Two Sides

Chapter 2

“Hey! Wait up!”

Reece kept walking toward his custom muscle car, ignoring her.

“You’re Reece right?”

Reece turned around.

Reece didn’t look too pleased, “Yeah. What’s it to you?”

He turned to see the lady from earlier and quickly his demeanor softened.

“I saw what happened in there. Sorry about my husband. He can be a bit of a jerk.”

As she got closer, he became a lot more interested in what he was seeing. Checking her out while trying to seem unimpressed. A beautiful brunette with a nice body. He ran his hands over his face in frustration. Just his type.

Under his breath, “Figures. Dumont gets the dream life and the hot wife.”

“He can be a total asshole.”

“Tell me about it,” Reece gave a half-smile.

“Sorry about your car?”

“As long as your hubby fixes my ride, we’re cool. Guess Carson has told you a lot about me.”

Reece put his hands in his jean pockets looking seriously annoyed. His chest seeming much broader now under his tight jersey hooded t-shirt. Nikki couldn’t help but notice the skin peeking out under his shirttail as he had his hands crammed in his jean pockets. The V that lead over his hips down under his jeans gave her thoughts she was desperately trying to not think about. She was a married woman after all.

“Yep. He talks about you constantly. His big boxing win. All I ever hear about.”

She crossed her arms trying to hide the fact that she was checking him out a little.

Reece ran his tongue over his lower lip noticing her blushing. If she was single he would be flirting relentlessly. But, he never crossed the adultery line. Never would. It was his number one dating rule.

“Yep, got the win and the girl. I guess you know that his ex-girlfriend left me that night for him.”

“You mean Mercedes? Sheesh. No big win there. Stupid gold-digger.”

Nikki started to tear up looking away trying to keep her emotions in check.

“Yep. That’s her. Hey, you okay?”

Reece walked over and put his hand on her shoulder seeing she was clearly upset.

“Yes, Mercedes isn’t exactly my favorite person. Anyway, I’ll be sure he gives you a good amount to fix your car. It was nice to meet you, Reece Maddox. And, sorry again about Carson’s attitude.”

She shook his hand.

“Thanks. Nice meeting you… umm?”

“Nichole, you can call me Nikki. See you around, Reece Maddox.”

He winked at her.

“You too, Nikki.” Her name rolled over his tongue like butter. He shook off the feeling of lust and hopped in his car.

Carson was looking out the window with rage building up inside him. Nikki came back inside smiling to herself ready to head back to work. The clients had left and they were alone. A hand grabbed her and she was pushed into Carson’s office.


Nikki pulled away, “Calm down. I was just apologizing for your rude behavior. Carson, you need to get past this Golden Gloves stuff. It’s been seven years. Grow up.”

Nikki started to leave and he pushed her against the door blocking her exit.

“Never talk to that guy again! He tried to ruin my life,” Carson scoffed.

“Don’t tell me who to talk to Carson. I know the stories. You tell me all the time how big mean Reece and his friends were at the gym, and how they bullied you as a rookie. You had to win your precious match to keep your dignity. Since that woman who started that mess is living in my house, I’m questioning if the whole story you told me is really true.”

Nikki teared up looking away. She had fought back those tears for weeks. Saying those words made her realize her husband was not the man she thought she married.

“Nikki, it’s not like that. Everything I said was true. Baby, I love you. I am married to you. Not Mercedes.”

Carson tried to hug her and she pushed his hands away.

“Don’t touch me. Until that woman is out of our house we are nothing. Understand?”

Carson slammed his fist over her head onto the door of his office. The loud bang making her jump.

“Why are you such a bitch? Mercedes needed a place to stay since she is moving back to Kentucky. I’m just trying to help a friend.”

“Then she should be the one to live in the shit hole you rented for me. Not your wife. Get your mistress out of my house!”

Nikki shoved him trying to make him move away from the door.

Carson grabbed her shoving her against the wall almost ready to hit her. Fist doubled he pulled back ready to strike.

“Hit me! Couldn’t be any different than the way you already treat me. I’m your wife and you have no respect for me. But, that woman bats an eyelash and she’s living in our home. Even though I asked you not to she is still there.

“My home. Not yours. I pay the bills there sweetheart. I want Mercedes there and she stays, like it or not. I pay for your fancy clothes and cars. Without me your just another low life bottom feeder.”

Carson got in her face grabbing her chin to force her to look at him.

“I’ll give you two weeks to calm down. Then you better be back in that house and keep your damn mouth shut! I run things around here. Don’t forget that.”

“Let go! You’re hurting me. Why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me, Carson?”

She started crying trying to pull away from his grip. Carson forced a kiss until she gave in and kissed him back. Even though the feel of his touch had come to repulse her over the past few months, she was no match for his strength. He ran his hands down her thigh and up the edge of her pencil skirt.

Carson smirked, “Remember that baby. It’s been months since I’ve had you in my bed. That sweet ass better get home soon, before I do decide to get someone else. I want your keys to the BMW and the Jag. If you plan on living away from me I’m not going to make it easy. Punishment for the trick you pulled outside earlier. You can take the bus or walk. I’ll let you see what it was like for me back when I was poor living in that place. Maybe you will appreciate what you have.”

He heard a ding at the front door, which meant someone had entered the reception desk. He walked out and instantly got on his fake smile for the next client. Straightening his suit jacket and shaking hands as if nothing happened.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Nikki rubbed off the degrading feel of the moisture from his lips. She fell into his big office chair crying. She wanted to work this out. She loved Carson. But, day-by-day she just wanted out of the nightmare she was living. For the last few years, it felt like they had fallen out of love. She was never sure he ever did. Always just a trophy wife. She was always reminded by him how much better Mercedes was at everything. How Mercedes was his first true love. Nikki loved him once with all her being but it was fading fast.

She was quickly coming to terms that she was nothing more than a trophy wife. She was always reminded of how Mercedes was better at everything. His first true love. She realized her perfect marriage was slowly fading into a bleak end.

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