The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


I drummed my fingers on the table. “If we are going to avoid having the most vulnerable soldiers constantly getting kidnapped and turned into Kathra’s weapons, we need to put her on the defensive.”

Tavorwen tried to object, but the nature of the argument was hard to oppose. “At least, let us recruit the battle maidens we talked about.”

I looked at the designs on the table. “Can you get it done by tomorrow, when my weapons will be done?”

The two exchanged another look. “Yeah, but we need to get you back to the house and go start immediately.”

“Do you need anything else from me?” I asked Durithana.

She was sitting and writing out a missive, and waved me away. “I’ll get it done.”

We turned and headed back toward our home.


Kathra smiled, her fingers drumming on her throne.

“The summon is dead then?” Gla’dri guessed.

“I all but saw the fires consume him through my slave’s eyes before her death. The surprise was perfect.” Kathra cackled. “No mage could have saved him then.”

Gla’dri stroked his chin, “I hesitate to assume. The slave did not know enough of him to know any unique aspects of his being. For example, she did not know how he caused the deaths of our soldiers…”

“Pah!” Kathra dismissed. “You worry too much. Even were he immune to fire. I invoked the infernal fires of Ya’av to burn him, half of the flame was a smite of divine fire directly from Ya’av’s residence in the third layer of Hell. No normal humanoid could survive those flames.”

Gla’dri saw the look in Kathra’s eyes. He knew that she would not listen now. He had said his piece, now he had to watch for his own skin. He had lived as long as he had by being very cautious. He didn’t believe anyone was dead before he saw the body. It was one of the reasons he didn’t like disintegration magics. Right now, however, he had to please the enthroned shadow elf in front of him, or she’d just kill him herself.

“No. The last desperate effort of the fallen ‘High Elves’ has failed. It is only a matter of time before their desperate defense of their forest borders fails and we can reach this Ealphamir. At least the slave could tell us where the male-worshiping whores live. We should have done that years ago.” Kathra smiled cruelly. “Perhaps I should make platoons of slaves from each of our sister races! The deliciousness of forcing my sisters to slay each other! Oh, it is beautiful!” And she laughed maniacally.

Gla’dir inclined his head. The idea was sound. It would keep shadow elves safe and just increase the death among their foes. The morale boost among the shadow elves would be great, as would the morale drop among any group this was employed against.

“How fare the foragers? Have they found new sources of sustenance for my soldiers?” Kathra asked, finally coming down from her gleeful display.

“Yes, they have discovered several common roots that can be gathered by the storehouse to feed us alongside the banthir we have gathered. The banthir milk is nutritious and their meat is rich as well.” Gla’dir answered. “The scouts have even learned that the Wild Elves have learned how to breed these horned grass-eaters to produce more beasts than they eat. It is possible with slight effort we could reach sustainability in just-”

“Are my SOLDIERS to become beast chasing farmers?” Kathra demanded. “Bah!” She slammed the arm of her throne, “An army marches on its stomach…” she growled, “… This is to be kept as small as possible. As few of my subjects as possible should be allowed to engage in such weakness… perhaps another good use of slaves… You said the wild elves were good with these beasts?” Gla’dir nodded. “Start scouting for easy slaves to pluck from their beast farmers.”

“Are we going to allow the wood elves to recover?” Gla’dir asked.

“My soldiers need to recover. The wyverns and gruthir need to be punished and trained to obey, even when struck by such terror…” Kathra mused, “But in a month’s time… We will march on the forests with the full force of nine houses. The forest cunts will burn, and only enough to rip all the knowledge of the forest wealth from will be taken. Then each of the other races will topple, one after another.”


The mages were finishing their investigation and the blackened wood was looking whole and clean again. There was a large gathering nearby. I could see the book with Radrine’s writings being passed between what appeared to be a few high ranking elves. The mood was heavy.

We walked up to the door and inside.

The Matrons were all at work. Lymarith was mixing more of the paste she had used to strengthen the wards on the house. Diamiutar was stitching together what looked like a leather jacket in my size. Heilantu was praying over a set of vials, she finished and with a flash, the clear liquid turned a light pink. Narusil had a book in her hand, the symbol of destruction magic was on the spine, showing over her hand.

“Watch over our Master.” Tavorwen instructed, “We have battle maidens to recruit.”

“We will do all we can.” Diamiutar assured the two battle matrons, and with a nod the warriors left.

“Why the urgency to recruit the battle maidens?” Heilantu wondered.

“Because I plan to take the fight to El’Muth’Ran.” I stated bluntly.

The four matrons stopped what they were doing.

“… What did you say….?” Lymarith breathed.

“I plan to take the fight to El’Muth’Ran.” I repeated. “Kathra knows where we live now. She’s already shown she’s willing to stoop to a low that makes my blood boil. I’m going to show her what it’s like to have the chaos of war on her doorstep.”

“You have won two battles for us.” Narusil cautioned, “Do you not worry this will be an overstep?”

“That’s why I just visited with Durithana. I need new weapons if I’m going to be doing this. A bolt-action fifty caliber rifle is great, but I need higher rates of fire and shorter barrels to navigate halls and clear buildings.” I admitted. “Durithana says she can have the new weapons done tomorrow afternoon.”

“And Tavorwen and Creadeand want to have battle maidens recruited to come along.” Diamiutar murmured.

“I’m coming too.” Narusil declared.

“No!” I countered my pregnant Matron. “You are pregnant and not a fighter.”

Narusil met my gaze. “I’m trained as a war mage. I can use my own teleportation magic. I WILL be there, with or without your permission. My body won’t even be affected by our child for at least 8 months. Shadow elves fight as much as fifteen months pregnant. I am not going to lose you while I sit on my hand here at home.”

The steel in Narusil’s eyes was hard to deny. I almost went to order her, like I was her commanding officer, but I wasn’t. I was her husband, her master, and the father of the child she carried.

She had also just saved my life, and probably the lives of all of my matrons. I knew she had been declared a coward, stripped of her combat position and thrown into the civilian pool of the elves, but she had the look of a fighter right now.

I rocked back on my heels before her gaze. The elven gods had led me to claim her as a matron. I wondered if this might not be why they had done so. If she was to teach me magic and provide magical support.

I couldn’t believe I was taking a female I knew was pregnant with me, but here we were.

“Very well.” I accepted.

“Master!” Diamiutar objected.

“Could you stop her?” I demanded. “I’d rather have her with me and know I can watch over her, than have her try to follow and do her own thing.”

Diamiutar sighed in resignation.

Narusil raised her chin. “I will make you proud.”

I sat down. My rifle across my lap. I had to prepare myself. Tomorrow evening I would be in the trenches. I had to steel myself.

Heilantu came to my side. “I’m sorry I haven’t had time to make more, but take these.” She handed me the five small vials. “I have instilled healing magic into these potions. They can only do so much, but should help if you are injured.”

I met her gaze. “Thank you. I’ll be ready for you shortly.”

Heilantu shook her head. “No, I want it, but I can see you need rest. I want you to be fully prepared for tomorrow, and I’ll be here for you when you return.”

I sighed, “You deserve better.”

“I’ll receive better. When you return.” She confidently assured me. She leaned in and gave me a light kiss. “Now, go get some rest.”

I accepted her advice. I rose, shouldering my rifle, and walked to my room. The rifle got leaned just next to my bed where I could put my hand on it in a hurry if needed. I stripped down and slid into the sheets. Back home a bed this soft would have driven me nuts, but somehow, the softness and smoothness only soothed me now.

There was so much that could go wrong tomorrow. But true to form, once I started to get caught up, the calming peace I’d first felt in the chamber where the angel had offered me the chance to come here washed over me again. I relaxed and enjoyed the calm and peace. I don’t know how long I laid like that, my brain calming and the thoughts settling.

I didn’t even hear the door open, but I felt the lithe body of one of my matrons slide into my bed and press against me, her bare skin silky of her naked body and pert breasts pressing into my side.

“Forgive me.” Lymarith breathed, “I wanted to be near you.”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“There is nothing to forgive.” I told her, kissing her forehead, and drawing her into my arms. The distraction of her body in my arms finally cutting through my thoughts and I slipped into sleep.

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