To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 5

Ava’s POV

“I was about to introduce you to your stepbrother, his name’s Mason.” My mother’s voice kept on ringing in my head and all of my attempts to shake it off proved futile as the horrible stranger who’d cost me a lot still stood in front of me.

My chest clenched as I struggled to breath, it was as though I’d suddenly forgotten how to breath properly. What the hell was going on right now?

He was the one who’d made me lose my presentation. I failed a very important test and he revealed absolutely no sign of remorse and had even attacked me.

There was no way he was my stepbrother, all of the activities going on around us seemed to be on hold as I tried to gather my bearings.

“There’s no fucking way that this asshole is my stepbrother!” I yelled as I pointed a finger in his direction, I was causing a scene but I didn’t care and I could tell that my mother and stepfather were surprised at my outburst.

“What do you mean, Ava?” My mother asked softly, she was trying to calm me down but I wasn’t having it.

“I mean if this rude son of a bitch would be my stepbrother then I disapprove,” I yelled, all attention was now drawn to me and my mother was trying to hold me down as I spoke, “I never ever want to ever see you again and you have the nerve to waltz in here like someone wanted you here!” I screeched, lounging forward to shove the stranger named Mason but my mother held me back.

“Oh please, do you really think I’m equally happy to be seeing your face right now? I also don’t ever want to see you again, you’re not only childish and dumb, you’re also very fucking rude!” He shot back at me, both of us doing nothing to mask our dislike and utter hatred for each other.

“Oh, if I’m rude, then what are you? You arrogant swine. Why are you here, huh? No one wants you here!” I knew I shouldn’t be hauling insults at him, especially not in a place like this, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop.

“I came for my father because I care about him and his happiness, I’m not here to exchange words with a clumsy person who doesn’t even look where she’s going before stupidly bumping into someone and also expecting an apology on top, who’s the proud one now?” He demanded with a scowl and it took everything in me to not sprint over to him and give him a hard slap.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist on my side. I tried to refrain from punching him across his face, but I couldn’t hold myself any much longer. I’d have probably done that if my mother wasn’t holding me back right now. His face disgusts me and his presence made my stomach knot.

I turned around to look at my mother and I could see the disappointment boldly written on her face. She motioned for me to come with her next.

I forced myself to calm down as I followed her out of the reception, she’d decided she needed to speak with me and we found a quiet, private spot to talk. I was still fuming and pacing about and my mother let me let it all out before she spoke.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Of all days for you to lose it, it has to be at my wedding?!” She accused and I pursed my lips. Her disappointment was clear in her voice as she spoke.

“I hate him! I don’t want him as a stepbrother, I don’t ever want to have to see his face again.” I snarled but calmed when my mother’s face fell.

“What do you mean? That’s Mason, he’s Danny’s son and if the relationship between the both of us would work then you would have to put your differences aside and just let it go-”

“There’s no way I’m doing that!” I cut in.

“Don’t you want me to be happy? This is my wedding for crying out loud and you’re ruining it.” She said and my heart broke, how could she think I don’t want her to be happy?

“I’m sorry, mum,” I apologized, “I promise to be on my best behavior and let our differences go for today. I want you to be happy.” I finished and she let out a smile as she hugged me.

We waited a few minutes more before we both walked back to the reception.

I caught a glimpse of Danny scolding Mason and the far end of the room and when he caught sight of me, I rolled my eyes and snarled at him. I just couldn’t help it.

Soon, Danny and his son, Mason, crossed the reception towards where my mother and I were standing.

“What do you have to say to each other?” Danny asked and I blinked at him. I didn’t want to be the one to apologize first, I wanted to get the satisfaction of him doing it first.

“Ava?” My mother called out and I rolled my eyee and let out a groan.

“C’mon Ava, remember what we talked about. What do you say?” She pressed.

“I’m not apologizing, he offended me first-”

“Ava!” She called out once again and I sucked in a sharp breath and hastily exhaled it.

“Fine! I’m sorry.” I said with my eyes rolling so hard that I could feel it at the back of my head.

It was the fakest apology I’ve ever given in my entire life.

“Mason?” His dad called and he apologized gruffly while glaring daggers my way, the both of us promised to be on our best behavior and try our best to not ruin our parents’ special moment.

I avoided him like he was a plague and I was grateful that he’d done the same, although sometimes when we crossed each other’s parts, we would insult each other beneath our breath and give each other the fingers like our lives depended on it.

“I hate him so much.” I muttered to my friend who couldn’t hold in her laughter.

“What’s funny?” I grumbled and she stopped laughing at once.

“You hate him but it’s too bad he’s going to be your stepbrother, both of you would basically have to sleep and wake up together in the same house.” She explained and my rage filled me once again.

“I mean, both your parents are getting married, they’re already even married.” She added and I didn’t want to hear another word.

I closed my eyes as the thought of spending a day with Mason killed me, let alone the rest of our lives, I just can’t do it. I stood to get myself a dessert and I was trying to figure out what to pick when I heard the voice I detested the most behind me.

“Move the fuck aside if you’re to slow to pick something as simple as dessert. And don’t pour the whole thing on the ground, knowing how clumsy you are. I’d hate to have you ruin it.” He demanded and I felt the urge to strangle him.

But because I had promised my mother not to cause another scene, I willed my anger away and collected myself before selecting a random flavor of dessert.

I took a deep breath as I turned around to regard him through my lashes, one of my fake smiles playing across my lips.

“Stay away from me.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

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