The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 138

Maisie stood there with her hand up, making sure the force field held me in place while Noah jumped in front of me and started growling.

"Down mutt." She said, using her other hand to push him backwards against a tree.

"What the f**k are you doing Maisie?" I asked.

"I can feel you from my coven. We all can."

"What is she talking about?" Noah asked, being held against that tree by another invisible

force field.

"Witch's can feel others with power." I explained.

"I didn't think you had any powers." Noah said, confused.

"Neither did she. Until recently." Maisie said.

"What is this? You trying to piss me off even more?"

"No. But you're about to hurt someone. I can feel your anger. I don't know what the hell has been going on around here, but you are staying at the castle with me until we get your powers under control." Maisie demanded.

"You can't do this to me." I said.

"Wanna bet. I've already got your mother's permission. She told me to lock you in the castle if I

have to."

"Why isn't she here? Where is she?"

"She's busy. Right now, I'm all you've got. I'm going to put you down but if you try to attack me then I will carry you back to the castle like this." She insisted.

I took a couple of deep breaths before I finally nodded my head so she slowly lowered me back to the ground and released the force field.

I looked over at Noah and demanded that he be let free as well.

She followed us back to the castle but we all walked back and I could feel myself getting

but I had to keep controlling it. I knew that Maisie could feel it as well. And she wasn't


going to take it easy on me.

She's been wanting to start my training for ages but I keep putting it off.

She's not gonna let me get away with that anymore.

As soon as we got home I went to get some breakfast and I stayed in my work out clothes because I had a feeling that I was going to need them.

Maisie left me while I ate breakfast, but she was just getting a room ready for us. One of the ballrooms because it would be big enough for us to train magic in.

Anna came to the dining room and told me about the requests to come and join our pack. There are more and more requests every day so I need to start looking through them. Noah came to Anna's rescue and told her that today wasn't a good day and that she should probably just leave me alone. Otherwise I'd probably lose my temper again. When I finished eating Maisie took me to the ballroom at the back of the castle which had massive windows that looked out at the ocean.

It was right at the back of the building and probably one of the best views.

"So, that's the new guard?" Maisie asked.

"Why the f**k does everyone keep asking me that? Obviously he is." I snapped.

"He's just not what I expected. That's all." She said.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We are sitting on the floor and learning to calm our minds. That's what we're doing." She said.

"That's it? Sounds like a waste of time."

"This is stage one. We don't get into magic until you master calming your mind." She said.

"Whatever." I said sitting on the floor and I crossed my legs.

She sat right in front of me and we both closed our eyes and started concentrating on our breathing and trying to clear my mind.

It was really hard because I was so pissed off right now. And it's not a feeling that I liked. I never felt this way and I never fought with my friends. I definitely never told them to go f**k themselves like I did last night.

I felt like I was really out of my element here. And that's what I needed to get control of.

I had been warned that this was a long process.

My mom always told me that it was long and hard to try and get control of those sorts of powers. But she was younger than me and she was raised amongst humans. She found out at

the same time that she was multiple species and she had to learn all of them.

I guess just learning witchcraft couldn't be as hard as what she went through.


We were in the ballroom until that afternoon when I was finally allowed to go and get something to eat.

When I finished eating I went up to my room and when I opened the door I actually froze in the doorway.

My whole room had been cleaned up and everything had been replaced that I destroyed.

Noah walked up behind me and stood back a little.

"I had some people come over today to do it. And they replaced your vanity and your computer. I also called your principal and said that you wouldn't be coming to school for a While so he had to send through all of your assignments on the computer. You can work from home and not fall behind." Noah explained. So I turned to look at him.

"Why would you do all of that for me?" I asked.

"I know that you've had bad experiences, but not all men are assholes. And I do care what happens to you. I also know how important school is to you." He said.

"Thank you." I said. And he let out a little smile.

"Go on. Go get cleaned up. There's still royal duties to attend to." He said.

So I went to have a shower and I got dressed in some really baggy and comfortable clothes.

I then went downstairs to the office and there was a stack of folders on the desk, so I sat behind the desk and I grabbed the first folder.

It was a family that was wanting to relocate so I pulled up their file on the computer from their Gurrent pack and I started looking through everything that had been reported on them. There were photos of the whole family and if any of them ever got into trouble or anything like that.

It had everything on them, but they seemed like a nice and normal family.

I looked at the map of the new construction sites and I had to make sure that if I was allowing people to come to this territory then they would have somewhere to live.

So I approved the first family and then moved on to the second one.

Maisle came into the office and she was looking at Noah strangely as she closed the door behind her and Noah was standing outside the office.

She walked over and sat on the couch and looked at me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked.

Added to the library

"Don't tell me that you don't feel that. You have the powers. I know you do." Maisie said.noveldrama

+10 Point 

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Noah. That's what I'm talking about." She said.

"He's a good guy. Doesn't mean I trust him. Guys haven't really given me a reason to."

"But Noah is never going to hurt you."

"Well, Lucas should never have hurt me either." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"My mother isn't the only one who has more than one mate." I said.

"Noah and Lucas? Didn't Lucas bet on you?" She asked.

"Yeah. And now he keeps popping up all the time with sad puppy dog eyes. I know that he doesn't think of it as a bet anymore. But that doesn't excuse what he did." I said. "And Noah is going to kill him when he finds out. I can't believe you already know that Noah and Lucas are your mates."

"You're the one that just said I should be able to feel it. Well, I do." I said.

"I didn't know you felt it so strongly. What are you going to do about Lucas?" She asked.

I leaned back on the desk chair that I was sitting on and I was starting to wonder that myself.

"I don't know. I have the option to reject him." I said.

"Do you want to?" She asked. But I looked over at her, trying to control the tears that were threatening to stream down my face.

"I really liked him. And to find out that it was all a bet between him and his brother. It's kind of f****d up, don't you think?" I asked.

"Well, it's lucky you don't have to think about this right now. It doesn't look like Lucas is going anywhere. You can do what you have to." She said.

"Yeah. Well, I can't decide anything with him right now." I said. And she nodded her head in

agreement. Obviously knowing that it's best that I don't make any decisions when I am feeling the way I am feeling. In case I do something that I will really regret.

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