Until I Met You

Chapter 66


I unbutton my dress shirt and shrug it down my arms. I toss it on the couch and undress myself. I saunter to the bathroom and switch on the shower. I stand under the shower with both my hands on the cold wall. The warm water rinse down my skin and all I could think is her. How I fucked up.

How I put her life in danger and how she makes my heart beat with just a smile.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I missed looking at her.

I missed staring at her deep brown eyes, and I missed waking up next to her. I can’t even think about anything else but her.

I badly wanted to stop calling her. Grant her the space she wanted but I can’t. My mind has never been at ease after she told me she wanted to stay away from me.

I clean myself and put on a t-shirt and sweats. I pick up a cigarette and light it. Someone knocks on my door and I order the person in. Reid. Most times he acts like my father, while other times he acts like my nagging boyfriend. But truth is, Reid’s a full straight man. He’s too annoying sometimes and I hate the way he looks at Ariel when no one’s watching. Like he liked her a lot.

” We need to talk.”

” Yeah. You probably need to explain to me why you chose to fuck Meghan.” I scoff and puff out the smoke.

I walk to my bedroom swimming pool and look into the water.

” She’s hot. And we never dated.”

” And she drugged you. Who even told you I’ve got an underground warehouse?”

He chuckles and shoves his hands in his pockets. I didn’t even tell Ariel.

“You claim we’re best friends and you had to lie about that. You couldn’t even tell me. Are we still friends?” He asks.

” Reid , who told you about it?”

” No one. I guessed it and it was even true. What type of friend are you?”

I turn to look at him and puff the smoke in his face.

” You do some shitty mistakes sometimes. Things like what you did with Meghan are the common reasons I didn’t tell you. I built that has a back up for summit’s future. And you want me to tell you. So you could go out and party with girls like Meghan and let them get you drunk so you could spill out my fortunes. The fuck man. You would have done the same if you were in my shoes. I’m just being careful and not secretive. I have a reason for calling you my closest friend. And that’s because you’ve been for me since i was a boy.” I scoff and inhale the stick.

Reid sighs and stands next to me as we look into the water.

” I’m sorry about Meghan. We only fucked three times. I stopped when she started acting weird and pushy. She’s always corny.” Reid explains.

” And you decide not to tell me?”

” I have my reasons Gray. I can’t just tell you I fucked Meghan and she started acting corny.”

” That bitch had been working with Vladimir because I fired her ass. Who does that?”

Except a desperate hoe.

” Are you gonna kill her?” Reid asks.

I chuckle and walk to my table where the ashtray sits. I butt the cigarette on it and drop the already smoked stick. I stuff my hands in my pockets and puff out the smoke.

” Reid you know the rules.” I say and walk to his form.

” I know she fucked up because of jealousy and anger. You should spare her.”

” And why? For wanting my girl dead or for working with an enemy who sabotaged me to the Chinese because of a fuckin drug deal.”

” Do you have feelings for her Reid?” I ask when he doesn’t answer.

” Of course not. She’s worked with you for a long time.”

” And that’s the reason she needs to die. She went too far. Rat me to Vladimir. Work with him and spie on me.”

” Boss.” Manny knocks on my door.

I look at Reid and walk to the door. I open it and step outside.

” Down the basement.” Manny says and I nod.

” Go, I’m coming.” He nods again and looks at Reid before leaving.

” Gray , there are other punishments you can give to her.” Reid says on our way to the basement.

” Punishments like what?” I scoff.

” What if it’s Ariel. What if your so-called girl rat you out to the cops.”

Fuck , she won’t even do that. I can’t ever imagine hurting her. It’s like I’m hurting myself. I stop and glare at Reid.

” Why don’t you stay back and don’t follow me to the basement. You said you stopped fucking her , why are you being emotional?”

” Don’t forget she’s Jhene’s sister.”

” Like I give a fuck.” I say and climb down the stairs.

Meghan is tied to a chair with a duct tape on her mouth. She tries to fight the restrain but it’s fruitless. Sarai already passed out due to the sedative. I walk to Meghan’s front and remove the tape.

” Fuck Carter , what do you want from me? Why did you have to tie up Sarai?”

” So you know each other?” I ask and smirk at her.

She blinks her eyes and stays quiet. Damn , she just fucked up. I snap at Steve and he gives me a chair. I take it and sit in front of Meghan.

” Meghan. You worked with me for so long. Two years right? And then you abused Ariel and made Jhene tell her shit in Malibu. I fired you and you thought it was nice to work with Vladimir to get back at me by hurting Ariel and also hurting me. You even had to drug Reid to get informations about a fuckin underground Warehouse. Fuckin hoe. You’re so dumb. What makes you think I wouldn’t find out.”

She didn’t say a word. Her face and breathing do the talking. She’s about to panic.

” I bet I pay you a lot. You were a fuckin slut when I picked you up from the strip club. I gave you a job , made you and I fuckin paid you. Why would you think of betraying me?”

She twists her lips and bites her bottom lip before answering.” I did what I have to do.”

” Because you didn’t get me to sleep with you or because you didn’t get me to fall for you?”

She looks at me briefly and stares at Sarai before looking at me

” Oh, please. Jhene liked you a lot. Maybe I liked you too. Before you employed me , I liked you. Let’s say I wanted you and luckily I get to work for you. I tried to hit on you because i wanted to be your queen. Your mafia queen. It hurts when you didn’t even blink at me. I was furious. And then some tiny little college student walked into your life and stole your heart. I was hurt. She made me loose my job. A job that changed my life , I was fuckin hurt. And then i thought of a way to hurt her. Yes , I drugged Reid , he told me you’ve got a warehouse. I talked to Vladimir and I told him the way to get at you after the Chinese deal gone wrong for him. I wanted her to suffer and then i told him you’ve got a girl. And we became partners with major objectives to hurt you both.”

” Because I refused your pussy. You thought you should work with someone who hates me to get at me. Now tell me what should I do to you.”

Her chest rises and falls as she tries to mask her scared state. I stand up and walk behind her. Her breath caught up her throat as I lean my hands on the armrest behind her.

” What should I do to you? You committed a really huge sin. You planted a mole in my business. Try to fuckin take me out and you had to rat me out because of your stupid reasons. If I shoot you , you ain’t gonna feel pain and I want you to feel a lot of pain.”

” You’re fuckin crazy Gray. I’m not sorry that I broke the Omertà and I’m not sorry that I try to hurt your precious little girl.” She cackles.

” Okay.” I smirk and look up at Manny. He gives me a syringe and i take it. Meghan whimpers and shakes on her chair.

Sarai already wakes up. She looks at Meghan and begin sobbing. She looks so innocent and it’s a pity she’s gonna get hurt because Meghan had to manipulate her.

” I thought you weren’t scared.” I whisper to Meghan who won’t stop shuddering. I trail the needle on her cheek to her neck.

” This will make you bleed to death.” I tell her and she panics.

” Don’t fight it. It’s just bleeding but you’ll feel a little pain.” I chuckle and pierce the needle on her neck.

” No , please don’t.” She plea as i inject the fluid into her system.

I toss the empty needle on the ground and pat her cheek nicely. I walk to stand in front of her.

” Now take a deep breath. In less than thirty minutes , you’ll feel uneasy and you’ll start bleeding. I’m not sorry that i injected you.” I whisper and smile.

” You’re a such a fucker.” She screams.

I turn to walk to Sarai but stop. ” I lied by the way. The fluid was heroin. And you’re gonna die of an overdose anytime from now. Your family won’t suspect a thing. At least you won’t bleed but you’ll die.” I smile at her.

“No!” She wails.” You can’t do this to me.” She screams and tries to fight her shackles.

I turn around and meet eyes with Reid. He stands at a corner with his hands in his pockets.

” Once she pass out , get rid of her. I’ll handle Sarai later.” I say and look at Sarai before leaving.




Today’s Sunday. After the beach visit yesterday , Alexa took us to a club last night. And they are all hungover including me. My head aches and it pounds. It feels like someone just run a marathon on my head. I groan and roll on the bed. I open my eyes and search for my phone. Hopefully I didn’t get a call from Gray but my parents called. I look at the time on my phone and it’s afternoon.

I sigh and get up. I search the nightstands for any aspirin, luckily I found it. I swallow it dry and saunter to the kitchen with only a single t-shirt that belongs to Gray as I pick up a bottle water. I never knew I brought his t-shirt along until last night. I sit on the stool and drop the bottle water. I’m so hungry and my head beats really badly. I pour cereal on a bowl with milk and i begin eating.

” Did you even brush your teeth?” Alexa asks as she walks in. She rounds the counter and sits opposite me. She wears a Nike sport’s bra and rip shorts with the button out.

” I’ll do that later.” I shrug and eat. Alexa chuckles and pick up a spoon to eat from my cereal.

” Today’s Sunday and we’re leaving tomorrow. Let’s storm a party tonight. It’s gonna be fun.” She suggests.

I roll my eyes.

” I’m still suffering from last night’s hangover.”

” Oops. That wasn’t my fault. We wanted to loosen up a bit. I feel dehydrated right now.” She gulps the bottle water and sit it back.

” Alright. I’ll check my bag for a dress.” I say.

” Thought about your decision once you reach New York?”

” Maybe. Focus on my job at Sterling’s. Talk to my parents about Leslie and I don’t know…” I shrug.

” What about Gray?”

” I’m still on a break.”

” Ariel.”

” Don’t worry Alexa. I’ll be fine and I know what I’m doing. I miss him badly , yes but I need time to think. I really wanna live with his choices but I’m thinking about the circumstances that comes with it.”

Alexa laughs.” This is not the time to think. You were supposed to think of this decision the very first day he barged into your car or maybe the first day he pulled out a gun like you explained to me. That was the time you were supposed to make these decisions not now. You’re already deep into this. You’re in love with him and you can’t even fight it.”

I bite the inside of my cheek and take in a deep breath.

” I can’t spend my life running from criminals.”

” Pft. It won’t last forever. I believe Vladimir is dead. So who’s gonna come after you? No one.”

” People who hates Gray. People who are jealous of him. People who wants him down. You know what’s a mob Alexa. There are lots of rivals.”

” And yet they still live the way they want. Rivals doesn’t matter. They won’t come after you. They won’t dare. No one starts a war with Gray. They end up loosing everything , except you don’t know the man you’re dating.”

” What about Cage?”

” Cage?” She blinks her eyes and crosses her arms.” What happened to De Luca’s son?”

” I don’t know. Maybe rivals.”

” Cage isn’t a bad person honey. He would never hurt you because of Gray. So forget about Cage.”

I sigh and nod.

” What’s for breakfast?” Brandon asks as he walks in.

Alexa motions to the cereal. I smile and chuckle.

” I’m hungry as fuck. My head pounds.” Piper says as she walks in.

” We should order for food.” Brandon says and looks at Piper. ” Miss refreshments and food.”

We grin and smile at Piper. She rolls her eyes and pick up her phone.

” Alexa said we’re partying tonight.” I tell them.

” I’m in.” Piper squeaks with her phone pressed against her ears.

Brandon rolls his eyes and picks up the bowl of cereal. He sits next to Alexa as Piper returns.

“I just ordered taco Bell.” She says and picks up a spoon to join Brandon.


Alexa parks the car in front of the club as we step out of the car.

“This is one of the best clubs in Miami.” She says and starts walking. I look at the parking lot and it’s covered with expensive vehicles.

We step on the club as the loud music attacks my ears. I look around and every corner is covered with leather seats and wealthy men. We find a seat and we sit down. I look around the club for Nick or maybe Toni and Spencer. But there’s no one.

” I’ll go get the drinks.” Brandon says and stands up.

” Have you been here before?” I ask Alexa loudly because of the music. She sways to the rock music and nods.

” You travel a lot.” Piper compliments loudly.

” I’m a freak , I get that a lot.” She giggles.

Brandon returns with shots and a bottle of vodka including three glasses of cocktails. We pick up the shots and throw our heads back to chug down the shots. The liquid burns my throat as I swallow. I pick up a glass of cocktail while the others get wasted on the vodka. I sip slowly and zone out of their conversation as i scan the club. I see Nick. I bet he smirks at me from where he’s sitting with two girls.

We drink and I’m already tipsy. Piper drags us to the dance floor and we dance. We giggle and dance for a long time. I excuse the guys and saunter to the bar. I sit on the stool and lean on the counter. Being drunk is so annoying.

” Fancy meeting you here.” A familiar voice says beside me. I turn to my right and I’m staring at these familiar green orbs.

” Cage.”

” Hi. What are you doing in Miami?”

I sigh and remembered what Alexa said. I wanted to move away from him but i remembered she said Cage isn’t the enemy.

” Vacation.” I reply.

He smiles and orders the attention of the bartender.

” What do you want to drink?”

” Um…” I sigh and finally answer.”cocktail will do.”

” Just a shot will do for me.” Cage tells him.

The bartender nods and leaves.

” You look beautiful.” He turns around to look at me.

” Thanks. Can I ask a question?”

” Sure.”

” Our first meeting, you said you were looking for me.”

He smirks and nods.” You look familiar.” He says vaguely.

” Seriously. ” I chuckle. The bartender comes back and gives us our drinks.

” Why’s Gray not with you? I saw his men around the club.”

” Like I said I’m on vacation with my friends.” I say and sip my drink after disposing the Lemon from the rim.

” And I heard that.”

I roll my eyes. The air feels thick and I feel uneasy again. I take out the straw and gulp the drink.

” You’re gonna get drunk , Ariel. You need water?” Cage asks with concern.

” No I’m fine. I’m just gonna go back to my friends.” I turn around to look for my friends. Alexa sits with a guy and i couldn’t see Nick except Spencer or whatever. Piper is flirting with a guy and she’s drunk. I can’t see Brandon. A guy with a black jacket and jeans walks into the club.

Oh not just a guy. Another guy follows. And another guy follows. Now they are three. All with black jackets.

” Fuck.” I hear Cage mutters.

” What!” I ask above the music.

Cage looks alerted all of a sudden. I look back at the party as one of this strangers pulls out a gun and shoots Spencer. That was all it took for the atmosphere to change. The crowds wails and I don’t know i stop thinking. This stranger turns swiftly and our eyes meet.

” Ariel , down now.” Cage orders and drags me down.

Bullets flies to my direction as i panic. What do they want? Why are they aiming at me. The glasses and bottles at the bar shattered as people screams. At every bullet that’s shot , this strangers approach Cage and i. Nick and Toni shoot back at this strangers and it was deadly to watch. Cage hold tight to my arm and look at me assuringly. Why’s he acting like he knows me or something.

” Come on. Let’s get you to safety.”

” No.” I whimper and look at Nick. He looks busy because they won’t stop ducking and shooting at each other. Nick is already bleeding on his arm as he winces.

I can’t find my voice. I can’t even see properly. Everything’s blurry and the atmosphere is different as people wail and scream. Blood and bodies fill the ground and I can’t see my friends.

Before I could decipher what I’m doing , I’m already leaving the club with Cage.

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