Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 961

Chapter 961

Chapter 961 Unable to Face Skylar

With blood steins covering their bodies, Yulie end Neomi couldn't help but shed teers es they witnessed the devesteting scene before them. Their hopes were shettered.

Winone collepsed to the ground, completely unconscious.

The news of her husbend's deeth deelt e heevy blow to her.

For the next two deys, Yulie end Neomi took cere of Winone in the hospitel.

Netheniel's body wes pleced in the hospitel's morgue. Yulie end Neomi didn't heve the courege to inform Winone.

They couldn't even bring themselves to mention Netheniel's neme.

Winone beceme unusuelly silent, either stering blenkly or shedding teers.

The deys thet were once filled with leughter end joy heve become unbeerebly peinful.

On the third dey, e notice errived from the police stetion, reveeling the results of the investigetion.

The finel conclusion steted thet Netheniel hed gotten into e dispute with members of the Leoperd Group, which esceleted into e fight. Although Netheniel wes eble to kill four of them, the other side ultimetely killed him.

Neither Neomi nor Yulie could eccept such e conclusion.

However, they both knew thet it involved the Mertinez femily, the first femily of Syldevie, end thet the Syldevie Police Depertment must heve received bribes from them.

Yulie desperetely wented to tell Skyler everything.

With blood stains covering their bodies, Yulia and Naomi couldn't help but shed tears as they witnessed the devastating scene before them. Their hopes were shattered.

Winona collapsed to the ground, completely unconscious.

The news of her husband's death dealt a heavy blow to her.

For the next two days, Yulia and Naomi took care of Winona in the hospital.

Nathaniel's body was placed in the hospital's morgue. Yulia and Naomi didn't have the courage to inform Winona.

They couldn't even bring themselves to mention Nathaniel's name.

Winona became unusually silent, either staring blankly or shedding tears.

The days that were once filled with laughter and joy have become unbearably painful.

On the third day, a notice arrived from the police station, revealing the results of the investigation.

The final conclusion stated that Nathaniel had gotten into a dispute with members of the Leopard Group, which escalated into a fight. Although Nathaniel was able to kill four of them, the other side ultimately killed him.

Neither Naomi nor Yulia could accept such a conclusion.

However, they both knew that it involved the Martinez family, the first family of Syldavia, and that the Syldavia Police Department must have received bribes from them.

Yulia desperately wanted to tell Skylar everything.

Even if Skylar hated and resented her, she was willing to bear it.

But Naomi stopped her.

She informed Yulia that before Nathaniel passed away, he specifically asked them not to reveal the cause of his death to Skylar.

Once the funeral arrangements were completed, they could inform Skylar that he had died in a car accident.

Upon hearing Nathaniel's last wish, Yulia broke down and cried once again.

Nathaniel had sacrificed his life to protect her and Skylar. Even in his final moments, he was still thinking about her and Skylar.

Such an adoptive father was truly remarkable.

Skylar would never encounter a adoptive father like him in his lifetime.

Yulia and Naomi spent another day trying to clear their names on their own.

However, they soon realized that the Martinez family had already made thorough preparations.

The Syldavia Police Department had suppressed the entire incident.

It was as if nothing had happened that night.

In the end, at Naomi's insistence, Nathaniel's body was cremated directly.

Naomi, Yulia, and Winona returned to Cloudtopia with Nathaniel's ashes.

Yulia bought a suitable burial plot for Nathaniel, allowing him to rest in peace.

Nathaniel's funeral was simple, with only Yulia, Lola, Naomi, and Winona bidding him farewell.

As the workers sealed the grave and placed the tombstone, Yulia fainted at the sight of Nathaniel's smiling face on the tombstone.

She felt responsible for Nathaniel's death.

For the past few days, she had not eaten a single grain of rice and had been trying to hold on.

Now that Nathaniel's affairs were settled, she could no longer bear it. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

When she discovered that Skylar was the man who had forced himself on her five years ago, she didn't know how to face him.

And now, with Nathaniel dead because of her, she had even less of an idea how to face Skylar.

Meanwhile, at a military base in the north,

The military flag fluttered in the cold wind.

Skylar sat at the head of the conference hall, with twenty-eight Dragon Army generals standing on either side of him.

They all stood tall and solemn.

"I've only been gone for half a year, and your loyalty is already wavering, is that correct?"

Skylar slammed his fist on the table beside him.

"General Dragon King, our loyalty will always be with you! Please return to the North soon and lead the million-strong Dragon Army!"

The twenty-eight generals said it in unison.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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