The Sexy Multimillionaire

Skibble Fun and TFood Street

Blanca immediately opened the hamper that Lorenzo was still holding because she was curious and she couldn’t wait any longer to know what Lorenzo gave.

Not long after, she saw a blue dress. The dress was similar to the dress that her favorite princess wore in the film.

She felt very surprised when she saw that. Her eyes glared.

Her mouth was open for a moment. She fell silent and froze for a while before she smiled broadly, because she felt so happy.

Not long after, tears started to well up in Blanca’s eyes. That made Lorenzo hastily wipe away tears.

“It’s too soon to cry, honey. I think you should try on this dress first.”

“There’s a fit room over there. You can use it to try this dress,” said Lorenzo. That made Blanca smile while he nodded slightly in front of him.

“I’m going to change there too.” Lorenzo answered.

Blanca accepted the dress. Then they went to the dressing room together. There, they quickly changed their clothes.

Blanca changed into the gown that Lorenzo had given her, while Lorenzo changed into a prince’s attire. There, Lorenzo took a deep breath. He was very happy, because he could give Blanca what she dreams of.

“The most important thing is your happiness,” thought Lorenzo. He only wishes for his wife’s happiness.

“Excuse me, sir!” said a servant who came in front of Lorenzo.

Lorenzo looked at him confusedly. “What’s wrong?”

“You forgot one present, sir,” he said while he handed over a box filled with glass slippers.

Lorenzo gasped in surprise. He had almost forgotten that important matter.

“Ah! Thank you!” said Lorenzo as he immediately accepted the item that was proffered.

The servant left them. At that time, Blanca had just come.

Lorenzo’s gaze fell on Blanca. That time, she was in front of him with the dress that she had put on.

A smile spread across Lorenzo’s face, when he saw his beautiful wife wearing the dress he had prepared for Blanca.

“You’re so beautiful!” complimented Lorenzo.

Blanca blushed with embarrassment. Lorenzo remembered the shoes he was holding. He put the box down, and pulled out a chair for Blanca to sit in.

“Please sit down!” Lorenzo said.

Blanca happily sat down in a position away from the table. Lorenzo knelt down as he opened the shoes Blanca was wearing.

Then he put on the glass slipper that he had prepared earlier. Blanca was surprised to find that Lorenzo had prepared everything in detail.

“Honey, you’re….” Her words were cut off by him.

“Princess, you have to look perfect in these glass slippers.”

“Remember, don’t leave me after twelve o’clock! I’ll have a hard time finding you later.”

Lorenzo made a joke. That made Blanca laugh out loud.

When Lorenzo was about to get up, Blanca immediately hugged him tightly. Lorenzo was surprised, but he felt comfortable with the hug Blanca gave him.

“Thank you, Honey!” Blanca thanked him.

“I’m so happy to get something beautiful like this from you. You also make me feel what I dream of by preparing something like this. I don’t know how to repay you,” said Blanca, who was deeply touched by what Lorenzo had done for her.

Lorenzo smiled. Then he said. “For me, your happiness comes first.”

Hearing Lorenzo’s words, Blanca tightened her embrace even more. Lorenzo felt even happier because, from this hug, he could tell that Blanca was really happy to get a surprise like this on their honeymoon day.

“If you’re wondering what to repay me with, just give me your best tonight! I’ll be even more grateful to you, if you can do that to me.” Lorenzo joked in a slightly mischievous tone.

Blanca chuckled at Lorenzo’s naughty words to her. Actually, Blanca yearned to do just that with Lorenzo.

Blanca tightened her embrace. “Okay! I’ll definitely do my best for you too, Honey.”

Lorenzo’s heart was slightly touched. It made him look forward to doing just that with Blanca.

A smile spread across Lorenzo’s face. “Well! I’m really looking forward to it, Honey.”

A wide smile appeared on Lorenzo’s face. It made Blanca even more impressed with him. She felt very lucky to have Lorenzo in her life.

“Well! I’m looking forward to it too.”

Blanca said. She immediately grabbed Lorenzo’s lips as a sign of gratitude first.

Receiving a sweet kiss from his wife, Lorenzo returned it without hesitation. He was also very happy to have Blanca in his life.

Afterwards, they ate a heavy meal there. Lorenzo immediately asked. “Where are we going after this?”

“Why don’t we go to the princess ride? We can watch the show and visit the doll palace afterwards from there.” Blanca answered.

“That’s fine.” Lorenzo agreed.

After they had finished eating, they went straight to the princess ride. There, they watched the live princess show.

Blanca’s eyes were sparkling. She was so excited to watch it.

Not long after, the show was over. They went straight to the doll palace, as they had planned earlier.

There, they looked at the dolls. After that, they played roller coasters, shoot-outs, car bombs, etc.

Several times Blanca won, and she cheered happily. “Yeay! I win.”

Lorenzo just clapped his hands and accepted his defeat. A few times, Lorenzo won too, and he cheered happily.

Of course, they didn’t forget to buy gifts for Lorenzo’s workmates, Blanca’s parents, and Lorenzo’s parents. So, they took the time to go to the Skibble Store (Skibble Fun’s merchandise store).

After traveling for a few minutes, they arrived at the Skibble Store. From a distance, they could see the two guards were wearing Skibble Fun costumes.

When they were near the Skibble Store, the guards greeted them kindly. “Welcome to the Skibble Store!”

The two guards immediately opened the door for the young couple. Blanca and Lorenzo walked straight in and thanked them. “Thank you!”

Inside the Skibble Store, they looked at the merchandise and souvenirs they could buy. Lorenzo asked Blanca what she thought. “What kind of merchandise should we buy?”

“How about a keyring or pin?” Blanca tried to give an idea.

“I think keychains are interesting.” Lorenzo answered while he looked at the collection of keychains.

Lorenzo and Blanca immediately chose. Then, they bought the keychains at the cashier. Afterwards, they went to play with the keychains they had bought.

After they were satisfied playing at Skibble Fun, Blanca immediately asked Lorenzo home. “Honey, let’s go home! I’m tired.”

“Okay.” Lorenzo accepted Blanca’s invitation to go home. Then, they walked away from the venue to the car park.

On the way, Lorenzo asked Blanca what she thought. “How is your day today? Is it fun?”

“Yes, it’s fun.” Blanca replied cheerfully.

They walked past TFood Street. At that moment, Lorenzo asked. “Do you want to have lunch first?”

“Hmmh… I want it but I’m too lazy to queue. I’m so tired.” Blanca complained.

“Hmmh… So how about if we just pass by? Then, when we see the place is quiet, we buy there.” Lorenzo tried to give an idea.

“That’s good,” Blanca answered.

Not long after, they passed a small stand selling rice bowls. From a distance, the stand was quiet. There was no buyer there except them.

Lorenzo immediately offered. “Honey, do you want to eat there first?”

“Sure!” They walked straight to the stand.

When they got there, the seller asked. “What do you want to buy, sir, ma’am?”

They looked at the menu and ordered their food.

“One rice bowl with chicken teriyaki.”

“One rice bowl with chicken and sweet and sour dori fish.”

After that, they paid, and the seller asked them to wait. “Please wait!”

They waited for a while until the food that they ordered was brought to them by the seller. “Here are the foods, Sir, Ma’am!”

“Thank you!”

They immediately had lunch there. They tasted each other’s rice bowls to know the taste. After they finished having lunch, they continued their journey to the car.

After a while, they arrived at the front of the car. They immediately opened the car door and got into the car.

After that, they closed the car door. Not long after, Lorenzo started driving the car.

After a while, Blanca’s eyes felt very sleepy, and her body felt very tired. She immediately decided to fall asleep, while Lorenzo focused on driving.

After a while, they reached the parking lot. Lorenzo immediately said. “Honey, we have arrived!”

He waited for a while, but there was no response from Blanca at all. Lorenzo frowned and felt confused.

“Why is there no response from Blanca? What’s wrong with Blanca?”

Lorenzo looked over and found Blanca fast asleep. The sound of Blanca snoring could be heard by him.

Lorenzo tapped Blanca lightly on the shoulder, but Blanca still wasn’t awake. He said it in his heart.

“Ah! It looks like that Blanca is very tired.”

Lorenzo opened the car door and got out of the car. Then he carried Blanca to her room.

After they arrived at the front of the room, he opened the door and placed Blanca on the bed. Afterwards, he kissed her forehead, cheeks, and lips while he began to take off his clothes.

Then, she said. “Sleep well, My wife!”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

After that, he changed into casual clothes. Then, he slept next to Blanca.

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