Triplets for the Billionaire novel (Oliver Gusto)

Chapter 53

"Here comes the most gorgeous bitch I cannot do without," Michelle said excitedly as she opened the door.

"Ohhhhhkayyyyy," She mumbled as she assisted Kathie with her luggage, rolling it in.

"Mommy....." The loud scream came through and for the first time that day, A genuine smile crept to Katherine's lips.

"Hi love," She smiled as she crouched down and engulfed her daughter in a hug.

"I miss you, mommy."

"I miss you too, honey." She pulled away from the hug and started showering kisses over the little girl's face, making her giggle.

"Where are your brothers?"

"Inside, watching cartoons. Come see them, mama." She reached for her mother's hand. Katherine rose to her feet and followed her daughter. Michelle stood by the door, watching the duo with a sweet smile on her face.

Once they left, She shut the door and took Kathie's handbag and box to her room. Her apartment was a two-bedroom apartment. She occupied the master bedroom while the other one was used as the guest room. Since the triplets are around, they were the ones using the guest room and if Katherine would be sleeping over, then she would be staying in the master bedroom with Michelle.

"Mom." Sebastian smiled the moment he sighted her. "He got down from the couch he was sitting on and went to hug her.

"Let me guess, you don't miss me at all." She smiled as she crouched down to Sebby's height.

"I do. We all do."

"You sure? Only Sophie forces Michie to call me so she can talk to me."

"Oh, maybe we were watching cartoons then or playing with our toys," Sammie said as he joined them.

"Hey, little man." Katherine turned her attention to him. She hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"Where's my kiss?" Sebby challenged, pouting, with his tiny arms folded.

"Stop being jealous," Sammie said.

"Of course, I will give it to you. You know I can't do without it." Kathie smiled, kissing his forehead too. It amazed her so much how her boys looked like their Dad. It was second to none that Oliver had a very strong gene. Even Sophie looked so much like his female version.

"Were you guys good to aunt Michie?" The boys nodded in unison. Sophie joined them.

"Your hair is beautiful. You look pretty." Sebby said, touching the tip of his mother's wavy curls.

Katherine chuckled. She couldn't believe her baby boy was telling her this after she had cried her eyes out

"I do?!"

"Yes!!! I've got the prettiest mama in the world." Sophie smiled.

"Everybody knows that," Sammie said. "How did Grandma's wedding go? I'm sure there were lots of cookies and chocolates to eat." Katherine chuckled, playfully ruffling his hair. "It's an adult party so no cookies and chocolates but mature food."

"But I know the food will be delicious and there will be ice cream," Sebby said.

Katherine smiled, nodding her head.

"But you had fun here, didn't you?" Kathie was sure they did. If there was anyone in the world she trusted her children with, then it was her best friend.

"Yes. We went shopping!!!" Sophie beamed.

"God, I'm going to murder Michelle."

"Don't be a party pooper. You don't just expect us to stay home all day and not have any type of fun." Michelle said as she approached them. "I got new toys."

"Me too," Sammie and Sebby said respectively.

"I got new dresses and we had ice cream too," Sophie beamed.

"Don't turn my baby into a model."

Michelle chuckled. "She's allowed to chase her dreams."

"They still haven't started playing with the last toys you got them."

Michelle shrugged, "If I don't spoil them, who will?"

"Aunty Michie, can we have our snacks now, please?" Sammie poured.

"Sure, my love." She caressed his cheek. "Give me a minute." She said and left for the kitchen to get the snack.

She promised them some snacks if they finished their dinner. They cleared their plate so she had to fulfill her part of the deal.

"Are you going to stay with us tonight?" Sophie pouted at Katherine.

"Yes!" She smiled.

"That means you are going to read me my bedtime story?" Sophie grinned.

"And also talk me to bed." Sebby's voice came through.

"Definitely! I'm all yours for tonight."

"Yeah but she's mine for now," Michelle said with her hands full of goodies for the kids.

She served them, the triplets got busy with the tv after which the adults excused themselves. "So??????......" Michelle sat beside her friend. The duo facing each other.

"Babes, I don't know where to start from,"

"I guess I better tell you what I know."

Katherine stared at her best friend questionly.

"I got a call from an unknown number earlier today. It turned out to be your baby daddy."

"Oliver called you? How did he even....right!" She stopped talking. If he could dig out all of their secrets in a short while, then getting Michelle's phone number was nothing to him.

"Yeah, he called. I was shocked too as to how he got my number. I almost thought he got it by hoarding your phone or something."

"What did he say?" She asked impatiently.

"He wanted to confirm if the triplets are with me, if they are doing fine and if they need anything."

"He was willing to send me some money. But I told him not to bother that they are in good hands and he thanked me for taking good care of them." "Wow, so mature of him." She said sarcastically.

"Indeed. I couldn't believe he was the same Oliver you've spoken ill of to me."

"Yeah, apparently he's the same Oliver who is trying to adopt a new lifestyle and behavior, making me seem like a bad person.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll just go straight to the point. He didn't show up for the registry but at the reception. I felt so uneasy about it and lo and behold, I was right. He skipped the registry to dig up secrets."

"To cut the long story short, Lewis had been fucking his sister throughout the period we've been dating."

"Natasha?? What the hell????" Michelle's eyes were wide as saucersnoveldrama

"He confessed to it. The first time was when he was drunk and it went on continuously because he was threatened by her. I saw the picture of them both, naked."

"Oh my.... Katherine" She whispered in shock, knowing how much her best friend loved Lewis.

"Do...just don't. Please don't feel pity for me about it. It's okay, I've cried, hated myself for ignoring the red flags and now I'm over it."

"Oliver intentionally let out the secret, to scatter what we have. I may have underrated him a little for not wanting to be in the kids' life because right now, it's the other way around."

"He's not going back to Australia until Friday. He says the triplets and I will be going with him and on Saturday, we will get married."

"Girl, that's a lot to take in. But that's a joke right?!"

"I thought it was but it's no longer looking like it."

"I was so vexed about it. I still am. It still feels like a joke to me because I don't know how Ollie could come up with such nonsense."

"I felt he came up with the whole

thing just to get back at me for not wanting to obey him like a lost

puppy. But Magda advised that

remain calm and try to negotiate with him instead of taking the matter to court or any sort.

"He accused me of being selfish and not wanting to make sacrifices for the children."

"Sacrifices?" Michelle frowned.

"He wants them to have a better life, to not feel the loneliness of not having both parents together and he wants to be there for them. He wants more than scheduled visits and sending of child support."

"Makes sense. You've shared that part with me. The part of wishing you had two loving parents by your side. I guess he felt that way at some point in his life and doesn't want that to happen to the children."

"This is tough, babe. Really though.


It's been a rush for you. You just heard something so devastating about Lewis and he's throwing this at your face on the same day. What are you going to do now?" She asked, with worry etched alt over her Voice and face.


"I know you're grown enough to make your decision but the offer is not bad if you're into him and you're willing to give your relationship with him a

"But if you're not into him, It makes no sense to go with him. If you both are in an unhealthy relationship, I see no good it will do to the triplets."

Katherine sighed. "Did I tell you he demands to see me and the kids before tomorrow evening at the house?"

"But you came here with your luggage. What's gonna happen if you all don't show up?"

"I don't know. Perhaps he's going to come here and turn this place upside down."

"Are you kidding me? Why would he do that?"

"Apparently, he doesn't like it when you dare or disobey him. I came here with our passports, hoping to go somewhere with the kids until he gets tired and goes back to his country."

"The moment he saw me on my way out, he made some calls, instructing God knows who to shut down the airport and even all checkpoints, leading

out of the state."

"You've got to be kidding me." Michelle picked up her phone, punched on her screen severally, and did a couple of scrolling.

"Holy shit!" She stared at Katherine in disbelief.

"It's actually true. The airport isn't totally locked down. I mean people are coming in but nobody is going out. What the heck??"

"He's probably going to burn down this house or your mom's mansion if you all don't show up tomorrow."

"Shit!!!! So you have to tell the triplets

about their Dad. How do you think they are going to react? I know

Sophie might be a little bit on then et


happy side but the boys? Ever thought of how they would take the


"What are you going to do, babe?"

Katherine sighed.

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