Unspoken Pleasure

It All Starts With A Brother: Ep7

Will smiled "just me and the graduate."

Daisy bit her bottom lip, "could we go to Archie's?"

Will chuckled "I've already made the reservation."

Daisy perked up even more, she started to cheer, then fell back in a fit of coughing which turned to laughter, "it's a date," she choked.

Will laughed, "try to stay alive between now and then" he said as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Will's eyes locked with Daisy's as he lingered for a moment.

"Don't stay in bed too long," he said as he stood up, "I'll get you some water."

Archie's was a favorite seafood restaurant that Will and Daisy loved. It was a hidden gem in the

city, the kind of place the locals knew about that wasn't upscale but was a great night out.

That night as their reservation approached Will yelled up at his sister.

"Come on Daisy!! We haven't got all night!" he bellowed.

"I'll be right down!" she responded.

Mary looked over at her son, "this is a nice thing you're doing for her, are you sure you don't want my credit card?" she asked.

Will smiled, "thanks for the offer mom but I'll be fine, not having to pay rent, groceries, cable or utilities is thanks enough."

Mary playfully shook her son, "maybe I should make you do more to earn your keep around the place."

"Make him my personal slave mom, I'll put him to work," Lexi teased with a horny glint in her eye.

Mary giggled, "I'm sure you'd love that Lex," not realizing how right she was.

At that moment Daisy appeared at the top of the stairs and walked downstairs.

Will and Lexi greeted her by playfully hooting and hollering.

"Looking good sis!" exclaimed Lexi.

Daisy did look good.

She was wearing a low cut red dress with spaghetti straps that wasn't too elegant but destined to turn heads. Then again, Daisy, just like her mother and sister, could turn heads wearing just about anything.

"About time," Will playfully grumbled.

Daisy defiantly put her hands on her hips, "oh shut up, you love it."

"Have fun on your date you two," Lexi teased. Mary smacked Lexi's arm while Daisy turned around and stuck her tongue out at her sister as she and Will left.

Daisy did turn heads as she and Will walked into the restaurant. They had a lovely meal of shrimp, scallops and lobster tail.

"Thank you for tonight," Daisy said while they waited for the bill, "I've had a great time, I wish it didn't have to end."

Will smiled, "what if I said it doesn't? I actually have another surprise for you."

Daisy clapped her hands, "what is it?"

Will grinned, "you'll find out soon."

Will paid for their meal and led his sister back to his truck. "So what's the surprise?" she asked again.

Will helped her into his truck then got in himself, handing her a blindfold from the glove compartment, "put this on," he said.

Daisy was puzzled, completely confused at this point, but did as she was told.

"Can you see?"


"Are you sure?"




Will chucked, "ok," and turned on the ignition.

"Where are we going?" asked Daisy.

"You'll see soon enough," Will answered.

Minutes felt like hours to Daisy as her brother drove her to their secret location. Finally they

arrived at the Station Park Hotel, where Will already had a room for the night and had checked in earlier in the day.

Will led Daisy in a side entrance slowly to the elevator.

"Where are we?" she asked again.

"You'll find out soon," he responded.

They entered the elevator and went up to the 15th floor, when they stopped in front of their hotel room, Will took out the room key. When Daisy heard the click she asked, "are we at a hotel?"

Will chuckled and led his sister inside. "Can't get anything past you sis," he said.

Will led his sister inside and took off the blindfold.

Daisy waited for her eyes to adjust, looked around the room and then at her brother, "what are we doing here?" she asked.

Will smiled, "I got us a room for the night, I wanted this to be a night you'd never forget, and I wanted us to have some privacy."

"Privacy for what?" she asked, her heart starting to beat faster.

Will took his sister's hand and led her over to where a bucket of champagne was waiting for them on ice. He poured them both a glass.

"To my beautiful sister," he toasted as they clinked glasses.

Daisy's heart started to beat even faster; she downed the glass and poured herself another. Will smiled and set his glass down.

They sat down on the bed together, his hand holding hers once again.

"I wanted us to have some privacy because lately there has been this attractive young woman I can't get out of my mind. She's attractive on the outside, beautiful on the inside and just happens to be my sister," Will started.

Daisy caught her breath.

"I know this is a completely unlikely scenario, I know brothers aren't supposed to want to jump in

bed with their sister, but I don't care. I want you and I think you want me. Tonight is our night, we

can do as much or as little as we want."

A light moan escaped Daisy's lips.

"You... want to have sex with me?" she asked.

"Only if that's something you want, is it?" he answered.

Daisy looked at her brother, her panties now sopping wet, her nipples hard, her head swimming

with desire, "God yes," she groaned as she leaned in to kiss her brother.

Daisy couldn't believe it when he brother kissed her back, and kissed her with passion.

"Oh my god, he's such a good kisser," she thought.

Will stroked his sister softly as they kissed, really kissed, for the first time.noveldrama

Daisy broke the kiss, "I've wanted to do that for so long, when did you start to feel this way?"

Will smiled, "you've always been an attractive girl Mags, but I started to look at you as more of a

sister over the past month and a bit. I just couldn't get you and Lex out of my head." Daisy moaned, "Lexi too?"

Will grinned, "about that... Lexi and I have been fucking for almost two weeks now." Daisy smiled and smacked her brother's arm, "I KNEW IT!" she exclaimed. "You knew?" Will asked.

"She's been acting differently lately, I KNEW something was up," Daisy responded.

She looked at her brother, "she told you, didn't she."

Will smiled, "she did. I never would have made a move otherwise, it just happened between her

and I and I wouldn't want to ruin what you and I have unless I knew."

Daisy smiled, "mmmmmm you and Lexi." Suddenly she paused, "can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything," he said.

Daisy took a deep breath and looked at her brother, "when I told you I was a virgin the other day? My fantasy has been to lose it to you..."

Will smiled, "based on what Lexi said I kind of figured. We can go as far as you want Daisy, there's no rush."

Daisy smiled, "that's sweet, but now that we're here in this moment there is no way I'm letting this night end without your cock inside me."

Will grinned, "you naughty girl."

Daisy stood up, once again biting her lip. "I can get VERY naughty for my big brother."

Daisy stood in front of her brother, looking down at him. His cock was hard in his pants.

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