Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 9

The black Audi that Alex was driving pulled into the Medika Hospital courtyard. Spotting Aurora standing in front of the lobby, he pulled over. He hurriedly got out, opening the door and gesturing for his wife to enter before taking her to his parents’ second residence.

Tonight, there was a scheduled visit and gathering with the extended Wildblood family. Whatever the occasion, Alex and Aurora were obliged to attend.

If she could be honest, Aurora was personally reluctant to participate in the large family gatherings held by her mother-in-law. Not because she didn’t want to socialize or blend in, but simply due to laziness, as it would inevitably become a topic of discussion and gossip, as it always did.

“If you feel uncomfortable or don’t want to attend, I can turn back.”

In the middle of the journey, realizing Aurora’s discomfort, Alex dared to reach for her wrist, which was initially resting on her thigh, and gently held it. Glancing briefly, he then urged his wife to compromise before their car reached the destination.

“I know that lately, you’ve been uncomfortable every time we visit Mama’s house.”

Aurora stared straight ahead at the road. Without expression, she casually responded.

“Not really. In the early days of our marriage, I never received mistreatment. It’s just that, since the second year of our marriage, I’ve started to feel uneasy every time we visit your parents’ house. But don’t worry. It’s not a big deal for me.”

“Are you sure?”

Aurora nodded confidently.

“Let alone just hearing the sharp remarks from Mama and your extended family. Seeing your husband cheating right in front of you, I can handle it.”

Aurora then immediately pulled her wrist from Alex’s grasp. At the same moment, the Arab-blooded man swallowed his saliva while putting on a frustrated expression.

It wasn’t Aurora’s fault that she still remembered and often mentioned the betrayal she had experienced with Nicole. Anyone would do the same if they were in Aurora’s position.

“I apologize, Aurora,” Alex whispered sincerely. “By God, I apologize for the pain I’ve inflicted on your heart.”

Aurora remained silent. Choosing to be silent until they both arrived at Alex’s parents’ second residence.

“Alex… Aurora.”

As soon as they got out of the car, Savana Wildblood, Alex’s mother, welcomed them. She threw a wide smile while hugging her youngest son and daughter-in-law.

“I’ve been waiting for you two for a while. Come on, let’s go inside! Harvey, Elijah, Aunt Rania, and the others are already inside.”

Alex nodded, and Aurora followed behind. Arriving in the family room, one by one, Alex’s cousins warmly greeted them. For now, the situation was still under control, and Aurora was enjoying every passing moment.

While Alex joined the men who were enjoying dinner on the right side, Aurora chose to sit with the cousins gathered on the left side of the dining room. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their meals while chatting, exchanging stories, and inevitably veering into off-topic discussions, appearing critical, and sometimes outright gossiping.

“Aurora, I’ve noticed you’re getting more beautiful, stunning, and elegant just incredibly gorgeous.”

Elijah seemed to sincerely compliment her. Of all Alex’s cousins, this woman was the friendliest and relatively close to Aurora since she entered the Wildblood family.

“Ah, you flatter me,” Aurora replied with a smile. In truth, without the need for clarification, everyone knew that Aurora’s beauty was already apparent.

“Elijah is right,” Fanny agreed. “Moreover, if you weren’t beautiful, how could Alex have fallen for you and hastily proposed? We all know Alex’s taste.”

“What’s my taste?”

Alex, sitting across from Fanny, joined in with laughter. He was accustomed to being the subject of discussion by his cousins like now.

“Please, esteemed Mr. Alex. As the most adored guy, women know that to be your girlfriend, they must be beautiful, tall, fair-skinned, and sexy,” Elijah added. As the closest female cousin, having studied together since childhood, she knew Alex’s habits, preferences, and personality very well. “Besides, it’s not a public secret that you’ve always been a playboy, right?”


Alex whispered softly. Even though what Elijah said was true, he still tried to deny it.

“This is the reality. Just think back to the appearances of all your exes. All beautiful and sexy, not to mention their revealing outfits. Aurora is the only sensible one.”

“That’s just a coincidence,” Alex defended himself. “Actually, I don’t apply criteria like being beautiful or anything.”

“But, no matter how beautiful and sexy your exes were, Aurora is the richest, right? Maybe you married Aurora because she’s wealthy?”

Della, another cousin, chimed in with a joke. It’s unclear if this was too honest or a deliberate jab at Alex.

“It’s useless to be beautiful and wealthy if you can’t give Alex offspring.”

Savana Wildblood, who came from the kitchen and overheard Della’s words, immediately reacted. From her expression, it was clear that she didn’t appreciate her youngest son being cornered by his cousins.

“You’ve been married for two years,” Savana continued the conversation. This time, she directed her gaze at Aurora. “Look at Harvey. He got married just two months ago, and his wife is already pregnant. Fanny, who had a baby a few months ago, is pregnant again. So, when is it your turn? Maybe Aurora can’t give Alex children.”

“Mom…” Alex hurriedly interjected. Giving a stern look to his mother, he shook his head, signaling Savana to stop her hurtful words. “We gathered tonight not to talk about offspring, right?”

Savana nodded. “Yeah, it’s not, but-”

“It’s okay, Alex,” Aurora said casually, deliberately mediating the debate between her husband and her mother-in-law. Besides, she was already accustomed to being treated unfairly like this.

If she wanted to, Aurora could defend herself by announcing at the family gathering tonight who was actually having difficulty giving offspring. It wouldn’t be difficult for Aurora to turn her mother-in-law’s words around and, if necessary, embarrass her in return.

However, Aurora wasn’t that mean. Even though Alex had clearly hurt her feelings, and his mother had behaved unpleasantly, she still didn’t want to expose her husband’s shame to everyone.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“If you just stay silent and passive without making any effort to have children soon, Alex might run off with another woman,” Savana seemed unsatisfied. Once again, she bombarded Aurora with many complaining and sarcastic words. “Out there, many are eager to be his wife.”

“Mom, that’s enough!”

Savana reflexively turned. Looking at her son, she let Alex continue his statement.

“I’m tired of discussing the same thing every time we meet. In case you forgot, Aurora is a doctor. She doesn’t need to be taught what to do. She knows best.”

Feeling irritated by his mother’s words, Alex then stood up. Walking closer, he reached for Aurora’s wrist, then asked his wife to stand up.

“Besides…” Alex continued. “No matter how hard we try or even if we turn everything upside down, what can Aurora and I do if it’s not God’s timing?”

“That’s why, if Aurora really has difficulty giving children, Mom suggests you better find a new wife. I’m over 55 years old. When will you have children again? Are you waiting for me to die first?”

Savana spoke so straightforwardly. In front of the whole family, she sounded like she was humiliating her son-in-law.

“Mom, that’s too much.”

Alex pulled Aurora and urged her to leave even though the event wasn’t over. He ignored his mother’s repeated calls.

“I apologize for being too much tonight.”

Before going to sleep, while Aurora sat on the edge of the bed, Alex knelt down, gently massaging his wife’s ankles. Long before his affair was revealed, he often did this before going to bed.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

“But, I genuinely apologize for everything that made you feel hurt or uncomfortable. I have a lot of faults with you, dear.”

Aurora nodded. Staring into Alex’s brown eyes, she believed her husband was sincerely apologizing to her.

“I’m fine. You standing up for me in front of everyone earlier, that’s more than enough.”

Alex then stood up. Changing his position, he intentionally sat next to Aurora. Taking hold of his wife’s wrist, he held it gently and affectionately.

“I know it’s not easy to forget or forgive me just like that. But, for God’s sake, I don’t want to lose you, Aurora. I’ll try to keep convincing you that I’ve changed.”

Aurora nodded.

“Yeah. We’ll see. I just don’t want to have too high expectations.”

Aurora then prepared to sleep. Lying down, she slowly closed her eyes. Not long after, she felt Alex hugging her from behind.


Hearing Aurora calling, instead of letting go, Alex tightened the hug. He even deliberately pressed his pointed nose against Aurora’s neck. Inhaling the sweet scent of the vanilla perfume his wife often wore before sleeping.

“Please… just this once. I miss you so much.”

Aurora remained silent. Choosing to let it be until she eventually fell into a deep sleep.

While Alex, realizing Aurora had already fallen asleep, turned his body to check who had sent the message so late.

“Alex, our business is not finished yet.”

Alex sighed deeply. After ignoring Nicole’s visit to his office some time ago, now she contacted him again via a late-night text.

“Don’t expect me to give up. I will chase after you to the ends of the earth!”

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