The Mafia’s Seductress


Isadora’s POV

I wake up to Rafael pacing back and forth talking on the phone.

“Okay, well we’ll be there in ten.” He says and hangs up. He noticed me and Smiles

“Morning baby.”

“Who was that?”

” Jacoh. He got back last night and has a plan. He wants everyone at his hotel to go Over the details before we do this.”

I nod and groan as I get out of the bed. My muscles are sore. I feel like I’ve been hit by a car.

“Moving a little slow there baby?” He chuckles.

“This is your fault”

He walks over to me and kisses my forehead before lightly patting my ass, just enough to make my entire body ache. I almost collapse.

“You’d learn not to tease me evenually.”

–Jacob’s Hotel–

Jacob layed the blueprints out on the table, with circles drawn in certain places.

“Okay, currently the situation is in our favor. He only has fifty men guarding the entire perimeter. Alfonzo, Ishmael and some of my team will take west point. Javier, Enrico and more of my team will take east point. Emiliano and the rest of my team will take south point. Since we are doing this off the books. we can’t leave loose ends boys.” He points to another circle closer to the entrance.

” Rafael. Case, Johnny, with a select few of their marine buddies, and myself will be here at the entrance. Everyone will wait for my signal.” He point to a lonely circle directly in front of the house.

“They already know what you look like Isadora. so when they see you. they may be a little rough with you. Once inside, you will most likely be brought straight to Rodrigo. Try to keep him talking We need a confession in order to convict him. As soon as we have confirmation. we will immediately come in after you, capture him and transport him back over state lines.”

“Then you better get to him before I do. If I get to him first, there won’t be anything left of him to transport.” Rafael seethes. His brothers laugh.

“Everyone will wear a bulletproof vest. My team will supply you with one.” Jacob informs us and hands Rafael a wire, “Tape this to her body somewhere not nodiceable.” Rafael nods.

He pulls me behind a door and takes of my shirt. “Do you have your knife on you?” He wraps the wire around my waist and tapes it in a few places. “It’s strapped to my leg.” I say as he puts my shirt back on me, grabs my face and kisses me hard.

“Good. Please be careful baby. Rodrigo is easily riled up. Try not to piss him off okay? If anything happens, use your knife.” I nod and kiss him again.

“I love you kitten.”

“I love you too.”

–The Safe House–

Witg everyone in their positions, I begin to make my way to the entrance of the house, two guys immedialely spot me and rush over to grab me.

Rafael’s POV

Breathe. Just breathe. In and out. I was so close to running out there and beating thern to death but I held it together. Not yet. I was listening through their ear pieces

We got her boss,

It’s about damn time!

Tie her to the chair.

Yes boss.

She’s silent. I hear a few grunts but so far so good. If i hear her whimper even a litle. I’m ripping this place apart and everyone present during my rampage.

Isadora’s POV

“Pretty stupid of you to come here alone.” Rodrigo says grabbing a rolled up piece ​​of cloth and unravels it on a table. Unfortunalely, I can’t see what is it.

” What do you want from me Rodrigo? Why have you been after me?” I hear the clinking of metal and my blood runs Cold.

“At first I wanted you to be with me instead of with Rafael. But after he rejected my father’s proposal on the contract, my father actually let it go. Walking away like a scared child: My father was always weak. He never had the balls to stand up to any of these assholes! He let them walk all over him but l will get my house back in order.” He slowly turns around, holding a scalpel in his hand. “Starting with you.” He walked towards me. I had to think fast.

“You killed him didnt you? “He stopped and stared at me.

” Yes.” He smiled. “And after i kill you, I’ll kill Rafael and the rest of his wretched family”

Gunshots rang through the air. Rafael must have heard him threaten me. Rodrigo looked at me and scowled.

“You little bitch!” He dropped the scalpel and began hitting me. Over and over and over. He picked up te chair with me in it and threw it hard against the wall. The chair broke into pieces and I was able to get free of the rope.

My entire body was in pain. I’m pretty sure I have a broken rib. It’s hard to breathe. I try to get up but he kicks me back down. His foot connects to my back, stomach and legs multiple times. He switchs back to his fists and hits me in the face. My vision is blurry. cant see much. Cant hear much either. Everything sounds muffled. I find a last bit of strength and reach for my knife. In between his punches, which were getting slower, I jam my knife into his side.

“AHHH!” He screams and backs away from me clutching his ribs.

“Boss, we gotta go! Now!” I hear a deep voice then feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. Darkness

Rafael’s POV

My eyes found the closest target. I grab a blade and throw it, hitting him in the neck. Another target. a blade to his temple. Punk bitch.

“Intruders!” A guy from the balcony yells. I take another blade and throw it into his chest. I took off running and the shooting began. Dust flying, coating the air as bullets hit the ground around me. I managed to get through the bitches gaurding the door using only my fists. I grab the last guy standing by the throat and he swings at me. I catch his fist and pull him into a headbutt. I hear the crunch of his nose break and he falls to the ground unconscious. I take out another blade and stick it in his temple. No loose ends. A scream ripples through the house. I run upstairs and throw my last blade into the gaurd at the end of the hall. I hear a loud crash, the shooting stops and all goes silent. That kind of silence that makes your stomach ache and your ears ring.

“Isadora!” I run through the door and find her lying on the floor. She’s bloody. Her face is swollen and her body was already bruising. I watch her chest rise and fall only slightly and breathe a sigh of relief. She’s still alive, but barely. I rush to her side and gently pick her up in my arms, carrying her outside.

“JOHNNY! Get the fucking van now!” I hold her as I climb in, keeping her close to my chest.

“Stay with me baby please.”

–At The Hospital–

The moment we got there they had to restrain me to the floor to keep me in the waiting room. They pryed her out of my arms and i fought tooth and nail to go with her.

“Calm down Rafael! What happened!” My dad yells pinning my arms to the wall.

“I don’t fucking know what happened! I heard a crash, walked into the room and found her beaten and bloody on the floor! Rodrigo wasn’t fucking there! Now get the fuck off me!” I scream. He lets me go and backs away.

“All the entrances were covered. Did anyone see anything?” Jacob asks and everyone shook their heads.

“MOTHERFUCKER!” I grab him by the throat and slam him against the wall. His head bounces slightly from the impact. All his men put their guns on me. I dare one of these ball-less bitches to actually fire. I’m begging someone to give me a reason to unleash The Shiv.

“Dont you dare! Hold your fire!” My dad yells, standing behind me like a shield. I took out my big knife and put it to Jacob’s throat.

“Listen very, very closely Jacob. If I have have to repeat myself to you again, I won’t hesitate to slit your throat again, I won’t hesitate to slit your throat and watch the life drain out of you. Nod if you understand.” He nods.

“The next time I say no You better fucking listen! You are the reason she is here right now! You are the reason she was almost beaten to death!” The more I talked, the more rage I felt. The Shiv began to serface. I press my knife a little deeper into his neck, slightly knicking the skin. A small dribble of blood seeps out of the cut.

–Two Hours Later–

“Montez family? “A nurse walks in holding a clipboard. I immediately stand up.

“Is she alright !?” I panic.

“She has two broken ribs and a dislocated hip. Her body is severely bruised and she has deep tissue damage. She will make a full recovery but the trauma her body went through has made her slip into a coma. All we can do is keep an eye on her and wait until she wakes up.”

“Can I see her, please?” I beg. She nods.

” Everyone else stay here.” The nurse led me to her room and when I opened the door my heart broke. I should have made her stay! She would have been pissed but at least she wouldn’t be in this condition. Tears blur my vision as I climb into bed next to her, stroking her hair.

” I’m so sorry baby.” I kiss her cheek.

” I love you kitten. Please come back to me.”This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .


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