The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Send gif Chapter 28 I tried not to focus on his words and ran as fast as I could through the thick trees. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps behind me but I ignored. it and focused on getting out of the woods alive. I knew those rogues. wouldn’t hesitate before trying to hurt me and I didn’t want to die alone. in this forest. I maneuvered through the trees until I came to a large clearing. I looked around hoping to find some indication of where to go or some proof that I was going the right way but all I could see were trees for as far as the eye could see. I heard a twig snap behind me and I jumped and turned to see three rogues emerging from the woods. The one in the middle was the one I saw earlier and I took a slow step back. “Chasing you is fun,” he licked his lips, “But you have to know that you can’t run from us.” “I wonder if she tastes as good as she smells.” The one to his right said. and he mimicked the snapping of jaws. I didn’t wait to respond to them, I turned and ran in the opposite direction but before I could go far, I felt a hard body collide into mine and I was slammed into the earthy floor at full force. I tried to push him off but he pinned me down with one hand and the other wrapped around my throat so tightly that I thought I was going to pass out. At the last moment, he released me and I coughed as I gasped. for air and tried to fill my lungs as much as possible. “Even a chase gets boring after some time.” The rogue on top of me breathed before leaning down to sniff my neck, “We are going to have so much fun with you.” He pulled me to my feet and the first thing I did was rear my knee back. and hit him as hard as I could in his groin. He doubled over in pain and I ran momentarily forgetting that he had two other partners until I felt a searing pain in my side. I fell to the floor and looked down at my shirt that now had three long ga shes. Blood pooled out from the wound and I tried to breathe through my nose to stop myself from screaming in pain. “You f ucking b itch.” Before I could even figure out where the voice came from I felt a searing pain in

my nose and black dots danced around my vision. I knew my nose was bleeding from where he punched it and I was now lost on where to focus my energy- my bleeding side or my bleeding nose. “Maybe we can have some fun with her first.” One of them said in a sultry tone and I felt them tear my legs apart. I tried to push them away but they were too strong and two of them held me down while the other one settled between my legs. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I managed to kick his stomach and in retaliation, he raked his claws down my stomach. I let out a blood curling scream and fell limp. I was sure I would bleed out before they were even done with me. I closed my eyes, ready to embrace the darkness that would come when I heard a roar from a few feet to my left. I would have thought I imagined. it if not for the rogues above me who ceased their movements. I could barely keep my eyes open but my ears registered signs of a struggle and the ripping of flesh. I could feel myself fading in an out of consciousness when I felt warm hands wrap around my upper body and limbs. I leaned into the warm touch and I heard garbled noises. I tried to make it out and then I realized what was being said- my name. “Camilla please stay with me.” I tried to remember where I had heard that voice before but my mind was coming up blank, “Baby please keep your eyes open.” I honestly tried to do as the voice had asked but I felt too weak and before I could hear another word, the darkness overtook me. RYKER’S PO.V I tried to keep a calm head but it was impossible as all I could see was my mate drifting in and out of consciousness while bleeding out in my arms. I tried my best to hold off the bleeding but it felt like the

more I did, the more she bled. I could barely keep my head on straight as I ran to the hospital. I knew the carriage would be too slow and time was of the essence. I had mind linked Lucy to get everything ready and when she saw Camilla in my arms, her mouth fell open. My wolf protested as Lucy took her from me and placed her on a hospital bed. I wanted to be close to her and I didn’t want her out of my sight. “Alpha, I need you to keep your head right now,” Lucy said in an attempt to distract me from going after the doctors who were wheeling her into an operating room, “She has a lot of blood and she doesn’t have a wolf to help her heal. She might need a transfusion.” “Take as much as you need from me.” She nodded and gestured for me to come with her. The last thing I wanted to do was go in the opposite direction as Camilla but I knew I would be more useful this way and I forced my legs to follow Lucy. I was barely paying attention when she poked the needle into my skin and was barely paying attention to the blood that flowed out of me. All I could think about was my mate currently being operated on. I tried to remind myself that I could feel our bond alive. It was weak but it was there and that meant that she was still breathing and as long as she was breathing, then I could focus. Lucy took only two pints despite me asking her to take more. She assured me that two would be enough and left the room. After she had gone, my mind started to travel again to how I found Camilla in the woods. We had just finished with the rogue camp and were looking for any stragglers when I heard her scream. I instantly knew it was her but I didn’t want to believe it at first because Camilla was supposed to be home safe and protected by Lauren. Lauren, where is she? I tried to mind link her but I was coming up empty so I mind linked my Beta- Creed. He answered immediately.

“Is she okay?’ he asked “She’s still in surgery.” He started to apologize but I cut him off, “Find Lauren and bring her to me, now.” “There’s no need, she just walked into the hospital.” I wasted no time in rushing out and sure enough, Lauren was walking through the hospital corridors caked in mud with a few scratches on her arms. She saw me and kept her head low but walked over until she was standing directly in front of me. “Where were you?” my voice was barely above a whisper and I saw Lauren flinch slightly. “Ryker, we were ambushed and I tried to get her to safety.” “Why were you there in the first place?” “I was-,” she trailed off, “She wanted to see you and one of the guards told me that you had killed off the rogues. I didn’t think it would end up like this.” “Where were you when she was getting hurt. It was your job to keep her safe.” “I saw some rogues and I tried to chase them and-,” “That was not your job.” The entire hospital went silent probably in shock. I rarely raise my voice at people; I don’t see a need to do it. My father did it at every opportunity he got and it made him a terrible leader, not a good one. People will listen whether or not you raise your voice but this time, I couldn’t help it. This is the second time she is putting Camilla in harm’s way. “I am sorry,” she bowed her head, “it will not happen again.” “You’re right it won’t,” she raised her eyes to me and I saw the hope in them but I ignored it, “From today you are no longer general.” She gasped, “Please, no. I have worked my entire life for this.” “And you threw it all away the moment your Luna got hurt under your watch.” I ignored the pleading look she sent my way, “A good general knows when to retreat and it seems like you haven’t learnt that yet.” “Ryker please-,” “It will be Alpha from now on,” she took a step back as if she was slapped, “Report to Creed and he will

inform you who the new general is.” She looked up at me almost as if she was hoping I was joking but the time for jokes are over. “I warned you that if you made another mistake then I wouldn’t be so forgiving.” “I promise it will never happen again.” Tears filled her eyes as she spoke, “It was just a big misunderstanding.” “A misunderstanding that could have cost me the life of my mate.” I was done entertaining the conversation and she knew it, “Report to Creed, Lauren. This conversation is over.” The first tear dropped but she nodded and took a step back. She bowed low and made her way out of the hospital. I pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and pointer finger as felt the tell tale sign of a migraine coming on. Wolves don’t get sick usually but I guess when you’ve had a day as hectic as mine, you lose that privilege. “You should rest Alpha.” I heard Lucy say from behind me. I turned to her and she had a proud glint in her eyes letting me know she overheard the conversation. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guards outside heard it, I wasn’t exactly subtle or quiet as I spoke. “You will be of no use to her right now.” “I am not leaving until she is awake.” Lucy pursed her lips but nodded, “Perhaps I should lead you to the waiting room then, she should be out of surgery soon.”

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