Trapped with the Alpha

Chapter 21

Sophie chuckled and smiled at her naivety, ” I’m a werewolf, my whole life is all about risk so I need to go now if this story you are telling me about the ravens seeing you with Audrey in the woods is real, it means they need my help because Audrey and Derrick alone can not handle them, yunno it was designed by date that you met me here”

She immediately winked at Stephanie and dashed out of the house.

This made Stephanie all weak and she nearly collapsed on the floor if she was not held by Nanny Maria.

She was able to sit down after she was given water and Nanny Maria helped her to sleep by singing to her. After a little bit of crying and sobbing, Stephanie finally slept off in Nanny Maria’s arms.

“I hope Audrey is okay” she said before she slept

Sophie got into the woods and heard noises coming from different directions, she knew something was wrong and a war would have broken out if care was not taken, so she followed the path that Stephanie had earlier mentioned into the woods and finally got to the place they were fighting.

As he got there, she recognized Derrick and Audrey even if they were in their wolf form, they were battling the ravens, she knew better than to join them in the fight, the ravens had done a lot to their family so it’s only normal that they are aggrieved. The woods were filled with a lot of howling and growling from both sides of the woods, she felt she could put a stop to the madness going on so she decided to step into their midst with the hope that when they saw her they wouldn’t launch an attack on her. She knew the browns would not dare hurt her; after all she was mated to their family, the ravens on the other hand would not dare hurt her except they want to see the wrath of her father.

“Stop this right now” she said as she jumped into their middle

” How long do you guys want to keep this up” she continued

“A lot of innocent people are suffering because of this mess, so even if you don’t want to see yourselves at least try and steer ear of each other until you reconcile”she said

A particular Raven unsatisfied with what she did was preparing to launch an attack on her

“Don’t you dare, you very well know who my father is right?” She challenged me.

On hearing her father’s name, they all retreated into the woods, she felt happy that her plan worked she ran to hug the two brothers who hated each other.

“Don’t worry, change back they have gone” she said

“Thank you” Audrey replied, “But how did you know we were here” he asked further

“Sweetheart your girl is at home shivering after everything she saw today, I saw how scared she was, she narrated everything to me so I figured out you would need by help” she answered

“Well, thank you so much immediately I saw you here I had an inkling that she got home safe” Derrick added

“Bro, thank you for taking the initiative to draw the escape route for her” Audrey thanked his brother and hugged him

“Bro, it’s nothing, you know I mentioned that anything for you and this family irrespective of our differences by the way I knew that you were going to run into problems” he said

” You brought a human into the woods without considering that you could be putting her life in danger” Sophie scolded Audrey

“No, No I marked on her in school so I felt she had changed to a werewolf, we even saw things that could make us guess she was one, that’s why I brought her into the woods thinking it would be safe” Audrey defended

He smacked his brother on his shoulder and scolded him for not telling him that their father usually comes into the woods each day he visits their mum.

“Hey you, you never told me dad visits the ravens after he visits mum’s grave and you follow him too” he said

” I’m sorry, we haven’t said a word to each other since mum died” Derrick said.

Sophie knew that if she allowed the conversation to linger on it would turn into another round of fighting so she took the initiative by changing the topic.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hey boys, where is Sir Roland ” she asked

They immediately knew that she didn’t want to see them fighting so they let it go.

” That’s true where is father”Derrick asked

“Maybe he already went home” Audrey said

“No, I’m just coming from the house, your dad is not home” Sophie chirped in

“Jeez, we were so caught up in saving Stephanie that we forgot about dad” Derrick said

They all hoped that their father was safe and sound.

” Let’s call him,” Sophie suggested. So they all dialed his number but it rang and he did not pick up. It was at that point that they all became worried it was unlike their father to not pick up his calls.

After a while they got a text from him.

“I’m in San Diego, I had an emergency business meeting with Frank, I know what you did Audrey, I wanted you to fix the mess yourself that’s why I left immediately I got the message, will talk to you as soon as I get back home”.

Audrey sighed because he knew he was going to get an earful from his father when he got home.

“Daddy’s gonna smack somebody” Sophie teased. They all laughed and looked at each other.

Sophie knew she had nothing but love for these twin boys, they literally have been with her since she was a kid so she wasn’t going to dispose of them now, they needed her so she was going to be there for them.

“Alright before I get all mushy, can we go home, Audrey you need to check up on Stephanie immediately you get home, she looked really terrified of what she saw” she said

“I see you too have met, thanks babe” Derrick said

They all left the woods but Audrey knew he had to make it up to Stephanie so he told Sophie to drive them to a nearby supermarket so he could get her some things and maybe a chocolate to lighten her mood.

“You really love this girl, don’t you” Sophie asked

“Well, Yes I do,” Audrey replied.

“Has father said anything” she asked again

They both shook their head in negation, she sighed and wondered why Sir Roland hasn’t said anything about her, it is almost a full moon.

They got to the supermarket, did a quick shopping and went back home.

On getting home, they were greeted by Nanny Maria,

“Shhhh, she is finally asleep, it took a while to get her to sleep” she said.

“She was scared guys but she didn’t allow her fear get in the way of the fact that she was really worried about you Audrey” she added.

“You have a gem,” Sophie said and laughed.

So they all decided not to disturb her sleep, Audrey offered to carry her into her room to sleep but he was not allowed to

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