The Way We Score: Chapter 32
“How big is she?” I climb out of my truck, wearing my animal control vest and walking slowly up the narrow, two-lane road to where a group of older men stand around with their arms crossed.
Aubrey is with me, and she hesitates, taking out her gloves. “Looks like an eleven-footer, which means it’s probably a male.”
It’s the most excitement we’ve had since the snakes, and I’m pretty much as terrified now as I was then.
The alligator lying across this little country road all the way south of town is bigger than me, and he’s not going anywhere.
I grab the cooler Aubrey packed from the bed of my truck, and now the question is who’s going to get close enough to handle this situation?
“It looks like he’s asleep,” I whisper as we stop beside the old-timers.
“It’s been there all morning,” one of the fellows says. “Didn’t even move when we drove off the road to go around.”
“Did you call Jeff over at Alligator Alley?” I suggest.
“He’s in the middle of doing a show for a bunch of preschoolers.”
“It’s all right. He couldn’t have gotten here as fast as us anyway.” Aubrey is as calm as she was dealing with the snakes. She opens the cooler and takes out a medium-sized chicken breast. “Get this on the loop, Garrett. I pumped it full of Diazepam.”
“Okay…” I take the chicken and fasten it to the heavy steel pole. “Then what do we do?”
“Duct tape his jaw and load him in the back of your pickup.” A different old guy nods at my shiny, practically new Chevy.
“Not in my truck.” I shake my head.
“My son-in-law has a dually, but he’s out on Fort Morgan Road.”
“Can you give him a call?” Aubrey squints up at him, and he nods, pulling out a cell phone.
“I guess I’m going fishing.” I grin, walking out to where the massive reptile is napping on warm asphalt.
“If it hisses, just back up slowly,” Aubrey advises me.
My eyes are fixed on the creature, and I approach carefully, dangling the chicken from the metal pole in front of me. “Should I whistle or something?”
“They’re not really domesticated.”
“Tell me about it.”
Naturally, my phone starts vibrating as soon as I’m five feet from the gator. Whoever it is will have to give me a minute. I take a few steps closer, monitoring the beast for any signs of irritation. As big as these creatures are, I’ve seen how fast they can move.
The sound of a phone ringing goes off behind me, and I hear Aubrey answer quietly.
“Here, boy,” I say gently, lowering the chicken near its head. “Have some chicken.”
It doesn’t move, and I’m not sure what to do now.
“Garrett?” Aubrey’s voice is level. “I’m coming out there to take over.”
“It’s okay, I’ve got it.” I swing the pole slightly, so the chicken bonks the reptile in the head.
That gets its attention. It lets out a low hiss, and my stomach drops.
“Garrett?” Aubrey tries again, but I shake my head.
“Don’t come over here…”
All at once, the big guy lunges, and I toss the pole, digging in my toes to sprint back to the truck like I’m on the football field. The old-timers all do the same, darting in every direction, and I run straight to my truck, grabbing the side and jumping into the bed before looking back to see the alligator finishing the chicken in two big chomps.
I take off the gloves, muttering a damn when I see Aubrey in the cab behind the wheel.
“Get in the truck, Garrett,” she shouts, and I frown. “We’re leaving!”
Glancing at the alligator, I see it’s lying on the road again in the same position, and I climb out of the back of my truck to get in on the passenger’s side. “What’s up?”
Aubrey gives me a worried look, and my stomach drops. “What is it?” My voice grows louder.
“Nothing to worry about, but we need to get to the hospital. Your wife’s having the baby.”
I grab the seatbelt, pulling it over my shoulder. “Step on it, Aubrey.”
She floors it, and we squeal tires. “That was your brother Jack. An old lady found her on the walking path having contractions.”
“The walking path?” My head hurts, and I grip the top of the dashboard. “Is she okay?”
“She seemed fine, but he said the baby was coming fast. Olivia was calling for you, and they were searching for you everywhere.”
“I should’ve stayed home today.”
“To be fair, you’ve been staying home a lot of days.”
“Of course we’re as far out in the country as we can be.”
“We could be a little farther.”
My neck is tight. My stomach is tight, and all I can think of is Liv there alone with all her fears, calling for me. “Is anybody with her?”
“I’m sure her mom is.” Aubrey reaches over to squeeze my arm. “We’re almost there.”
She hesitates through a four-way stop before barreling up the last stretch of highway before we turn onto the main drag. We’re headed south when the large hospital comes into view. Flipping on the turn signal, she slows down as we enter the hospital parking lot.
“Let me out.” My hand is on the door, and I don’t have time to wait while we creep through the hospital lot or worse, try to find a parking spot.
Aubrey stops the truck, and I’m out, running at top speed to the front entrance.
As soon as I enter, a male nurse recognizes me. “This way, Mr. Bradford!” He leads me through a door marked Staff Only, and we dash down the back way to a stairwell. “The birth center’s on the fourth floor.”
Of course, it is. “Thanks.” I grab the rail and take the stairs two at a time.
Adrenaline drives me, and when I finally reach the top, I crash through the doors.
Jack is there, and his brows rise when he sees me. “You made it!”
“I did?” I’m about to collapse, but I don’t have time.
“This way!” He takes off down the hall with me right behind him and pulls up short at a room. “She’s in here.”
Looking around, I guess it’s okay for me to go right in. Again, there’s no time to hesitate. Pushing through the door, I hear the beep of monitors mixed with the sound of Dr. Pierce giving orders and Liv’s low groans—until her voice goes high. “Garrett?”noveldrama
Rushing to her bedside, I lift her hand gently in mine. “I’m here.”
“Thank goodness!” Ms. Plum sighs, passing me the cup of ice chips and backing away. “I don’t know how to do any of this. I took the drugs.”
Liv’s face scrunches when she sees me, and a tear falls onto her cheek. “It’s not working.” She sniffs, and her eyes squeeze as another contraction tightens her stomach. Then she yells, “It hurts like hell, Garrett!”
Wincing, I try to remember what they told us in the birthing class. “That’s okay, that’s okay. Don’t panic… Remember the acronym…”
“Fuck the acronym!” she yells again. “This baby’s the size of a Buick, and I’m never getting her out of me!”
My wide eyes meet Dr. Pierce’s, and she shakes her head, pressing her lips together, I guess so she doesn’t laugh at me.
“Oh, Liv,” Ms. Plum whispers. “Is it too late to give her something?”
The doctor nods, and she puts a trembling hand on her forehead. “My poor girl.”
“No shame if you want to wait in the hall, Ms. P.” I give her mom an encouraging smile, hoping to get her out of here, and she blinks at me wide-eyed before nodding and quickly scurrying to the door.
“You’re going to have this baby today.” Dr. Pierce has a smile in her voice. “You’re almost to ten centimeters, and I’ve got a warm compress on your perineum.”
“Hear that?” I try to stay upbeat. “It’s almost time.”
Liv’s head falls back, and she whimpers. “I’m so tired, Garrett.”
Her hair is slick with sweat and stuck to her forehead, and her cheeks are wet with tears. My heart breaks a little, but I can’t let her give up. We’ve trained for this.
I put my arm around her, behind her shoulders, and her face falls against my neck. “Why didn’t I take the drugs?”
“Come on, Liv, remember the script. Relaxing your jaw relaxes your pelvis.” I rub her arm, kissing the top of her head. “Release the tension in your face as you release the baby.”
Her jaw begins to tremble, and I hold her tighter. “That’s it. What’s the script? Do you remember the words?”
“No,” she whimpers, shaking her head. “I completely forgot my mantra.”
“You’re doing really good, Liv.” Dr. Pierce’s voice is strong. “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. The baby’s moving.”
“I feel her!” Liv’s eyes squint, and her jaw begins to tense again.
“Stay with me, Liv! What are the words? Soften… You know them. Say it with me. Soften…”
Her teeth unclench, and she blows air out through her lips. “Soften…”
“Settle…” We say the second word together, then I give her a gentle nudge. “You know the rest. Say it.”
“Relax…” Her eyes squint, and she pushes against the stirrups, sliding higher in the bed.
My body tenses, and I know she’s feeling the pain. “You can do it.”
Her voice trembles as she says it again. “Relax…” Another huff of breath. “Release.”
“That’s it.”
“We’re ready to push. Are you ready?”
“Long breaths, Liv. Remember to hum.”
Our eyes meet, and she nods quickly. Inhaling for three, I watch her relax her shoulders and her jaw. Tears flood her eyes, and my heart rips. Still she’s doing it. She’s following the script, and I rub her shoulders, doing my best to keep her encouraged.
Low groans, measured breathing, I’ve lost track of time, but we’re getting there.
Dr. Pierce is at the foot of the bed, and she looks up at us. “I see the head! Do you want a mirror?”
Liv shakes her head fast. “No!”
I know her fears of tearing and poop, and I grab her hand. “Remember the process.”
She nods, fixing her eyes on mine again, and inhaling slowly. Her eyes close, but she keeps her jaw loose. Her hand grips mine as she hums low, and Dr. Pierce calls out.
“She’s crowning!” Excitement enters her voice. “One more time.”
Liv rises up, inhaling for three, squeezing my hand, and humming down for a count of eight. One more low groan, and we hear the first, annoyed squeal from our little girl. Liv’s face breaks into a smile, and fresh tears flood her eyes.
“One more time,” Dr. Pierce calls, and she does it again, another long push, and Gigi’s out.
Dr. Pierce lifts her quickly, moving her onto Liv’s stomach, dark pink and pouting with perfect little rosebud lips. Her eyes squeeze shut, her tiny mouth opens, and another grumpy cry fills the room.
“Oh, no,” Liv’s voice is a weepy laugh. “Don’t cry, baby Gina.”
I’m officially in love. While I wash my hands, the nurse quickly weighs and measures her then wipes her eyes with the antibiotic ointment.
Gigi puckers her little mouth again before letting out another little angry cry. Liv pulls her to her breast, and she’s already nuzzling. It takes her a minute, but Liv keeps pulling her in close, sliding her baby mouth to the nipple. She tilts her head back, until finally Gigi settles into feeding.
“I’ll give you three a minute.” Dr. Pierce pats my arm as she goes to the door.
Worried hazel eyes meet mine. “I’m not very good at any of this.”
“Hell, Liv…” Leaning forward, I kiss the top of her head. “You look like a pro to me.”
“You didn’t see what I was like before you got here. I was a complete spazz. I couldn’t remember the script. I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to do…”
“You were just a little shook up.” I lean back, squeezing her hand. “Jack said you went into labor on the path?”
“I was walking to Mom’s.” Her eyes blink wide. “This lady had a dog, and my water broke… I think I fainted. I don’t know how I got here.”
“Jack said someone called 911. It must’ve been the same person.”
Gigi makes a little grunty noise, and we both look down to see her watching us with round, dark eyes. “Did my baby girl just snort?”
Liv exhales a smile, carefully lifting her and moving her to the other breast. This time, when she pulls the baby close, she latches much quicker.
“See?” I grin, sliding a finger over her soft, round cheek. “You’re a fast learner, little G.”
We both watch her eating and blinking at the two of us. “She’s so pretty,” Liv whispers.
“Just like her mama.”
That gets me a kiss. Liv lifts her chin, leaning closer. “I’m so glad you made it.”
“Me too.”
I’ll save my gator-fishing story for another day. For now, I’m happy to watch my baby girl nuzzling into her mama’s breast, my beautiful family growing closer.
“Whatever happened to the alligator?” Dylan has baby Gina snuggled against her shoulder while Kimmie stands beside her stroking her cousin’s small hand with her finger.
My brothers, Logan, Ms. Plum, Allie, Rachel, the kids and, of course, Miss Gina are all with us at the family house for Gigi’s first official meet and greet.
Even Hendrix sent her a pink cashmere baby cardigan. Liv only laughed, saying she’d save that for when she was out of the spit-up stage.
We’ve only been home a week, but Liv has bounced back so fast. She didn’t have any tearing, which the doctor said was a miracle. Liv said it was because I was there to help her relax. I know better than to take any credit, but that tracks. Apparently, nursing also helps. Either way, Liv is happy and getting back to her old self.
“Aubrey said the old guys were able to load it into a truck, and they drove down and released it somewhere around Week’s Bay.”
“Aubrey Schiffer was always very resourceful.” Miss Gina nods from where she’s sitting beside Dylan, holding the baby’s little hand. “I still can’t believe you named her after me.”
“We decided that night we showed up to swim,” Liv explains. “You’ve always had the kindest heart. I hope Gigi grows up to be the same way.”
Her wrinkled hand rises to her lips, and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen Miss G cry.
Dylan leans her head on her shoulder. “It’s true. I’m mad they beat me to it.”
“She’s holding my finger!” Kimmie looks up at us with wide eyes, cooing. “She’s so cute.”
“She loves her cousin,” I say from where I stand behind Liv.
“Can you believe everything happened at the same time?” Liv shakes her head, exhaling a laugh.
“Yes,” Allie groans. “It’s always the way it happens. Nothing, nothing, nothing, then Boom!”
“I honestly thought I was going to have the baby right there on the walking path. Those contractions were coming so hard and so fast.”
“I can’t believe I let you walk off like that all by yourself.” Dylan shakes her head, looking down at the baby. “If anything would’ve happened—”
“It all worked out just fine.” Wrapping my arms around Liv, we bask in the warmth of our friends and loved ones welcoming our baby girl into the family.
Liv’s wearing a pretty V-neck dress in a red, handkerchief pattern, and her long hair is loose over her shoulders. Her push present, a 24-karat gold necklace from Tiffany’s with a heart engraved with Gina Grace’s birthdate (and room for a few more) hangs around her neck.
She’s so beautiful, and I’m so proud of them both.
“I’m just glad you finally got there,” Ms. Plum laughs. “I’ve only done it once a long time ago, and I was out of it the whole time.”
“Same here,” Allie leans into her shoulder.
“You forget how little they are.” Jack stands beside me watching.
Gigi lifts her wobbly head and lets out a huge baby-sneeze, which provokes a chorus of oops and ahhs. I can’t help but laugh, because it’s pretty much what Liv and I do all day every day. We’re all so amazed by her. Everything she does is new and adorable.
“She sneezed, Daddy!” Kimmie runs over to where Jack’s standing. “Did you see her sneeze? Wasn’t it funny?”
“It was.” He chuckles, glancing at me. “Pretty sure it’s the first time she’s been around a newborn.”
“It’s been a while for all of us.” Allie walks over to pat the baby.
“You set the bar pretty high.” Zane’s low voice is at my side, and I hold up my hand for a fist-bump.
“I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t do.”
Rachel is on Dylan’s other side, sliding her hand in small circles over Gigi’s back. “She’s just perfect, Liv.”
“Can I hold her now, Aunt Deedee?” Kimmie scoots closer to her aunt.
“Let’s sit on the couch, so I can help you.”
The two of them go to the couch, and Dylan helps my niece hold the baby in her lap. She puts a pillow under her little arm to lift Baby G’s head, and Rachel sits on the other side of her.
“Good work, bro.” Logan grips my shoulder. “I knew you could do it.”
“Hell, I didn’t do anything.” I exhale a laugh.
“It’s not true. He did a lot.” Liv argues, lifting her chin and kissing the side of my jaw.
Pride tightens my chest, and I lean down to kiss her lips briefly, holding her pretty hazel eyes and feeling like the king of the world.
Eventually, it’s time to feed her. Gigi gets fussy, and Jack scoops up his obsessed little girl.
“You need to marry Miss Allie, Daddy, so we can get a baby, too!” Kimmie announces, and Allie nearly does a spit-take in the kitchen.
“I think that’s a great idea,” Dylan calls from where she’s standing beside her, adding fuel to the fire.
“Night, everybody,” is all Jack says as he carries his waving daughter out the front door.
“Do I get a vote?” Allie teases when he’s gone, and Dylan points at her.
“I already know your vote.”
She wraps her fist around my sister’s finger, and pulls her in. “I’ve got to get home, troublemaker. School starts early.”
“I can’t wait for her to be big enough to stay with Granny.” Ms. Plum stops to give her daughter a hug. “You’re so strong and brilliant, Liv. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Liv kisses her mom, giving her a squeeze before starting for the stairs. “Night, everybody. I’ve got to feed the baby bear and put her to bed.”
We all say goodnight, and soon the house is quiet. Logan and Dylan retire to their room, and I climb the stairs to the second floor.
We’re snuggled in my bed together with Gigi right beside us in a bassinet, and I scroll through pictures of the house I’m planning to buy for our family. It’s a sweet little cottage not too far from Ms. Plum’s, but closer to downtown. It has three bedrooms in case we decide to do this again, but I know the rule, no pressure.
Liv is asleep at my side, and I look at our sleeping little baby. I’m not ready to sleep yet. I think about our sappy songs, and how I don’t want to miss a thing. I trace my finger lightly along the side of Liv’s hair, and I’ve almost forgotten the time when I was alone, unhappy, missing her. Even more of a distant memory are those days when I thought I’d never get her back, when I thought I’d never again feel the way I felt when I was with Liv.
By some miracle, it happened. My beautiful wife, our beautiful baby girl.
I miss my parents at times like these. They really liked Liv and me together, and I know they would love her even more now.
They gave us the best gift in each other. We’ll never be alone as long as we have our family, and with each new member, this tree, made strong by our love, continues to grow.
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