The Wright One

David 16


I don’t know how I get myself in these situations. So clearly after our first date I figured that David’s mom wouldn’t like me. I mean she picked that other woman. Thin and perfect. I am anything but. So when David mentioned that his family does a big get together for the fourth, I volunteered to help cook the food. David was thrilled. Saying she is always trying to get help but his sisters are only so helpful.

David and I have been dating for a couple of months now. I have yet to meet his parents. I am pretty sure that is because they don’t like me. I mean they know of me I am sure. They have family dinners once a month. David invited me last month, but I wasn’t ready to face them. He told me not to worry, but I am worried. If she doesn’t like me then she could make David leave me. I don’t want that.

So bright and early on the fourth, Jasmine shows up at my apartment to pick me up. David is still in bed. I told him that he should probably go home, but that hardly ever happens. This is always where he is. So I give him a kiss goodbye then I am off to the battle of the Wrights.

Jasmine looks at my face. “You look like you are going to your own funeral. Lighten up. We are celebrating.” She slightly laughs at me.

“What if your mom hates me? Or what about your sister? She hasn’t met me yet. Or your other brothers? Justin likes me enough, but what if Luke and William don’t?”

Jasmine laughs. “Don’t worry. They are going to love you. Besides if they don’t, the only one that you really have to worry about is David. As long as he loves you then you are fine.”

“But what if he finds out that his family doesn’t like me so he decides that he doesn’t want to be with me?”

She shakes her head, giggling at me. “You are nuts. I know how much he loves you. I mean when was the last time he left your apartment? Have you ever seen his place? It’s huge. Why the hell would he sleep in your apartment if he didn’t love you?”

I am not convinced. “Yes, I have seen his house. I actually love it, but I am not ready to stay there. I don’t want the rest of your family to think I am only with your brother for his money.”

She looks at me like I am ridiculous. “No one is going to think that. I swear sometimes you let your imagination off its leash and it comes back with some outlandish things.”

“These are real concerns.” I protest. Adjusting my seat belt for like the tenth time. Because maybe she is right. Maybe I am overthinking things. I do that sometimes.

“Well, stop it. You are going to worry yourself sick.” She moves the car through some traffic that is headed towards the festival in town. “Next year I want to take you to the festival. I’m sure we will stop by later, but it would be cool to spend a little extra time there.”

“Yeah, what all do they do?”

“Oh, all kinds of booths and stuff. Then there is the parade. That will be in about three hours. Dad saves us a spot for that one. We will be there for that. Then there is the rodeo. That is cool. There is a baking contest. You know everyone brings something. Mom used to compete in it. But she says she doesn’t feel like it anymore. I think she wants Isabelle to take over.”

She seems really excited talking about it all. I guess that is what I love about living here. It is small enough to do things like this and everyone involved. I really love living here. I have lived here for two months and met so many people. Some people are grumpy and hate new people but most of them are great and good hearted people.

“So what is this thing that we are doing?” I honestly have no clue what the hell I am doing today.

She looks at me confused. “Wait David didn’t tell you?”

I shake my head. “He just said it was a family get together. Like a barbecue or something.”

Jasmine rolls her eyes. “It’s more than that. There is a barbecue for sure, but there is also a parade. Plus like it’s not just the family, it’s like a big party thing.”

I can feel myself start to panic. “Wait, I didn’t know about that. I’m not dressed for some big party thing.”

She looks down at my jeans and t-shirt. “Actually you are dressed fine. It’s casual, but there are a lot of people.”

“Oh, God I am so screwed. I know I am going to mess something up.”

“Relax, It’s not as bad as you are making it out to be. That is your imagination running away again.” She rolls her eyes. I know it has been this way since we met. She is always trying to calm me down. Maybe that is why she wanted me to be with David, he is so grounded. I probably need him to even me out.

“Alright, I will breathe.”

Thankfully it doesn’t take much longer for us to get to the Wright estate. I say estate because it has a damn iron gate. You know one of those ones with the guy at the gate to let people in. Yeah, that is happening right now. “Why doesn’t your mom hire a caterer?”

“Because my mom loves to cook. Also she doesn’t like the money. My dad doesn’t really either. They have security but that is pretty much all you will see here. Oh, and the gardener. But I don’t think he is here right now.” She looks around like she can spot the guy from here. I don’t know, maybe she can.

When I can see the house I am trying desperately to breathe. This house is even bigger than David’s. It’s like this large colonial style house with the grand stairs to the front door. The plants accent the house really well. It is the most beautiful house I have ever seen. The large windows really seem to make the house look like one of those ones that you would have a large ball in or something. I could totally see that.

She pulls in front of the house. Taking a deep breath I get out. We are only up about three steps of the front walk when a woman with blond hair like Jasmine comes rushing out. “Oh, my God you are finally here. I swear I thought David was hiding you.” She gushes. She is beautiful. A lot like Jasmine but with laugh lines and a little rounder belly. But she had six kids who would blame her?

She hugs me like I am one of her kids. “Both my babies told me so much about you. When you volunteered to help with the cooking I was so thrilled. I would finally meet you.” I hug her back because it feels so nice my mother never treated me like this. I was always a disappointment to mine.

“I’m not much of a cook, but I can make pie and cake.” I point out. I don’t want her to get her hopes up too high.

She pulls back with a grin. “Two of my favorite things. Plus I can teach you some of my recipes. It will be great. We have a few hours before the parade. Your father is already there.” She shifts herself so that she is in between Jasmine and me with her arms linked through ours. “So we take care of the basics and finish up after the parade. David will be here before the parade. He said that he wanted to take you himself. Oh and Isabelle will be in the parade with her class this year.”

I smile at her. “That sounds great Mrs. Wright.”

“Oh, call me Lauren or mom. We are like family. Trust me I have never seen David this head over heels for a woman in all his life. You will be family soon enough.” She gives me a confident smile. She truly believes what she is telling me.

I am shocked. Did she really say that? Jasmine sees the look on my face. “See I told you your imagination needed a leash.”

Lauren laughs. “What?”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

I blush. “I was a little worried that you would hate me for some reason, I wasn’t sure what reason but I was determined that there was one.”

She giggles a little. “No dear. I am relieved that David met a woman like you. I was starting to think he would be single for the rest of his life. I started fixing him up with any woman that I could find that was single simply to get him out there.”

I pause, “So you didn’t really want him to marry Cynthia?”

She scoffs. “No dear. I told her that so that she would go on the date. She is one of those women who is a professional wife. She doesn’t plan to ever hold a job. I didn’t really like her but her parents are friends of mine. She will actually be here tonight, but don’t worry, David won’t let you out of his sight for any reason.”

“Now, her, I have a reason to be worried because she was very rude to me last time I saw her. She was determined that she was going to marry David and I was some homewrecker.” I state. She did, she acted like I was stealing her man, not her trying to break us up.

Lauren laughs. “Well, you have a backup crew tonight. She won’t say anything tonight.”

“Let’s get on those treats. I have to make a good impression.” I smiled.

Jasmine laughs. “Haven’t you already seen that you don’t need to do that? David loves you, that is enough. Not to mention you are my best friend. I don’t pick crap friends.” She is the best friend that a person can have. There are some that tried to take advantage of her in the past but she quickly noticed and got rid of them.

The rest of the morning goes on much like that. We laugh and banter. Baking and cooking. I feel like a part of the family and it feels so great. Something that I have craved in my life for a long time. I don’t want to totally blame my mother, but she just never really understood me and I feel like this family just gets me. They want me here. I could never ask for more.

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