The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 I expected that after the naming. I would be away on a trip with Ryker enjoying some quality time with my family but instead, I was being roped into a meeting with the elders to figure out what we were to do about Frederick. In all honesty, I didn’t care about him or his claim but the elders seemed genuinely worried. I only had time to nurse Aurora and put her to sleep before I was out. The elders were frantic when I got to the council room. Ryker was already there seated at his usual spot next to mine. When I walked into the room, they all fell silent and I ignored them as I made my way over to the chair. I had barely sat down. before the first one spoke. “The boy has a right to the throne,” he began and I raised a brow in his direction. He understood what that look meant because he swallowed. “What I meant to say was that if he truly is your father’s son then he has a claim and he can contest for it.” “What does the law say?” I asked and everyone turned to me in confusion. “What does the law say about heirs and the throne? There has to be something that talks about the child being a descendant of both people on the throne. Doesn’t anyone read the law?” I knew I shouldn’t be snapping at them but I was frustrated. I wanted to be with my mate and my children instead of being stuck in a meeting with six sniveling adults who could not care less if I were to live or die as long as they regained their position as the elders. They mumbled between themselves and I knew they were trying to remember. 1 felt Ryker place a hand on my thigh and I turned to him. He was looking at me with concern but I shook my head to let him know that I was okay. I could tell that he didn’t believe me but he knew better than to push where we were so instead, he lounged back in his seat and watched the entire scene unfold. He rarely spoke during council meetings and I made a me ntal note to ask why. “We will have to check in on that, your majesty,” one of the elders said finally and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “It does not change the fact however that the news has gotten to the towns and people have varying responses to it.”

“What are you talking about?” “News travels fast in this kingdom and people are beginning to question the validity of your claim to the throne. You are younger than him and he is-” he trailed off but I knew exactly what he wanted to say. “Is this because he is male?” I asked and they all stayed silent. “What do you think?”

“I think that you are Queen and nothing else matters.” Translation: He wouldn’t speak against me for fear of his life but that didn’t mean that he supported me. I resisted the urge to scream. After all it had taken me to get here, I was going to get overthrown because of something a stu pid as this and I couldn’t even count on the elders to defend me because everyone had their own hidden agendas. “Thank you all for coming but this meeting is over,” I declared and they all looked between themselves in confusion “When you leave, find out what the law says and I need access to my father’s thungs. If he had another son and that picture is true then he must have record of it somewhere and I need to find it before it falls into the hands.” wrong “As you wish, your majesty.” They bowed and I watched them all file out. I pinched my brows in frustration and I felt Ryker place a comforting hand on my back. I allowed myself to lean into his hold and just be his mate for a few seconds. I didn’t know how we were going to get through this but I had faith that we would. He pressed a small kiss to the top of my head and I sighed. “That went well.” he teased and I laughed. It was my first genuine laugh of the day and I could feel the pride rolling off him. You are an amazing Queen and your subjects know that. The elders are just scared and they don’t know what to do or how to react to this. It came as a shock to everyone “I just wish this happened before we senied down. I don’t want the girls caught up in all of this. I don’t want their childhood nted with memories of wars and fights. I wish mother was here.”

He sighed. “I know you do, but you can do this. Everyone in this palace swore allegiance to you- even me. I promise you that we will get out of this. Frederick is one man, how big of an army could he have amas sed in silence? The palace has the largest and best trained army that anyone has seen. Do you doubt their abilities?” Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“No,” I said after a beat and I felt him smile. “Why don’t you ever speak at the council meetings? You just watch.” “You are the Queen and as backwards as it might seem, they would respect a man more. You are the ruler here, not me. I am only by your side to help you and nothing more.” “That’s not true.” “That is how it needs to be,” his tone held finality and I knew he wasn’t going to entertain the conversation any longer. *Come, we have a lot of meetings to get to today but before we go, I need to know if you are okay. You lost your temper very quickly today.” “I couldn’t sleep well,” it wasn’t a lie. I was barely able to close my eyes for more than thirty minutes at a time and I had no idea why. “I just need some rest and I will be fine.” He looked like he didn’t believe me but at the last minute, he nodded. He helped me to my feet and together we walked to our next meeting which was with the guards to find out how the hell Frederick managed to get into the palace undetected. We spent four hours with the guards and we still hadn’t found his entrance. I was getting more frustrated as the hours went by and Ryker noticed because he pulled me out of there as soon as possible. As soon as we got out, we were greeted by Christine who was holding a screaming Aurora. “I tried everything” she told me. “I cleaned her and rocked her but she won’t go back to sleep.” Despite the frustration running through me, I moved to take my child but Ryker beat me to it. He balanced her with one hand and rocked her as he led me through the halls and out into the gardens. I was confused as to why until I noticed the picnic table set there. It was at that moment that I realized that I hadn’t eaten all day. I was touched that Ryker had noticed.

He managed to calm Aurora down and we ate together in silence. It felt like bliss because it was the first moment of peace I had gotten since I woke up. I could have fallen on my knees in gratitude. I didn’t know how Ryker got it set up but I was grateful for it. I knew there would not be many more of it so I tried to enjoy it for as long as I could. When we finished eating. I made to return inside but Ryker’s hand wrapped around my wrist and he kept me seated. “Just stay, I pushed back the next meeting by an hour. You have this entire time to yourself.” “Ryker,” I began but he cut me off. “You are no good as a Queen if you are irritable. Right now, what you need is rest. You just had a baby, Camilla. This stress isn’t good for you.” “I’m fine,” I argued and he stared at me blankly. He didn’t need to say a word, it was obvious that I wasn’t fine. “What if there is an emergency?” “There won’t be one. Just relax, Camilla, please.” “Where is Audrey? “Audrey started her lessons today, remember?” Guilt wracked through me as I realized I wasn’t there for her. She was to start her lessons because she was starting school in a year. She made me promise last night that I would be there to wish her luck and I forgot. With everything that was happening. I had neglected my own child. “Camilla” Ryker turned me to face him. “Please don’t do that. She knows you were busy, she understands. You can see her after everything. I know you feel bad but please, I need you to relax. Hoby please.

I let out a sigh but did as he asked. I reluctantly allowed myself to relax against him. He was still holding Aurora in his arms and he didn’t seem to mind or complain. We were like that for ten minutes before I heard footsteps. I didn’t need to look up to know that whatever semblance of peace I thought I had was gone.

“What is wrong?” I heard Ryker ask and I finally looked up to see one of the guards staying there. “A message was left for the Queen. I think she should see it.”

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