The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 I wobbled on my first step and just like Ryker promised, he was right there next to me using his large body to hold me up. It took me a while to get used to walking on four feet and the moment I did, I took off in a sprint. I heard Ryker’s yap of pleasure from behind me before he chased after me. He would playfully nip my tail whenever he got close enough and I would push my paws to go faster. I knew from his sheer size that if he wanted to catch up to me, he would, but for some reason, he was enjoying the sheer pleasure of the chase as much as I was.. He finally collided with me when we got to our waterfall. I paused at the thought- I didn’t know when I started seeing the place as ours but I guess. it was fitting considering it was our place. We tumbled to the floor but he absorbed most of the impact with his body and I landed on top of him. His large tongue licked the side of my face and I yelped and jumped off him. I walked over to the lake and glanced inside. It was so surreal to see the large white wolf staring back at me with bright amber colored eyes. There was something on my shoulder but I couldn’t make out the shape. Having a wolf is everything I have ever wanted and all I needed to do was just be patient for it. I have a feeling that Ryker had something to do with my shifting. I don’t know why but I just do and I felt grateful for him. It took me a second to realize that my walls were down and my emotions. were wide open for him to read. He walked up to my side and nuzzled my neck with his nose and I let him. He sat on the floor and gestured for me to do the same. I wasted no time in joining him there and I placed my head against his front paws while he alternated between licking the fur around my head or nuzzling me. “How do you feel?” I heard his voice in my head just when I could feel myself dozing off, “Did it live up to your expectations?” I knew what he was asking but I had a different question, “Why didn’t you tell me that it was like this?” “What do you mean?” even though he was curious, he never once stopped grooming me.

“The bond,” I explained, “What I feel now is only a fraction of what I used to feel before. Has it always been like this for you?” He hummed, “It’s a little more than that actually. The bond an Alpha has with their mate is completely unrivaled. It’s not something that can ever be explained.” “How did you deal with it? Especially when I wouldn’t even let you come near me.” Instant guilt filled me, “I’m sorry, if I had known-,” “There’s nothing to apologize for,” he cut me off, “I’m glad you didn’t know because then you weren’t forced to be around me because of pity. I wanted you to come to me because you wanted to come to me and not because of the bond.”

“So if I never wanted that. If I wanted to leave, would you have let me?” “No,” he didn’t waste any time thinking before he responded, “At first I tried to convince myself I would have but the moment you actually voiced out that you wanted to, I knew I couldn’t. I’m never letting you go Camilla; even if I have to scour the ends of the earth to bring you back home I will.” I tried to ignore the butterflies that erupted in my belly at his words. It felt nice to know that someone cared enough to want me to stay and that he would do anything to keep it that way. I to-be nuzzled further into his hold and he did what I expected him to- he just held me. We stayed like that for a while before Ryker helped me shift back. I had forgotten that I was going to be stark naked and I flushed pink. Ryker returned to retrieve his clothes and he gave me his shirt to cover up myself. It fell to my upper thighs and although I still felt exposed, it was better than walking around naked. Ryker put on his trousers and leaned against a tree to stare at me in his shirt. I squirmed in my spot and looked up at him through my lashes. “Why are you staring?” I asked and he just shrugged. “You should wear my clothes more often.” I flushed pink and Ryker just chuckled under his breath and held out his hand for me to take. I wasted

no time in slipping my fingers into his and I watched in fascination as his large hand dwarfed mine. It was easily almost twice the size and it was rough and callused in contrast with my dainty and soft palms. He squeezed softly and I found a small smile growing on my face. By the time we got to our room, I didn’t feel the need to change. I just crawled into bed in Ryker’s shirt while he put on another one and left the room. He returned with a tray of food and told me I needed to regain the strength I had lost while in my wolf form and he told me that I would probably start eating a lot more because I needed to feed my wolf form as well as my human. The thought brought a weird feeling over me. I know that Ryker will never have a problem with how little or how much I eat but it still doesn’t stop the weird relationship I have with food. It just feels weird to know that at one point in my life, I was barely scraping by a meal a day and now, I get to eat as much as I want whenever I want. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize I had started playing around with my food until I felt Ryker take a seat right next to me on the bed. “What are you thinking about?” he asked and I shrugged, “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine but it is not nothing.” “I was just thinking about Tyson’s pack,” I admitted and I saw his eyes darken, “It was nothing serious, don’t worry about it.” His hand slowly moved to cup the back of my head and he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I could feel his body vibrating from what I assume is anger but his hold on me was anything but angry. It was soft and careful, almost as if he was deliberately trying not to hurt me. “You don’t ever have to think about that.” He assured me, “You are never going back there again. There is nothing for you to worry about.” “What if he wants me back?” I uttered the thoughts that had been scaring me, “When I left, he was searching for me. What if he finds out that I’m here and he wants me back?” “He isn’t going to have you.” The sheer fierceness and determination in his voice has my spine straightening, “Make no mistake about it Camilla, you are mine and I protect what is mine. If he wants

you then he is welcome to try but best believe that I will make sure I turn his pack into rubble before he lays a finger on you again.” My skin heated at his words and my mouth gaped open as I stared at him. I wouldn’t admit it but his words made my lower belly clench and I felt a rush of wetness in the apex of my thighs. I wasn’t wearing underwear so it made the feeling worse and I knew I had to change the subject or else something else was going to happen. I wracked my brain for something and I ended up blurting out the first bing that HTTTI His eyes widened and he cleared his throat, “That is a subject change if I’ve ever seen one. Do you not want me to be nice to you?” “I do,” I stuttered, “I just don’t understand why. You’re the Alpha and you’re nice to everyone.” “Being the Alpha does not give me the right to be rude to anyone, much less to you.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ears, “You’re my mate, my equal. I treat you the way I would want to be treated myself, with love and care. I also have a little sister and I would kill anyone who treated her anything less than perfect.” “I’d love to meet your sister someday.” “I know that she would love to meet you too,” he assured me, “She is just occupied with her own thing right now. But the moment she is back, I assure you that you will pray for her to return.” “She can’t be that bad,” I chuckled. “You clearly haven’t met Riley yet.” Regardless of what he said, it was obvious that he cared for his sister and my heart warmed at the thought. I couldn’t help but think about what he would be like as a father and my cheeks flushed when I realized the direction my thoughts had taken. He noticed the flush of my cheeks but he chose not to comment on it and I was grateful for it. I trained my eyes on my try of food and forced myself to finish every single bite in an attempt to get the image of Ryker with a child of his own- our own- out of my head.

When I was done, I put the tray on the side of the bed and cleared my throat. The picture was still ingrained at the fore front of my mind and the more I thought about it, the more realistic it became. Ryker has never said anything about having children but I would imagine he wants them, every Alpha does, right? “Where’s your mind at?” he tapped the side of my head lightly and I tried to hide my eyes in embarrassment, “Nowhere, I just zoned out.” We both knew I was lying but one thing I love about Ryker is that he knows when to push and he knows when to let it slide. Did I just say love? I was so hyper fixated on that one word that I didn’t even notice when Ryker took off his clothes. One minute we were talking and the next, he Wie el �་ཚ�།།བ་རིལ།། �ི་�ར་ལེན་ *** in mumer and her laughed and grilled on free bake thinking sheer grotting Soin any པའི་�ི༠༢༨�། །ཀར། �ོགས་པna] [ealཤson “What’s happening?” my voice came out in stammers and he just laughed and pulled me into his chest. “You need to rest Camilla,” his hot breath was against my ear and I was thinking about anything but rest. I subconsciously rocked back into him and he grabbed my hips in a firm grip. “That is going to be counterproductive,” he groaned in my ear and I had to squeeze my thighs hard, “Go to sleep, I’ll make you feel good later.”NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

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