The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The Lycan‘s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 6 Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

I mean, of all people, I had to be mated to the king.

The same king that had been looking for a mate for ten years. Why? I didn‘t want a mate; I don‘t need

a mate.

I am happy by myself, but for some reason a little voice inside my head told me that I would never have

been completely happy.

Holding my breath, I prayed that he wouldn’t find me. I wasn‘t really religious, but I found myself


All I wanted was for him not to find me and then I can leave this ball. There was no way in hell that I

was going to risk going back in there.

I would go back to the hotel and tell my parents I was feeling so sick and had to leave. Yes, that was a

solid plan.

My thought process was broken when I was suddenly lifted from my position behind the bushes.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I found myself standing face–to–face with the king, his hazel eyes

piercing into my own.

My heart started racing as he bent down and whispered in my ear, “Because now that I‘ve found you, I

have no plans on letting you go. Ever.” Well fuck !There was no denying this mate bond was strong,

stronger than I thought.

The moment was broken as the king brushed a piece of hair out of my face. “Never in my life have I

seen a girl as beautiful as you,” the king whispered in my ear.

Sparks shot down my body, and I gasped. Why were his words having such a big effect on me? This

wasn‘t normal, but then again nothing about this situation was anyway.

The king was holding my hands behind my back as if he were afraid that I would run

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“Could you…could you release my hands please?” I managed to say.

The king raised his eyebrows and replied, “How can I be sure that you won‘t run? As much as I love the

chase, I don‘t really want to catch you again.”

I shivered at the desire in his eyes. As much as I tried to convince myself that the king wasn‘t drop–

dead gorgeous, my body was saying otherwise.

I found myself wanting to be caught by the king again. My mind was messed up, that was the only

conclusion I could come to.

“May I know the name of the beautiful lady who will be my queen?” the king asked.

“Do these compliments of yours work on all the ladies?” I replied, my sass getting the better of me.

“I wouldn‘t know, you‘re the first lady I have tried it on,” the king responded, smirking at me.

I forced myself to look away from his eyes; they were dangerous. The king, with his free hand, moved

my face so I was again looking at his hazel eyes.

He looked at me as if to say, “Tell me your name,” and I sighed.

“Aarya. Aarya Bedi.” I relented and told him my name.

“Aarya,” the king said slowly.

Jeez, did he have to say my name like that? My body responded immediately to that, and I felt sparks

shoot down my spine. He sounded so… when he said my name.

No, Aarya. You are not meant to be thinking like that. Snap out of it, I. scolded myself. “Beautiful name.

You already know my name, don‘t you, love?” he asked. I didn‘t trust my voice, so I just nodded. The

pet name caught me by surprise. This was all happening fast, too fast.

I didn‘t know what to do, but something told me there was nothing I could do anyway. After all, I didn‘t

have a normal werewolf for a mate or even a normal lycan

I had the lycan king. He was the strongest of them all. Whatever I would do, he would catch me.

My logical brain told me the dreaded truth. There was no escaping the lycan king now, I was here for


The sound of footsteps caused me to spin my head around and the king let go of my hands.

My family and friends all came out. I was relieved to see the familiar faces of my loved ones. Luke and

Sophia both looked so relieved, and I knew why

I took a few steps toward them but jumped back in shock as they all bowed to me. What? I didn‘t want

my loved ones to bow down to me, I wasn‘t royalty

Carter winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. Obviously he finds this funny. I didn‘t have time to

dwell on anything though.

The king grabbed my hand, causing sparks to fly, and I gasped at the sudden contact

He didn‘t even stop for me to say anything to my family. Instead, he took me straight past them and

inside. I looked behind to see they were all trailing behind. The king took me straight to the thrones,

My heart started racing. What was he doing? I wasn‘t going to be crowned, was I? I hardly knew the


My slow brain realized that Savanah was no longer at the top, and when we reached it, I saw her in the

crowd below. She didn‘t look happy at all.

“My loyal subjects. Today is a monumental occasion. Today I found my mate, your queen, and I

couldn‘t be happier,” the king announced, pulling me to his side.

The announcement was followed by loud applause. My gaze found my parents, who were shedding

happy tears. Carter was whooping, and Diya was telling him off. That caused me to smile.

I glanced at all the lycans, who all were tensed before. They were all much happier and seemed like

there was a weight lifted off their shoulders.

This all felt so wrong but also so right. Why was I so conflicted?

I looked around, but I couldn‘t see Niya anywhere. Where was she? Worry took over as I kept glancing

through the crowds. She really wasn‘t there.

“What‘s wrong?” the king whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him, and he must have seen the worry on my face. He looked back at the crowd and

smiled before taking me away.

I realized that I didn‘t actually know what to call him. He smiled at me and replied, “Only you can call

me Adonis. Only you have that right.”

I gulped as the air again became suffocating. I found myself wanting to run my hands through his hair

and taste those luscious lips of his.

“Come, let me introduce you to some very important people in my life,” Adonis said, taking my hand.

We headed downstairs and everyone was chatting among themselves

“Well well well, what do we have here my thoughts.

an unfamiliar voice interrupted

I didn‘t even realize that Adonis had bought us to a group of people. Two men looked at us both with

massive smiles on their faces.

One of them stepped forward and smiled. He had dark brown hair, it looked black. His dark brown eyes

shone with happiness

“I am Evan Clark, I can‘t tell you how happy I am that this idiot has finally met you.” Evan shook my


I politely smiled, and Adonis shook his head. These are my best friends. Evan already introduced

himself, and that one over there is Gabe Davis.”

“Nice to meet you.” Gabe shook my hand. His blond hair was long for a boy; it really suited him.

A female came in front too. She had shoulder–length red hair, and her blue eyes stood out. She was


“I am Lexi Robinson, Gabe‘s mate. I have to say you look so gorgeous.” Lexi smiled.

“Thank you, I love your outfit,” I replied.

“Do you know that us three have been friends for such a long time? Sometimes I wonder how I have

dealt with these two.” Evan sighed dramatically

Adonis rolled his eyes, and Gabe glared at Evan.

“It‘s the other way around, idiot. I don‘t know how Gabe and I have put up with you. The amount of

times we‘ve gotten into trouble because of you.” Adonis shook his head.

I glanced at Adonis, who had a massive smile on his face. Even though we had just met, for some

reason seeing him smile like that made me so happy.

This mate bond was doing crazy things to my feelings, I swear.

“Even I struggle to believe that these two have put up with you for so long. I mean, Gabe and I have

only been mates for seven years, but that is enough to know what a handful you are.” Lexi shook her


Evan gasped dramatically, “What is this? Gang up on Evan time? You‘re embarrassing me in front of

the queen.”

The mention of queen made me stiffen. I didn‘t want to be queen. That was too much responsibility,

and how could I commit to one person after the heartbreak I experienced?

“Enough. You are the one who is embarrassing yourself. Go and make sure everyone is happy. I am

going to meet my mate‘s family,” Adonis said. His serious face was back on.

Evan and Gabe nodded and left to fulfil the king‘s orders. Adonis gently took my hand; those damn

sparks made me gasp. Was this what it was

always going to be like?

I don‘t know how he knew, but Adonis made his way over to my parents. As soon as Mom saw me, she

engulfed me in a massive hug. A mother‘s hug makes everything better.

“Why are you crying?” I asked, wiping the tears from my mom‘s face.

“Because I am so happy. My baby girl has found her mate. Someone who will take such good care of

her. What else could a mother want?” My mom sniffled

She turned to Adonis and smiled. “All I want is for you to take care of my daughter. Treat her like a


Adonis nodded and replied, “Don‘t worry. Your daughter will always remain happy.”

“Wow, my princess is no longer a princess but a queen. I can‘t believe it.” My dad winked.

“Dad.” I rolled my eyes.

He laughed and hugged me before saying, “Aarya, I want you to know that your mother and I are so

proud of the woman you have become. You are now entering the next stage of your life. Enjoy it.”

Dad‘s words made me want to cry as I realized it was his goodbye. I didn‘t want to leave my parents

and stay here. I wanted to go back home to my comfy room.

“I‘ll miss you, my baby sister.” Sai was the next one to hug me.

“Will you? Or will you just miss teasing me?” I raised my eyebrows.

Sai laughed, “You caught me. I‘m going to miss teasing you and getting you all worked up.”

Zoya pulled me in for a hug. “I told you she looked like a queen. Aarya, you are an amazing woman,

never forget that.”

“This isn‘t fair. I‘ve only just come back and now you‘re leaving me, Smiley.” Carter‘s voice came from


“You now have a mate to take care of you.” I smiled.

Carter sighed and pulled me in for a hug. I tried my hardest not to cry.

This wasn‘t how I planned my night to go. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find my mate

at the ball and have to say goodbye to all my loved ones.

“You know I‘ll take care of him.” Diya smiled. care “I know. He better take good care of you too.” I

glared at Carter.

He held his hands up in mock surrender. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Really?” I shook my head.

“I didn‘t say anything wrong, you are going to be a queen and an amazing one at that.” Carter kissed

my forehead.

It all felt so strange. Everyone from my pack was gathering around me and congratulating me.

Suddenly, my eyes landed on Hunter‘s. He wasn‘t smiling at all, and his mate was talking to someone


All night, it seemed like he‘d been pretending that I didn‘t even exist. But the way he was staring at me

now made my heart beat quicken and my breath catch in my throat.

Now that everyone knew I had a mate the freaking king, no less–he had an unmistakable glint in his


A look of pure jealousy.

Oh Goddess.

That‘s when I knew I was in a whole lot of trouble.

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