Unspoken Pleasure

It All Starts With A Brother: Ep15

"Let them fuck."

Mary looked over at her sister in disbelief as they sat in her den. After leaving her house, calling a cab and booking a flight she stayed at the airport hotel before leaving first thing to visit her


Sherrie was Mary's older sister and best friend. After Mary's husband died she had played a big role helping them deal with their loss.

Sherrie was an eccentric woman who had been married three times and had two kids (Paul and Diane) from her second marriage. Now that she was on the other side of three marriages she had pledged she would never get married again.

Sherrie had come out well financially from her three marriages and liked to indulge herself. Sherrie's indulgences included clothes, jewelry, trips - and men (plus the odd woman). Sherrie had always supported her sister and just like Will, Lexi and Daisy felt she worked too hard.

Sherrie smiled as her sister stared at her, not saying anything. "Let them fuck, who cares. They're all adults and they aren't hurting anyone. From the sounds of it, they were enjoying themselves quite a bit."

Mary couldn't believe what she was hearing, "but it's wrong, they're related and they could go to jail!"

Sherrie shrugged as she took a sip of her wine, "no one has to go to jail, what the world doesn't know can't hurt it."

Mary sighed, the exasperation evident on her face. "They can't be doing this. What about relationships? People will talk. They'd have to lie constantly, do everything behind closed doors and guard against someone learning their secret the same way I did."noveldrama

Sherrie smiled and moved over beside her sister, she sat down beside her and stroked her hair softly. "Calm down honey, we don't know what their plans are and how they feel about each other long term. Lexi and Daisy could be doing a lot worse than Will, believe me, I know." Mary sighed as she took a sip of her own wine, "I guess but it's just so wrong, they could go to jail. I don't like secrets and I don't want to lose any more of my family," she continued.

Sherrie tried to calm her sister, "they seem to have a handle on acting normally when they're around others, you obviously didn't know until you caught them," Sherrie paused, "and from what you told me you seemed to like what you saw."

Mary looked over at her sister, shock on her face. "Sherrie! I did NOT!"

Sherrie chuckled softly and leaned into her sister, "then why didn't you barge in and stop them? Why did you watch until Will came inside Daisy?"

Mary paused; she didn't have a good answer for that. Truth be told she was experiencing some mixed emotions. What she saw had excited her, angered her and upset her but it hadn't repulsed her. She was worried someone would find out, angry the three people she loved most in the world had lied to her - and she was turned on.

"They could go to jail..." Mary repeated a third time.

Sherrie stroked her sister's hair softly, tucking it behind her ear. "Sometimes you've got to risk it for the truly great things in life. Will, Lexi and Daisy aren't stupid, they're good kids, I don't think they'd just jump into to sack together."

Mary sighed as she took another sip of her wine, finishing the glass. "You're right; it's just that I'm conflicted on this. I should be furious but I'm not, I'm more worried than anything. I should be repulsed but I'm not, part of me wants to see it again."

Sherrie smiled as she poured her sister another glass of wine, "that's what I'm here for honey. Now tell me the story again, and don't leave out any of the details."

Will, Lexi and Daisy continued on their way blissfully unaware their mother had discovered their secret. They actually didn't have sex the next day while Mary and Sherrie were talking and instead had a relatively normal day.

Will worked in his shop, his sisters tanned and went shopping and he barbecued for dinner that night. They ended the day by watching TV before going to bed, Daisy curling up beside her brother for an entirely PG visit to his bed.

The day after was supposed to be when Mary returned from her business trip and Will and Lexi were planning to pick her up at the airport.

"Lexi! Let's get moving! We're going to need to leave soon if we're going to beat the traffic!" Will yelled upstairs.

Lexi bounced down the stairs a minute later, not a care in the world. "Relax Billy, mom can wait if we're a minute or two late..."

It was at that moment the phone started to ring, Will picked up the phone as Lexi sat on the arm of the couch.

"Will honey, it's your mother."

Will was surprised to hear from his mother and had a perplexed look on his face to prove it, "did

your plane arrive early? Lexi and I were just about to leave to pick you up."

"That's what I'm calling about, I decided to go and visit your aunt quickly before I came home, I'm with her now," Mary replied.

"What's going on?" Lexi asked.

Will pulled the phone away from his mouth, "mom is with Aunt Sherrie, we don't need to go pick

her up."

Mary heard the commotion and asked Will if everything was alright.

"I was just telling Lexi we didn't need to go to the airport," he responded.

"Yeah, sorry for the last minute change," Mary started. "I decided to take your advice and thought I'd surprise your aunt."

Now that Lexi knew she didn't have to go pick up her mother at the airport a devious plan popped into her head. She grinned at her brother as she sauntered over to him and slipped to her knees.

Will saw the look in her eye and knew what she was up to immediately, he tried to wave her away but it was to no avail. Mary now started to small talk with her son, "how has your week been?"

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