The War God’s Favorite

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

#110 The Sassy Prince

Missandra stayed quiet for a while, looking more and more livid. After a while, she glanced down at the

concubine that was still in the room with them and took a deep breath.

“I knew the situation was dire, but I didn’t think it would be that bad that our best hope would rely on the

Emperor’s freaking Dragon! Hinue, we are talking about an actual dragon and not a cat-sized one like

Kian! I know the third Prince’s black Dragon is basically your pet, but this is another Dragon we’re

talking about, the Emperor’s! I’m pretty sure the most dangerous creature in the Empire hasn’t been

trained to do paw tricks!”

“Dragons only mimic their owners’ feelings. Krai is like that because of Kairen’s feelings for me. The

Emperor liked me too, you’ve seen it. He’s been nothing but nice and…”

“He is an Emperor! Who knows what that old man was thinking! Gifting you a tiara and some stupid

nickname . doesn’t mean you’re his favorite daughter-in-law! I trust you, but I don’t trust a pervert that

has taken dozens of concubines, got kids left and right while his favorite woman has to live in a

different castle to ensure her kid’s survival!” Cassandra sighed.

“I know this is the same refrain coming back again and again,” added Missandra. “But I stand by my

words, I don’t trust the old man’s dragon! We can’t just walk in there and hope he’s going to become

our bodyguard! That’s a rather big bet and I’m pretty sure we’re running out of extra lives just by

standing here!”

“Do you have a better idea, perhaps? We were going to see if the Emperor can be saved anyway,

Missandra. Perhaps Glahad won’t move a… claw to help us. At least it’s better than anything, right?”

“This is us reducing our chances of getting killed by a dragon’s hair! And I know they don’t have any!”

Next to them, the young concubine stood back up again, shaking her head. She grabbed Cassandra’s

hand, as she was trembling herself, looking at her right in her eyes.

“I heard the Imperial Dragon’s name, are you going to see the Emperor? Please, Lady Cassandra, you

have to save him!

Both sisters were flustered to see the young woman suddenly begging, but neither of them could react

to her new bust of tears, as she held on desperately to Cassandra, her lower lips trembling. She didn’t

look anything like the elegant young woman Cassandra had met only a few days ago. This was just a

desperate girl, a mother begging her to save her and her child.

“Please, you’re the Imperial Physician. You have to save his Highness! If the Emperor dies, I know he

will kill us! The second Prince will have us all exterminated, our children too!”

Against her leg, the young girl started crying too, echoing her poor mother’s distress. Cassandra’s

heart broke. This little girl was so young, and she had just lost her father. How many of those children

would have to grow without their father now? They were already all so terrorized already, but they were

now living in the fear of their uncle finishing the job… Cassandra turned to her sister again, a

determined expression in her eyes. Missandra couldn’t say anything anymore, not when they were so

frantically begged like so. The younger sister kept shaking her head in disbelief, but she didn’t voice

her opinion anymore.

“I… I’ll go see the Emperor, Lady Chiara. Stay here with your daughter, it will be safer. Do not tell

anyone you’ve seen us, please?”

“Of course, Lady Cassandra. Please, be careful… Some of my Prince’s concubines are desperate. We

are not stupid, none of us think Lady Berissa would have ever tried to harm our Prince…! Even some of

the Princesses are afraid!”

“What about the other Princes, by the way?” Asked Missandra.

“We don’t know…

Cassandra frowned. This was one thing she wished she could have resolved now. Not only they were

in such a den of wolves, but they couldn’t even be sure who was their enemy or not… She nodded, and

gently retrieving her hand, she turned to Missandra.

“We should go, now.”

After checking their appearance, making sure nothing had been undone, the sisters left Lady Chiara,

the heart a bit heavier than before. Cassandra couldn’t get that little girl’s face off her mind and realized

that, somehow, she vaguely looked like her own son. Maybe it was because they were young, but

those two children still had the same grandfather. That child was Kairen’s niece. So many innocent

young lives were trapped here! The concubines were more or less circled in the Second Prince’s

residence. None of them had the means to leave, and they had no dragon to defend them either! With

Sire locked in the cells underground, those women were nothing but prey for Vrehan to play with!

“We need to stop this,” muttered Cassandra, as they walked alone in a corridor.

“Let’s stay focus, we cannot make a mistake now,” whispered Missandra. “We’re lucky no one has

recognized you yet, and that psycho isn’t here… Now, where is the old man?

“The Emperor’s quarters were behind the room used for the banquets.”

“Why is this place so damn big!”

As they were about to turn left on a corridor, the sisters heard a ruckus, and stopped their steps at the

exact same time, both frowning. They listened for a few seconds, but the situation was rather heated.

“You damn little bitches! I’m so fed up with that crap! You sluts! Get the fuck out of my way, go back to

my pervert brother before I ruin my nails on your ugly faces! Uglies!”.

Cassandra and Missandra absolutely froze. Though they had their doubts, this masculine voice and the

mention of a pervert brother were enough clues to guess which character they had almost run into.

They waited to see if he was coming this way, but it didn’t seem so, the sound of the man’s steps and

whoever was following him were

getting further away. Cassandra let out a silent sigh, while Missandra raised an eyebrow.

“Well, that explains why that one doesn’t have kids…” she muttered.

“Why?” Asked Cassandra, confused.

Missandra rolled her eyes.

“That guy is definitely not into women… Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of guys like that in the Red District.

This one is definitely a man-player. Plus, the only person I’ve heard being sassier than that guy is Lady

Shareen, and that alone says a lot.”


That did solve one mystery about the lack of descendants on the fourth Prince’s end… However, that

didn’t give any insight into his position towards his brothers, though. Was he affected by Sephir’s

death? On Vrehan’s side, or uninterested? What of Prince Lephys? After what they had just heard,

Cassandra crossed out any thought she ever had of asking help from one of the other Princes. The

relationships between all the siblings were too complicated, she had no idea who could be trusted or

not at this point. Neither of the fourth or fifth Princes had seemed close to Kairen or even Sephir from

her experience… Nothing said they would agree with Vrehan becoming the Emperor either, though.

Waiting a bit for the path to clear, the sisters kept walking, until they finally arrived in the Banquet Hall.

It was desert at that time, and, most importantly, that area was completely unused at the moment. It

would have been suspect for two servants to walk in with food trays, so the two sisters had to act

quickly and not linger around.

Cassandra had already noticed that, when one of the Banquets was over, the Emperor left through a

door behind

his golden throne. The Emperor’s seat was so large and impressive that it seemed like a wall behind

him, but Cassandra clearly remembered seeing Glahad curled up in that space, between the actual

wall and his owner’s seat. No one wanted to go anywhere near the Imperial Dragon’s favorite spot, but

she knew the doors to the Emperor’s apartments had to be behind that throne.

However, as soon as the sisters pretended to walk through the Banquet room, both noticed the men

guarding that door. They pretended to chat and leave the room, but as soon as the door was closed

behind them, Missandra shook her head.

“So, no big dragon, but two guards. I wouldn’t have been surprised if that psycho had put more men

than that. How are we supposed to get to the Old Man now!”

However, Cassandra wasn’t listening to her. She was already staring away, at one of the windows more

precisely. She walked to the opening, and stuck her head out, looking down. Missandra frowned,


“Hinue, what are you doing…?”

“When my Prince had… Well, when he injured Princess Phetra, he threw her out of one of the banquet

room’s windows. Lady Kareen had mentioned there were only three or so floors below, and she’s right,

there’s actually a roof. I can see it from here, and the building below goes all the way down the actual

Emperor’s apartments…”

Her sister shook her head in disbelief. That was it. Her older sister had officially gone crazy! 1)

“I’m not breaking my ankles today to go save a dying old man,” said Missandra, coming next to her at

the window to check what was below.

Cassandra chuckled and pointed fingers.

“We don’t have to fall if we can climb… Just like I thought, the stones in the walls are very uneven.

Which means we could possibly climb laterally until we reach it. We would use the outside instead of

walking inside and past the guards.”

Missandra was astonished. This idea was easily taking the first place as the most dangerous idea her

sister had that day, and that was saying a lot! Moreover, they were good swimmers, but not good

climbers! Missandra was about to protest heavily, but for once, she didn’t. Instead, she scrutinized the

wall Cassandra was thinking of climbing, with a frown.

Those were typical rock constructions of the Dragon Empire indeed: it was mostly uneven and, even

more interesting, the years and years of dragons trying to climb on the buildings had left some deep

marks on the wall, where the big claws had easily scratched off some of the stones, giving both sisters

even more spots to put their hands and feet on. Technically speaking, it wasn’t impossible, and both Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

girls were in good shape, physically speaking… Missandra hesitated a second, sending a glance

towards the room. The guards didn’t look the nice kind at all. That damn second prince had probably

chosen very carefully the dogs that would keep his father’s room. She really tried coming with another

idea to get rid of them, but Missandra was somewhat afraid someone would recognize her, she just

resembled Cassandra too much.

That climb in comparison, strangely didn’t look as dangerous and crazy to try. They had the physical

condition for it, a stable and hidden path, and they even had the luxury of a rooftop below them to fall

on in case of failure. Of course, they’d probably suffer major injuries like Phetra if they did fall, but at

least, the chances of survival were decent, given the situation.

Missandra did try to convince her sister to let her distract the guards while she’d make the trip from the

outside, but Cassandra’s refusal was firm. No matter what, they had to stick together.

Checking the corridor was empty, Cassandra climbed out of the window to get outside, carefully

hanging on to the window’s rail, and now she moved to the first target, a larger hole in the walls; She

had never liked the Imperial Palace, but that place was old enough to have many, many Dragons’

claws leaving their imprints on the walls. The indents in the stones gave her some easy spots to move

around, and sure enough, Cassandra made her way until she got more or less in the external walls of

the previous corridor. Biting her lower lip, Missandra watched her

sister’s progress, but indeed, every place she rested her foot or hand on seemed stable. Not even a

spark of dust moved. Checking her surroundings, Missandra climbed out of the window too to follow


Quickly and silently, the sisters moved around the external walls, keeping their heads below the

windows. The main danger would be that someone spotted them from another window. However, from

what they had seen so far, not many people were hanging around the premises. Hence, they kept

moving, climbing the wall sideways until their position was past the guards they had seen insight. There

were two problems, though. Cassandra had no idea how many rooms there were inside, their

configuration, or who would be inside. They would have to take a guess on which window to climb back

into, but they had to decide quickly. Climbing was a difficult exercise, and neither of them was very

experimented at it. Their arms were starting to get painful, their muscles aching. A pearl of sweat was

growing on Missandra’s forehead, threatening to take away some of the fake tan covering her. When

she finally found a position right under one of the windows she could stay in without too much strain,

Cassandra stopped, trying to listen to what was going on inside. Seemingly, nothing. The other side

seemed strangely quiet, though she couldn’t tell if this was a good sign or not. She exchanged looks

with Missandra, who nodded. In any case, the longer they stayed there, the more risks they were taking

to be found by someone. They had to climb back inside.

Carefully, Cassandra climbed up, glancing inside. It looked like she had actually picked a bathroom

window! Luckily, that room was small, and with the door facing the window, she could immediately tell

that place was empty. With a sigh of relief, both sisters climbed inside, and finally, took a rest from their

aching muscles.

Missandra stretched with a grimace and even went to the little basin of water to drink. Their arms were

sore, but at least, they had made it inside the Emperor’s apartments. Cassandra, walking as quietly as

she could, went to put her ear against the door. It was complete silence on the other side… Very

carefully, the sisters came out of the bathroom. This was truly a strange atmosphere, almost like the

inside of a church. The aisle was beautiful, all made of marble and white stones, but it was as silent

and intimidating as a mausoleum. In such an environment, each step or breath the sisters took seemed

too noisy.

“Alright, now to find the Old Man…” whispered Missandra.

Cassandra nodded, and they started walking down the corridor. They had no idea which door to push

and were terrified to run into someone that would give away their position. However, after a while, it

looked like this place was truly abandoned… They pushed many doors, each time to find an empty


“Are you sure this is the Emperor’s apartments?” Asked Missandra, frowning. “There’s nothing going on


“I don’t understand,” muttered Cassandra. “If he’s sick, the Emperor should definitely be kept in his


“That’s the rule of the Imperial Palace? Well someone needs to learn them again, because the old man

isn’t here! Cassandra, this place is completely empty! There’s not even a single servant, those two

idiots outside are guarding nothing but air!”

Cassandra shook her head in disbelief. Where was the Old Emperor, then? If he was sick, the Emperor

should be resting here in his quarters! Finally, the sisters turned to each other, Missandra shaking her


“That damn second Prince expected someone would come and he probably hid the old man


“But where? It’s the Emperor, he can’t simply vanish this way!”


A sudden movement was felt from somewhere behind Missandra. Both sisters froze. Something was

moving outside of the room they were in. They slowly turned around, and it was there, at the window.

One reptilian blue eye, surrounded by white scales. Staring right at them.

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