The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 160


Nova and the triplets were at the castle trying to coordinate a new search area when they were approached by Lexie and Jacob.

Nova stopped what she was doing and stared at Lexie before she noticed that Chloe and Levi

were behind her.

"Emma's been gone for days. Why are you just showing up now?"

"We have been going back and forth about it. We didn't think you'd want to see us. But after a couple of days we realized that we couldn't just sit at home. We haven't slept, barely eaten. We're worried sick about her." Lexie explained. "It's a little late for that." Avery said, walking up towards them.

"Avery. I'm really sorry about everything that happened. I really am. I know that I should have

gone to Emma myself before she found out on her own." Chloe said.

"Yeah. You should have." Avery snapped.

Some guy walked up behind Avery and placed his hand on her arm, causing her to calm down a little.

Chloe looked at her strangely, knowing that it was obviously Avery's mate that she never knew she'd met.

"Avery. Let's go and start setting up our group of searchers." Her mate Toby said. So they walked over to their group of searchers.

So many packs had heard that the princess had been kidnapped that they wanted to come

and help.

And one good thing about all these packs coming together means that a lot of wolves were finding their mates that belonged to other packs. And Avery was one of them. As long as one

of them was over 18 years old.

"Lexie found her mate?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah. He's from one of the packs in the states." Nova said.

"How many people have turned out for this?" Jacob asked, looking around.

"A lot. They all heard that Emma was kidnapped and they are doing everything they can to help." Nova said.

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"More than her own godparents." Koda spat at them.

"We're here now. Just tell us where you want us." Jacob said.

"Can I tell them where we want them?" Dean asked. But Nova turned around and gave him a

little smirk before she turned back to Lexie and Jacob.

"You can stay here and hand these supplies out to the searchers. They each have bags that they need to restock. That's what everything on these tables are for. You can do that." Nova said.

"We want to help look for her." Jacob said.

"Well, do this first and I'll think about it." Nova said, walking away.

"Just do what she says. It's good that she's even talking to us. Last time she saw us she was threatening to banish us." Lexie said, walking over to the tables to see what was there. "The people from the village are looking really determined to find her." Tyler said.

"Yeah. Because of Felix. And how she helped them while we weren't here." Nova said.

"That just gives me more faith that she's alright." Dean said..

They all agreed that Emma had really grown up and matured since they had left. She was taking on royal responsibilities and she was doing them really well.

But placing her faith in Lucas was just the wrong move.

No one could have seen this coming. I mean, he is her mate. He was trying hard to be better

for her and then he does something like this. It didn't make any sense.

Nova's phone started ringing while she was organizing some searchers and the name said Noah. 

"Hey. We're just about to start heading back into the forest now. We're gathering supplies and

everything to meet up with you and your searchers." Nova said.

"I've found them. I can see Lucas and Xavier." Noah said.

"What?" Nova yelled, getting the attention of the triplets, Avery and Chloe.

"They're at a cabin. I'll send you a pindrop on the phone of where I am. You'll be able to find it pretty easily. But it's a fair distance from the castle." Noah explained.

"I don't care. We're on our way." Nova said, hanging up.

She announced to the triplets that Noah had found Lucas and she received the pin drop on the map on her phone. So she showed the people who were immediately around her and they got 2/5 

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their stuff together.


They ran towards the forest, shifting on their way and grabbing their bags in their mouths and

running off away from the castle.

Nova and the triplets were at the front, leading the charge.

They were determined to get there before anything happened to Emma. But Noah only

mentioned seeing Lucas and Xavier.

She had to be inside the cabin somewhere. Probably knocked out because everyone doubted

she'd be in there without making some sort of noise or trying to escape.

Noah sounded more pissed than anything else as he was talking to Nova.

It definitely was a far way from the castle, but they didn't care about that.

They got to the woods just outside the cabin and Nova shifted and put some clothes on as

she slowly approached Noah.

He was set up in the forest, far enough back so Lucas and Xavier wouldn't know that he was there. But he could see them and hear them.

"What's going on?" Nova asked.

"I don't think she's here." Noah said.

"What are you talking about? Why would you say that?" Nova asked.

"Because Xavier's been yelling. He's been yelling at the other men in the cabin about letting Emma go and now they can't find her." Noah explained.

Nova started looking around the woods, knowing that if she had managed to escape then she would have headed straight for the forest. They had taught her well and what to do if she was kidnapped.

She was the princess after all, and that had always been a fear and a possibility for her parents. So they were sure that she knew how to get out of those situations.

"She could be anywhere. She's been gone for days." Tyler said, walking up behind them. "Well, what do you want us to do?" Noah asked.

"Charge the house. Even if they don't have her now, they're the ones that took her." Nova said.

So the warriors that they had brought with them didn't even hesitate. They ran straight through the treeline and smashed in the doors of the cabin and every window. Having everyone inside running and screaming.


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Once the warriors had them rounded up and Xavier knew that he was outnumbered, Nova went inside with the triplets and Noah.

Lucas was standing in the middle of the room with the others, staring off into space when Noah walked over and punched him several times in the face. Lucas was bleeding, but it didn't seem to faze him at all when he was getting hit.

"Stop." Nova yelled.

"Why? He's the one that took her." Noah said.

"No, he isn't. Look at him." Nova said, walking closer to him.

"What are you talking about?" Tyler asked.

"He hasn't done anything wrong. He's cursed." Nova said.

"Are you sure?" Noah asked.

"Positive. I can feel it." Nova said.

"You've got a witch working for you? What a pathetic piece of s**t. You can't even kidnap a girl

on your own. You needed a f*****g witch to help you." Koda yelled, charging at him and punching him to the ground.

"Koda. He can't talk if he's dead." Tyler said.

"If he's dead then his bastards around here will know not to f*****g lie to us." Koda yelled.

Dean and Tyler had to pull Koda off of Xavier and Xavier got up, covered in blood on his face while stumbling a little bit.

"Where's the witch?" Koda demanded.

"A lot closer than you think." Xavier chuckled.

Immediately Nova spun around and she teleported from the living room to the kitchen and a woman was standing in the middle of the room.

She had drawn a pentagram on the ground with candles lit around it, while she was standing in the middle of it.noveldrama

She was in the middle of chanting when Nova hit her with an energy blast, knocking the witch through the wall of the kitchen and she landed outside.

Nova followed her out there and the witch just smirked at her from the ground so Nova lifted her off the ground without touching her, having a very tight grip around the witches neck until

she stopped moving and breathing.


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Nova dropped the lifeless body back to the ground before she turned around and walked back into the house through the hole she created when throwing the witch outside. She saw a map on the kitchen table with a crystal laying on top of it.

"They've been trying to do a locator spell. They don't know where she is." Nova announced.

"Your majesty." A warrior yelled, running back into the house.

"What?" Nova asked, going back to the living room.

"We were just doing a sweep of the woods. We found this." He said, holding up the dragonite necklace. 

"Well, that explains why the dragons have been acting so weird." Tyler said.

"She needs this for protection." Nova said.

"Well, I guess the little princess is screwed then, isn't she." Xavier laughed.

So Nova walked over to him and punched her fist straight into his stomach. It was enough to really hurt him, but not kill him.

"Laugh about my daughter dying again. I f*****g dare you." Nova growled out. But he was too busy coughing up blood to be able to say anything.

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