. My hands found his hair and his

hands wrapped around my waist.

His kisses made my whole body feel like jelly, that’s how good he was. Our heated make out session

was paused while we both caught our breath.

Our foreheads pressed together and eyes closed, I savored this moment. This moment where no

words were needed.


It felt weird to even think about leaving, my whole body protested to the fact. Now that I was a lycan, I

needed Adonis just as much as he needed me. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

Even thinking about leaving made my heart constrict. How quickly things can change over a period of a

few days.

“You know I would much rather continue this, but I think we should go and have dinner.” Adonis broke

the moment.

I looked at him, confused, my slow brain still fogged with desire.

Adonis groaned, “Seeing that desire in your eyes is making it very hard for me to control myself, little

one. I’m hungry, and I don’t think you’d appreciate it if I feast on you.”

My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks heat up. I didn’t expect that. Seeing my reaction, Adonis

chuckled. “Just like I thought. Come, let’s eat proper


I couldn’t believe Adonis just said he wanted to feast on me; it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he


Although embarrassed, I wasn’t repulsed by the idea. I mean, with Adonis, who would be?

But remembering his words about him seeing my desire and his control wearing thin, it was best not to

think any more about it. Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t be leaving here anytime soon.


We both stood up and made our way downstairs.

“Oh, look who decided to turn up,” Evan announced as we made our way into the kitchen.

“Just you wait a few weeks, then I’ll start teasing you.” I poked Evan in the ribs.

He rubbed the sore spot and shook his head. “So mature, Your Majesty.”

I just laughed, while Adonis rolled his eyes.

“Stop acting like a child, Evan.”

Evan pouted, but that pout soon disappeared as soon as Niya and Lexi walked into the kitchen. He

straightened up and looked more serious but at the same time nervous.

Both Adonis and I looked at each other at the same time and grinned. Seeing Evan change was funny.

“Oh, hey guys! Hungry?” Lexi asked, coming over to us.

“Yes, what’s for dinner?” Adonis asked.

“Um… I believe pasta bake has been made.” Lexi made her way to the oven where the pasta bake


“Ahh, it’s good to have a chef,” Evan said.

“Why? Are you too lazy to cook?” Niya asked, causing Evan’s eyes to widen.

“No… no what I mean is… well that it is nice to have one when you can’t be bothered to cook… wait,

no, that’s not what I mean…”

I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to try not to laugh. Poor Evan seemed so flustered, while Niya just

looked at him with her eyebrows raised.

She looked unimpressed, but I could see the hint of amusement in her eyes. She was teasing him, and

Evan was taking the bait.

“Let’s eat,” Adonis said, a slight smile on his face.

Gabe joined us as we all sat down to eat. Evan seemed desperate to impress Niya, always asking her

if she needed anything.

She was a little apprehensive still, but I could see she was slowly opening up to Evan. The mate bond

must be helping.

Adonis, on the other hand, was too concerned about the pasta bake. When he said he was hungry, he

really did mean it.

I couldn’t believe how many servings he had taken. When I said I couldn’t finish my portion, he took

mine too.

“Losing control drains a lot of energy, and he needs to get that back up,” Gabe explained, seeing my

shocked face.

I nodded slowly, taking in the information. No wonder he was so tired.

After dinner was over, Adonis told Gabe and Evan that they’d start work in one hour. Evan looked like

he was about to complain but saw Niya and just nodded.

Everyone made their way back to their own rooms. When we entered our room, I looked at Adonis.

“Are you really going to be working all night?”

“Yes, I have to, little one. Too much time was lost today, and I have important issues to deal with.”

Adonis sighed.

Maybe he sensed my change of mood because he said, “I am going to go and start now. Hopefully I’ll

be back before you wake up in the morning.”

He kissed me on the forehead and left. Suddenly I felt lonely. My heart longed for Adonis, even though

I just saw him.

The mate bond was so strong. I never imagined it would be like this.

Sighing, I got ready in my PJs and climbed into bed. My mood had dropped because I missed Adonis.

I know I sounded pathetic, but I couldn’t help it. To distract myself, I watched a comedy movie and then

an action movie.

Today’s events had drained me. Even with the nap I had, my eyes were closing, and it was only 10


I switched off the TV and decided to let my body rest. As darkness took over me, I hoped that Adonis

would be by my side in the morning….

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