The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

A Perfect Luna

“The Council refuses to consider me as Alpha because of my age, and my Uncle and Grandfather agree with them. By Luna, why couldn’t I be eighteen? If I was closer to mating age, I could just find my true mate and everything would be like it should be,” I said. “If I let Todd mark me, I’m giving my true mate up forever. Something about Todd just isn’t right, and I don’t even like him, much less love him.”

“What are you going to do, Talia?”

I got up and walked down to the lake, looking across at the moonlight rising over the waters. I loved my Pack, I loved this land, and I didn’t love Todd. “I don’t know.”

“Hey, I spotted a tub of Rocky Road ice cream in the freezer,” Michelle said. “I say we grab it and some spoons and watch chick flicks until we fall asleep. Nothing is going to happen tonight anyway, it’s still the mourning period. Tomorrow night is when Beta Todd is being installed as Alpha.”

We had binged on ice cream and snacks, and my friends had finally fallen asleep about two. It was now three in the morning and I couldn’t sleep. I opened the door, walking out into the hallway of the Alpha wing. There had to be more food downstairs.

The light was on in the Alpha’s office, and I could hear voices. Stopping by the door which had not fully closed, I could hear Beta Todd laughing with Chairman Andreas. “Things will work out for the best here, Beta. I know it grates to give up looking for your fated, but it’s been decades for you with no success. You’ll be a good Alpha, and she will eventually be a strong Luna for you. It doesn’t hurt that she’s a hot little number.”

“Stubborn little princess, more like. Her father spoiled her, letting her think she was more than what she is.”

“And that is?”

“Attractive arm candy and a capable pup producer,” Beta Todd said. “Don’t worry, I have two years to correct her attitude before she is mated, and I will take advantage of every day. She will be a perfect Luna when I am done; meek, caring and absolutely obedient to her Alpha.”

There was the clink of glasses, then two tumblers hitting the desk. “When you mark her, she will go into heat, and she might have one or two more before she is of age. How will you handle that?”

“Just because I can’t fully mate her doesn’t mean I can’t have fun with her,” he said. “There are skills she will have to learn quickly to meet my expectations.”

“It will be easier to control her once she is marked and the bond starts to work its magic,” Andreas said. “Women are weak and easily controlled by the bond because deep down their wolves want to be dominated by a strong male. They talk about independence and equality, but deep down they want to be overpowered, pinned to the bed and pounded until they can’t walk straight.”

“I’ll do that soon enough,” he said. “What should I do about Tania?”

“She’s gone, and from everything I’ve seen she left on her own. No one smelled any wolves outside the Pack anywhere in the territory, and there were no signs of struggle. She ran off with a rogue. End the search and wait for her to return when it goes bad, and it always goes bad.”

“You’re right. She was an impulsive little bitch.”

I had heard enough, and I turned and moved quietly back to my room before they could know I was there. My mind was reeling with the news, but one thing was clear in my mind. I’d cut his nuts off before I allowed a man like that to mark me.

I walked back to my room, crawled into bed next to my friends, and fell asleep trying to come up with a plan.

I woke up late the morning of the third day after the funeral, knowing tonight at sundown would be the end of the traditional mourning period for an Alpha. Michelle was our early riser, and she had gone down to the kitchen and brought back breakfast for us all. I was starving and ate a lot despite the nervousness of the day. “What happened last night,” Michelle asked as she placed the trolley by the door. “You seem distant this morning, and I know you didn’t sleep well. I woke when you came back to bed.”

“I don’t know what to do,” I said as we sat together on my bed. I took their hands and used the bond to replay the conversation I overheard.

“That bastard,” Erica said. “That stuck-up caveman BASTARD!”

“Like you are going to just roll over, bake cookies and pop out pups for him,” Michelle said. “You are Alpha blood, not him.”

“It doesn’t seem to matter to them or my family, all they see is my age and my lack of a dick.” Harsh, but true. If I was a sixteen-year-old male, they would let me be Alpha, they would just make sure I had a good support structure and mentoring. Why was it so different for me? I had been raised to run a Pack, while Todd just executed his Alpha’s wishes.

We didn’t come up with anything, so I went to the only people I thought I could trust. I knocked on the door of my grandparent’s room, and they opened it and pulled me into a hug. “Grandfather, I have a problem and I need your help,” I said. “I can’t allow myself to be marked by Beta Todd. Not after last night.”

He looked at me and just nodded. “Can I bring your aunt and uncle into this discussion?”

“Yes, it might affect them too.”

A few minutes later, we were all together in the sitting area of the guest room they had been given. “Last night I learned some things I was not meant to know,” I said. I had us all hold hands, and using the family bond, I was able to share my recollection of the conversation. When I ended the memory and lowered my hands, I could feel the tension in the room.

“That son-of-a-BITCH,” my Grandfather said. “I trusted him.”

“I did too, until last night. They have no intention of looking for Tania, and he has no intention of giving me any say in the running of the Pack. I may as well not be Alpha because he’s just using me for my bloodline.”

My Aunt pulled me into a hug. “We will find your sister, even if your Alpha doesn’t. We know her, she wouldn’t run off like this. Someone had to take her, and we’ll find her.”

“Thank you,” I said. “What should I do about tonight? The Council is going to install Todd as Alpha, and they expect him to mark me in front of the Pack as his mate. I can’t let that happen.” Tears started to flow. “I don’t love him, and I won’t be his toy. My mate is out there somewhere, and I want HIM.”

“I know, baby,” my Grandma said.

We talked for about twenty minutes before it was time to decide. “So I have three options,” I said.

“The simplest one is to leave with us, today, before the ceremony,” my Uncle said. “You join our Pack, reach mating age and find your mate. You go to his Pack when you find him, at whatever rank he is.”

“And give up the Tomah pack and my bloodline’s Alpha right to the Pack.” I didn’t like it.

“Yes, but the Council’s plan to put the Beta in place depends on him mating you for stability. If you don’t do it, we can push for the Alpha position to be put to competition. Eligible Alpha blood members would gather and compete, with the winner granted the job. Beta Todd would be hard pressed to win against such a field.”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Option two,” I said. “I tell the Council that the Alpha position is mine by line of succession, and that if someone wants to challenge me, they can do so.”

“Beta Todd will certainly challenge you, and some other Pack members might as well. If you survive, there are bound to be challenges from outside the Pack as well. There are no female Alphas who are not widowed, and even those lose power quickly.” My Uncle never sugar-coated things for me.

“And with my fighting skills, I won’t survive, or at minimum I will be exiled.” Alpha challenges were normally to the death, but no challenger was ever allowed to stay in the Pack after losing.

I chose the third option. For better or worse, I was Alpha right now, and it was time to use that.

I called the senior Pack members to my office, a little pissed that it smelled more like Todd now than my parents. Beta Todd was notably absent. “Should I get the Beta,” my Theta and head of the guards, Nicholas, asked me.

“No but have a vehicle and two warriors stationed outside the Pack House, we’ll be needing it.” I sat in my father’s chair. The other members were the junior Beta Victoria, who was in charge of the Pack House and facilities, and Delta Jacob, who was in charge of training the young ones. “What I show you next is not to be shared to anyone outside this room without my permission,” I said, bringing my Alpha power to the forefront.

“Of course, Alpha,” they all replied. I showed them the conversation from last night, but only the part where they talked about abandoning the search for Tania. I could feel their anger; she was a Pack member, and no one else believed she had run off.

“I cannot allow the Council to install Beta Todd as Alpha of my pack, nor take him as a mate, when he cares so little for my family and a fellow Pack member. We are family, and we don’t give up on family, ever,” I said. “For the crime of abandonment of a Pack member, I will be expelling Beta Todd from the Pack. Bring him to the car,” I said.

“Alpha, is that wise,” Beta Victoria said. “The Council is still here, and we all know they plan to make him Alpha.”

“They can’t confirm him as Alpha if he isn’t Pack,” I said. “And I will never mate with that vile man. If the Council thinks I am going to roll over and play submissive mate to someone they choose for me, they don’t me and they don’t know this Pack. When I explain to everyone what is going on, the Pack will support me. My family has guided this Pack for centuries, and it won’t stop now. Get the Beta, and bring him to the front of the Pack House.”

“Yes, Alpha,” the Gamma and Delta said as they walked out.

I gave them a few minutes to find him before sending a broadcast over the link. “Wolves of the Tomah Pack, meet in front of the Pack House immediately. Attendance is mandatory for any member not on duty.”

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