The Outlaw

Chapter 28

Lilith’s POV

Sometimes I really wonder how the people you trust are really the ones that really break you. Humans are complex creatures, you can give 100% of yourself to someone, your love, time, efforts, trust and most importantly your emotions and they wont give just 2% of what you gave them.

Of course they ain’t entitled to give you shit but it’s actually the expectation of the same that breaks your heart. Emotions manipulate you in such a dire way that it can make a fool out of even the most intelligent man in the world, there by the good ol’ saying goes, never let your emotions get the best of you. That’s because the dude who came up with the saying knew what exactly what was happening but the poor person never realized that nobody in the world has control over their emotions. No matter who you are or how firm hold you have of yourself, emotions makes you expect from people you love.

Even if you think you’re not expecting anything from anyone, let me break this happy bubble of yours. You expect. At least on a subconscious level you expect from the people you love and trust.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I have always been one of those who has trust issues. Believe me when I saw this, I hardly open up to anyone and when I do I pour every ounce of me to them, thinking they too cared about me the way I did. **dark chuckles** the fool I am!!

Life really threw a wake up call at this delusional bitch.





My day couldn’t get better, after exploring the sea and witnessing such a life altering experience. Gerardo took us all out of his island to another for shopping around there I got a call from my boss who made me the acting ceo of the firm I work at. i was literally jumping in joy, I wanted to become the senior associate but this is so much better.

Its almost night time and due to a storm we had to stay in this island until its safe for us to travel back to his island.

So here I am sitting with my sister in a bar with a glass of LSD iced tea in our hand. I looked at the crowd mingling together sharing stories or making new ones.

“Are you happy, lily?” Layla said making me look at her. I nod my head with a small smile, “I am.” I confirm touching her leg. She looks at me worried, “Are you guys serious?” she asked hesitantly.

I sigh looking down at my drink, “Well he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet but I really like him!” I say with a sad smile, ” and I know he likes me just as much!!”

She nods her head with an encouraging smile but I can still see the worry in her eyes. Having enough of her ambivalent behaviour, I put my drink on the bar and look at her in concern , “Whats wrong Layla? You have been acting very chary lately!” I call her out on her behaviour. She sighs and puts her drink on the bar took looking at me with an emotions I recognize swiftly in the line of my work, betrayal.

“Lily, this is not my place to tell you and I won’t but just so you know. Things ain’t always what it seems to be, knowing you,,,, you keep your morals in the highest priority. But before you decide anything without hearing the all the sides would be unjust!” she said light lipped, I know for a fact she is hiding something, no Sherlock is needed to figure this out.

I cross my arms looking at her with my business expression, “Layla, you do know I am a fucking lawyer. You’re literally telling me how to do my job! Hearing both sides is literally what I do for a living. You’re talking as if you’re doubting my credentials!” I tell her sarcastically.

“Be honest, Layla. Are you sleeping with Gerardo? Or do you have feelings for him whatsoever? Because if you d–”

“are you out of your mind?!! me and Gerardo?? yuck!! he is like a brother to me!! god ewww” she yelled in disgust and body shaking in terror with just the thought if two of them. I release the breath I was holding, not gonna lie, I really thought she banged Gerardo and now has feelings for him. The way she acted made me come to this conclusion, ” Urgh!! how can you even think like that??” she said complete horror. I chuckled a little, ” seriously Layla. What’s wrong?!”

The same look of betrayal crossed her face, ” nothing but please promise me you’ll hear out everyone before you make any kind of rash decision.. when you find some things out.” she said making me sigh, really don’t wanna argue with this one right now.

“I wont” I said with a fake smile. My phone beeped with a message, my fake smile was replaced with a real one when I saw the text was from Gerardo. ‘Come up, I miss you.’ was all that he said. My heart fluttered with a fairy’s wings.

Gerardo wanted me to spend some alone time with Layla and he also wanted to finish some work and with me in the room he is never able to concentrate in work. Personal experience. *smirk*

“Go! he must be waiting for you!” Layla said with a knowing smile. I smiled back at her and got up to leave but before I could Layla said something that made my heart stop beating for a sec.

“And just so you know, Gerardo doesn’t like you, he is crazy for you.” I stopped mid way looking at her with a smile, “I know!” I said and walk out of the bar.

I was in the lift when my phone buzzed again, I looked at it and picked up the call, “Hey Dylan! What’s up?” I say cheerfully.

“where are you?” he said hoarsely without greeting.

“uhm, I am out of station. What’s wrong? You sound troubled..” I ask

He was quite for a few seconds, “I need to meet you now!! send me your location!!” he almost shouted at me.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I was about to shout at him more but he cut me off.

“its about Mason Shawn” my hands tightened around my phone hearing his name.

“I’ll send you the location but I don’t think you can come because there is a big storm coming here” I said void of emotions.

“Don’t come back here, Liz. Its not safe anymore” he said and cut the call. My heart was beating irregularly, Mason shawn, that bastard ruined my life. He took every ounce of happiness from my life, the only mistake on his part was that he left me alive. Now I’ll will be his death.

My breath got caught as soon as the elevator door opened. I felt a type of warmth spread from my heart and tingles shoot throughout my body. The dark room was lit by hundreds of candles giving the bland hotel room a intimate touch. The floor was flooding with magnificent red roses, a trail was made in the sea of roses by white roses and candles leading to our bedroom. A strange emotion took over me looking at the lascivious room, there were sets of scented candles lit in the room, the bed was flooded with roses and there was a bottle of champagne in a bucket full of ice.

“I hope you liked it!” I heard his voice from the bathroom door, I turned looking at the man who has stolen a part of my heart. He smiled nervously at me, “I didn’t know what you’d like so I did what I would’ve wanted someone to do for me…” he trailed off rubbing the back of his head.

“i know its cliche and very old school but.. I guess that’s what I am, old fashioned!” he blabbered nervously before he could continue his nervous rant I walked up to him and pulled him down for a kiss. My arms firmly wrapped around his neck, my hands running through his thick locks. He was taken aback but my sudden action but within a second he has his arms wrapped around my waist bringing me closer to him. Being in the arms of the man I have such deep fondness for made me forget everything. Our lips moved in perfect harmony, softly but firmly our tongues tussle for dominance. I moaned as his grip on my waist increased, I became putty in his arms, pulling back from the enchanting kiss I looked at him lovingly, “Its perfect, love!” I tell him caressing his face. He cupped his hands on mine and kissed my palm, ” I was scared you wouldn’t like it but Flynn told me to go with my guts!” he explained further with a shy smile on his face. I giggled at his red face, ” you couldn’t have done it better!! I too am an old school romantic. I don’t like big restaurants or anything like that, just a very intimate setting put together with compassion and effort!” I said kissing his lips one more time.

I was in awe of the proud look on his face, the light on his face was enough to light up the darkest place in my heart.

“Come on,, I have something else planned for you!” he said pulling me towards the bathroom. I chuckled, “In the bathroom?” I asked with a raised brow.

He opened the door open for me and an aromatic gush of sweet and bitter smell of bitter orange and cinnamon travelled through my nose. I stood awe stuck in the entrance looking at the setup. Just like the rest of the hotel room, there were candles setup around the jacuzzi rose petals decorated the floor and practically everywhere the only difference is that the jacuzzi is steaming and there are orange bubbles spilling out of the tub, ” awe shit! I forgot to turn it off!” i heard gerardo curse under his breath. i smiled at his adorable behaviour, ” Could you get any more perfect?” I asked going behind him and wrapping my arms around him.

” you liked it?” he asked doubtfully, I turn him around looking at him flabbergasted, ” Are you kidding me?? I freaking love it!!!”I say laughing with joy.

” well I am glad you did. You have been stressed way too much lately and I thought why can’t I combine you relaxing with our date?!” he beamed like a child.

“Are you the same brooding Gerardo that I met two years ago? What happened?” I asked in humour but that soon dies when I see the enchanted look on his face, “You” he whispered looking directly into my eyes. I could see his pupils dilate, the amber in his eyes seem to have lightened up and the green and brown specs became more prominent. Ever since I entered the room, I couldn’t see anything but beauty all around but I dare say that his eyes are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I could see nothing but love in his eyes for me, “What are you doing to me, gerardo?” I ask overwhelmed with emotions.

” I should be the one asking you that question!” he states softly tugging a stand of hair behind my ear. His hands sensuously travelled from the back of my ears to my neck gliding to my shoulder, sliding the flimsy dress strap off. The dressed pooled around my feet leaving me in just a thin pair of panties and a bra that failed to hide my erect nipples.

He turns me around, his hands leaving sparks all over my body as his hands travel down and unhook my bra. His hands then caressed down my waist, so lusciously that shivers of pure raptures travelled throughout my body, he hooked his fingers on the hemline of my panties and pulled it down to my ankle, “Call me a liar,, but I have never seen someone as enthralling as you” he said with a sigh as he turned me around, stepping back from me to looking at me fully. His eyes carefully studied my bare body with adoration in his eyes, I was left speechless by the emotions that poured out of his words.

I could feel his piercing gaze all over my body, I felt like someone lit my body on fire. Suddenly the confident and powerful lawyer was gone and was replaced by a shy 16 year old who was insecure about her body. I quickly got inside the tub before I did something stupid. i could feel his gaze stuck to my red face, he came towards the tub and squatted, caressing my cheeks, “What’s wrong, love?” he asked ever so tenderly like he is talking to a child. I look up at him, i shake my head, “nothing, I am just happy” I tell him but the frown on his beautiful face doesn’t hinder, “are you sure? Is there something I did? Did you not lik–” I stop him from blabbering more by pulling him into a kiss, “its all perfect. YOU are perfect!” I tell him pulling away from the kiss. I could hardly describe the ardent passion this man erupts from my heart.

” I brought your favourite champagne!” he said with a smile, I nodded back at him as he gets up and brings me a flute of champagne.

“join me.” I said as he hands me the glass.

“its just for yo–”

“please, how else will this be a date?” I argue,

“baby, if I get inside the tub, I will be inside you!” he warns, his soft amber eyes now replaced with dark lustful ones.

“I’d love you inside me!” I said purring with a smirk

A smirk matching mine forms on his lips and he starts stripping. I look at him with dark eyes as he pulls down his shorts, god I could never get used to seeing him in all his glory. I have seen him naked hundreds of time but I could never get used it. His wide shoulders was one of the attributes that I am attracted to the most, his shoulders have the capability to intimidate people even before he could utter a word. His chiselled chest is also something I love to claw and sleep on and lets not forget those delicious abs that I always love to lick. And don’t even get me started on that long thick dick that stretches me so well or that perfectly round arse that I swat or those long strong legs.

My head was deeper in gutter of all the things we did or will do that I didn’t realise he was out of sight, “I too need some alcohol in my system before we get started” his voice pulled me out of my sinful thoughts. He pours himself a glass and tells me to move forward.

“i am gonna be close to you if you want me in with you.” he says sitting behind me and pulling me between his legs. His dick was perfectly aligned to my ass. I smirk as my head begins to drown in filth again. I innocently push my ass on his dick that becomes semi hard in seconds. I smirk in triumph when I hear him take short breaths and his grip on my waist tightens.

“baby, if you’re doing it unintentionally, then I am sorry but if you’re doing this deliberately, I’ll fucking make sure you cant walk for days!” he growls the last part in my ears making a delicious shiver run down my body. I look at him innocently, “Doing what?” I ask him dumbly. His breathing quickens by every passing second as I continue to wiggle my ass on his now hard dick. He hisses in irritation, “Fuck being a gentleman!” he growls and throws his glass on the floor along with mine. He gets up on his knees and pulls me on my four by my waist.

“you act like a whore, you get treated like a whore!” he growled pulling my hair like a leash as he rams his dick in my pussy. I arch my back moaning his name as he keeps ramming his dick harshly, my moans kept being muffled by foam.

“one day, just one day I think I’ll treat her like a queen but no! My slut is just filthy who loves being treated like a rag doll!” he growls wrapping his hands around my neck tightly. My eyes roll back in pure pleasure as he keeps degrading me, I wiggle my ass, throwing it back, meeting him midway as his speed only seem to increase. My body starts to shake and my hands give up as I feel my high nearer. He pulls me up but keeps up with his thrusts as I convulse in orgasm, I could see different colours flashing in front of my eyes and my minds become incoherent with the intensity of orgasm coursing through my body. His thrusts become sloppier and his grips around my body becomes bruisingly tight, he comes soon after moaning my name.

But what he said after that made tears well in my eyes, “Fuck, lilith! Fuck!! I love you. I love you so fucking much!” he said, his head bowed on my shoulder.

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