The Vampire’s Omega

Chapter Eighty three


Kira turned around, to stare at the people who was clapping their hands.

“How dare you deceive us?”

Kira screamed, now drawing the attention of everyone towards her, Lucas turned the stare at Kira, slowly waving his head for her to stop speaking but Kira was already filled with grudge and more grudge and also jealousy, she could not believe Bella was alive and now was the center of attention in a positive way.

“You came to my pack to deceive me and yet you have the audacity to insult me you slut…..”

Quickly Blade ran towards Kira, quickly pinning her on the wall, as he held her neck and raised her high on the wall.

“Don’t you ever call my mate slut, because if you do, I will make sure to rip your head apart, I don’t mind the disgusting child you are carrying for the wrong man.”

Blade said, his last words made Kira to frozen and her face turned instantly pale.

“Honey, leave her, the entire pack is ready to know who my previous mate and pack was.”

Bella said, watching as Blade quickly left Kira’s hold, making Kira to fall on her knees, Bella wondered what Blade must have told her that made her pale as if she had seen a ghost.

Every one was anticipating, every single one was and for the first time in her life, people was listening to her speech without argument.

“Bella no.”

Lucas whispered, but the smile alone from his previous mate face was one he had never seen before, Bella wasn’t just an omega anymore, she was someone who could ruin him.

“It is the Air Winder pack and my mate was Lucas Vincent, the son of alpha vincent who killed my father and took the throne. How many abominable sins have your family committed.”

Bella said, she see that they weren’t expecting the last sentence.

Everyone in the room turned to stare at Lucas and his pack, it was a big shame to everyone of them but Kira was not going to allow herself be defeated by Bella.

“You lie, my mate will never do any thing like this, he will never rape you….”

“You think so sister or maybe fake sister, you speak as if you are a saint, you are a liar.”

Bella said, a little smirk appeared on her face.

Kira was stunned to see her sister Bella speak back to her, Bella wasn’t just an omega but it was hard to forget how much she punches her and make jest of her in the pack. This was a big insults to her , but she wondered what she was talking about.

“What do you mean?”

Kira whispered, there was no way she could find out the truth.

“Bring him In.”

Bella ordered, quickly two guards brought Ronald in, he was a handsome man with a blonde hair.

Kira felt her heart stopped beating for a moment, she could not believe who was seeing, it was Ronald, her ex boyfriend and previous mate. He was still alive.

“You remember me?”

Ronald said, staring at Kira who frozed with shock. Crazy things are happening so fast.

Lucas was confused on what was happening, he knew Ronald, Ronald was a member of his pack before he left the pack. What relationship does he have with his Luna.

“What do mean, who are you.”

Kira said, she folded her hands in fist, Bella was sure going to pay for what she had done.

Blade stared at the triangled couples, one was confused while the remaining two knows themselves so well. This was indeed one of the best revenge ever.

“I am the father of the pup you are carrying, I own the child, I wanted to be your mate and you rejected me, just as Lucas rejected his mate, the both of you are the same and suit each other, you both possess the same characters.”

Lucas frozed at Ronald words, he shook his head heavily, quickly wiping off his face with his bare hands, maybe all this was a dream and it was time for him to wake up, but it did not seem to be a dream, everything was real.

Again Lucas waved his head, quickly turning to stare at Kira who looked shocker than him.

“Is he…. saying….. the truth Kira?”

Lucas asked, this was the worst disgrace he had ever received, how could he trust the vampires, his father had warned him greatly about this decision but he had ignored the previous alpha’s words.

“It is not true….. dont believe h….”

“You keep lying, we had sex before you found out we were mate, a week later after we found out what we truly were, you told me you will keep the pregnancy but will never be mate with me, you rejected me, there and then and you threatened to kill me if i inform anyone about this. I ran away to avoid been killed by the men you sent to kill me.”

Ronald said, now raising a record clip high, he was wise enough to record the conversation.

“You are ly…”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Everyone listen to this clip.”

Blade said, walking toward Ronald, quickly collecting the clip from him then he played it.

The words that could be heard from the background was a conversation between Ronald and Kira.

“Leave the pack and you will be safe.”

The voice in the recorder said.

“I can’t, you are my mate plus you bored my child, I can’t leave the pack, I can’t leave my child.”

Ronald said, his voice sounded as If he was pleading.

“I will keep the child, that is the only promise I will give you, but you can’t be my mate, you don’t worth it. I prefer Lucas over you, I will make Lucas be the father of my child so that our child can leave a good life, can’t you see it.”

Kira said, it wasn’t hard to detect that Kira was speaking to him in an arrogant manner. She always spoke as if she owned the world.

“I can’t leave, not without my child.”

Ronald said.

“Let’s see.”

Kira said, then the recorder stopped.

Everyone was quiet for a while, this was what you could call, silence before the great storm.

“How dare you.”

Lucas said, dragging Kira towards him as he held her hands so tightly, Kira hissed with pain at his swift action.

“This record is fake, is a voice over, I can’t cheat on you, you know that.”

Kira said, all she could feel was pain as Lucas squeezed her hands, quickly Envylin strode towards Lucas and with a long force, she pushed Kira away from his hold.

“Don’t you dare lay you hands on my daughter again, rapping my daughter isn’t enough for y…..”

“I am not your daughter Envylin, I am Bella, don’t know my real surname though.”

Bella said, staring at Envylin who looked stunned at her words.

“What do you mean, you are my daughter, I always loved you, I made sure you were never harmed.”

Envylin said, this wasn’t the Bella she knew, the Bella right here possessed a different aura, she appears to be more stronger than anyone in this room, she looked very different, more fatter, more beautiful and more outspoken and bold.

Bella laughed loudly, slowly she stepped down from the podium, walking towards the werewolves, she wasn’t scared of them, not anymore. She stopped six feet away from them, they cannot be trusted either.

“You loved me yet you tried killing my wolf with this medicine.”

Bella brought out a medicine, The medicine that she had been forced to drink.

Envylin gasped at what she saw, she felt shocked and her shoulders quivered with fear, how had she found out things so quickly, was this her revenge, in a vulnerable place.

“Bella, how did you find out about this, what are you doing.”

Envylin said, waving her head slowly as she stepped back.

“The goddess gave me a mate who rejected me, then she gave me another to help me find the secrets that laid in my path. Here I am, to correct things up.”

Bella said, watching as her fake mother looked totally astonished.

Blade strode towards his mate, the party was going to be a long one.

“I will take over from here.”

Blade said, staring at Lucas. Lucas stared back at him, with anger and loathe.

“Since we have found the truth about Ronald and your mate, we have found alot of truth and my mate is the only one holding me from not killing every one of you in a second. I hate boring speech, i prefer ripping off your head and feeding it to the vultures, it is more entertaining. But like my mate wants, she will have to enjoy every moment of her revenge.”

Blade hissed, folding his hands in a fist.

Lucas gulped at his words but yet he never backed down, they can start a war right now.

“Guards, bring him in.”

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