The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Chapter 87


I hated being stuck in the center of things. I loved having Riley around, she was my friend and she was Ryker’s sister, Damein was his best friend but Christine was my cousin, she was the only person who I knew for a fact had my back in the palace. I didn’t want to pick a side but I knew that in a situation like this, I would inevitably need to. I wanted to go after her when she first ran off, but Ryker told me not to and after he returned, he made me promise to stay out of it but I wasn’t sure how well I could do that.

Over the last two days, she had become a shell of herself. She barely spoke to anyone and would mainly just stay locked up in a room with the children. If she saw Damien, she went the other way which meant that she didn’t join us for any meals. I couldn’t help but be relieved when I found out that they were leaving in two days. If it meant bringining back a semblance of peace to the palace then I was willing to take it.

I was aware that Riley and Damien came to ask Ryker’s blessing for their mating ceremony but nothing had been said regarding that. When Damien suggested a small intimate outing, I knew it had something to do with that. I was torn on how to tell Christine about it when the door to the dining room opened and she walked in. She had her head held high and she walked like she owned the place. It was the first time I had seen her in over twenty-four hours.

“I apologize for my absence the past few days,” she spoke aloud as she took her usual seat to my left. I caught her eye and I shot her a questioning look to which she replied with a smile. The smile wasn’t there yet but it was an improvement. “We were trying to organize a picnic or some relaxation time at the stream, you should come,” Riley began in a more cheerful tone than usual. She had been trying everything in her power to get Christine to like her. I wasn’t sure if it was guilt or fear that spurred her to do that but I never bothered to ask.

“I don’t think-” Damien began but Christine cut him off.

“If the kids will be there, I will too,” she said and I turned to her with wide eyes and a raised brow.

Everyone in the dining room had varying levels of shock on their faces but Christine ignored us all. It was the first time she had initiated contact and I couldn’t help but wonder if there was more at play. I waited until breakfast was over before I grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop. I allowed everyone file out ahead of us before I turned her to face me and crossed my arms over my chest. This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

“Camilla,” she began in a warning tone but I ignored her.

“Are you going to tell me what is happening or do I have to keep guessing?” I asked and she sighed. “I just want to know if you’re okay, Christine. You don’t have to do this if it hurts you. No one is going to hold it against you.”

“I will,” her voice was so soft that I wouldn’t have heard her if she was not standing directly in front of me. “I cannot spend the rest of my life avoiding them. The truth is that they will be here. Come hell or high water, they will be involved in your life and Ryker’s. if I don’t get used to seeing them together now then I never will and I will not spend the rest of my life hiding whenever they come around.” “You have the rest of your life to figure that out,” I whispered taking a hold of her hands. “Don’t force yourself into healing when you’re not ready. I’m worried about you.”

She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I’ll be fine. Call me when you’re about to leave.”

She walked out of the room without a second thought leaving me to wonder what exactly happened overnight to change her mind. I wasn’t the only one wondering because as soon as I walked into our room to change, Ryker was on me with questions. I hated the fact that we were both in the blind and I couldn’t help but feel like this was a recipe for disaster.

When it was time to leave, I didn’t want to call Christine, I was content with leaving her and dealing with her anger later. She must have known that because she was already downstairs when I got there. We split ourselves into two carriages and I panicked when I realized that Christine had to get into the same carriage as them because we were with the children. I saw her façade cr ack for a second before she suddenly shrugged and just walked inside like it was no big deal. I hated her nonchalant attitude.

We arrived after them due to having to move slower because Aurora was sleeping and I was shocked when I saw Riley and Christine conversing between themselves as they set up the little chairs in front of the stream. Damien was on the other side setting up the food table. For a second, I was convinced that everything could be fine between them but I didn’t know that things were about to go downhill.

The girls sat by the stream dipping our toes in as we took turns carrying Aurora. I sat in the middle of them in case something was to happen while the men chased butterflies with Audrey. It was a fun day and by the time the sun was beginning to set, Damien cleared his throat. If I was paying more attention to them, I would have noticed the look he sent in Riley’s direction or the flush that creeped up her cheek. I would have been able to prevent the chaos that was about to happen.

“When we came, we said it was because we heard about what happened to Camilla,” he began. “While that is partly true, we were already planning to come.”

Damien instantly had everyone’s attention. I sat up straighter and Ryker picked Audrey up to make sure she didn’t run off. Damien looked around and glanced at Christine hesitantly. It hit me what he was about to say and I tried to scream at him not to say anything. I couldn’t just jump in and interrupt him but I wanted him to stop.

“Please stop him,” I said to Ryker via our mind link. “This will break her.”

“I tried, he won’t listen to me. I could order him but that once again defeats the

entire purpose. She is going to find out sooner or later.”

“I vote for later.”

“Camilla, you cannot protect people from everything. She needs to know and when is a better time than after a good day? Even if I agreed that she shouldn’t find out, how do you propose I do that? Should I interrupt him or send her off?”

“I don’t want her getting hurt.”

“I know but we have to stay out of this. It is messy and we don’t have all the pieces.”

I didn’t agree with him but I knew he was right, there was nothing I could do to stop Damien. I watched as he held out a hand to Riley. She was holding a sleeping Aurora and she quickly handed her off to me before going to stand next to Damien.

“We wanted to officially invite you to our mating ceremony in a few months,” Riley announced and everyone went pin drop silent.

I held my breath as I waited for Christine’s reaction. She had always been excellent at hiding her emotions so I wasn’t surprised when her face went completely stoic. Nobody dared to breathe for a few seconds until she raised her hands and began to clap.

“Congratulations, I hope you have a long and happy life together,” she said to both of them and I could tell she was being genuine. She offered them a small smile before standing and walking off.

I gave Ryker a look that clearly said ‘I told you so. He put Audrey on the ground and took Aurora from my arms. “Go to her,” he whispered and I nodded.

I gave Riley a hug. “I am happy for you both, truly, I just have to,” she waved me off as if she understood. “I just want you to know that this isn’t about you.”

She laughed humorlessly. “Of course it is about me, Camilla, but the truth is that I don’t blame her. I have put myself in her shoes more times than I can count, I would hate me if I were her.”

“She doesn’t hate you.”

Riley looked like she didn’t believe me and although I wanted to stay and reassure her, my cousin was more important. I dashed off in the direction she had gone and followed her scent to a clearing of trees. I heard sniffling and I found her seated with her back against her tree. She was staring at the setting sun and her nose was red but her eyes welled with unshed tears.

“Did you know that I was supposed to marry for duty?” she asked as I sat next to her. “My mother was your mother’s sister. She died in childbirth and I was taken in as a ward of the palace. The palace shas no use for spares so I was to be in an arranged mating for the betterment of the economy.”

She laughed humorlessly before continuing. “Your mother fought it tooth and nail, do you know why?” I shook my head. “She believed in marrying for love.

She was mated to one of the worst mates but she still believed. If she could see me


“She would be proud,” I cut in and Christine turned to me. “If my mother saw you, she would marvel at how strong you are. She loved you like a daughter and Christine, you will marry for love. It might not come the way you think but it will.”

A stray tear leaked from her eyes and I pulled her into a hug. “Thank you for that.”

“You don’t have to thank me,” I smiled but my smile fell the moment I heard a twig cr ack.

We were on our feet in an instant and I looked around. Although I couldn’t see anyone, I couldn’t shake off the feeling thatwe were being watched.

“We should go,” Christine whispered and I couldn’t have agreed more.

We immediately started back on the path towards the palace and as I looked back, I could have sworn that I saw a pair of red eyes staring back at me but the moment I blinked, they were gone.

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