I was extremely excited the moment I dropped the phone after the call with my parents.

“Eleanor it’s just two days left!” I screamed in excitement. I had not really realized how much I missed home until recently. I guess hearing that my sister and her family had come visiting, only me made want to go home already.

“You seem so excited to leave. We wouldn’t be seeing each other in a long while. We might never even see each other again.” Eleanor muttered and immediately, my excitement tapered down a bit. It was true. I wasn’t going to be seeing Eleanor again, neither was I going to have the opportunity to be within such close proximity as Manuel again. These past three weeks may have been crazy, but it wasn’t so bad.

“Heyyy…” I slumped my shoulders, feeling bad for being so excited. “You know I would miss you, right?”

“I know.” She sighed, a small smile making its way to her face. “But I understand you too. I know you would want to see your family. Come here.” She grinned, before pulling me into her embrace. After our somewhat emotional hug, we pulled away from each other and she suddenly grinned at me in a suspicious manner.

“What now?” I smiled, even if I had no idea what was actually going on in her head.

“Let’s just say that I have just two nights and one day to get the best I can get from Phillippe’s cock.” She wiggled her butts in the air, making me shriek in disbelief.

“God! You’re extremely shameless Eleanor.” I laughed in embarrassment.

“Oh please! What’s a vacation on such a beautiful island, without a good fuck? I mean, hundreds of good fuck from a nice dick?”

“Stop saying that already!” I knew my cheeks were beet red by now.

“Oh please! Don’t act like the saint now.” She mocked. “You think I don’t know about your trysts with Mr Manuel the other night?” On hearing her statement, I Iiterally froze. How the hell did she know? “Trust me, it was very obvious. You both had kissed so passionately during the game that night. After that, you both magically went missing, only to return in the morning of the following day? Oh please! Probably everyone of his men also knows what happened between you both.”

At that point, I began to feel stupid. What was she going to think if she knew that unlike her who was having the fun of her life, I had slept with a man who had a fiancee? No, not that. I had given my first time to a man who didn’t care two fucks about me, and gotten more emotionally invested in him after that? I tried to say something, but I guess I was too embarrassed to.

“Do you think he’s interested in you?” She suddenly asked, making me look up at her, feeling extremely pitiable. She knew then. She knew I was a fool who was liking or loving a man that didn’t see me the same way. “I think he is.” She added.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“I said I think he likes you.” She eyed me closely.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like how?” She chuckled, still looking at me so closely, before squinting her eyes at me. “Oh my goodness!” She put her palm over her mouth. “You like him too Bianca! Don’t even deny it!” She warned, making me scoff.

“Well, congratulations.” I stretched out my hand to her for a shake. “Congratulations on being the 5th person who knows I like Manuel Russo.”

“My goodness!” She laughed out, shaking my hand as she did. “You’re so hilarious. Who are the other 4?”

“My sister; Amara, my cousin; Mila, my cousin’s bestfriend; Sarah, and my friend; Laura. Though, my sister and my cousin’s bestfriend only think I have a crush on him.”

“And you don’t?” She asked. I was silent, but gave a simple shrug.

“I’m not sure anymore. I think it’s gone beyond that.”

“Well, if you ask me, I’d say that the feelings are mutual between you both.” She was repeating this same thing.

“No.” I shook my head in disagreement. “I think you’re getting it all wrong. If anything, he sees me as a…..” I paused, heaving a deep sigh. Now I thought about it, I wondered what I was to Manuel. Were the three weeks we had spent together enough for him to see me as a friend? I was probably just his cousin’s personal assistant still.

“Bianca, I don’t know what you may be thinking, but I think he likes you too. He is always here to take you for those walks every night.”

“Exactly. Just walks. We’re most silent at each other during those walks, so it’s no big deal. Moreover, he has a fiancee back in Italy. A rich heiress, whom I don’t measure up to in any way. They would probably get married when he returns to Italy.”

“Phewww!! What would you do with your feelings now?”

“Nothing.” I forced a smile on. “I don’t want things to get awkward between us by refusing to go on our nightly walks after having sex with him. He clearly doesn’t even think much of it because he already tried to let me know we can’t be together.”

“That’s so sad.” Eleanor muttered and it only made me pissed. Pissed at myself. Sad? I may have been bullied throughout high school days, but the moment I broke away from Kyle’s oppression, I never let myself become pitiable anymore. I wouldn’t start becoming pitiable now.

“It really isn’t.” I smiled. “I’m doing away with the feelings I have for him already. I’d count our fling as one of the satisfactory excercises I had while on this island.”

“Dammmnnnn! You nasty girl!” Eleanor laughed and I joined in. As we both laughed, I hoped that I would indeed find it easy to let go of these plaguing emotions. Just as our laughter died down, Eleanor’s phone chimed. She picked it up and looked at it, a smile spreading onto her face.

“I’m sorry, but I have to leave you now. I have to go get some medications that had been prescribed to me by the doctor.” I couldn’t help the frown that came on my face. Was she sick? She seemed quite serious as she spoke.

“Are you okay?”

“Not sure. I would probably be, when I get some vitamin D and K from Phillippe.” It took me a few seconds to grasp the meaning behind her statement and when I finally did, I couldn’t just help my laughter.

God! Eleanor’s freaky side was really suprising. She never really seemed to me like the sort of girl to just have sex without any emotions tied to it. It made me wonder how people achieved that. I just couldn’t be that. Just once I had sex with Manuel, and all I really wanted to do was to spread my legs apart for him whenever I saw him. But then, I had to bring my self control to play whenever he was near. Our nightly walks were a torture, but I couldn’t afford to make him have an idea about these feelings I had towards him, by turning down his requests to walk with him. Eleanor happily jumped away as she went to meet her ‘drug vendor’.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I looked around the room, thinking of what to do to keep myself busy until it was time for our nightly walks. Eventually, I decided to just lay down on my bed and sleep. It was only a few hours before night comes, but I couldn’t just stay and remain bored. Eleanor had been the one keeping the boredom away but now she had gone to have sex, and I was literally left to my boredom. I closed my eyes, but didn’t sleep until about half an hour had passed.

By the time I woke up, I looked through the window of my room to see that everywhere was very dark. This seemed like a ‘late night’ kind of dark. Looking at the tiny clock by my bedside, I gasped when I saw it was already 1am in the morning. Oh boyyy. I had clearly missed out on my walk with Manuel. Laying down back in my bed, I closed my eyes to sleep again, but found myself chuckling. I definitely knew that it was impossible for me to sleep again.

I remained on my bed though, looking at the ceiling and counting several hundreds until a sound caught my attention. Manuel? Was he still outside? That was definitely his voice. Hopping down my bed, I opened the door of my room and strolled outside the beach house. I was very suprised to see him seated on one of the pavements close to the path leading to his own beach house. He seemed to not have noticed me. Looking closely, I realized he was on a call. By this time? I didn’t know how long it was going to take him to finish up with his call, but seeing he had been here up until now, his call was probably going to take much longer. I was about to turn and quietly make my way back inside when I heard my name.

“Bianaca?” I turned to see Eleanor and Phillippe coming from the opposite direction. Christ! Up until this time? They had been at it since evening? Eleanor let out a chuckle as she got closer.

“Bianca?” I turned towards the sound of the voice and saw Manuel up on his feet, putting his phone in the pocket of his trousers. He began making his way towards me.

“Alright, we would just leave you both.” Eleanor smiled. “And no, we haven’t been busy at it since then. We had a short break, before picking up from where we stopped. I also hope you don’t mind.”

“About what?” I asked, quite amused by the funny woman.

“Phillippe would be with me in my room tonight, and they would be so much noise.” Oh wow. My neck went hot the moment I sighted his hand grabbing her butt and squeezing it.

“Enough of all that. You both should use the privacy of your rooms if you don’t mind.” Manuel said from behind me, making me shudder from the feeling of his body so close to me. When had he gotten so close? I waited for Phillippe and Eleanor to walk in, before creating a space between me and him.

“I had come for our walk, but learned you were deeply asleep.”

“Ye.. yeah.” I stammered. “I was. I slept off quite early today.”

“Hmmm.” He nodded. “I take it you’ve woken then?” Why did he sound like….?

“Yeah. You want us to go for our walk now?” I asked, not wanting to believe that my thoughts were right.

“Of course. Why not? There are no dangers lurking around this island, so we are very free to walk about whenever we feel like.”

“You don’t feel sleepy?” I asked, scratching the back of my neck. I really didn’t want to go because my body didn’t feel right at that point in time. I still felt hot from watching Phillippe grab Eleanor’s ass.

“Shall we?” He asked, before turning and walking away, completely ignoring my questions. With a sigh, I began to walk behind him, purposely slow enough to make me not meet up with him. Suddenly he halted, making me walk into his back.

“Sorry.” I muttered.

“It’s fine. I wanted to cover the distance between us.” He explained and I nodded. Once more, he began walking and I followed beside him. I noticed he had taken a completely different route today, but didn’t bother asking him anything. We walked for a while until we got to a very large tree. Around the foot of the tree were a few chairs.

“Wow, I’m seeing this place for the first time.”

“There are many more places on this island that you’re yet to explore.” He smiled. It was annoying the way I felt a some liquid pool in between my legs. It could be quite mortifying if he had an idea I went wet just watching him smile. I noticed that I felt really horny throughout today though. Maybe it was my hormones acting out, I hadn’t an idea.

“And to think I have just a day left to be here. This place is such a treasure.” I said sincerely.

“Hmmm.” He hummed in response. “We should sit.” He suggested, pointing towards the seats that seemed to be made of stone or clay. I settled down on one of the seats, and watched as he took his own seat beside mine. I don’t know what impressed me the most about this spot. Was is the fact that the large tree acted as an umbrella above our heads, or was it the fact that my legs sunk into the soft sand on the ground? We both remained there in silence, enjoying the environment. After some time, I scratched the tip of my nose and I noticed he looked at me in an amused manner.

“What?” I asked and he just shook his head, looking to be in thoughts.

“You know, you remind me of my Nonna.”

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