The Tales of a Pregnant Luna

Chapter Fifteen

A week had gone by and continuously meeting with the real estate agent, I had finally found an apartment I felt was going to be it. I looked ahead of me, the wind blew towards me, my hair flying in different directions. This was where I was going to stay for the next couple of years. The rent was decent and the place had been placed a bit away from the suburbs. Sure it wasn’t the quietest places, but it should suffice if I needed to transport to and from. I touched the belly that was slowly beginning to show.

My New life started here.

Entering the apartment I headed to the bedroom, flopping myself on the comfortable bed. I let out a sigh as I let my thoughts wander. It’s just us now. Funny how lonely it sounded just thinking about it. I laid to my side, picking up my phone in hopes one of the places I had applied for work to would call and let me know I had been accepted. Getting away from Reese was one difficult thing but starting life a new in a place unfamiliar and foreign was even more difficult. Sighing I stood up and made my way towards the door. I needed to get some fresh air. All of this was overwhelming. I smiled as the bright sun touched my skin.

“*Positive vibes, Collen!*” I said to myself trying to pick up my mood.

Walking down the street I’ve become familiar to for the past few days, I let out a deep breath. There was no fretting about what couldn’t be changed. All the “ifs” needed to be erased. I close my eyes for a moment, I suddenly felt myself bump into someone. Embarrassingly, it had enough impact to back me almost fall back. The person had caught my hand, helping me steady myself.

“Are you okay madam?” a deep voice questioned in a thick French accent. Shying away, i pulled away from him in embarrassment.

“I’m perfectly fine, just a little clumsy and spaced out.” I smiled. I looked up only to be taken back slightly. He was quite good looking. Tall, with sandy blond hair and green eyes. He bent down studying my face for a second. I felt myself step back at how close this man was. Was there no definition of boundaries in this mand vocabulary?

“You must be new around here, haven’t seen a face like yours around this side of town.” he said hitting a nail. He must be acquainted with this place. I nodded confirming his answer.

“We don’t get a lot people moving in around here, they say it’s infested with Vampires and Werewolves” he said making a clawing effect with his hands. “-but that’s not true, they’re myths. The only thing you really need to be careful with is walking home late, cause then the only vampires and werewolves are those who harass everyone else.” he chuckled, I Laughed awkwardly along with his innocent gesture. If only he knew…

“I see” I said my eyes diverting.

He looked at me and smiled, “Forgive my manners, we have not even introduced ourselves and I was already blabbering. I might seem like some weird man. Pardon, my name is Alex Montezuma. And who might you be?” he questioned.

“Colleen, Colleen Anderson.” I replied and he nodded

“I guess you’re American, based on your accent?” he said.

“Yes, I guess the accent does give it away.” I smiled.

“You seem too young to be here on your own, are you here with your family?” he asked. I don’t think we were close enough for him to ask that many questions.

“Ah, sorry, I seem to have made you uncomfortable.” he said realizing my discomfort. “I guess that’s too much of a personal question.” he smiled.

He seemed to mean no harm. But it was still new place that I was not familiar with. Nothing Better than being safe than sorry. His eyes drifted towards my belly a few times before clearing his throat, making me laugh out loud at the curiosity that glimmered in his eyes.

“I’m sorry if this question is out of line but, are you pregnant Colleen, or are you like this.” he questioned pointing at the small baby bump.

‘Always like this’ that seemed a bit offensive. “I happen to be pregnant, yes.” I replied a bit bitterly.

“Does he know? Your boyfriend or husband I mean, does he know you’re carrying hid child?” he asked concerned. I shook my head. “But don’t you think that’s bad considering, if he finds out he’s going to take them away from you.” he said.

“he won’t.” I said my mood dropping. If he did I wouldn’t be here in this situation, now would I? He wasn’t ever going to find me. Not like he was looking in the first place.

“If I were your boyfriend and you kept this hidden from me, I’d honestly hate you. But perhaps he did something for you to keep quiet.” I stared at him. This man was intrusive.

“Well, I don’t think that s for you to judge, don’t you think so Alex?”

“I guess I have crossed a line yet again. I’m really sorry.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s any of your business. But even if there was a reason, I don’t think I can ever forgive him.” I said my words prickling with thorns.

He didn’t deserve that kind of mercy. He didn’t deserve that kind of forgiveness. He didn’t deserve us.

“Colleen would you like to join me for dinner?” he asked.

“I don’t think I should. Plus I need to head downtown, so I could check up for more available work.” I smiled.

“Work?” he asked.

“Yeah, the food isn’t going to put itself on the table and the rent isn’t going to pay itself, you know.” he chuckled at my statement.

“Well, if its work you’re looking for, I own the diner downtown, would you like to work there? We’re a little short on hands, I could set an interview for you.” he asked with a bright smile.

“Really?” I asked.

Was this the moon goddess’s way of making things easier for me?

“Should we head there now?” he asked. I nodded eagerly. Something was finally going right in my life.From NôvelDrama.Org.

**Reese’s POV:** *(Sorry for the switches in POV, it will end soon!)*

I had been here for a week, searching place after place. Being in a country where there aren’t many packs, makes it difficult to track someone down. I hauled a cab after looking through a couple more hotels. Where could she have gone? Was she okay? Was the baby okay?

Getting in the Taxi, I directed the driver to the hotel I had been staying at. The driver seemed to be in a good mood as he spoke about the trips he had been making to the airport and all the tips he had been given. Smiling along with him to appease him his next words had me frozen.

“There had also been that nice young girl last week who had tipped me generously.” he said.

“A young girl?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

“Yes, she looked American, well at least from the accent I had heard, seemed to be going through a lot at the time. I hope she’s doing well.” he smiled.

“Do you know which hotel she stayed at?” I asked him.

“Hmm, I think it was Marine Gold, the one near the airport.” he said making me want to bang my head against the window.

Of course shed stay there.

“Could you take me to that hotel then?” I asked as he nodded confused.

I was going to find her, and I was going to find her now.

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