The Unwanted Wolf

Chapter 47

I blinked my eyes several times, wondering if this was a dream. I had fallen asleep in the hospital bed with Mark, and I feared I had dreamed he was awake because I was so desperate to see his eyes and hear his voice again.

“Mark?” My voice was dry and cracked from sleep, and I was barely audible.

“Hey.” He smiled at me. I didn’t realize just how much I missed his smile until I saw it again.

“You’re awake.” I let out the breath I was holding in. This wasn’t a dream. It felt too real to be a dream. My body ached from sleeping in a bed that was not meant for two. My head throbbed from waking up every half hour, paranoid I would hurt Mark. My heart raced out of control from the excitement of seeing Mark’s eyes again.

“I’m alive, too.” Mark seemed a little dazed at the thought. “How did I…” His voice trailed off, and he looked at his hand clasped in mine. “I was gone. I felt it. I felt myself drifting away into this darkness. By then I saw this light. Your light. And I followed it back.”

Our eyes met with his realization. I could feel his heart beating against my chest, racing with confusion and something else. His free hand grabbed the back of my head. He pulled me in, pressing his lips into mine. I threw my body onto his, wanting more, and immediately I heard him g***n in pain.

I shot up, looking at him with wide eyes. “Are you okay?”

Mark chuckled, trying to hide the pained expression written all over his face, but I saw right through his facade.

“Yeah, I’m just still bruised and banged up.” His eyes softened as he stared at me. “Adira, you saved my life. You brought me back from the brink of death. How… How did you do that?”

I chewed on my l*p. “I’m not sure. It’s something sorcerers can do, I guess. How I did, I really don’t know. I was trying so hard to heal you, but it wasn’t working. But then… suddenly it did. I thought you were dead, Mark. I thought I had lost you forever, and I couldn’t stand that thought.”

Mark’s fingers stroked my face, brushing a piece of hair out of my eyes. “I know the feeling. When you were taken from your birthday party, I lost it.”

“Why did you come after me by yourself? You could have died. He tortured you, didn’t he?” The thought of Mark being tortured and nearly killed by Theron was too much for me. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my face into Mark’s palm.

“Because I would do anything for you, Adira, even if it meant sacrificing my own life. I knew you would have been happy without me.”

“No.” My eyes snapped open, and they burned with an intensity. “You make me happy. I need you to know that. I don’t want to keep living without you.”

Mark paused, mulling over my words carefully. “What about Jori?”

My ribs squeezed my lungs at the mention of his name. The pain of Jori’s rejection still lingered in my body. “I choose you, Mark. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out, but I choose you. I want you. I-” I paused, choking on my last words. I wanted to tell Mark how I felt, but it seemed to be stuck to my throat like glue.

Mark pulled me on top of him again. I felt him wince underneath me, but he pushed through the pain. He squeezed me as if I would disappear if he let me go. “I’m so relieved to hear you say that.”

“I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through because of me.” My face was pressed into Mark’s neck, and my words were merely a whisper.

Mark rubbed my back, soothing my entire body. “None of this is your fault. I’m just so happy that you want me.”

I breathed in Mark’s scent and let it fill every cell of my body. It felt right being in Mark’s arm, and the pain from Jori’s rejection was dulled compared to before. I shifted my body so I could look at Mark’s face again. His cheek twitched, and I frowned.

“Let me go get Doctor Zayla. You’re clearly in a lot of pain.” I started to move away from Mark, but he just pulled me in closer.

“Not yet. I just need another moment with you.” After a small pause, he continued. “What’s Zay doing here?”

“You are still facing the effects of the wolfsbane,” Doctor Zayla said. “It will take several days for it to be completely out of your system, and then your healing will increase rapidly. Until then, you must have minimal activity and let your body rest.” She turned to me and made direct eye contact. “That means no s****l intercourse.”

My face instantly heated at the comment. Why did she have to make direct eye contact with me?” I was now sitting next to Mark’s bed, but he was still holding my hand, not wanting to let go, even when Doctor Zayla had been conducting her examination.

“Zay,” Mark scolded. “You’re a little blunt.”

“I am just making sure my patient is fully aware of his limitations, especially as an alpha. I know you are tempted to get out of bed, especially now that your mate has accepted you. You must resist your urges.”

“Zay,” Mark said again, this time a little more firm. “I understand the directions.”

“I’m just so glad you’re awake,” Rie said, throwing her arms around Mark for the third time since she found out he was awake. “I don’t know what we would have done without our alpha.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good thing we don’t have to find out,” Scythe agreed. His face fell, and I could tell something was wrong. His cheery demeanor was nowhere in sight.

“Scythe, what’s on your mind,” Mark asked.

I wasn’t the only one to have noticed Scythe’s mood. He wasn’t good at hiding his concern, but neither was I.

“Jori wants us gone now that you’re awake,” Scythe said.

I hadn’t had a chance to tell Mark about what had gone down between Jori and I yet. I hadn’t told anyone, but I’m sure rumors had already spread. Scythe and Rie were fully aware of Jori wanting our presence gone. Even though I hadn’t said it, I was sure they could guess what was going on, since they knew I wanted to be with Mark.

Mark’s face tightened. “Of course he does. We should leave as soon as possible then. Can you guys help start packing up? I think it’s time we head back to the pack.”

I shoved my free hand into my pocket and felt around for the little piece of paper I was keeping close to me. I let go of Mark’s hand and opened the note from Clara. I looked at it carefully, rereading the address for the umpteenth time.

“Actually, I have something I need to do.” I still hadn’t felt Moon’s presence since Jori rejected me, and it worried me. “I’m sure Theron will come after me again. I don’t think he’ll stop until one of us is dead. I have to be ready for his next attack.”

“I won’t let him get you,” Mark growled.

I looked at him with a small frown. “He almost killed you last time. And without Jori’s help, we’ll be outnumbered.”

“We have the rest of the pack back at home,” Mark said.

I curled my lips around my teeth. “I don’t know if it’ll be enough. I think the key to defeating Theron is to learn more about him and more about that side of me.” I didn’t want to tell everyone I was worried that I had lost my powers. If Theron came after me right now, I was afraid to admit I wouldn’t be strong enough against him.

“How are we going to do that?” Mark asked. He wasn’t around before to hear my story about how I escaped and how Clara saved my life at the expense of her own. We had only a few minutes together alone after he had woken up, and it didn’t feel right to talk about it at that moment.

I held up the piece of paper with the address of Clara’s friend on it. “I need to go here. Apparently, someone there can help me learn more about the truth of my nature.”

“Are you sure that’s safe?” Rie asked. “You didn’t know the woman who gave it to you. It could be a trap.”

I looked around at the worried and curious expressions staring back at me. “I don’t have a way of knowing for sure, but I have a gut feeling this is my next step. I won’t ask anyone else to come with me, since this is a journey I need to take.”

“I’m not leaving your side. Don’t be silly,” Mark said instantly.

“Of course we’re going to go with you,” Rie said. “You’re our family now.”

I looked to Scythe, but he was looking at the ground. I had a vague idea of what was going on in his head, and I didn’t blame him for the hesitation. I would have a hard time leaving Mark, if I had to make that choice right now.

“I’m sorry, Adira. I don’t think I can go.” Scythe was still looking at the ground, his hands clasped behind his back.

“Why wouldn’t you go?” Mark asked, completely shocked.

“It’s okay,” I said before Scythe could respond. “I understand. Do what you need to do.”

Mark opened his mouth to say something, but I squeezed his hand and gave him a look. He shut his mouth.

“When you need me for a fight, I’ll be there,” Scythe continued. “I just have to figure out some things with Percy.”

Rie wrapped Scythe in a hug. “We understand. Hopefully we see you again soon.”

“I too will not be joining,” Doctor Zayla said. “I have other duties I must take care of.”

“I’ll come.”

I looked at the door, surprised by who I saw. Daniel was standing there, his bag already packed. “Daniel? Why would you want to come?”

“Because it’s a grand opportunity to conduct more research.” He looked around the room, and his eyes lingered on Doctor Zayla a little longer than everyone else. “Besides, you’re my friend.”

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